Convert Caps to Proper Case in Google Sheets: A Guide

June 6, 2024
Jason Gong
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Use the PROPER function to convert text to Proper Case.

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Converting text from ALL CAPS to Proper Case in Google Sheets is a common task that can greatly improve the readability and professional appearance of your data. In this step-by-step guide, we'll explore how to use the PROPER function and other advanced techniques to efficiently format your text. Whether you're working with a single cell or an entire column, these methods will help you maintain consistency and integrity in your Google Sheets data.

Introduction to Text Formatting in Google Sheets

Text formatting is a crucial aspect of creating professional and easily readable spreadsheets in Google Sheets. Proper formatting enhances the clarity and visual appeal of your data, making it easier for others to understand and interpret. One common formatting task is converting text from ALL CAPS to Proper Case, where the first letter of each word is capitalized.

There are several reasons why you might need to convert text from ALL CAPS to Proper Case in Google Sheets:

  • Improve readability: Text in ALL CAPS can be difficult to read, especially in large amounts. Converting to Proper Case makes the text more visually appealing and easier to scan.
  • Maintain consistency: If your data contains a mix of ALL CAPS and Proper Case, converting to a consistent format creates a more polished and professional appearance.
  • Adhere to style guidelines: Some organizations or industries may have specific style guidelines that require the use of Proper Case for certain types of data, such as names or titles.

By mastering the techniques for converting text case in Google Sheets, you'll be able to efficiently format your data and ensure a high level of professionalism in your spreadsheets. For more advanced features, consider bringing AI into your spreadsheet.

Utilizing the PROPER Function

The PROPER function in Google Sheets is a powerful tool for converting text to title case, where the first letter of each word is capitalized. This function is particularly useful when working with data that contains proper nouns, such as names or geographic locations.

To use the PROPER function, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Select the cell where you want the converted text to appear.
  2. Type =PROPER( in the cell.
  3. Click on the cell containing the text you want to convert or type in the cell reference.
  4. Close the parentheses ) and press Enter.

For example, if you have the text "united states" in cell A1, you can convert it to "United States" by entering =PROPER(A1) in another cell.

To apply the PROPER function to a range of cells:

  1. Select the range of cells where you want the converted text to appear.
  2. Enter the PROPER function with the appropriate cell reference in the first cell of the range.
  3. Press Enter to apply the function to the first cell.
  4. Drag the fill handle (the small square in the bottom-right corner of the cell) down to apply the function to the entire range.

By following these steps, you can quickly and easily convert text to title case using the PROPER function in Google Sheets. If you need to automate more tasks in Google Sheets, consider using Bardeen for Google Sheets.

Bardeen can save you time by automating repetitive tasks in Google Sheets. Learn more about how you can integrate Google Sheets with other apps.

Advanced Text Conversion Techniques

While the PROPER function is useful for basic text case conversion, you may encounter situations that require more advanced techniques. By combining the PROPER function with other functions like LOWER and UPPER, you can handle unique capitalization needs, such as acronyms or proper nouns.

For example, to preserve an acronym within a cell, you can use the following formula:


This formula replaces the acronym "SEO" with its uppercase version within the PROPER function, ensuring that it remains capitalized even after the case conversion.

In cases where standard functions are insufficient, you can create custom formulas or use Google Apps Script to handle more complex text manipulations. For instance, you might need a script to capitalize specific words based on a predefined list or to apply different capitalization rules for different parts of a string.

Here's a simple example of a custom formula that capitalizes the first letter of each word except for "and" and "the":


This formula uses the ARRAYFORMULA and REGEXREPLACE functions to apply the custom capitalization rule to the entire range of cells.

Formatting Entire Columns Automatically

When working with large datasets in Google Sheets, manually formatting each cell can be time-consuming and prone to errors. To streamline the process and ensure data consistency, you can use the ArrayFormula function in combination with the PROPER function to convert text in an entire column to proper case.

Here's how to apply the PROPER function to an entire column using ArrayFormula:

  1. In a new column, enter the following formula in the first cell:
  2. Replace "A:A" with the column range you want to convert to proper case (e.g., "B:B" for column B).
  3. Press Enter to apply the formula.

