Convert Date to Month in Google Sheets: Easy Guide

July 23, 2024
Jason Gong
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Use the MONTH function to convert dates to months in Google Sheets.

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If you work with data, check out our GPT in Spreadsheets feature. It helps automate data analysis and formatting in Google Sheets.

Converting dates to months in Google Sheets is a crucial skill for effective data analysis and reporting. Whether you're working with financial data, project timelines, or any time-sensitive information, knowing how to extract and format month values from dates can greatly simplify your spreadsheet tasks. In this guide, we'll walk you through various methods to convert dates to months in Google Sheets, from basic functions to advanced formatting techniques.

Introduction to Date Conversion in Google Sheets

Converting dates to a specific format is essential for effective data analysis and reporting in Google Sheets. Whether you're working with financial data, project timelines, or any time-sensitive information, understanding how to extract and format month values from dates can greatly simplify your spreadsheet tasks.

Before diving into advanced date conversion techniques, it's crucial to grasp the basic concepts of date handling in Google Sheets:

  • Dates are stored as serial numbers, with integers representing days and decimals representing time
  • Locale settings affect how dates are displayed and interpreted
  • Built-in date formats provide quick formatting options
  • Custom date formats allow for more specific control over date appearance

Bardeen can automate importing time-series data into Google Sheets, ensuring you always have the latest data for analysis:

By mastering these foundational elements, you'll be well-equipped to tackle more complex date conversion tasks and bring AI into your spreadsheet.

Utilizing the MONTH Function for Basic Conversions

The MONTH function in Google Sheets is a straightforward way to extract the month number from a given date. This function takes a single argument, which can be a cell reference containing a date, a date value, or a date serial number. Learn how to connect Google Sheets to other apps for more efficient workflows.


The syntax for the MONTH function is as follows:


Where "date" is the cell reference, date value, or serial number from which you want to extract the month.

For example, if cell A1 contains the date "5/1/2023", you can use the following formula to extract the month number:


This will return the value "5", representing the month of May.

The MONTH function is particularly useful for tasks involving monthly data aggregation or analysis. Some practical applications include:

  • Grouping and sorting data by month
  • Creating monthly summary reports
  • Calculating month-over-month changes or trends
  • Filtering data based on specific months

Bardeen can help automate the process of enriching your Google Sheets data by pulling in additional information from external sources. This can save you time and provide more context for analysis. Try these playbooks:

To save time on repetitive tasks, try our no-code web scraping tool that integrates with Google Sheets for direct data transfer and enhanced workflow automation.

By utilizing the MONTH function, you can easily convert dates to their respective month numbers, simplifying the process of working with date-based data in your Google Sheets projects. For more advanced techniques, consider using tools that automate data enrichment in Google Sheets.

Advanced Formatting with the TEXT Function

The TEXT function in Google Sheets allows you to convert dates into various textual month formats, providing more flexibility in displaying and reporting your data. With the TEXT function, you can easily format months as numbers, abbreviations, or full names.

The basic syntax for using the TEXT function to format months is as follows:

=TEXT(date, "format")

Where "date" is a cell reference or a date value, and "format" is the desired month format enclosed in quotation marks.

Some commonly used month formats include:

  • "MM" - displays the month as a two-digit number (01-12)
  • "MMM" - displays the month as a three-letter abbreviation (Jan-Dec)
  • "MMMM" - displays the month as the full name (January-December)

For example, if cell A1 contains the date "5/1/2023", you can use the following formulas to display the month in various formats:

=TEXT(A1, "MM") // returns "05"
=TEXT(A1, "MMM") // returns "May"
=TEXT(A1, "MMMM") // returns "May"

By incorporating the TEXT function into your reports and data analyses, you can enhance the readability and clarity of your month-based data, making it easier for stakeholders to understand and interpret the information.

Bardeen can further streamline your workflow by automating tasks around extracting and saving text to Google Sheets. Try these playbooks to quickly get text from various sources and save it directly to your spreadsheet:

To further streamline your workflow, consider using GPT for Google Sheets.

Creating Custom Month Names with Array Formulas

For more advanced date-to-month conversions in Google Sheets, you can create custom month names using a combination of ARRAYFORMULA, VLOOKUP, and INDEX functions. This technique is particularly useful when working with large datasets that require dynamic month labeling.

