Easy Steps to Import Contacts into HubSpot CRM

June 24, 2024
Jason Gong

Navigate to settings, select 'Import & Export,' and choose your file type.

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If you're using HubSpot, you might love Bardeen's AI for sales. It automates tasks like prospecting and lead generation, saving you time and helping you focus on high-value leads.

Importing your contacts into HubSpot is a crucial step in streamlining your marketing and sales efforts. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of preparing your import files, navigating HubSpot's import interface, and ensuring your data is mapped correctly. By following these best practices, you can seamlessly integrate your contacts into HubSpot and start leveraging its powerful features to grow your business.

You will find the below video helpful as it discusses about multiple options to import Contacts to HubSpot.

Preparing Your Import Files for HubSpot

Properly formatting your CSV or Excel files is crucial for a smooth and successful import into HubSpot. To ensure compatibility, consider the following key points:

  • Your file should have a single sheet to avoid confusion and errors during the import process.
  • Ensure that your file is UTF-8 encoded, especially if it contains foreign language characters.
  • Adhere to HubSpot's specific property formatting requirements for each data type (e.g., dates, phone numbers, etc.).

By taking the time to correctly format your import files, you'll save yourself from potential headaches and ensure that your data is accurately transferred into HubSpot. For more tips on effective data import, check out our guide on building a prospect list.

Navigating HubSpot's Import Interface

To access HubSpot's import tool, start by navigating to your settings menu. From there, select 'Import & Export' to reach the import interface.

HubSpot offers several options for importing data:

  • Choose between CSV or Excel file types
  • Import a single file or multiple files simultaneously
  • Define the nature of your data, such as contacts, companies, deals, or custom objects

By familiarizing yourself with these options, you'll be well-equipped to efficiently import your data into HubSpot's CRM. For more tips, explore integrating Excel with Bardeen for a smoother workflow.

Save time with Bardeen by automating your Excel workflows. Connect Excel to Bardeen and get things done faster.

Mapping Your Data Correctly in HubSpot

When importing data into HubSpot, it's crucial to map the columns from your import file to the corresponding properties in HubSpot. This process ensures that your data is accurately transferred and seamlessly integrated into your existing CRM structure.

To begin mapping, match each column in your import file to the appropriate HubSpot property. Pay special attention to unique identifiers like email addresses or record IDs for lead enrichment, as these are essential for avoiding duplicates and maintaining data integrity.

Here are some key considerations when mapping your data:

  • Ensure that required properties, such as email addresses for contacts, are properly mapped
  • Create custom properties in HubSpot if necessary to accommodate all your import data
  • Double-check your mappings before initiating the import to avoid errors

By taking the time to carefully map your data, you'll minimize the risk of data inconsistencies and ensure a smooth transition of your contacts into HubSpot's CRM.

Customization and Error Handling During Import

When importing data into HubSpot, you have the flexibility to create new custom properties during the import process. This is particularly useful when your import file contains columns that don't match any existing properties in HubSpot.

To create a new custom property:

  1. During the import mapping step, select the option to "Create a new property" for the unmatched column
  2. Choose the appropriate property type (e.g., single-line text, date, number)
  3. Specify a unique internal name for the property
  4. Optionally, add a description and group for better organization

It's important to handle import errors effectively to maintain data integrity. Common import errors include:

  • Invalid email addresses or domain names
  • Incorrect date or number formats
  • Values that don't match existing dropdown/select options
  • Exceeding character limits for certain properties

To identify and resolve import errors:

  1. Review the error summary provided by HubSpot after the import
  2. Download the error file for a detailed breakdown of each issue
  3. Make necessary corrections in your import file (e.g., fix formatting, update values)
  4. For errors related to field validation, consider adjusting property settings if appropriate
  5. Re-import the corrected file to successfully add the remaining data

By carefully handling customization and errors during the import process, you can ensure a smooth data transition and maintain the accuracy of your HubSpot CRM. For more tips on managing your data, check out these sales prospecting tools.

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Reviewing and Managing Imported Contacts

After completing the import process, it's crucial to review the success of your import and ensure that your contacts are properly organized within HubSpot. To access your import history:

  1. Navigate to the "Contacts" tab in your HubSpot account
  2. Click on "Manage" and select "Import"
  3. Review the "Import History" section to see a summary of your recent imports

Analyzing your import history allows you to identify any potential issues, such as failed imports or partial successes, and take necessary actions to resolve them. Learn more about managing cold and warm leads.

Once your contacts are successfully imported, it's time to manage and organize them effectively:

  • Create lists based on specific criteria (e.g., job title, industry, location) to segment your contacts for targeted marketing efforts
  • Use the "Create a view" feature to save frequently used filters and quickly access relevant contact subsets
  • Apply tags to contacts based on their import source, interests, or other relevant categories for easy identification and segmentation
  • Set up lead scoring to prioritize and focus on the most promising contacts

By properly reviewing and managing your imported contacts, you can ensure that your HubSpot CRM remains organized, efficient, and ready to support your marketing and sales efforts.

Automate Your HubSpot Contact Imports with Bardeen

Importing contacts into HubSpot can be manually done following the detailed steps above, or you can automate the process using Bardeen. Automating this task can save time, reduce manual errors, and ensure your HubSpot CRM is always updated with the latest contacts. Bardeen's playbooks can automate various tasks related to importing and managing contacts in HubSpot, making your workflow more efficient.

  1. Copy all HubSpot contacts to Coda: This playbook streamlines the process of syncing your HubSpot contacts to a Coda table, perfect for sales teams needing to access contact data across different platforms.
  2. Copy all HubSpot contacts to Airtable: Easily transfer your HubSpot contacts to Airtable, facilitating better data management and collaboration within teams.
  3. Copy all HubSpot contacts to Google Sheets: Automate the copying of HubSpot contacts into Google Sheets for easier access and analysis.
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