Convert PDF to Excel in Google Sheets: 3 Easy Methods

June 6, 2024
Jason Gong
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Use Google Drive to convert PDF to Excel in Google Sheets.

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If you need frequent data conversions, try our AI automation tools. They can handle PDF to Excel conversions and more, saving you time and effort.

Converting PDF documents to Excel format can be a challenging task, especially when dealing with large amounts of data or complex layouts. Google Sheets offers a simple solution to extract data from PDFs, making it easier to analyze and manage information. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of converting a PDF to Excel using Google Sheets, helping you overcome the limitations of non-editable PDFs and unlock the potential of your data.

Introduction: Understanding PDF to Excel Conversion in Google Sheets

Converting PDF documents to Excel format is a crucial task for many professionals who need to analyze and manage data effectively. PDFs are widely used for sharing information, but their non-editable nature can pose significant challenges when it comes to extracting and manipulating data. This is where Google Sheets comes in as a powerful tool to convert PDFs to Excel, enabling users to unlock the full potential of their data.

However, the process of converting PDFs to Excel is not always straightforward. Some common challenges include:

  • Dealing with complex layouts and formatting in PDFs
  • Extracting data from tables and charts accurately
  • Handling large amounts of data spread across multiple pages
  • Preserving the original structure and integrity of the data

Despite these challenges, converting PDFs to Excel using Google Sheets offers numerous benefits, such as:

  • Enabling data analysis and manipulation using Excel's powerful features
  • Facilitating data sharing and collaboration with colleagues
  • Streamlining data entry and reducing manual errors
  • Saving time and effort compared to manual data extraction methods

In the following sections, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of converting PDFs to Excel using Google Sheets, addressing common challenges and providing tips to ensure a smooth and accurate conversion. For more advanced features, consider adding AI to your spreadsheet.

Preparing Your PDF Document for Conversion

Before converting your PDF to Excel using Google Sheets, it's essential to prepare the document for a smooth conversion process. Here are some key steps to follow:

  1. Ensure the PDF contains selectable text rather than images. If the PDF is a scanned document or contains only images, you may need to use OCR software to extract the text first.
  2. Clean up the PDF document by removing any unnecessary formatting, such as headers, footers, or watermarks. These elements can interfere with the conversion process and lead to inaccurate results.
  3. If the PDF has multiple pages, consider splitting the document into separate files for each relevant page or section. This can help simplify the conversion process and make it easier to manage the data in Excel.
  4. Check the PDF for any password protection or encryption. If the document is secured, you'll need to remove the protection before proceeding with the conversion.

By taking these preliminary steps, you can minimize potential issues during the conversion process and ensure that your data is accurately transferred from the PDF to Excel format using Google Sheets.

Bardeen can help you connect Microsoft Excel to automate repetitive tasks like this, making your workflow faster and easier.

Using Google Drive for PDF to Google Sheets Conversion

Google Drive offers a convenient way to convert PDF files to Google Sheets format. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Upload the PDF file to your Google Drive. You can do this by clicking the "New" button in the top-left corner of the Google Drive interface and selecting "File upload." Choose the PDF file you want to convert from your local computer.
  2. Once the PDF is uploaded, right-click on the file and select "Open with" > "Google Docs". This will create a new Google Docs document with the content extracted from the PDF.
  3. In the Google Docs document, you may need to adjust the formatting and layout to ensure the data is properly organized and readable. Remove any unnecessary elements or pages that might interfere with the conversion process.
  4. Next, select the relevant data from the Google Docs document that you want to convert to a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Copy this data by highlighting it and using the "Ctrl+C" (Windows) or "Cmd+C" (Mac) keyboard shortcut.
  5. Create a new Google Sheets spreadsheet by clicking on the "New" button in Google Drive and selecting "Google Sheets."
  6. In the new spreadsheet, paste the copied data using the "Ctrl+V" (Windows) or "Cmd+V" (Mac) keyboard shortcut. The data should now appear in the spreadsheet cells.

By following these steps, you can effectively convert a PDF file to a Google Sheets spreadsheet using Google Drive's built-in features. For more advanced automation, you can integrate Google Drive with other apps to save time.

Handling Complex Data Tables in PDFs

When converting PDFs containing complex data tables to Google Sheets, you may encounter challenges such as misaligned data, inconsistent formatting, or missing information. Here are some techniques to manage these issues:

  1. Manually adjust the data in the Google Docs document before copying it to the spreadsheet. This may involve re-aligning columns, merging or splitting cells, and ensuring that headers and data are correctly matched.
  2. After pasting the data into Google Sheets, carefully review the spreadsheet to identify any inconsistencies or errors. Check for missing data points, incorrect formatting, or misaligned rows and columns.
  3. Use Google Sheets' built-in formatting tools to clean up the data. This may include adjusting column widths, merging cells, or applying consistent formatting to headers and data types.
  4. For more advanced formatting needs or larger datasets, consider using Google Sheets add-ons or scripts. These tools can help automate tasks such as data cleaning, formatting, and validation.

Some popular add-ons for handling complex tables include:

  • Power Tools: Offers a suite of tools for data manipulation, formatting, and analysis.
  • Table Formatter: Helps with formatting and styling tables, including header rows, alternating row colors, and border styles.
  • Advanced Find and Replace: Enables powerful search and replace functions to clean up data inconsistencies.

