How to Import and Export in Pipedrive: A Complete Guide

July 21, 2024
Jason Gong
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Import/export data in Pipedrive easily with these steps.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

If you manage CRM data, you might love Bardeen's Agent for sales. It automates data import/export tasks in Pipedrive, saving you time and effort.

Effective data management is crucial for businesses using CRM systems like Pipedrive. Importing and exporting data, such as contacts, deals, and activities, can help you keep your CRM up-to-date and aligned with your other business tools. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of importing and exporting data in Pipedrive, making it easy for you to manage your CRM data efficiently.

Introduction to Data Management in Pipedrive

Efficient data management is essential for businesses using CRM systems like Pipedrive. By organizing and maintaining accurate customer data, you can gain valuable insights, personalize interactions, and build profitable relationships with your clients. Pipedrive allows you to import and export various types of data, including:

  • Contacts: Manage all your leads, customers, and their contact information in one place.
  • Deals: Track your sales opportunities and monitor their progress through your pipeline.
  • Activities: Keep a record of all interactions, tasks, and events related to your contacts and deals.

With Pipedrive's user-friendly interface and powerful data management features, you can use sales prospecting tools to streamline your sales processes and make data-driven decisions to grow your business.

Preparing Data for Import into Pipedrive

Before importing your data into Pipedrive, it's crucial to prepare your data files (CSV or XLS) to ensure a smooth and accurate import process. Here are some key formatting tips and common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Use a clean spreadsheet without formulas or data-linking cells. Copy your data into a fresh sheet if necessary.
  • Ensure your spreadsheet has only one tab containing the data you want to import.
  • Avoid using special symbols for numeric or monetary fields (e.g., use "1000" instead of "$1000").
  • Keep your file size under 50MB and limit the number of rows to 50,000 per spreadsheet.

Cleaning your data before importing is essential for maintaining accuracy and usability within Pipedrive. Take the time to:

  • Remove duplicate entries
  • Correct any spelling or formatting errors
  • Ensure consistency in naming conventions and data formats

For a more efficient import process, consider connecting Microsoft Excel for better data management. By following these guidelines, you'll be well-prepared to import your data into Pipedrive and start leveraging its powerful CRM features.

Use Bardeen to enrich LinkedIn profile data in Google Sheets and save time preparing data for import. Automating this process brings accurate and updated information directly into your spreadsheets.

Step-by-Step Guide to Importing Data

Importing data into Pipedrive is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps:

  1. Go to "..." (More) and select "Import data" followed by "From a spreadsheet".
  2. Choose your file (Excel or CSV) and click "Next".
  3. Map each column in your spreadsheet to the relevant field in Pipedrive. Pipedrive's auto-recognition feature will attempt to match column headers to the appropriate fields. Unrecognized fields must be manually dragged from the Pipedrive fields list to their corresponding spreadsheet columns.
  4. After mapping, click "Next" to preview your data and choose how to handle duplicates.
  5. Select "Start import" to begin the import process.

Tips for handling duplicates and merging data during import:

  • Pipedrive will automatically consolidate duplicate records found in your spreadsheet or existing Pipedrive data into a single entry.
  • You can choose how Pipedrive detects duplicates during the preview stage of the import process.
  • Any data that cannot be imported due to missing mandatory fields or other issues will be compiled into a "skip file" which you can download, correct, and re-import.

For more efficient data management, consider using tools to build a prospect list that integrate easily with Pipedrive.

Utilizing Pipedrive's Export Features

Exporting data from Pipedrive is essential for various scenarios, such as reporting, data analysis, or migrating information to another system. Pipedrive offers several methods to export your data:

  1. Exporting from the detail view (deals only): Go to a deal's detail view, click on the "..." icon, and select "Export as XLS". The spreadsheet will include deal details and linked person or organization data.
  2. Exporting from the list view: Filter the data you want to export in the list view, select the desired data fields by editing list view columns, and click the three dots in the top right to select "Export filter results".
  3. Exporting from "Export data": Navigate to Tools and apps > Export data, select the data type, and choose either CSV or Excel format. The export file will appear in the "Generated exports" list for download.
  4. Exporting from Insights: Export charts by clicking the "Export" dropdown in the top right corner and selecting a file type, or export the table view of your report as a spreadsheet by clicking the "Export" button above the table.
  5. Exporting from "Users and access": Go to Manage users > Users and access to export users' app access data, including user names, emails, last login times, permission sets, and visibility groups.
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Note that activities, notes, and files linked to deals and contacts must be exported separately, and files stored in Google Sheets are not included in global exports.

