Guide: Add Users to HubSpot Account in 5 Steps

June 6, 2024
Jason Gong
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Go to settings, click Users & Teams, then Create user.

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If you're managing users in HubSpot, you might love Bardeen's AI for sales. Automate lead management and focus on high-value activities.

Managing users in your HubSpot account is essential for maintaining security, efficiency, and collaboration within your organization. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of adding users to your HubSpot account, configuring their permissions, and organizing them into teams. By following these best practices, you'll be able to streamline your user management and ensure that your team can make the most of HubSpot's powerful features.

Understanding HubSpot User Management Basics

Before diving into adding users to your HubSpot account, it's crucial to grasp the fundamental concepts of user permissions and roles. HubSpot offers a robust user management system that allows you to control access to various features and tools based on each user's responsibilities. By understanding these basics, you'll be able to effectively organize your users and maintain a secure environment.

One key aspect of HubSpot user management is organizing users into teams. Teams allow you to group users based on their roles, departments, or projects, making it easier to manage permissions and share relevant content. By creating teams, you can streamline your operations and ensure that each user has access to the resources they need to succeed.

Additionally, for those looking to enhance their lead management process, consider using tools to automate lead enrichment and qualification, which can integrate seamlessly with HubSpot.

How to Add Users to Your HubSpot Account

Adding users to your HubSpot account is a straightforward process. To get started, you'll need to have the "Add & edit users" permission. This permission allows you to add new users individually or in bulk via CSV import.

Here's how to add users individually:

  1. Navigate to your account settings and click on "Users & Teams"
  2. Click the "Create user" button
  3. Enter the user's email address and set their permissions
  4. Click "Next" and choose whether to send a welcome email
  5. Review the user's information and click "Add user"

To add multiple users at once, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your account settings and click on "Users & Teams"
  2. Click the "Add multiple users" button
  3. Download the CSV template and fill it out with user information
  4. Upload the completed CSV file
  5. Set user permissions and choose whether to send welcome emails
  6. Review the users' information and click "Add users"

Keep in mind that if you're adding users with paid seats, you must have available seats or the ability to purchase more. Once added, users will receive an email invitation to join your HubSpot account and can start accessing the tools based on their assigned permissions. For more efficient user management, consider using sales prospecting automation tools.

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Understanding HubSpot User Management Basics

User management is a critical aspect of working with HubSpot. It involves controlling access and permissions for individual users within your organization. HubSpot offers a robust user management system that allows you to define roles and permissions based on each user's responsibilities.

User roles determine what actions a user can perform within your HubSpot account. There are three main types of user roles:

  • Administrator: Has full access to all features and settings
  • User: Can view and edit assigned areas of the account
  • Viewer: Can view assigned areas but cannot make changes

Permissions, on the other hand, control access to specific tools and features within HubSpot. You can grant or restrict access to various parts of the platform, such as marketing, sales, service, and reporting tools. This granular control ensures that users only have access to the resources they need to perform their job functions.

Organizing users into teams is another essential aspect of HubSpot user management. Teams allow you to group users based on their roles, departments, or any other logical criteria. By assigning permissions at the team level, you can streamline user management and ensure that the right people have access to the appropriate resources.

Effective user management is crucial for maintaining security, ensuring compliance, and optimizing your team's productivity within HubSpot. By carefully considering user roles, permissions, and team structures, you can create a well-organized and efficient system that supports your business goals.

How to Add Users to Your HubSpot Account

Before adding users to your HubSpot account, ensure you have the necessary permissions. You'll need the "Add & edit users" permission to invite new users.

To add users individually:

  1. In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon in the main navigation bar.
  2. In the left sidebar menu, select "Users & Teams."
  3. Click the "Create user" button in the upper right corner.
  4. Enter the user's email address and set their permissions.
  5. Click "Next" and choose whether to send an invitation email.
  6. Review the user's information and click "Add user."

To add multiple users at once via CSV import:

  1. Navigate to "Users & Teams" in your settings.
  2. Click "Create user" and select "Import users."
  3. Download the CSV template and fill in the required user information.
  4. Click "Choose file" and select your completed CSV file.
  5. Map the properties and click "Next."
  6. Review the user information and click "Import."

Keep in mind that users won't have access to your HubSpot account until they accept the email invitation. If a user hasn't received the invite, check that the email address is correct and resend the invitation if needed.

By carefully managing user permissions and access levels, you can automate lead enrichment and ensure that your team members have the tools they need while maintaining account security. Regularly review user permissions to keep your account organized and up-to-date.

