Convert Time to Number in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

July 23, 2024
Jason Gong

Use formulas like =HOUR(A1)+MINUTE(A1)/60 to convert time to numbers.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

If you work with time data, check out our GPT in Spreadsheets. It can automate time conversions and much more.

Converting time values to numeric format in Google Sheets is a crucial skill for effective data analysis and reporting. This step-by-step guide will walk you through various methods to transform time data into decimal hours, handle different time formats, and even automate conversions using custom scripts. Whether you're working with simple HH:MM formats or managing complex time zones, these techniques will help you master time conversions in Google Sheets.


Working with time values in Google Sheets can be tricky, especially when you need to perform calculations or comparisons. Converting time to numeric values is a handy way to simplify these tasks and unlock more advanced analysis capabilities. In this guide, we'll explore various methods to transform time data into decimal hours, handle different time formats, and even automate conversions using custom formulas and functions.

Whether you're tracking project hours, analyzing time-stamped data, or creating time-based reports, mastering time to numeric conversions will save you countless hours of manual work and enable you to extract valuable insights from your time data. Add ChatGPT to Google Sheets to make these tasks even easier. Let's dive in and learn how to convert time to numeric values in Google Sheets step by step!

Bardeen can automate various tasks in Google Sheets, saving you even more time. Try these playbooks to import data from emails and project management tools:

Understanding Time Formats in Google Sheets

Google Sheets supports various time formats to cater to different needs. The most common formats include:

  • HH:MM - Hours and minutes (e.g., 13:30)
  • HH:MM:SS - Hours, minutes, and seconds (e.g., 13:30:45)
  • MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM - Month, day, year, hours, and minutes (e.g., 04/15/2023 13:30)

Internally, Google Sheets interprets time values as decimal numbers, with the integer part representing the number of days since December 30, 1899, and the fractional part representing the time as a fraction of a day. For example:

  • January 1, 1900 at noon is represented as 2.5 (2 days after December 30, 1899, and 0.5 for half a day)
  • February 1, 1900 at 3 PM is represented as 33.625

This internal representation affects calculations and conversions involving time values. When performing arithmetic operations or comparisons, keep in mind that Google Sheets treats time as a decimal value, which can impact the results. To improve your workflow, consider how you can integrate Google Sheets with other tools for better efficiency.

Bardeen can help automate the process of getting data into Google Sheets from various sources, ensuring your sheets always have the latest information without manual effort:

Save time and automate repetitive tasks by using Google Sheets integrations. Focus on important work while Bardeen handles the rest.

Basic Conversion: Time to Decimal Hours

To convert a simple time format (HH:MM) to a decimal number representing total hours, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell containing the time value you want to convert (e.g., A1).
  2. In a new cell, enter the formula: =HOUR(A1)+MINUTE(A1)/60
  3. Press Enter to see the result.

Let's break down the formula:

  • HOUR(A1) extracts the hour value from the time in cell A1.
  • MINUTE(A1) extracts the minute value from the time in cell A1.
  • MINUTE(A1)/60 converts the minutes to a decimal fraction of an hour (since there are 60 minutes in an hour).
  • The two components are added together to give the total time in decimal hours.

For example, if cell A1 contains the time 13:30, the formula =HOUR(A1)+MINUTE(A1)/60 will return 13.5, representing 13 hours and 30 minutes.


For more advanced automations, consider using Bardeen's GPT in Spreadsheets to enhance your workflow in Google Sheets.

Bardeen's AI capabilities can further automate and streamline your Google Sheets workflow beyond just time conversions. With Bardeen's GPT in Spreadsheets feature, you can use natural language prompts directly in Google Sheets to perform complex data transformations, analysis, and report generation. Try these playbooks to see how Bardeen can help:

Advanced Time Conversions Using TIME Function

The Google Sheets TIME function allows for more complex time manipulations by combining separate hour, minute, and second inputs into a unified time value. Here's how to use it:

  1. Identify the cells containing the hour, minute, and second values you want to combine.
  2. In a new cell, enter the formula: =TIME(hour, minute, second)
  3. Replace "hour", "minute", and "second" with cell references or direct values.
  4. Press Enter to see the result.

For example, if cell A1 contains the hour, B1 the minutes, and C1 the seconds, your formula would be: =TIME(A1, B1, C1)


Some key points to note:

  • Hour values should be between 0 and 23.
  • Minute and second values should be between 0 and 59.
  • If a minute or second value exceeds 60, TIME will automatically adjust the other values accordingly (e.g., 75 minutes will be converted to 1 hour and 15 minutes).
  • Decimal values will be truncated, so an hour input of 12.75 will be interpreted as 12.

The TIME function is particularly useful when you need to combine time components from different sources or perform calculations that require a unified time value.

Bardeen can help streamline your workflow by automatically copying data from various sources directly into Google Sheets, eliminating manual data entry:

For more advanced use cases, consider how you can connect Microsoft Excel to Google Sheets for a seamless workflow.

Use Bardeen to connect Microsoft Excel directly to Google Sheets. This will save time and keep your data synchronized automatically.