Advanced Tips for Data Import and Export

Pipedrive offers advanced features for data import and export, allowing you to customize and automate these processes to suit your unique business needs. Here are some tips to help you make the most of these features:

  1. Utilize Pipedrive's API for custom data import and export tasks. The API enables you to integrate Pipedrive with other systems, automate data transfer, and create custom workflows. You can use the API to export data in real-time, import data from external sources, or sync data between Pipedrive and other applications.
  2. Automate regular data exports using Pipedrive's scheduler feature. This allows you to set up recurring exports of your Pipedrive data, ensuring that you always have up-to-date information in your preferred format. You can schedule exports to run daily, weekly, or monthly, and have the files automatically sent to a specified email address or saved to a designated location.
  3. Leverage third-party tools and integrations to streamline data import and export processes. Pipedrive integrates with various popular tools, such as Google Sheets, Zapier, and, which can help you automate data transfer between Pipedrive and other applications. These integrations allow you to create custom workflows, such as automatically importing new leads from a web form into Pipedrive or exporting Pipedrive data to a reporting tool for analysis.

By taking advantage of these advanced features, you can save time, reduce manual effort, and ensure that your Pipedrive data is always in sync with your other systems and processes.

Common Challenges and Solutions in Data Import/Export

When importing or exporting data in Pipedrive, users may encounter various challenges that can hinder the process. Here are some common issues and best practices to overcome them:

  1. Data corruption: This can occur when the file format is incorrect or the data is not properly formatted. To avoid this, ensure that your data is in a supported file format (CSV, XLS, or XLSX) and follows the required structure. Double-check your data for any inconsistencies or errors before importing.
  2. Incomplete data fields: Missing data in mandatory fields can cause rows to be skipped during the import process. Before importing, review your data and fill in any missing information in the required fields. If you have custom fields, ensure that they are created in Pipedrive before the import and properly mapped during the process.
  3. Duplicate data: Pipedrive automatically detects and merges duplicate records during the import process. However, it's still important to review your data for duplicates beforehand to maintain data integrity. Use Pipedrive's duplicate detection settings during the import to specify how duplicates should be handled.
  4. Inconsistent data formatting: Inconsistencies in date formats, phone numbers, or addresses can lead to issues during the import. Ensure that your data follows a consistent format throughout the spreadsheet. Consider using data enrichment tools or functions in your spreadsheet software to maintain consistency.
  5. Incorrect field mapping: Improperly mapped fields during the import process can result in data being imported into the wrong fields or not imported at all. Take the time to carefully review and map your spreadsheet columns to the corresponding Pipedrive fields during the import process. Double-check your mappings before finalizing the import.

By following these best practices and being proactive in addressing potential issues, you can ensure a smooth and successful data import/export experience in Pipedrive.

Use Bardeen to scrape data from websites and save time on manual data entry.

Leveraging Imported Data for Business Insights

Once you have successfully imported your data into Pipedrive, you can utilize it to generate actionable business insights that drive better decision-making. Pipedrive offers a range of tools and features to help you analyze and visualize your data effectively.

One powerful feature is the Insights tool, which allows you to create custom reports and dashboards based on your imported data. With Insights, you can:

  • Create deal performance reports to track key metrics such as win rate, average deal value, and sales cycle length.
  • Analyze lead conversion rates by segmenting your data based on lead sources, industries, or other custom fields.
  • Monitor sales team performance by creating reports that showcase individual and team-level metrics, such as activities completed or revenue generated.
  • Build custom dashboards that combine multiple reports and goals in one centralized view, giving you a comprehensive overview of your business performance.

For example, you can create a dashboard that displays your monthly revenue forecast alongside your team's activity metrics and deal progression. This allows you to identify trends, spot opportunities for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your sales process.

Additionally, Pipedrive's Insights feature enables you to set and track goals based on your imported data. You can create goals for various metrics, such as the number of deals won, activities completed, or forecasted revenue. By monitoring your progress against these goals, you can stay motivated and aligned with your business objectives.

By leveraging the power of your imported data and Pipedrive's Insights feature, you can gain valuable business intelligence that helps you make informed decisions, identify growth opportunities, and ultimately drive better results for your organization.

Boost Your Sales with Pipedrive Automation via Bardeen

While Pipedrive simplifies importing and exporting data manually, automating these processes can significantly enhance efficiency and accuracy. Automating data migration or synchronization between CRM platforms, such as from Pipedrive to HubSpot, or integrating sales data from external sources like Crunchbase directly into Pipedrive, are powerful examples of how automation can transform your sales process.

With Bardeen, you can streamline these tasks, ensuring data consistency and freeing up valuable time for your sales team to focus on what they do best - selling. Here are some examples of automations you can implement:

  1. Migrate Pipedrive Companies to HubSpot as Leads: Seamlessly transfer company data from Pipedrive to HubSpot, ensuring your leads are up-to-date across both CRM platforms.
  2. Save Crunchbase company to Pipedrive: Automatically add companies from Crunchbase to Pipedrive, enriching your CRM with valuable prospect information.
  3. Sync all HubSpot Contacts to Pipedrive: Ensure a smooth transition of contact data from HubSpot to Pipedrive, maintaining access to vital sales contacts across your organization.

Embrace these automations with Bardeen to optimize your CRM workflows and boost your sales team's productivity. Get started by downloading the Bardeen app.

Automate Pipedrive Data Management

Bardeen's AI Agent helps automate data import/export tasks in Pipedrive, saving you time.

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