The ArrayFormula function allows you to apply the PROPER function to the entire column without having to drag the fill handle down. This not only saves time but also ensures that any new data added to the column will automatically be converted to proper case.

Using ArrayFormula has several benefits:

  • It reduces the risk of human error when formatting large datasets.
  • It ensures consistent formatting across the entire column.
  • It automatically applies the formatting to new data added to the column, saving time and effort.

By leveraging the power of ArrayFormula and the PROPER function, you can efficiently format entire columns in Google Sheets, making your data more readable and professional-looking. For more advanced features, consider using GPT in Spreadsheets to bring AI capabilities into your workflow.

Want to automate even more tasks in Google Sheets? Integrate Excel with other apps using Bardeen and save even more time so you can focus on important work.

Correcting Common Errors in Conversion

When converting text cases in Google Sheets, you may encounter some common pitfalls and errors. These issues often arise when dealing with mixed case strings or acronyms. Here are a few examples:

  • Acronyms like "USA" or "NASA" may be converted to "Usa" or "Nasa" when using the PROPER function.
  • Proper nouns, such as names or places, might lose their original capitalization after applying case conversion functions.
  • Text with intentionally mixed cases, like "iPhone" or "eBay," can be altered unintentionally.

To address these issues and ensure accuracy in your text case conversions, you can manually adjust or tweak the results from the PROPER function or other case conversion methods. Here are some solutions:

  1. For acronyms, use the SUBSTITUTE function to replace the incorrectly formatted acronyms with their original versions. For example:
  2. Create a separate list of proper nouns or exceptions and use the VLOOKUP function to check if a word in your text matches any of these exceptions. If a match is found, keep the original formatting.
  3. If you have a small dataset, you can manually review the converted text and make necessary adjustments to maintain the intended formatting for specific words or phrases.

By being aware of these common errors and applying the appropriate solutions, you can ensure that your text case conversions in Google Sheets are accurate and maintain the integrity of your data. For more advanced solutions, you might consider using GPT in Spreadsheets to automate and simplify these tasks.

Best Practices for Maintaining Text Integrity

When working with text conversions in Google Sheets, it's essential to maintain the integrity of your original data. Here are some tips to help you preserve your data while making conversions:

  1. Always create a duplicate of your original sheet before performing any text manipulations. This way, you have a backup of your data in case anything goes wrong during the conversion process.
  2. Use a separate column or sheet to store the converted text, keeping the original data intact. This allows you to easily compare the original and converted text, ensuring accuracy.
  3. Document any changes made to your data, including the formulas or functions used for text conversion. This helps you keep track of the modifications and makes it easier to troubleshoot issues if they arise.

In addition to these tips, it's crucial to regularly back up your data before making any significant changes. Google Sheets automatically saves your work, but it's still a good practice to create manual backups periodically. You can do this by:

  • Downloading your spreadsheet as an Excel file or other compatible format
  • Making a copy of your spreadsheet within Google Sheets
  • Using third-party backup tools or add-ons designed for Google Sheets

Make Google Drive even more powerful by using Bardeen to integrate Google Drive with other apps. Automate file management, notifications, and updates effortlessly.

By following these best practices and creating regular backups, you can ensure that your text data remains accurate and secure, even when performing complex conversions in Google Sheets.

Automate Google Sheets with Bardeen for Efficiency

Converting text from all caps to proper case in Google Sheets can streamline the presentation of your data and make it more readable. While Google Sheets offers built-in functions for this task, automating the process with Bardeen can save you time, especially when dealing with large datasets or when you need to perform this action frequently.

Here are some examples of how Bardeen can automate tasks related to Google Sheets, enhancing your productivity:

  1. Copy all Github issues to Google Sheets: This playbook automates the process of transferring issues from Github into a Google Sheet, ideal for project management and bug tracking.
  2. Copy a newly created Asana task to Google Sheets: Automatically sync newly created tasks from Asana to Google Sheets for enhanced project tracking and task management.
  3. Copy records from SmartSuite to Google Sheets: Seamlessly transfer data from SmartSuite to Google Sheets, facilitating efficient data management and analysis.

Explore these playbooks and more to find the perfect solutions for your data automation needs. Visit to get started.

Automate Text Formatting in Google Sheets

Bardeen's AI Agent can automate text formatting tasks, saving you time and effort.

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