Convert Date to Text in Google Sheets: Easy Steps

July 23, 2024
Jason Gong

Use the TEXT function to convert dates to text in Google Sheets.

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If you're working with dates, you might love Bardeen's GPT in Spreadsheets feature. It helps automate data conversion and other tasks in Google Sheets.

Converting dates to text is a crucial skill for effectively managing and presenting data in Google Sheets. In this step-by-step guide, we'll explore how to use the TEXT function to convert date formats, troubleshoot common formatting issues, and discover alternative methods like formulas and scripts. By the end of this guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to handle various date conversion scenarios and automate the process for efficient data management.

Introduction to Date Formatting in Google Sheets

Date formatting is a critical aspect of data management in Google Sheets. Properly formatted dates ensure consistency, facilitate analysis, and enable integration with other tools. However, working with date formats in spreadsheets can present several challenges:

  • Inconsistent date formats across data sources
  • Difficulty in sorting, filtering, and performing calculations on dates
  • Issues with regional settings and localization
  • Incompatibility with external applications or reporting tools

To overcome these challenges, it's essential to understand how to effectively format and convert dates in Google Sheets. By mastering date formatting techniques, you can:

Bardeen can help streamline processes involving dates by automatically copying data from various sources into Google Sheets on a set schedule. This ensures you always have the latest data without manual effort. Try these playbooks:

In the following sections, we'll explore various methods and best practices for converting dates to text in Google Sheets, empowering you to tackle date formatting challenges with confidence.

Utilizing the TEXT Function for Conversion

The TEXT function in Google Sheets is a powerful tool for converting date formats into text representations. Here's a step-by-step guide on using the TEXT function:

  1. Start by entering the formula "=TEXT(" in a cell where you want the converted date to appear.
  2. Inside the parentheses, input the cell reference containing the date you want to convert, followed by a comma.
  3. After the comma, specify the desired format code within double quotes, such as "YYYY-MM-DD" or "MM/DD/YYYY".
  4. Close the parentheses and press Enter to see the converted date as text.

The format codes determine how the date will be represented as text:

  • "YYYY-MM-DD" will display the date as "2023-04-15"
  • "MM/DD/YYYY" will display the date as "04/15/2023"
  • "DD MMM YYYY" will display the date as "15 Apr 2023"

You can customize the format codes to include additional elements like time, day of the week, or ordinal suffixes. For example, "dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY" will result in "Saturday, April 15th, 2023".

By leveraging the TEXT function, you can easily convert dates into various text formats that suit your specific needs, making it simpler to integrate date information into reports, labels, or other text-based applications.

Bardeen can also help automate tasks that involve extracting text from various sources and saving it to Google Sheets, saving you time and reducing manual effort when working with text data. Try these playbooks:

To further enhance your workflow, consider learning how to enrich LinkedIn profile links in Google Sheets.

Save even more time by using Bardeen to integrate Google Docs with other apps for better productivity.

Advanced Date to Text Conversions

For more complex date and time conversions, you can use the TEXT function with custom time codes. This allows you to convert both the date and time components into a single text string representation.

For example, to convert a date and time in cell A1 to the format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", you would use the following formula:

=TEXT(A1,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss")

This would convert a date and time like "4/15/2023 13:30:00" to the text string "2023-04-15 13:30:00".


You can customize the format codes to include various date and time elements:

  • yyyy: 4-digit year
  • mm: 2-digit month
  • dd: 2-digit day
  • hh: 2-digit hour (00-23)
  • mm: 2-digit minute
  • ss: 2-digit second

Bardeen can help automate workflows involving dates and times. It can extract dates or times from various sources like emails or events, reformat them, and save the results to your spreadsheet. This saves time manually copying and reformatting dates. Try these playbooks:

Other useful format codes include:

  • ddd: 3-letter weekday abbreviation (Mon, Tue, etc.)
  • mmm: 3-letter month abbreviation (Jan, Feb, etc.)
  • AM/PM: 12-hour time with AM/PM indicator

By combining these format codes, you can create highly customized text representations of your dates and times in Google Sheets, making it easier to integrate them with other systems or connect Microsoft Excel.

Formatting Issues and Common Errors

When converting dates to text in Google Sheets, you may encounter some common errors and formatting issues. One of the most frequent errors is the #VALUE! error, which occurs when the formula is unable to interpret the input as a valid date or time.

To troubleshoot this error:

  • Ensure that the cell you're referencing contains a valid date format recognized by Google Sheets.
  • Double-check your formula for any typos or syntax errors in the TEXT function or format codes.
  • Verify that the cell you're referencing is not empty or containing text that cannot be converted to a date.

Bardeen can automate data collection and enrichment tasks that feed your Google Sheets, saving you time from manually copying data or switching between tabs. Try these playbooks to get data into Google Sheets:

Another issue you may face is compatibility with Google Sheets' regional settings. Different regions use different date formats, which can lead to inconsistencies in how dates are displayed or interpreted.