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Utilizing HubSpot Teams for Enhanced User Management

HubSpot teams allow you to organize users into groups, making collaboration and access management more efficient. Here's how to create and manage teams:

  1. Go to your HubSpot account settings and select "Users & Teams" from the left sidebar menu.
  2. Click the "Teams" tab, then click "Create team."
  3. Enter a team name and optionally nest the team under an existing one (Enterprise only).
  4. Add team members using the dropdown menus for main and extra team members.
  5. Click "Save" to create the team.

To edit an existing team, hover over the team name and click "Edit." You can change the team name, add or remove users, and move the team under another team (Enterprise only).

Using teams to manage permissions and share content offers several benefits:

  • Organize users into logical groups based on their roles, departments, or projects.
  • Control access to specific tools, records, and content within HubSpot.
  • Streamline collaboration by ensuring team members have access to relevant information.
  • Maintain security by limiting access to sensitive data.

When setting up teams, consider your organization's structure and the level of access each group requires. Regularly review team memberships and permissions to ensure they remain up-to-date as your business evolves.

By leveraging HubSpot's team management features, you can create a more organized and secure environment for your users, ultimately enhancing productivity and collaboration within your organization. For more advanced solutions, consider using automation tools for lead management.

Troubleshooting Common Issues in User Invitations

When inviting new users to your HubSpot account, you may encounter some common issues that prevent them from receiving or accessing the invitation email. Here are a few problems you might face and how to resolve them:

  1. Bounced email invites: If the invitation email bounces, double-check the email address for typos and ensure it's a valid, working email. You can also try resending the invitation from the user management settings in your HubSpot account.
  2. "Invite link not working" error: This usually occurs when the recipient clicks the invite link while logged in as a different HubSpot user. To resolve this, the recipient should log out of all HubSpot accounts or use an incognito browser window to access the invite link.
  3. Email not received: If the user can't find the invitation email, ask them to check their spam or junk mail folder. You can also allowlist HubSpot's email addresses (e.g., and IP addresses to ensure delivery.

To further ensure successful user invitation delivery:

  • Double-check the email address before sending the invite
  • Communicate with the user to expect an invitation email from HubSpot
  • Provide instructions on what to do if they can't find the email or encounter issues
  • If problems persist, consider sending the invitation link directly to the user via another communication channel

By being proactive and addressing common invitation issues, you can improve the onboarding experience and streamline the process of adding new users to your HubSpot account.

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Best Practices for Ongoing User Management in HubSpot

As your team grows and evolves, it's crucial to maintain an organized user management system within your HubSpot account. Here are some strategies to ensure your user management remains efficient and secure:

  1. Regular user audits: Conduct periodic audits of user roles and permissions to ensure that each user has the appropriate level of access. Remove or deactivate users who no longer require access to your HubSpot account.
  2. Implement a user offboarding process: When a team member leaves your organization, follow a standardized offboarding process that includes transferring their owned objects (contacts, deals, tickets) to another user, removing their access, and deactivating their account.
  3. Use teams for granular control: Organize users into teams based on their roles, departments, or projects. This allows you to manage permissions and access at a more granular level, ensuring that users only have access to the tools and data they need.
  4. Establish naming conventions: Implement consistent naming conventions for user accounts, teams, and other HubSpot objects to maintain clarity and organization as your team scales.
  5. Document user management processes: Create and maintain documentation that outlines your user management processes, including onboarding, offboarding, and regular audits. This ensures consistency and makes it easier to train new administrators.

By implementing these best practices and regularly monitoring your user management system, you can maintain a secure, organized, and efficient HubSpot account that scales with your growing team. For more tips on managing sales effectively, check out our guide on AI sales automation.

Automate Your HubSpot Workflow with Bardeen

While manually adding users to your HubSpot account is a clear-cut process, automating this and related CRM tasks can significantly enhance efficiency and data accuracy. For instance, automating the addition of contacts and syncing data between different platforms ensures that your HubSpot account remains updated without the need for constant manual input. Here are some ways Bardeen can help automate your HubSpot operations:

  1. Sync New GitHub User Email as HubSpot Contact: This playbook automates the task of creating a new contact in HubSpot using the email of a new GitHub user, streamlining the process of adding new contributors or team members to your CRM.
  2. Save a HubSpot company as a new Salesforce account: Seamlessly transfer company data from HubSpot to Salesforce with this playbook, ensuring your sales teams have access to the latest account information for more effective prospecting.
  3. Save LinkedIn profile & company to HubSpot as a new contact: This playbook simplifies the process of sales prospecting by automating the transfer of valuable lead information from LinkedIn into your HubSpot CRM for further nurturing and follow-up.

Automating these aspects of your HubSpot operations not only saves time but also ensures your data is accurate and up-to-date. Get started by downloading the Bardeen app.

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Bardeen's AI Agent automates repetitive tasks in HubSpot, saving you time.

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