Currency Conversion in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

July 23, 2024
Jason Gong

Use GOOGLEFINANCE function to convert currency in Google Sheets.

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If you're working with financial data, check out our GPT in Spreadsheets feature. It simplifies data analysis and formatting in Google Sheets.

Converting currency in Google Sheets is a breeze with the powerful GOOGLEFINANCE function. In this quick guide, we'll show you how to set up your spreadsheet, write formulas for real-time currency conversion, and even analyze historical exchange rate data. By the end, you'll be a pro at managing currencies efficiently and accurately in Google Sheets.

Understanding the GOOGLEFINANCE Function

The GOOGLEFINANCE function is the primary tool for converting currencies in Google Sheets. It pulls live financial data, including current and historical exchange rates, directly from Google Finance.

Here's what you need to know about the GOOGLEFINANCE function:

  • It fetches real-time currency exchange rates for accurate conversions
  • You can use it to convert a specific amount from one currency to another
  • It supports a wide range of currency codes, such as USD for U.S. dollars and EUR for euros

Bardeen can help streamline the process of getting data from various sources into Google Sheets for further analysis or manipulation using the GOOGLEFINANCE function. Try these playbooks to automate importing data with a single click:

The basic syntax for the GOOGLEFINANCE function is: =GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:SourceCurrencyTargetCurrency")

For example, to convert U.S. dollars to euros, you would use: =GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:USDEUR")


To convert a specific amount, simply multiply the GOOGLEFINANCE function by the value you want to convert.

For more advanced uses, consider adding ChatGPT to Google Sheets to streamline your financial workflows.

Setting Up Your Spreadsheet for Currency Conversion

Before you start converting currencies in Google Sheets, it's essential to set up your spreadsheet correctly. Here are the initial steps:

  1. Open a new Google Sheets document or navigate to an existing one where you want to perform currency conversions.
  2. Identify the currencies you'll be working with and locate their corresponding three-letter currency codes (e.g., USD for U.S. dollars, EUR for euros).
  3. Create column headers for the currency codes and the amounts you want to convert.

Bardeen can help streamline your currency conversion setup by automating data collection and enrichment. Try these playbooks to save time and ensure accuracy:

When inputting currency codes, ensure they are accurate and consistent throughout your spreadsheet. Some tips:

  • Always use the standardized three-letter codes rather than symbols (like $ or €) to avoid confusion.
  • Double-check the codes against a reliable reference to prevent errors in data retrieval.
  • Maintain a consistent format for the codes (e.g., all uppercase) for cleaner data organization. You can also integrate Google Sheets with other tools for more streamlined workflows.

By setting up your spreadsheet with clear currency codes and structured columns, you'll be ready to start converting currencies using the GOOGLEFINANCE function.

Save time and avoid errors by enriching your data with automations in Google Sheets using Bardeen.

Real-Time Currency Conversion Formula

To convert currencies in real-time using Google Sheets, you'll need to use the GOOGLEFINANCE function. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. In a cell, type "=GOOGLEFINANCE(" to start the function.
  2. Inside the parentheses, type "CURRENCY:" followed by the currency codes you want to convert from and to, separated by a space. For example, to convert from USD to EUR, you would type "CURRENCY:USDEUR".
  3. Close the parentheses and press Enter. The cell will now display the current exchange rate between the two currencies.

To convert a specific amount, simply multiply the GOOGLEFINANCE function by the amount you want to convert. For instance, to convert 100 USD to EUR, you would use the following formula:


Here are a few more examples to illustrate the process:

  • Converting 1000 JPY to KRW: =1000*GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:JPYKRW")

Remember to use the correct currency codes for accurate results. With this simple formula, you can easily convert any amount between various currencies using live exchange rates in Google Sheets.

Bardeen can help you quickly populate your Google Sheet with relevant data from various websites to complement your currency conversion analysis. Try these playbooks to automatically save data directly into your spreadsheet:

If you want to scrape data from websites and integrate it with your sheets, Bardeen's tools make it easy.

Historical Data and Currency Trends Analysis

In addition to real-time currency conversions, Google Sheets allows you to fetch and analyze historical exchange rates. This is particularly useful for trend analysis and financial reporting. Here's how to do it:

  1. Use the GOOGLEFINANCE function with additional parameters to specify the historical date range. For example, to get the USDEUR exchange rate from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, use: =GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:USDEUR", "price", DATE(2022,1,1), DATE(2022,12,31), "DAILY")
  2. This will return an array of historical exchange rates for the specified period. To convert this array into a usable format, create a new sheet and use a script to paste the values into a table format.

Bardeen can automate the process of extracting data from various sources and saving it to Google Sheets in a structured format. Try these playbooks to streamline your data collection and formatting:

  1. With the historical data in a table, you can create charts and graphs to visualize currency fluctuations over time. This can help identify trends and patterns that may impact your financial decisions.

