Google Sheets
playbook Template

Export Pipedrive deals to Google Sheet

This workflow automatically transfers new contact details from Pipedrive into Google Sheets, ideal for keeping contact lists current without manual updates.
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Create Pipedrive person
Create Pipedrive person
Add data to sheet tab
Add data to sheet tab

How does this playbook work?

This workflow automatically transfers new contact details from Pipedrive into Google Sheets, ideal for keeping contact lists current without manual updates.
  • Pipedrive person identifier
  • Target Google Sheet and tab for output
  • New row in Google Sheets with Pipedrive contact details

This automation enriches your Google Sheets with new contact details from Pipedrive automatically. It's perfect for maintaining an up-to-date list of contacts or leads in your Google Sheets directly from your Pipedrive CRM.

The process begins by fetching a person's details from Pipedrive using their identifier. Then, it appends a new row into a specified Google Sheets document with the fetched contact details, including Name, Email, Phone, and Organization. Ideal for:

  • Sales teams tracking leads and contacts
  • Marketing professionals managing outreach lists
Note: This workflow can be customized to sync with other CRMs like Salesforce or HubSpot, and also with other spreadsheet and database apps like Airtable or Coda.

Streamline your contact management by integrating Pipedrive contacts directly into Google Sheets with Bardeen.

Step 1: Install the Bardeen App

To start, ensure you have the Bardeen app installed on your device.

Step 2: Navigate to the Magic Box

Open the Magic Box and enter the following prompt:

Get Pipedrive contact, Add new row to Google Sheets

Step 3: Integrate the Workflow Integrations

Set up integration with Pipedrive for the source and Google Sheets for the destination to ensure the workflow can access and modify your data.

Step 4: Run the Workflow

Activate the workflow to:

  • Automatically fetch new contact details from Pipedrive when added.
  • Add those details as a new row in a specified Google Sheets document, including the contact's Name, Email, Phone, and Organization.
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How to Automate Your Pipedrive Contacts Sync to Google Sheets

Automate Your Pipedrive to Google Sheets Workflow with Bardeen

Integrating Pipedrive with Google Sheets can significantly enhance productivity by automating the export of contacts and deals. This seamless connection ensures that every new contact in Pipedrive is automatically added to a Google Sheet, keeping your data synchronized and up-to-date. To streamline this process, Bardeen offers a powerful automation tool that enriches your Google Sheets with new contact details from Pipedrive automatically. Ideal for sales teams and marketing professionals, this integration facilitates efficient tracking of leads and contacts without manual data entry.

Automate your contact management by integrating Pipedrive contacts directly into Google Sheets with Bardeen.

Why Opt for Pipedrive Google Sheets Integration?

Integrating Pipedrive with Google Sheets allows for real-time synchronization of data, ensuring that your team has access to the most current information. This integration not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors associated with manual data entry. By automating the export process, you can focus on more strategic tasks, such as analyzing sales data and optimizing your sales funnel. Moreover, this integration supports a variety of use cases, including custom sales reports, KPI tracking, and dashboard creation.

How to Export Pipedrive Contacts to Google Sheets

Exporting Pipedrive contacts to Google Sheets can be accomplished through various methods, including native functionality within Pipedrive and third-party tools like Pipedrive's native exporter allows for manual data extraction, suitable for occasional use. However, for regular and automated data transfers, tools like offer a more efficient solution. These tools enable you to set up automated exports of not only contacts but also deals, activities, and other Pipedrive data entities to Google Sheets, Excel, or even BigQuery, on a scheduled basis.

Enhance Your Data Management with Custom Filters and Scheduled Exports

For businesses seeking to automate their data export process further, applying custom filters and scheduling regular data updates are crucial. Tools like allow for the application of filters directly from Pipedrive, ensuring that only relevant data is exported to Google Sheets. This capability is particularly useful for exporting contacts with specific attributes, such as those with email addresses or associated with particular deals. Scheduled exports ensure that your Google Sheets always contain the most up-to-date information, enabling real-time data analysis and decision-making.

Streamline Your Sales and Marketing Efforts

By automating the export of Pipedrive deals and contacts to Google Sheets, sales and marketing teams can significantly enhance their productivity. This integration not only facilitates the efficient management of leads and contacts but also enables the creation of dynamic sales reports and dashboards. With tools like Bardeen, you can automate this process, ensuring that your data is always current and accessible for analysis. Embrace the power of automation to streamline your sales and marketing efforts, and focus on strategies that drive growth.

In conclusion, integrating Pipedrive with Google Sheets through automation tools like Bardeen offers a powerful solution for managing sales contacts and deals efficiently. By automating data export, businesses can ensure accurate and up-to-date information, enabling better decision-making and strategic planning.

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Google Sheets
Google Sheets
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