Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Notion with Reddit

Combine Notion and Reddit for efficient content management. Use natural language to automate tasks with Bardeen's AI Agent. No coding required.

How to integrate Notion with Reddit?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Notion and Reddit together to save time and increase productivity.

Discover how to integrate Notion and Reddit for a unified knowledge base. This guide covers both manual methods and introduces AI automation using no-code tools like Bardeen. Did you know that 73% of workers say they spend too much time on repetitive tasks? Learn how to reclaim hours each week by automating data capture between Notion and Reddit. Get ready to level up your productivity without any coding required!

Why Integrate Notion and Reddit?

Integrating Notion and Reddit offers several benefits for users looking to streamline their information management and capture valuable insights from Reddit discussions. Here are some key reasons to connect these two powerful platforms:

  1. Centralize information: By integrating Notion and Reddit, you can bring valuable content from Reddit directly into your Notion workspace. This allows you to easily capture and organize insights, feedback, and ideas without constantly switching between apps.
  2. Automate data transfer: Connecting Notion and Reddit enables you to automate data transfer between the two platforms. This saves time and effort by eliminating the need for manual copy-pasting or data entry.
  3. Enhance productivity: With Reddit content seamlessly integrated into your Notion workspace, you can quickly access and reference relevant information while working on projects or brainstorming ideas. This integration streamlines your workflow and boosts overall productivity.
  4. Stay up-to-date: Integrating Notion and Reddit ensures that you stay current with the latest discussions, trends, and insights from your favorite subreddits. You can easily track and capture important information without the risk of missing out on valuable content.

By leveraging the power of Notion and Reddit integration, you can create a centralized hub for information management, enhance your productivity, and stay connected to the pulse of your industry or areas of interest.

Centralize Reddit Content in Your Notion Workspace

One of the key benefits of integrating Notion and Reddit is the ability to centralize valuable content from Reddit directly into your Notion workspace. By importing Reddit posts and comments into Notion databases, you can create a unified knowledge base that combines your internal documents with external insights from Reddit discussions.

Here's how centralizing Reddit content in Notion can benefit you:

  • Easily capture and organize important information from Reddit
  • Structure saved Reddit content by topic, subreddit, or any other relevant categories
  • Quickly search and reference Reddit insights alongside your own notes and documents
  • Scrape data from Reddit for deeper analysis
Save time by using Bardeen to integrate Notion and Reddit. Automate your workflow and focus on important tasks.

Integrating Reddit and Notion allows you to break down silos between your internal knowledge and external sources of information. With everything in one place, you can streamline your research process, inform your decision-making, and never miss a valuable insight from Reddit again.

Save Time by Automating Reddit Data Capture into Notion

Manually transferring information from Reddit to Notion can be a tedious and time-consuming process. But by integrating Notion and Reddit with automation, you can effortlessly capture the data you need without the manual work.

Here's how automating data capture from Reddit to Notion can benefit you:

  • Set up workflows to automatically import specific Reddit posts, comments, and metadata
  • Save hours of time spent manually copying and pasting text, links, and images
  • Use no-code tools like Bardeen to make setting up the integration quick and easy, no technical skills required
  • Customize what data gets imported based on criteria like keywords, upvotes, or specific subreddits

By automating the flow of information from Reddit to Notion, you can keep your Notion workspace updated with the latest insights and discussions without lifting a finger. Say goodbye to the manual grind and hello to streamlined data capture when you connect Reddit and Notion.

Step-by-Step Guide: Integrate Notion and Reddit with Bardeen

Connecting Notion and Reddit is a breeze with Bardeen's no-code automation platform. Follow these simple steps to set up the integration:

  1. Download the Bardeen browser extension
  2. Log in to your Notion and Reddit accounts
  3. Connect the Notion and Reddit apps within Bardeen
  4. Use Bardeen's intuitive workflow builder to create automations
  5. Set up automated data flows between Notion databases and Reddit

The entire process takes just minutes, and you don't need any technical skills. Here's a closer look at the specific steps:

  • After connecting your accounts, create a new workflow in Bardeen
  • Select your trigger event, such as a new Reddit post in a specific subreddit
  • Choose the action to perform in Notion, like creating a new database item
  • Map the Reddit data fields to the corresponding Notion database properties
  • Activate the workflow and watch the automation start syncing data

Once the workflow is active, new Reddit posts and comments will automatically get imported into your designated Notion database. You can even set up filters to capture only the data that meets your criteria, such as posts with a certain number of upvotes or containing specific keywords.