Handling Time Zones and Daylight Saving in Conversions

Converting times between different time zones can be challenging, especially when considering Daylight Saving Time (DST) changes. Google Sheets provides some built-in functions and features to help handle these conversions:

  1. The =GOOGLETIMEZONE() function returns the time zone ID for a given location, which can be used in other time conversion formulas.
  2. Custom scripts, written in Google Apps Script, can be used to automatically adjust for DST changes and perform more complex time zone conversions.

Bardeen can help streamline the process of gathering data from various Google services that deal with dates, times, and locations, and save that information into structured Google Sheets without the need for custom scripts. Try these playbooks:

When working with time zones in Google Sheets, keep these tips in mind:

  • Always store dates and times in a consistent time zone, such as UTC, to avoid confusion.
  • Use the =GOOGLETIMEZONE() function to get the correct time zone ID for a location, rather than hardcoding time zone abbreviations like "EST" or "PST".
  • Be aware that DST rules can change over time, so relying on fixed offsets may lead to incorrect conversions in the future.
  • Test your time zone conversions thoroughly, especially around DST transition dates, to ensure accuracy.

By leveraging Google Sheets' built-in functions and creating custom scripts when needed, you can handle time zone conversions and DST changes with confidence in your spreadsheets.

Automating Time Conversion with Google Sheets Scripts

Google Sheets allows you to automate complex time conversions and manage various scenarios using Google Apps Script. This powerful scripting language extends the functionality of Google Sheets, enabling you to create custom functions and automate repetitive tasks.

To get started with automating time conversions, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Google Sheet and navigate to "Tools" > "Script editor" to access the Google Apps Script environment.
  2. Create a new script file and define your custom functions for time conversions, such as converting between time zones or handling daylight saving time changes.
  3. Use built-in JavaScript Date objects and methods to perform the necessary calculations and transformations.
  4. Utilize Google Sheets' built-in functions like Utilities.formatDate() to format the output as desired.
  5. Save your script and return to your Google Sheet, where you can now use your custom functions just like any other built-in function.

Here's a simple example of a custom function that converts a given time to a specified time zone:

function convertToTimezone(time, timezone) { var date = new Date(time); return Utilities.formatDate(date, timezone, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); }

To use this function in your sheet, simply enter =convertToTimezone("2023-04-15 10:00:00", "America/New_York") in a cell, replacing the arguments with your desired time and time zone.

Bardeen can help streamline the process of importing data into Google Sheets, which can then be transformed using your custom time conversion functions. Try these playbooks to automate bringing data into your sheets:

By leveraging the power of Google Apps Script, you can create more complex time conversion scripts that automatically update time values in your sheets, handle multiple time zones, and even account for daylight saving time changes. For more advanced needs, consider using a web scraper to sync data from other sources directly into your sheets.

Save time by using Bardeen's integration with Google Docs. Streamline your workflows and automate repetitive tasks effortlessly.

Practical Applications and Tips for Time Data

Logging and analyzing time-stamped data is a common use case for working with time values in Google Sheets. Here are some practical applications:

  • Tracking employee work hours and calculating payroll based on hourly rates
  • Monitoring machine performance and downtime in manufacturing settings
  • Analyzing website traffic patterns and user behavior over specific time periods
  • Creating time-based performance reports for sales, customer support, or other business metrics

When working with time data in Google Sheets, keep these tips in mind to ensure accuracy and avoid common pitfalls:

  1. Be consistent with time formats across your data to avoid confusion and errors in calculations.
  2. Use built-in functions like TIME, HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND to extract and manipulate time components as needed.
  3. Consider time zones and daylight saving time when working with data from multiple locations or over long periods.
  4. Validate and clean your time data to identify and fix any inconsistencies, such as invalid time formats or missing values.
  5. Use conditional formatting to highlight specific time ranges or flag data that falls outside expected parameters.

By following these tips and leveraging the time conversion techniques covered in this guide, you can effectively manage and analyze time-based data in Google Sheets to drive insights and decision-making for your projects or business.

Automate Google Sheets Tasks with Bardeen

While manually converting time to a number in Google Sheets is straightforward as outlined in the guide, automating this and related tasks can significantly enhance productivity and accuracy. With Bardeen, you can automate various Google Sheets operations, making the management of time data more efficient. Here are some examples of what can be achieved with Bardeen's playbooks:

  1. Get a daily summary of your emails and save to Google Sheets: This playbook automatically summarizes your daily emails and adds them to a Google Sheets document, ideal for tracking correspondence and managing time effectively.
  2. Copy a list of meetings during a timeframe to a Google Sheet: Perfect for organizing your schedule, this playbook copies all Google Calendar meetings within a selected timeframe into a Google Sheet.
  3. Send a Slack message counting the rows in a Google Sheet: This playbook automates the process of counting the rows in a Google Sheet and sends the total count as a Slack message, facilitating seamless team updates and data tracking.

Explore these automations to streamline your workflow and make the most of your time data in Google Sheets. Start by downloading the Bardeen app at

Simplify Time Conversions with Bardeen's GPT in Spreadsheets

Bardeen's GPT in Spreadsheets helps automate time conversions and other tasks in Google Sheets.

Get Bardeen free

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