App Tutorial

Import PDF Data to Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
Google Sheets
April 15, 2024

Importing data from a PDF into Google Sheets can be achieved through several methods, including using Google Docs, CSV files, and specialized tools like Parserr and Nanonets, depending on the complexity of the PDF.

Choosing the right tool or method depends on the PDF's complexity and your workflow needs.

Streamline your data import process and automate with Bardeen to save time and reduce manual errors.

Convert PDF to Google Sheets

Importing data from a PDF into Google Sheets can streamline data analysis and sharing. This guide explores various methods to achieve this, including using Google Docs, CSV files, and specialized tools like Parserr and Nanonets.

Automating these tasks with Bardeen can save you time and reduce manual errors, especially when dealing with complex PDFs. Discover how Bardeen integrates with Google Sheets to streamline your workflow.

Import Data from PDF to Google Sheets

Directly importing data from a PDF to Google Sheets involves a few steps. This process is suitable for PDFs containing simple data structures.

  1. Upload the PDF to Google Drive.
  2. Open the PDF with Google Docs.
  3. Copy the data and paste it into a new Google Sheets document.

PDF to Google Sheets Converter

For more complex PDFs, using a PDF to Google Sheets converter like Nanonets can automate the data extraction process. These tools often provide options for direct conversion and integration with Google Sheets, streamlining the workflow.

How to Import PDF Data into Google Sheets

For PDFs with complex layouts or multiple pages, converting the PDF to a CSV file before importing it into Google Sheets might be more effective. This method involves converting the PDF to plain text, using find and replace to format the data, saving it as a CSV file, and then importing this file into Google Sheets.

Using Google Docs

Google Docs can serve as an intermediary to extract text from PDFs. After converting the PDF to a Google Docs format, you can copy the text and paste it into Google Sheets. This method works well for PDFs with simple data structures.

Using CSV

For PDFs that appear as multipage documents requiring manual sorting, converting the PDF to a CSV file is a viable option. This involves several steps, including converting the PDF to plain text, formatting the data, and importing the CSV into Google Sheets.

Using Parserr

Parserr offers an automated solution for extracting data from PDFs and importing it directly into Google Sheets. This method is ideal for handling multiple PDF files received via email. Parserr allows for the creation of parsing rules to extract specific data from PDFs and integrates with Google Sheets for seamless data transfer.

Automate PDF Data Extraction with Parserr

Parserr simplifies the process of converting PDF data to Google Sheets, especially for businesses dealing with large volumes of PDF documents. It automates data extraction, saving time and reducing manual errors.

Using Nanonets

Nanonets provide a powerful online tool for converting PDFs to Google Sheets. It supports complex documents and offers automation workflows to sync data into Google Sheets and other business applications without coding.


Choosing the right method to convert PDFs to Google Sheets depends on the complexity of the PDF document and the specific needs of your workflow. Tools like Google Docs, Parserr, and Nanonets offer flexible solutions for automating data extraction and integration with Google Sheets.

Learn more about automating Google Sheets and explore Google Sheets automations for an efficient workflow.

Bardeen Automations: Enhance Your Google Sheets Workflow

Importing data from a PDF into Google Sheets can significantly streamline the process of data analysis and sharing. While the manual processes mentioned above are effective, automating these tasks can save time and reduce manual errors, especially when dealing with large volumes of data or complex PDFs. Bardeen offers several powerful automations that can facilitate these tasks, making it easier to move data into Google Sheets without manual intervention. Let's explore some examples of Bardeen playbooks that can automate tasks related to importing data into Google Sheets.

  1. Download full-page PDF screenshots of websites from links in a Google Sheet: This playbook automates the process of converting website links from a Google Sheets spreadsheet into full-page PDF screenshots, which can then be analyzed or shared as needed. It's particularly useful for archiving web pages or conducting competitor analysis.
  2. Save full-page PDF screenshots to Google Drive from website links in a Google Sheet: Extend the functionality of the previous playbook by not only generating PDF screenshots but also automatically saving them to Google Drive. This automation streamlines the process of data storage and organization.
  3. Save full-page PDF screenshots to Dropbox from website links in a Google Sheet: Similar to the Google Drive playbook, this automation saves the PDF screenshots directly to Dropbox, offering flexibility in how and where you store your data.

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