How to write outreach emails with ChatGPT and AI

Last Updated on 
May 22, 2024
Devansh Kamdar
Devansh Kamdar
Content Writer
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We all know that creating personalized outreach emails is a crucial skill for sales. A well-timed and relevant message can boost open rates and lead to engagement. Unfortunately, it’s time-consuming and expensive to write each outreach email manually.

Leveraging the power of AI and ChatGPT, the possibilities of creating personalized and engaging messages at scale are unlimited! In this article, we will look at effective ChatGPT prompts and automations to save time and boost your outreach effectiveness.

AI email writer with OpenAI using Bardeen

What if you could use AI email writer in your browser without visiting the OpenAI website, or know how to integrate with OpenAI API? Bardeen, a Chrome workflow automation extension, makes that possible!

What's better? You don't even need a premium ChatGPT subscription to use these AI email generators.

Bardeen is integrated with OpenAI and over fifty productivity apps. Since it has a built-in scraper, it can also gather client details for you. Here’s a walkthrough of Bardeen and how to use it to write emails with OpenAI.

Now, let’s go through Bardeen automations for AI-powered sales outreach.

Write personalized outreach emails with AI

These automations allow you to leverage Bardeen’s built-in web scraper and OpenAI’s GPT to compose personalized outreach emails.

This automation scrapes valuable details about a LinkedIn profile and couples them with your prompt to create an AI-generated outreach email. You can also personalize your outreach email based on a LinkedIn post.

Similar to the above automation, this automation allows you to create an outreach email based on the transcript of a YouTube video.  We also have many other AI-powered YouTube automations you can try. Here's another example below.

If you want to email a group of people, use this automation. It’ll create an email draft for a list of email addresses in Google Sheets using OpenAI. Visit this page for more sales automations.

Write emails to customers

We also have automations to write emails to existing customers in your system. Whether you want to notify them about an update or nudge them toward purchasing a product, you can use these automations.

We also have hundreds of other automations to optimize your Salesforce, HubSpot, and Affinity workflows. Here's the sample below.

Manage customer feedback efficiently

In addition to writing outreach emails, you can also use AI to manage your emails. With the following automations, you can summarize your emails and make them easier to access.

If you’re overwhelmed with emails, you can use AI to summarize them and view them on Asana to save time. This automation is also available for ClickUp, HubSpot, Slack, Airtable, Coda, Google Sheets, and Notion.

There’s nothing like positive customer feedback to motivate your team to perform better! Whenever you receive a new email, this automation will check if it has a positive sentiment and save it to Airtable. You can also copy the emails to Coda, Google Sheets, and Notion.

Similar to the above automation, this automation will instead copy emails with a negative sentiment to Google Sheets. However, you can also use this automation for Airtable, Coda, and Notion.

When you receive an email with negative sentiment, this automation creates a task in ClickUp (or Asana). So, your team can start working on it and resolve it as soon as possible.

If you have an idea for an automation that isn’t available yet, you can make it using the Magic Box. Simply describe the automation in plain English, and Bardeen AI will develop it into a full-fledged automation. Plus, share your idea with the Bardeen community on Discourse!

Best ChatGPT outreach email prompts

ChatGPT does a great job of understanding what you want, but you can get better results using accurate and specific prompts. If your prompt describes precisely what you want, the ChatGPT result will be significantly better.

Before you begin, open a new chat window and let ChatGPT know about your company. If you’re writing an outreach email for a high-value client, feed ChatGPT their name, company, role, and other details. This will give it some context to work with and help compose more relevant results.

You can check this article to learn more about how to use and automate ChatGPT. Now, let’s discuss some ChatGPT prompts to create subject lines, outreach, and follow-up emails

Write an eye-catching subject line

1. “Create [number] subject lines for the email on [main topic] that will be sent to [ideal customer persona]. The subject line should [the desired action]. Each one should be 8 words or shorter.”

2. “Generate [number] subject lines for an email campaign about [product or service.].”

3. “Craft a subject line to pique curiosity about our upcoming product launch.”

4. “Create a subject line that entices recipients to join our exclusive webinar.”

5. “Write an attention-grabbing subject line for our limited-time discount offer.”

Write an interesting email body

1. “I need a cold email idea that will demonstrate how my [product/service] can solve the specific pain points and needs of my [ideal customer persona] in a relatable and engaging way.”

2. “Write a 100-word cold sales email that concisely introduces my [product/service] to [ideal customer persona] and mention how it can add value to their lives.”

3. “I'm looking for a cold email idea that will showcase the benefits and value of my [product/service] to my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.”

4. “I'm looking for a [type of email] that will speak directly to the needs and pain points of my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a sense of urgency and strong offer.”

5. “I need a [type of email] that will showcase the value and benefits of my [product/service] to [ideal customer persona] and convince them to take [desired action] with social proof and credibility-building elements.”

Write compelling follow-up emails

1. “Write a 100-word warm follow-up email to [prospect name] who is ready to go ahead and [action].”

2. “Write a post-purchase email for [your company] directed to [ideal customer persona].”

3. “Write a follow-up email for [your company] with a subject line.”

4. “Write a follow-up email to nurture leads from our recent webinar and encourage further engagement.”

5. “Write a follow-up email to express gratitude to event attendees and offer them exclusive post-event content.”

We hope these prompts give you effective content for your outreach emails! If you want to improve your ChatGPT results, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

  • Don't hesitate to use the ‘Regenerate Response’ button: It’s always wise to create more options. You can also edit the prompt and make it more specific and accurate to get a better result.
  • Treat it as a first draft: Always edit or paraphrase ChatGPT results before you send them out. In addition, use tools like Grammarly and Hemingway Editor to make it more concise.
  • Use other outreach emails as templates: If you’ve received an email you thought was well-written, feed it to ChatGPT and use it as inspiration regarding layout, tone, and length.

Beyond email outreach, you can also use ChatGPT to create cold messages for social media, content ideas, and ways to optimize your website’s SEO. Check this article for more ChatGPT marketing prompts.


Leveraging AI for sales outreach can help you stay ahead of your competition, convert leads into customers, and reach farther. With all the recent developments in AI, it’s the best time to implement it into your workflow.

To get started right away, install Bardeen and use this automation to generate an AI-generated email response. Once you get used to it, you can progress toward more complex and time-saving automations.

Did you know you can also use AI to keep your email inbox clean and organized for maximum productivity? Next, read this article to learn about five AI-powered email management tools.

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