To set up custom month names using array formulas, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Create a separate range in your spreadsheet to define your custom month names. For example, you can use cells N2:N13 to list your desired month names, such as "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", etc.
  2. In the cell where you want the custom month name to appear, enter the following formula:=INDEX($N$2:$N$13, MONTH(A2))Replace "A2" with the cell reference containing the date you want to convert.
  3. Press Enter to apply the formula. The INDEX function will look up the corresponding month number in the range N2:N13 and return the custom month name.

To apply this formula to an entire column of dates, you can use ARRAYFORMULA in combination with VLOOKUP:=ArrayFormula(IF(A2:A="", "", VLOOKUP(MONTH(A2:A), {1, "Jan"; 2, "Feb"; 3, "Mar"; 4, "Apr"; 5, "May"; 6, "Jun"; 7, "Jul"; 8, "Aug"; 9, "Sep"; 10, "Oct"; 11, "Nov"; 12, "Dec"}, 2, 0)))

This formula checks each cell in the range A2:A, and if it contains a date, it extracts the month number using MONTH and matches it with the corresponding custom month name in the VLOOKUP array. The result is a dynamically populated column of custom month names based on the dates in column A. You can also connect Microsoft Excel with similar techniques.

Bardeen can help automate many data enrichment tasks in Google Sheets, saving you time on repetitive data entry. Try these playbooks to enrich your spreadsheets with additional contact and company information:

Use Bardeen to automate enrichment tasks, saving you time on repetitive data entry.

By leveraging array formulas and custom month ranges, you can create highly customized and dynamic month labels in your Google Sheets, making your data more readable and meaningful.

Integrating Dates into Pivot Tables for Enhanced Reporting

Incorporating converted month data into Pivot Tables in Google Sheets allows for sophisticated data analysis and visual reporting. By leveraging date-to-month conversions, you can create insightful month-wise Pivot Table reports that provide a clear overview of your data.

To integrate dates into Pivot Tables, follow these steps:

  1. Select your data range, including the converted month column, and click on "Data" \u003e "Pivot table."
  2. In the Pivot Table editor, drag the converted month column to the "Rows" section to group your data by month.
  3. Drag the relevant metric (e.g., sales, expenses) to the "Values" section to calculate the sum or average for each month.
  4. Customize your Pivot Table by adding filters, sorting options, or additional calculated fields as needed.

Here's a practical example of a month-wise Pivot Table report:

MonthTotal SalesJanuary$50,000February$45,000March$60,000

In this example, the Pivot Table aggregates the total sales for each month, providing a clear overview of the business's performance. You can easily compare the sales figures across different months and identify trends or patterns.

To further enhance your Pivot Table reports, consider the following tips:

  • Use conditional formatting to highlight significant changes or outliers in your month-wise data.
  • Create additional calculated fields to derive insights, such as month-over-month growth or year-over-year comparisons.
  • Visualize your Pivot Table data using charts or graphs to make the information more accessible and impactful.

By integrating date-to-month conversions into Pivot Tables, you can enhance your sales intelligence and create comprehensive, visually appealing reports that drive informed decision-making.

Automate Google Sheets Tasks with Bardeen

Converting dates to months in Google Sheets can be a manual process involving formulas, but with Bardeen, you can automate this task along with other related processes to save time and improve efficiency. Whether you're managing a project timeline, organizing events, or analyzing data, automating these tasks can significantly streamline your workflow.

Here are some examples of what you can automate related to Google Sheets using Bardeen:

  1. Copy a newly created Asana task to Google Sheets: Perfect for project managers looking to automatically update their Google Sheets with new tasks created in Asana. This ensures your project timelines and task lists in Google Sheets are always up-to-date.
  2. Create an Asana task when a Google Sheets spreadsheet is modified: Ideal for teams who use Google Sheets to track project updates. Whenever a spreadsheet is modified, a corresponding task is created in Asana, linking project data with actionable tasks.
  3. Create a ClickUp task when a Google Sheets spreadsheet is modified: This automation suits teams using ClickUp for task management. It creates a new task in ClickUp whenever changes are made to a Google Sheets spreadsheet, ensuring seamless project tracking across platforms.

Automate your Google Sheets workflow today by downloading the Bardeen app at

Automate Excel with Bardeen's GPT in Spreadsheets

Use Bardeen's GPT to convert dates and automate data tasks in Google Sheets.

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