Export LinkedIn Connections Easily: A Step-by-Step Guide

June 25, 2024
Jason Gong

Go to LinkedIn settings, select data privacy, and request your connections.

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Since you're exporting LinkedIn connections, you might find our LinkedIn Data Scraper useful. It automates data extraction, saving you time and effort.

Exporting your LinkedIn connections can be a valuable tool for networking, lead generation, and staying connected with your professional contacts. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of easily exporting your LinkedIn connections in 2024, including understanding LinkedIn's data export capabilities, integrating the data with your CRM system, and exploring advanced techniques for exporting non-connection data. By the end of this guide, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage your LinkedIn connections data to enhance your professional network and business strategies.

Understanding LinkedIn's Data Export Capabilities

LinkedIn offers a robust data export feature that allows users to download their personal data, including connections, profile information, and activity history. The exported data is provided in a structured format, typically as CSV or JSON files, making it easy to analyze or import into other systems.

However, it's important to note that the data available for export is subject to LinkedIn's privacy settings and the choices made by individual users. For example, users can control the visibility of their email addresses and other contact information, which may impact the completeness of the exported data.

  • Profile data: Basic information like name, headline, summary, and profile picture
  • Connections: List of 1st-degree connections, with limited contact information based on user settings
  • Activity: Posts, articles, comments, and other user-generated content
  • Message history: Sent and received messages within LinkedIn
  • Endorsements and recommendations: Given and received by the user

By understanding the scope and limitations of LinkedIn's data export capabilities, users can make informed decisions about how to extract data from LinkedIn automatically for personal or professional purposes while respecting the privacy choices of their connections.

Step-by-Step Process to Export LinkedIn Connections

Exporting your LinkedIn connections is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps:

  1. Click on the "Me" icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage and select "Settings & Privacy" from the dropdown menu.
  2. In the "Settings" menu, click on "Data privacy" located in the left sidebar.
  3. Under the "How LinkedIn uses your data" section, click on "Get a copy of your data."
  4. Select "Want something in particular? Select the data files you're most interested in."
  5. Choose "Connections" from the list of available data files and click "Request archive."
  6. Enter your password when prompted and click "Done."
Under the "How LinkedIn uses your data" section, click on "Get a copy of your data."

After completing these steps, you will receive an email at your primary email address with a link to download your connections data. The exported file will be in CSV format, which can be easily imported into various spreadsheet applications or CRM systems.

It's crucial to review the exported data for completeness and accuracy. If you notice any missing information, such as email addresses, keep in mind that you will only have access to contact details that your connections have chosen to make visible to their network. For more advanced data extraction, consider using a LinkedIn profile scraper.

To save even more time and get detailed data, try using our LinkedIn profile scraper tool. It automates data extraction, making lead management simple and efficient.

Integrating LinkedIn Data with CRM Systems

Integrating your exported LinkedIn connections data with a CRM system offers several benefits that can enhance your sales and marketing efforts:

  • Improved data accuracy: By regularly updating your CRM with data from LinkedIn, you can ensure that your contact information remains current and reliable.
  • Enhanced marketing strategies: With access to up-to-date job titles, company information, and other professional details, you can create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.
  • Streamline sales processes: Integrating LinkedIn data with your CRM allows sales teams to access valuable insights without leaving their primary work platform.

To import your LinkedIn connections data into a CRM system, follow these general steps:

  1. Export your LinkedIn connections as a CSV file, as described in the previous section.
  2. Clean up the exported data, if necessary, to ensure it is consistent and properly formatted for your CRM.
  3. Import the CSV file into your CRM using the platform's built-in import tools. Most CRMs, such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Microsoft Dynamics, offer straightforward options for importing data from CSV files.
  4. Map the appropriate fields from your LinkedIn data to the corresponding fields in your CRM. This step ensures that the imported information is properly categorized and accessible within the system.
  5. Review the imported data for accuracy and completeness, and make any necessary adjustments.

Some CRM platforms, such as Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365, offer native integrations with LinkedIn Sales Navigator, which can further enhance the process of importing and syncing data between the two platforms.

Advanced Techniques: Exporting Non-Connection Data

While LinkedIn's built-in data export feature is primarily focused on exporting information about your direct connections, there are methods to export data from profiles that are not in your network. However, it's essential to consider the legal implications and LinkedIn's policies when doing so.

One way to export data from non-connection profiles is to save them as PDFs. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the profile you want to export.
  2. Click the More button in the introduction section.
  3. Select Save to PDF from the dropdown menu.
Click the More button in the introduction section.

Keep in mind that you're limited to 100 PDF downloads of other LinkedIn members' profiles per month, and the exported PDFs will only display characters from the English language properly.

For those with LinkedIn Recruiter or Sales Navigator accounts, exporting non-connection data is more straightforward. These tools allow users to export profile data as PDFs or CSV files directly from search results or candidate lists, with higher monthly export limits.

Third-party tools and services can also facilitate the export of broader LinkedIn datasets, such as industry or role-specific information. However, it's crucial to carefully review the terms of service and privacy policies of these tools to ensure compliance with LinkedIn's policies and applicable data privacy laws.

Automate your LinkedIn to Notion workflow with Bardeen to save time. Easy setup with no coding required.

When exporting non-connection data from LinkedIn, always prioritize respect for user privacy and adhere to the platform's terms of service to maintain ethical and compliant data collection practices.

Automate Your LinkedIn Networking with Bardeen

While exporting LinkedIn connections manually provides a straightforward way to manage your professional network, automating this process can significantly enhance your efficiency and allow for more advanced data management strategies. With Bardeen, you can automate various tasks related to LinkedIn connections, ensuring that your networking efforts are both scalable and impactful.

Here are some examples of automations you can build with Bardeen:

  1. Save mutual connections from a LinkedIn profile to Airtable: This playbook automates the process of saving mutual LinkedIn connections to Airtable, making it easier to manage your networking efforts and sales leads.
  2. Save mutual connections from a LinkedIn profile to Coda: Streamline your lead generation and contact management by automatically saving mutual LinkedIn connections to a Coda table.
  3. Get mutual connections from a LinkedIn profile: Quickly gather a list of mutual connections from any LinkedIn profile, facilitating easier networking and relationship building.

Implementing these automations can save you time and help you maintain a well-organized database of your LinkedIn connections. Get started by downloading the Bardeen app at Bardeen.ai/download.

Automate LinkedIn Data Export with Bardeen

Use Bardeen's LinkedIn Data Scraper to easily export and manage LinkedIn connections.

Get Bardeen free

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