App Tutorial

Bypass Google Sheets Import Limit: Effective Strategies (2024)

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
Google Sheets
April 15, 2024

To bypass Google Sheets' import limit, split large datasets, merge data into summary sheets, and filter data to reduce cell usage. These strategies help manage data within Google Sheets' 10 million cell limit, ensuring smoother operation. Automate data management in Google Sheets with Bardeen to streamline workflows and enhance data analysis capabilities.

Understanding the Google Sheets Import Limit

Google Sheets is a powerful tool for data analysis and collaboration, but users often encounter limitations when importing large datasets. The platform has a cell limit of up to 10 million cells for spreadsheets created in or converted to Google Sheets. This limit applies equally to spreadsheets imported from Microsoft Excel. When approaching this limit, users may experience errors, long load times, failing add-ons, or even crashes. It's crucial to monitor the number of cells in use to avoid these issues.

How to Increase Cell Limit in Google Sheets

To manage and potentially increase the effective cell limit in Google Sheets, several strategies can be employed. These include splitting large datasets into smaller spreadsheets, merging data from multiple sheets into a summary sheet, and filtering data to extract only the necessary information. Tools like Sheetgo can automate these processes, allowing for efficient data management without sacrificing data integrity.

Automate your data management and bypass Google Sheets' import limit with Bardeen. Streamline your workflows and focus on what's important. Download now.

Methods to Bypass Google Sheets Import Limit

  • Splitting Large Files: Divide a large spreadsheet into multiple smaller ones to reduce the weight of your spreadsheet and manage data more effectively.
  • Merging Data: Create summary sheets that analyze data from multiple files, then merge these summaries back into a main file to consolidate insights without overloading a single spreadsheet.
  • Filtering Data: Use filters to select and transfer specific data within your spreadsheet, reducing the number of cells used and avoiding the cell limit.

These methods not only help in managing the cell limit but also in maintaining the organization and accessibility of your data. Explore our collection of Google Sheets automations to further enhance your data management strategies.

Practical Steps to Manage Cell Usage

To monitor and manage cell usage in Google Sheets, the COUNTA function can be utilized. This function counts the number of cells containing data within a specified range, helping users keep track of their cell count. However, it's important to note that COUNTA does not include blank cells, which also count towards the cell limit. Manual input of the cell range is required, and the formula must be applied separately to each tab within a Google Sheet.

To reduce the number of cells, users can delete empty cells through the Filter feature. Highlight the dataset, create a filter, and select only the blank cells for deletion. This method is effective but can be time-consuming and is only suitable when entire rows are empty.

By employing these strategies and tools like Sheetgo, users can effectively manage their data within Google Sheets' limitations, ensuring smooth operation and avoiding potential errors or crashes due to exceeding the cell limit. Discover how to automate Google Sheets and read about the best addons for Google Sheets on our blog to further enhance your experience.

Automate Google Sheets: Bypass Limits with Bardeen

While manually bypassing Google Sheets' import limit can be a complex process involving data segmentation and multiple imports, automation tools like Bardeen offer a more efficient solution. By automating data import and manipulation tasks, users can overcome Google Sheets' limitations without manual effort, significantly streamlining their workflows.

Below are examples of automations that can be built with Bardeen to enhance Google Sheets functionality:

  1. Copy all Github issues to Google Sheets: Automatically transfer all issues from a GitHub repository into a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Ideal for project managers and developers looking to streamline issue tracking.
  2. Enrich email contacts and save to Google Sheets: Enhance your email contact lists with additional information and save them directly to Google Sheets, perfect for marketers and sales professionals.
  3. Copy records from SmartSuite to Google Sheets: Seamlessly transfer records from SmartSuite into Google Sheets, enabling better data management and collaboration across tools.

By leveraging these automations, users can efficiently manage large datasets within Google Sheets, bypassing the platform's import limit and enhancing their data analysis capabilities. Get started by downloading the Bardeen app at

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