By combining manual adjustments with the use of add-ons and scripts, you can effectively manage complex data tables when converting PDFs to Google Sheets. Remember to always double-check the final spreadsheet to ensure data accuracy and consistency. For even more efficiency, consider using AI web scraping tools to automate data extraction.

Save time and reduce errors when handling complex data by using Bardeen. Try our feature to scrape data from PDFs directly into Google Sheets with a single click.

Automating the Conversion Process

To automate the process of converting PDFs to Excel using Google Sheets, you can utilize Google Apps Script. This allows you to create custom functions and automate repetitive tasks, saving time and effort when dealing with multiple PDF files.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up a simple script to automate the conversion process:

  1. Open a new Google Sheets spreadsheet and navigate to "Tools" > "Script editor" to access the Google Apps Script editor.
  2. Create a new function that takes a PDF file ID as input. This function will use the Drive API to access the PDF file and convert it to a Google Doc.
  3. Use the DocumentApp service to open the newly converted Google Doc and extract the desired data using methods like getBody() and getParagraphs().
  4. Write the extracted data to the Google Sheets spreadsheet using the Sheets API, specifying the target sheet and range.
  5. Save the script and run it from the Google Sheets spreadsheet, passing the PDF file ID as an argument to the function.

Here's a basic example of a Google Apps Script that converts a PDF to a Google Doc and extracts the first paragraph:

function convertPDFToDoc(pdfFileId) {
 var pdfFile = DriveApp.getFileById(pdfFileId);
 var docFile = Drive.Files.insert({
   title: pdfFile.getName(),
   mimeType: "application/"
 }, pdfFile.getBlob());
 var doc = DocumentApp.openById(;
 var body = doc.getBody();
 var firstParagraph = body.getParagraphs()[0].getText();
 var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();

To automate the conversion process for multiple PDF files, you can:

  • Create a folder in Google Drive containing all the PDF files you want to convert.
  • Use the Drive API to retrieve a list of all the files in the folder.
  • Loop through the list of files, passing each file ID to the conversion function.
  • The script will then process each PDF file, extract the data, and write it to the Google Sheets spreadsheet.

By automating the PDF to Excel conversion process using Google Apps Script, you can significantly reduce the time and effort required to manually convert and extract data from multiple PDF files. Learn more about how to automate lead generation and management with similar tools.

Best Practices and Troubleshooting

To ensure a smooth and accurate conversion from PDF to Excel using Google Sheets, consider the following best practices:

  • Double-check numerical data and dates after the conversion process, as these are prone to misinterpretation or formatting issues.
  • Verify that all relevant data has been extracted from the PDF and transferred to the Google Sheets spreadsheet.
  • Clean up any unnecessary formatting, such as merged cells or inconsistent cell sizes, to make the data more usable and analysis-friendly.
  • If the PDF contains images or non-selectable text, consider using OCR tools for extraction before attempting the conversion process.

Common issues that may arise during the PDF to Excel conversion process include:

  1. Formatting errors: The converted data may not maintain the original formatting, leading to misaligned or merged cells. To fix this, manually adjust the cell formatting in Google Sheets or use built-in tools to separate or align data.
  2. Missed content: Some PDF files may contain content that is not easily extractable, such as images or non-selectable text. In these cases, use OCR tools or manual transcription before proceeding with the conversion.
  3. Inaccurate data: Occasionally, the conversion process may misinterpret certain characters or numbers, leading to inaccurate data in the Google Sheets spreadsheet. Carefully review the converted data and make any necessary corrections.

If you encounter persistent issues or errors during the conversion process, consider the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Ensure that the PDF file is compatible with Google Drive and can be opened in Google Docs. If not, try converting the PDF to a different format before uploading it to Google Drive.
  • Check that the Google Sheets spreadsheet has sufficient space to accommodate the extracted data. If the data is too large, split it into multiple sheets or files.
  • If using Google Apps Script, carefully review the script for any syntax errors or compatibility issues. Consult the Google Apps Script documentation or seek help from the community if needed.
Take advantage of automated data enrichment with Bardeen to save time and improve accuracy in Google Sheets.

By following these best practices and troubleshooting tips, you can minimize the risk of errors and ensure a more accurate and efficient PDF to Excel conversion process using Google Sheets.

Bardeen's Google Sheets Automations for Effortless Data Management

While manually converting PDF files to Excel in Google Sheets is a complex task, automating data and document management tasks can significantly streamline your workflow. Bardeen offers powerful solutions that not only assist in managing PDFs but also in handling a variety of automation needs that can save time and reduce manual workloads. Here are some examples of how Bardeen can automate tasks related to managing documents and data within Google Sheets.

  1. Save full-page PDF screenshots to Google Drive from website links in a Google Sheet: This playbook automates capturing full-page PDFs from web links listed in a Google Sheet and saving them directly to Google Drive, streamlining content archiving or market research.
  2. Download full-page PDF screenshots of websites from links in a Google Sheet: Enables downloading full-page PDF screenshots from a list of URLs in a Google Sheet, facilitating offline access or documentation of web content.
  3. Save data from the Google News page to Google Sheets: Automate the collection of news data from Google News into a Google Sheets document, perfect for researchers or marketers tracking specific news topics.

These automations help optimize data handling in Google Sheets, making document management more efficient and productive. Explore these playbooks to enhance your workflow.

Automate PDF to Excel conversion

Use Bardeen's AI to automate the process of converting PDF data to Google Sheets.

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