By automating the flow of information from Reddit to Notion, you'll always have the latest data at your fingertips without any manual effort. Bardeen makes it quick and easy to connect the apps and put your integration to work.

Bardeen lets you automate outreach and other tasks, helping you focus on important work while it handles the rest. Save time and increase productivity with Bardeen.

Step-by-Step: Integrating Notion and Reddit with Bardeen

Connecting Notion and Reddit is simple with Bardeen's no-code automation platform. Here's a breakdown of the specific steps:

  1. After connecting your Notion and Reddit accounts in Bardeen, create a new workflow
  2. Select your trigger event, such as a new Reddit post in a specific subreddit
  3. Choose the action to perform in Notion, like creating a new database item
  4. Map the Reddit data fields to the corresponding Notion database properties
  5. Activate the automation workflow to start syncing data between the apps

For example, you could set up a workflow that triggers whenever a new post is made in a subreddit you follow. The automation would then create a new item in your designated Notion database, pulling in the post title, content, author, and other relevant data from Reddit.

By mapping the Reddit data fields to your Notion database properties, you ensure that the information flows seamlessly between the two apps. Bardeen's intuitive interface makes it easy to set up the field mappings without any coding required.

Once you've activated the workflow, Bardeen will automatically sync new Reddit posts and comments into Notion as they happen. You can sit back and watch your Notion database fill up with valuable content from Reddit, without any manual effort required.

Integrating Notion and Reddit with Bardeen is a quick and easy process that can save you hours of time and effort. By automating the data flow between the apps, you'll always have the latest insights from Reddit at your fingertips in Notion. For more ways to improve your workflow, check out how to automate sales processes with AI.

Automating Reddit Data Capture in Notion

Once you've set up your Notion Reddit integration with Bardeen, the real magic happens. New Reddit posts and comments will automatically flow into your designated Notion databases, without any manual effort required.

Bardeen keeps your Notion workspace in sync with the latest content from Reddit. Any updates or changes to the Reddit items you've saved will be reflected in Notion as well. This ensures you always have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips.

You can also automate filtering the Reddit data that gets captured in Notion. For example:

  • Only save posts that exceed a certain upvote threshold
  • Capture comments containing specific keywords or phrases
  • Exclude posts from certain users or with specific flairs

By setting up these automated filters, you can curate the Reddit content that's most relevant and valuable to you, without any noise or clutter.

Bardeen also allows you to schedule your Reddit to Notion integration workflows to run at set intervals. This means you can have new data imported on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis - or any frequency you choose. Your Notion databases will be continuously populated with fresh insights from Reddit, keeping you in the loop on the latest discussions and trends.

If you need to extract data from LinkedIn, check out the LinkedIn Data Scraper by Bardeen.

Save time collecting data from Reddit with our AI-powered tools. Focus on important work while we automate the rest.

Unleash the Power of Notion Reddit Integration

With your Notion workspace connected to Reddit via Bardeen, a world of possibilities opens up. You can automatically capture and curate the most valuable content from your favorite subreddits, ensuring you never miss an important discussion or insight.

Some powerful ways to leverage your Notion Reddit integration include:

  1. Building a knowledge base on any topic by saving the best Reddit threads over time
  2. Automatically capturing top posts and comments based on upvotes, keywords, or other criteria
  3. Publishing your own Notion documents directly to relevant subreddits
  4. Keeping a pulse on community feedback, ideas, and trends without manual effort

The key is to align the integration with your goals and get creative. Map out what kind of Reddit content would be most useful to have in Notion, then set up the automated workflows to make it happen.

You can even use the integration to engage with the Reddit community directly from within Notion. For example, you could:

  • Mirror a Notion database to a subreddit's wiki
  • Publish Notion docs as Reddit posts on a set schedule
  • Sync comments on your Reddit posts back to Notion for analysis

With a bit of imagination, the Notion Reddit integration can be customized to streamline and power up your unique use case. It's all about leveraging the data and capabilities of both platforms in a way that serves your needs.

Automatically Curate Top Reddit Content with Notion Integration

One of the most powerful ways to utilize your Notion Reddit integration is to automatically capture and curate top content from your favorite subreddits. This allows you to build up a database of the best discussions, posts, and comments on topics that matter to you - without any manual effort.

To set this up:

  1. Create workflows in Bardeen that save top Reddit posts and comments to a Notion database
  2. Use filters to only capture content meeting certain criteria, such as upvote thresholds or keywords
  3. Schedule the workflows to run regularly, ensuring you always have the latest top content

For example, you could integrate a Reddit subreddit focused on a niche topic directly into Notion. Then set up an automated workflow to save the top 5 posts each week with over 100 upvotes to your Notion database.