Understanding currency fluctuations is crucial for accurate budgeting and forecasting, especially when dealing with international transactions or investments. By analyzing historical data, you can:

  • Identify seasonal patterns or market events that influence exchange rates
  • Make informed decisions about when to convert currencies for optimal value
  • Adjust budgets and financial projections based on anticipated currency movements

Regularly monitoring and analyzing currency trends using Google Sheets can help you stay on top of your financial planning and make data-driven decisions in an ever-changing global economy.

Save time and effort by automating tasks in Google Sheets with Bardeen. Integrate Google Docs and let our app do the repetitive work for you.

Automating Currency Updates in Google Sheets

Keeping your currency conversion data up-to-date in Google Sheets can be a time-consuming task if done manually. Fortunately, there are ways to automate the process and ensure your spreadsheet always has the latest exchange rates. Here's how:

  1. Use the GOOGLEFINANCE function with the IMPORTXML function to automatically pull real-time currency data into your sheet. The formula would look like this: =GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:USDEUR")
  2. Set up a script to run the GOOGLEFINANCE function at regular intervals, such as every hour or day. This can be done using Google Apps Script, which is a built-in scripting language for Google Sheets.
  3. To create a script, go to Tools > Script editor in your spreadsheet. In the script editor, write a function that calls the GOOGLEFINANCE formula and sets a trigger to run the function at your desired interval.

Here's an example script:

function updateCurrency() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getRange("A1");

To set a trigger, click on the clock icon in the script editor and set your preferred time and frequency for the function to run.

Bardeen can take automating currency updates in Google Sheets a step further, eliminating the need to write scripts or formulas. These playbooks can automatically update data in your Google Sheet on a schedule:

By automating currency updates, you can save time and ensure your financial data is always accurate and up-to-date. This is especially useful for businesses dealing with multiple currencies or frequently updating financial reports and budgets in Google Sheets. For more advanced automations, consider Bardeen's automation tools.

Tips for Accurate and Efficient Currency Management

Managing multiple currencies in Google Sheets can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can ensure accuracy and efficiency. Here are some practical tips:

  1. Regularly check for updates to the GOOGLEFINANCE function and any changes in the currency codes to avoid errors in your conversions.
  2. Verify your data sources and cross-reference currency rates with reliable financial websites or APIs to confirm the accuracy of the information pulled by GOOGLEFINANCE.
  3. Set up data validation rules in your spreadsheet to prevent input errors, such as using dropdown lists for currency codes or restricting input to specific formats.
  4. Use cell references and named ranges in your formulas to make your spreadsheet more flexible and easier to maintain, especially when dealing with multiple currencies and conversion rates.
  5. Implement conditional formatting to highlight cells with outdated or inconsistent currency data, making it easier to identify and address issues promptly.

By using Google Sheets for currency management, you can benefit from:

  • Real-time data: Always work with the most up-to-date exchange rates, ensuring accuracy in your financial calculations and reports.
  • Collaboration: Share your spreadsheet with team members, allowing for seamless collaboration and reducing the risk of errors or inconsistencies.
  • Accessibility: Access your currency data from anywhere with an internet connection, making it convenient for remote work or international travel.
  • Integration: Connect your Google Sheets to other tools and platforms, such as accounting software or reporting dashboards, for efficient financial management.
Save time on currency management by using Bardeen to automate repetitive tasks. Keep your data up-to-date with just one click.

By following these tips and leveraging the advantages of Google Sheets, you can efficiently manage your financial information across multiple currencies, saving time and minimizing errors in your currency conversions.

Automate Google Sheets Currency Tasks with Bardeen

While converting currency in Google Sheets manually using the GOOGLEFINANCE function is efficient for one-time or infrequent conversions, automating these conversions can save a significant amount of time and reduce errors for those dealing with multiple currencies on a regular basis. Automation becomes especially valuable for professionals in finance, international sales, or businesses managing transactions across different countries. For these tasks, Bardeen offers powerful automation playbooks that can enhance your workflow and ensure your data is always up to date.

  1. Copy Google News for a keyword and save results to Google Sheets: This automation can be adapted to monitor global financial news impacting currency rates, ensuring your Google Sheets data reflects the latest market insights.
  2. Save data from the Google News page to Google Sheets: Similarly, this playbook offers a method to keep abreast of currency trends by saving relevant news items directly to your spreadsheet, aiding in informed decision-making.
  3. Save a Google Translate translation to Google Sheets: For those dealing with international markets, translating and saving key financial terminology or updates can streamline communication and reporting processes.

Automating these tasks not only provides efficiency but also ensures that your financial data management or analysis is grounded in the most current information available. To explore these automation opportunities, download the Bardeen app at

No more copy-pasting from ChatGPT to Google Sheets

With Bardeen's GPT in Spreadsheets, you can easily use AI in Google Sheets or Excel in a few clicks.

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