To ensure compatibility:

  • Check your Google Sheets' locale settings under File>Spreadsheet settings>Locale to ensure it matches your desired format.
  • Use format codes that are not ambiguous across regions, such as "yyyy-mm-dd" instead of "mm/dd/yyyy".
  • If working with data from multiple regions, consider standardizing the date format before performing conversions.

By being aware of these common issues and taking steps to troubleshoot and ensure compatibility, you can minimize errors and inconsistencies when converting dates to text in Google Sheets. For more advanced uses, learn how to scrape data from websites and integrate it into your sheets.

Save time by using Bardeen to prepare for a sales call and focus on more important tasks.

Alternative Methods: Using Formulas and Scripts

While the TEXT function is a straightforward way to convert dates to text in Google Sheets, there are alternative methods that can be more efficient for handling large datasets or complex formatting requirements. These include using array formulas and Google Apps Script.

Array formulas allow you to apply a formula to an entire range of cells at once, rather than copying the formula to each individual cell. This can save time and reduce the risk of errors when working with large datasets. To convert a range of dates to text using an array formula:

  1. Select the range where you want the converted text to appear.
  2. Enter the array formula, such as =ArrayFormula(TEXT(A1:A100,"yyyy-mm-dd")), replacing A1:A100 with your date range and "yyyy-mm-dd" with your desired format.
  3. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to confirm the array formula.

Before applying array formulas or scripts to your data, you can use Bardeen playbooks to automate the process of getting data into your Google Sheet. This can save time and reduce errors compared to manual data entry:

For even more advanced date to text conversions, you can use Google Apps Script to create custom functions or automate the process. Here's a simple script that converts a range of dates to text with a specified format:

function convertDatesToText(dateRange, format) { var convertedDates = []; for (var i = 0; i < dateRange.length; i++) { convertedDates.push([Utilities.formatDate(dateRange[i][0], Session.getScriptTimeZone(), format)]); } return convertedDates; }

To use this script:

  1. Go to Tools > Script editor in your Google Sheets.
  2. Paste the script into the editor and save the project.
  3. In your sheet, use the custom function like any other formula, e.g., =convertDatesToText(A1:A100, "MM/dd/yyyy")

Bardeen can also help you collect product data and reviews to analyze in your Google Sheets:

By leveraging array formulas and Google Apps Script, you can automate date conversions and handle more complex scenarios with ease.


Practical Applications and Automation

Converting dates to text in Google Sheets has many practical applications, especially when preparing data for reports or exporting it for use in other applications. Some common use cases include:

  • Standardizing date formats across multiple data sources for consistency in reporting
  • Exporting date data in a specific text format required by another software or system
  • Combining date and time information into a single text string for use in file names or unique identifiers

To streamline the date conversion process and save time, you can take advantage of automation tools like Google Sheets Macros. Macros allow you to record a series of actions, including date to text conversions, and replay them with a single click or keyboard shortcut.

Automated lead generation helps you save time by turning date conversion tasks into simple actions you can use anytime.

Here's how to create a macro for converting dates to text:

  1. Go to Tools > Macros > Record macro in your Google Sheets
  2. Perform the date to text conversion using one of the methods outlined earlier (e.g., applying a custom number format or using the TEXT function)
  3. Stop the macro recording by clicking "Save" in the macro recorder sidebar
  4. Give your macro a name and assign a keyboard shortcut for quick access

Now, whenever you need to convert dates to text, simply run the macro to apply the conversion instantly across your selected data range. This automation technique is particularly handy when working with large datasets or repetitive tasks.

By leveraging the power of macros and other automation tools, you can significantly reduce the time and effort required for date to text conversions, allowing you to focus on analyzing your data and making informed decisions.

Automate Google Sheets Tasks with Bardeen

Converting dates to text in Google Sheets can be a manual task, but with Bardeen, you can automate your workflows, including manipulating Google Sheets. Automating with Bardeen can save you time, reduce errors, and streamline your data management process.

Explore the following examples of how Bardeen can automate tasks related to Google Sheets:

  1. Copy a newly created Asana task to Google Sheets: This playbook ensures that any new tasks created in Asana are automatically added to a specified Google Sheets spreadsheet, keeping your project management and tracking seamlessly synchronized.
  2. Save selected text to Google Sheets, when I right-click: Ideal for research and data collection, this playbook allows you to effortlessly save any selected text on the web directly to Google Sheets with a simple right-click action.
  3. Save data from the Google News page to Google Sheets: Keep up with current events or industry trends by automating the data extraction process from Google News directly into a Google Sheets spreadsheet for easy analysis and review.

Enhance your productivity and data management in Google Sheets by downloading the Bardeen app at

Automate Google Sheets with GPT

Use Bardeen's GPT in Spreadsheets to convert dates and automate tasks easily.

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