App Tutorial

Convert Hours to Decimals in Google Sheets: A Guide

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
Google Sheets
April 15, 2024

Converting hours into decimals in Google Sheets is straightforward using a formula: '=HOUR(time)+(MINUTE(time)/60) + (SECOND(time)/3600)'. This method is ideal for payroll, project tracking, and more.

Alternatively, use a minutes to decimal hours conversion chart for manual conversions or when a visual aid is preferred.

Streamline your Google Sheets data processing by automating tasks with Bardeen, especially useful for payroll, project management, and tracking time spent on tasks.

Google Sheets Time Conversion

Converting time into decimals in Google Sheets is essential for various applications, such as payroll processing, project tracking, or any scenario where you need to calculate hours worked or time spent on tasks in a decimal format rather than the standard hours and minutes.

Automate your Google Sheets tasks and save time with Bardeen. Discover how to enhance your productivity with our Google Sheets automations.

Hours to Decimal Conversion

To convert hours and minutes to decimal hours in Google Sheets, you can use a simple formula that combines the HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND functions. The formula is as follows:

'=HOUR(time)+(MINUTE(time)/60) + (SECOND(time)/3600)'

This formula converts the time into decimal hours by separating the hour, minute, and second values from the time, then converting the minute and second to their corresponding decimal forms relative to the hour.

Time Conversion Chart Minutes to Decimals Hours

For those who prefer a visual aid or need to convert time manually without using formulas, a time conversion chart can be extremely helpful. Such a chart lists minutes and their equivalent in decimal hours, allowing you to quickly look up the decimal hour equivalent of a given number of minutes. For example, 30 minutes is equal to 0.5 hours in decimal form.

Looking for more ways to optimize your Google Sheets experience? Check out our blog post on Google Sheets addons and learn how to automate your sheets with our Google Sheet automations.

Minutes to Decimal Hours Conversion Chart

A minutes to decimal hours conversion chart is specifically designed to help you convert minutes into decimal hours. It's particularly useful for tasks like payroll calculation where you need to convert worked minutes into a decimal hour format. The chart typically shows conversions for one-minute increments up to 60 minutes, translating them into a fraction of an hour in decimal form.

Manual Conversion

If you prefer to convert time to decimals without a formula, you can manually divide the number of minutes by 60. For example, to convert 45 minutes to decimal hours, you would perform the following calculation: 45/60 = 0.75. This means 45 minutes is equivalent to 0.75 hours in decimal form. To convert time involving hours and minutes to decimal, add the decimal form of the minutes to the hours. For instance, 2 hours and 30 minutes would be 2 + (30/60) = 2.5 hours in decimal.

Automate Google Sheets for Efficiency with Bardeen

Converting hours into decimals in Google Sheets is a task that can significantly benefit from automation, especially when dealing with large datasets or frequent updates. While the manual method described helps with individual conversions, automating this process can save a considerable amount of time and reduce the possibility of errors. With Bardeen, you can set up automations that handle data processing in Google Sheets seamlessly.

  1. Get a daily summary of your emails and save to Google Sheets: This playbook automates the process of summarizing your emails and saving them into a Google Sheets document daily, perfect for tracking time spent on email communication.
  2. Copy all Github issues to Google Sheets: For teams using GitHub, this automation streamlines the management of issues by copying them directly into a Google Sheet for tracking and analysis.
  3. Copy a newly created Asana task to Google Sheets: This playbook ensures that every new task created in Asana is automatically added to a Google Sheets spreadsheet, aiding in project management and time allocation tracking.

Implementing these automations can significantly enhance productivity and ensure that your data is always up-to-date. Start exploring these possibilities by downloading the Bardeen app at

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