App Tutorial

Create Graphs in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
Google Sheets
April 15, 2024

Converting data into a graph in Google Sheets involves selecting your data, inserting a chart, and customizing it to fit your needs. This process is simple and can be done on any device. Automating data visualization tasks can save time and ensure accuracy.

With Bardeen, streamline your workflow by automating the data-to-graph conversion process, keeping your graphs up-to-date effortlessly.

Learn how to automate your data visualization with Bardeen.

How to Make a Graph in Google Sheets

Creating a graph in Google Sheets is a straightforward process that can help you visualize your data. Whether you're using a computer, Android device, or iOS device, the steps to create a graph or chart are similar, with slight variations depending on the platform.

Automate your Google Sheets tasks and save time with Bardeen. Download now and explore powerful workflows!

Google Sheets Graph Tutorial

To begin, open your Google Sheets document and select the range of cells that contain the data you want to visualize. This selection should include both the data points and their corresponding labels for clarity.

Next, insert the chart:

  • On a computer: Click on Insert then Chart.
  • On Android or iOS: Tap on the + icon, then select Chart.

Google Sheets will automatically suggest a chart type based on your data. However, you can change the chart type if it doesn't meet your needs. To do this:

  • On a computer: Double-click the chart, then in the right panel, click on Setup and choose a different chart type from the dropdown menu.
  • On Android or iOS: Double-tap the chart, tap Edit chart, then select Type and choose your preferred chart type.
Explore amazing Google Sheets addons to elevate your data analysis and visualization.

How to Make a Chart in Google Sheets

After inserting the chart, you might want to adjust its appearance or the data it represents. To change the data range or switch rows and columns:

  • On a computer: Double-click the chart, click on Setup, and adjust the Data range. You can also click Add another range to include more data.
  • On Android or iOS: Double-tap the chart, tap Edit chart, and adjust the data range or switch rows and columns as needed.

To customize the look of your chart, such as colors, font, or gridlines:

  • On a computer: Double-click the chart, go to the Customize tab, and make your changes.
  • On Android or iOS: Double-tap the chart, tap Edit chart, and make your adjustments.

You can also edit the chart's title, legend, and axis labels for better clarity and presentation.

Discover how to automate your data tasks in Google Sheets for more efficient workflows. Learn more at our blog.

Create a Graph Google Sheets

Moving or resizing your chart is also possible:

  • On a computer: Click and drag the chart to move it, or use the blue handles to resize it.
  • On Android or iOS: Tap the chart to select it, then drag it to move or use the blue markers to resize.

Remember, any changes you make to the data in your spreadsheet will automatically update the chart. This dynamic link ensures your graphs always reflect the most current data.

For more detailed instructions and additional customization options, refer to Google Sheets' help documentation or explore tutorials online.

Automate Google Sheets Graphs with Bardeen

Converting data in Google Sheets to graphs can be done manually as described above, but for those looking to streamline their workflow, Bardeen offers powerful automation capabilities. Whether you're managing large datasets, tracking project progress, or analyzing sales trends, automating the process of data visualization can save time and ensure your graphs are always up to date with the latest data. Let's explore how Bardeen can take your data management to the next level.

  1. Copy all Github issues to Google Sheets: Perfect for developers and project managers, this playbook automates the process of transferring GitHub issues into a Google Sheet, making it easier to visualize project issues and priorities in a graph.
  2. Export Google Trends Data and Save to Google Sheets: Ideal for marketers and data analysts, this playbook simplifies the process of capturing and visualizing Google Trends data in Google Sheets for trend analysis.
  3. Save information from Google Maps search results to Google Sheets: Useful for market researchers and logistics managers, this playbook helps in collecting and visualizing geographical data and trends from Google Maps.

These automations demonstrate just a fraction of what's possible with Bardeen. For more complex data visualization needs, Bardeen's flexibility and integrations with tools like Google Sheets make it an indispensable tool for anyone working with data. Start automating your data processes by downloading the Bardeen app at

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