Google Sheets
playbook Template

Automatically find Company website from HubSpot comparing name form Google Sheets

Automate the migration of contact information from HubSpot to Google Sheets based on company names for streamlined management.
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Get table from Google Sheet
Get table from Google Sheet
Get table cell
Get table cell
Get HubSpot Company
Get HubSpot Company
Get table cell
Get table cell
Get HubSpot Contact
Get HubSpot Contact
Add rows to Google Sheet
Add rows to Google Sheet

How does this playbook work?

Automate the migration of contact information from HubSpot to Google Sheets based on company names for streamlined management.
  • Google Sheet with columns for company and contact names
  • HubSpot credentials for accessing company and contact data
  • New rows in Google Sheets with company name, contact name, and email from HubSpot

This automation streamlines the process of migrating contact information from HubSpot to Google Sheets based on company names. It's ideal for marketing and sales professionals looking to consolidate their contact lists or prepare for campaigns.

The workflow begins by retrieving a Google Sheet that lists company and contact names. It then locates the corresponding company in HubSpot using the company name and finds the contact within that company by name. Finally, it appends a new row to the Google Sheet with the company name, contact name, and email address obtained from HubSpot.

Pro Tip: This workflow can be customized to include additional fields from HubSpot, such as phone number or job title, depending on the specific needs of your marketing or sales campaigns.

By automating the migration of contacts based on company names, users can efficiently organize their contact lists in Google Sheets, making it easier to manage outreach and follow-up activities.

Step 1: Install the Bardeen App

To start, ensure you have the Bardeen app installed on your device.

Step 2: Navigate to the Magic Box

Open the Bardeen app and go to the Magic Box. Input the prompt:

Get Google Sheet row, Find Company name in HubSpot, Migrate Contact to Google Sheets

Step 3: Integrate the Workflow Integrations

For this workflow to function, you must integrate Google Sheets for contact information storage and HubSpot for finding company and contact details.

Step 4: Run the Workflow

After setting up, run the workflow. This process will:

  • Retrieve contact information from a specified Google Sheet.
  • Locate the company name in HubSpot based on the first row's data from Google Sheets.
  • Find the contact in HubSpot associated with the identified company.
  • Append a new row in the Google Sheet with the company name, contact name, and email fetched from HubSpot.
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How to Efficiently Manage Your Contacts Between HubSpot and Google Sheets?

Integrating HubSpot with Google Sheets for Efficient Contact Management

Managing contact information between HubSpot and Google Sheets can be streamlined through automation, ensuring that your sales and marketing teams have the most up-to-date information at their fingertips. This process involves setting up workflows that automatically migrate contact information from HubSpot to Google Sheets based on company names. This automation is particularly useful for consolidating contact lists or preparing for targeted campaigns.

Discover how Bardeen can automate the migration of contact information from HubSpot to Google Sheets, enhancing your productivity.

Setting Up HubSpot to Google Sheets Integration

To begin, you must connect Google Sheets to your HubSpot account. This can be done through the HubSpot App Marketplace or directly within a workflow. Once connected, you can use the "Create Google Sheet row" or "Update data in a Google Sheet" actions in HubSpot workflows to send data from HubSpot properties to your spreadsheet. It's important to properly format your Google Sheet, ensuring that the header row starts in the first column of the first row and each column header is clearly labeled.

Finding Contacts in HubSpot Using Their Email Address

When integrating external systems with HubSpot or when you need to locate specific contacts, the HubSpot API allows you to search for contacts by their email address. By making a POST request to the /crm/v3/objects/contacts/search endpoint with the appropriate filters, you can retrieve contact information based on the email address.

Automating Data Migration with Custom Workflows

The automation workflow begins by retrieving a row from a Google Sheet that lists company and contact names. It then locates the corresponding company in HubSpot using the company name and finds the contact within that company by name. Finally, it appends a new row to the Google Sheet with the company name, contact name, and email address obtained from HubSpot. This process can be customized to include additional fields from HubSpot, such as phone number or job title, depending on your campaign needs.

By automating the migration of contacts based on company names, you can efficiently organize your contact lists in Google Sheets, making it easier to manage outreach and follow-up activities. Learn more about automating your workflows with Bardeen.
The #1 free AI Automation extension for Chrome
Google Sheets
Google Sheets
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Combine it all to create workflows

Workflows are a series of actions triggered by you or a change in a connected app. They automate repetitive tasks you normally perform manually - saving you time.

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