App Tutorial

Currency Conversion in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
Google Sheets
April 15, 2024

Convert currency in Google Sheets using the GOOGLEFINANCE function for real-time exchange rates. This method supports direct input and dynamic conversions via cell references, ideal for managing financial data in international contexts.

Mastering this function can significantly streamline financial data management and budgeting across multiple currencies.

For finance professionals and businesses dealing with international transactions, automate currency conversion in Google Sheets with Bardeen to save time and enhance accuracy.

How to Convert Currency in Google Sheets

Converting currency in Google Sheets is a valuable skill for managing financial data, especially when dealing with international transactions. Google Sheets offers a straightforward way to perform currency conversions using the GOOGLEFINANCE function. This guide will walk you through the steps to convert currency, including using direct input methods and cell references for dynamic conversions.

Automate your currency conversions in Google Sheets with Bardeen and save time on manual data entry. Download now.

Google Sheets Convert Currency

To convert currency in Google Sheets, you can use the GOOGLEFINANCE function. This function fetches current or historical financial information from Google Finance, including currency exchange rates. The basic syntax for a currency conversion formula is '=GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:CurrencyCode1CurrencyCode2")', where 'CurrencyCode1' is the code of the currency you're converting from, and 'CurrencyCode2' is the code of the currency you're converting to.

Google Sheets Currency Conversion Formula

For a direct conversion, select an empty cell where you want the conversion result to appear. Enter the formula using the specific currency codes without any spaces between them. For example, to convert US Dollars (USD) to Euros (EUR), you would enter '=GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:USDEUR")'. Press Enter, and Google Sheets will display the current exchange rate.

To convert a specific amount, simply multiply the GOOGLEFINANCE formula by the amount you wish to convert. For instance, to convert 100 USD to EUR, the formula would be '=GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:USDEUR")*100'.

Convert Currency in Google Sheets by Cell References

For more dynamic conversions that reference currency codes and amounts from other cells, you can modify the GOOGLEFINANCE formula to include cell references. First, ensure the currency codes and the amount you wish to convert are in separate cells. Then, use a formula structured as '=GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:"&Cell_Ref1&Cell_Ref2)*AmountCell', where 'Cell_Ref1' is the cell containing the currency code you're converting from, 'Cell_Ref2' is the cell containing the currency code you're converting to, and 'AmountCell' is the cell with the amount you wish to convert.

For example, if cell A1 contains 'USD', cell B1 contains 'EUR', and cell A2 contains the amount 100, the formula would be '=GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:"&A1&B1)*A2'. This formula converts 100 USD to EUR, with the conversion rate and result dynamically updating based on the values in cells A1, B1, and A2.

How to Convert Currency in Google Sheets

Remember, the GOOGLEFINANCE function provides real-time currency conversion rates that can fluctuate. For historical data, you can specify a date within the function. Additionally, after performing conversions, you may want to format the result cells to display the correct currency symbols. You can do this by selecting the cells, then choosing Format > Number > More Formats > Custom Currency from the Google Sheets menu.

Explore Google Sheets automations to streamline your financial workflows and ensure accuracy in your data. Learn more about automating Google Sheets and enhancing your productivity.

Effective use of the GOOGLEFINANCE function for currency conversion in Google Sheets can streamline financial data management, especially in spreadsheets tracking international transactions or budgets in multiple currencies.

Automate Google Sheets Currency Tasks with Bardeen

While converting currency in Google Sheets manually using the GOOGLEFINANCE function is efficient for one-time or infrequent conversions, automating these conversions can save a significant amount of time and reduce errors for those dealing with multiple currencies on a regular basis. Automation becomes especially valuable for professionals in finance, international sales, or businesses managing transactions across different countries. For these tasks, Bardeen offers powerful automation playbooks that can enhance your workflow and ensure your data is always up to date.

  1. Copy Google News for a keyword and save results to Google Sheets: This automation can be adapted to monitor global financial news impacting currency rates, ensuring your Google Sheets data reflects the latest market insights.
  2. Save data from the Google News page to Google Sheets: Similarly, this playbook offers a method to keep abreast of currency trends by saving relevant news items directly to your spreadsheet, aiding in informed decision-making.
  3. Save a Google Translate translation to Google Sheets: For those dealing with international markets, translating and saving key financial terminology or updates can streamline communication and reporting processes.

Automating these tasks not only provides efficiency but also ensures that your financial data management or analysis is grounded in the most current information available. To explore these automation opportunities, download the Bardeen app at

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