Over time, this Notion Reddit integration will build up a curated knowledge base of the best content for that topic. And you can do this for multiple subreddits and topics.

Having top Reddit content automatically flowing into Notion databases also helps you:

  • Stay on top of important discussions and never miss valuable posts
  • Get a pulse on the Reddit community's feedback and ideas without constantly checking the platform
  • Leverage the expertise of subreddit members to inform your own work and learning
Use Bardeen to connect Notion and Reddit and set up automated workflows. It helps you save time by pulling top content directly into your Notion database, letting you focus on what matters.

If you're interested in more automation, consider learning how to automate sales prospecting with similar tools. Rather than getting lost in the noise of Reddit comment threads, you can use Notion integration to automatically surface the signal. This enables you to tap into Reddit as a source of knowledge, inspiration, and insights to power your projects.

Publish Notion Docs to Reddit for Easy Knowledge Sharing

Your Notion Reddit integration is a two-way street. Not only can you automatically import content from Reddit into Notion, but you can also publish your Notion docs as Reddit posts.

This allows you to:

  • Share your knowledge and work with relevant Reddit communities
  • Engage in discussions and get feedback from Redditors directly from Notion
  • Establish yourself as a subject matter expert and thought leader
  • Drive traffic from Reddit back to your website or other resources

To publish from Notion to Reddit, set up a workflow that:

  1. Watches for new Notion docs in a database or updates to existing docs
  2. Formats the Notion content for Reddit markdown
  3. Creates a new link post on a specified subreddit using the Notion doc as the post content

You can even automate publishing Notion docs to Reddit on a set schedule. This helps you maintain a consistent presence and share knowledge regularly with the Reddit community.

For example, if you curate a Notion database with the latest industry news and insights, you could auto-publish new entries to a relevant subreddit each week. Or if you write long-form guides in Notion, you could share them as Reddit posts to educate the community and spark discussions.

Another powerful use case is mirroring a Notion database to a Reddit wiki. This lets you manage the wiki content in Notion's intuitive interface while automatically syncing it to Reddit. Any changes you make in Notion will update the Reddit wiki page in real-time.

With a Notion Reddit integration, you can seamlessly share knowledge between the two platforms. This amplifies the reach and impact of your work.


Integrating Notion and Reddit opens up powerful possibilities for knowledge management and sharing. By connecting the two platforms, you can:

  • Centralize valuable information from Reddit directly into your Notion workspace
  • Automate the capture of top Reddit posts and comments to build a comprehensive knowledge base
  • Publish Notion documents to Reddit to share insights with the community and establish thought leadership

Using a no-code tool like Bardeen, setting up the Notion Reddit integration is quick and easy. With just a few clicks, you can create automated workflows to sync data between the apps without any technical skills required.

Once your integration is live, you can get creative with how you use it. Set up filters to curate only the most relevant Reddit content into Notion databases. Publish your Notion docs as Reddit posts on a set schedule to consistently share knowledge. Or mirror an entire Notion database to a subreddit wiki for easy collaboration with the Reddit community.

The key is to experiment and find the use cases that drive the most value for your specific needs and goals. With a Notion Reddit integration, you can take your knowledge management and sharing to the next level.

Don't miss out on the benefits of connecting these two powerful platforms. Try integrating Notion and Reddit today to streamline your workflows and unlock new opportunities! Also, consider how easy it is to integrate Google Sheets with similar ease.

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

When Notion page is created or updated
Navigates to database in browser
Fnd Notion database
When Notion page is updated
Open Notion database
When Notion page is created or updated
Add database to page
When Notion database record is added or updated
Open Notion page
Update or add Notion page

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I save Reddit posts to Notion using Bardeen?

Bardeen offers a playbook that allows you to save Reddit posts directly to Notion. This can help you keep track of important discussions, insights, or content from Reddit in one organized space within Notion.

Can I summarize Reddit posts with Bardeen and save them to Notion?

Yes, you can use Bardeen's automation to get a summary of a Reddit post using OpenAI and save it to Notion. This is useful for quickly understanding the content of lengthy posts without reading through the entire thread.

Is it possible to automate the saving of Reddit posts to other platforms?

Absolutely. Bardeen allows you to save Reddit posts not just to Notion but also to other platforms like Coda and Airtable. This provides flexibility depending on where you prefer to organize your information.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for integrating Notion and Reddit?

Bardeen offers a free plan where you can run unlimited non-premium automations, including saving Reddit posts to Notion. For premium features and always-on automations, the paid plan costs $20/month.