App Tutorial

LinkedIn InMail vs Message: Key Differences Explained

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
April 15, 2024

LinkedIn InMail allows messaging to non-connections with a Premium subscription, while regular messages are for 1st-degree connections. InMail is ideal for outreach, and regular messages for maintaining relationships. Message ads, a paid advertising option, offer broader reach for marketing campaigns.

  • Regular messages are free for 1st-degree connections.
  • InMail requires a Premium subscription to reach non-connections.
  • Message ads are paid and labeled as 'Sponsored' for marketing outreach.
  • Choosing between InMail and message ads depends on your goals.

Automate your LinkedIn outreach with Bardeen to enhance efficiency and personalization. Learn more at

LinkedIn InMail vs Message

Understanding the difference between LinkedIn InMail and regular messages is crucial for effective communication on the platform. Regular messages allow you to communicate with your 1st-degree connections for free. In contrast, InMail, a premium feature, enables you to send messages to LinkedIn members you're not connected with, including 2nd and 3rd-degree connections. This distinction is vital for networking, job hunting, or lead generation.

LinkedIn Message vs InMail

While the functionality of InMail and regular messages might seem similar, their use cases differ significantly. Regular messages are ideal for maintaining relationships within your network. InMail, given its ability to reach beyond your immediate connections, is better suited for outreach efforts, such as job applications or sales prospecting. However, it's important to note that InMail requires a LinkedIn Premium subscription, which allocates a certain number of InMail credits per month based on the subscription level.

LinkedIn Message Ads vs InMail

When considering LinkedIn for marketing, it's essential to differentiate between message ads and InMail. Message ads, previously known as Sponsored InMail, appear directly in your target audience's LinkedIn inbox but are labeled as "Sponsored". These ads are only delivered when the target is active on LinkedIn, optimizing open rates. Unlike InMail, message ads are part of LinkedIn's advertising offerings and are charged on a cost-per-send basis. They can be an effective follow-up tool if a prospect doesn't respond to regular InMail, combining the direct approach of InMail with the broader reach of advertising.

Choosing between InMail and message ads depends on your marketing strategy and goals. Testing both formats to compare performance is recommended. For personal outreach, such as job hunting or networking, InMail provides a direct line to individuals outside your network. For broader marketing campaigns, message ads can extend your reach within LinkedIn's active user base.

Automate Your LinkedIn Outreach with Bardeen Playbooks

While the manual approach to sending LinkedIn InMail or messages is straightforward, leveraging automation can significantly enhance your outreach and engagement strategy. Bardeen offers powerful automation playbooks that can transform how you interact with LinkedIn profiles, making your outreach efforts more efficient and personalized.

Here are some examples of how Bardeen can automate your LinkedIn outreach:

  1. Create an AI-generated outreach email for the currently opened LinkedIn profile: This playbook utilizes AI to craft personalized outreach messages based on the information from a LinkedIn profile. It's invaluable for sales prospecting, recruitment, and networking, ensuring your messages are tailored and relevant.
  2. Create a personalized outreach email from a LinkedIn post: Automate the creation of outreach emails that are personalized based on the content of LinkedIn posts. This playbook is perfect for engaging with content creators and thought leaders in your industry.
  3. Send an email to the currently opened LinkedIn user: Directly engage with LinkedIn users by sending personalized emails based on their profile information. This playbook streamlines the process of connecting with potential leads or partners.

Enhance your LinkedIn strategy by automating your outreach with Bardeen. Start by downloading the Bardeen app at

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