Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Airtable with Dropbox

Integrate Airtable and Dropbox effortlessly to automate your workflows. Use natural language commands with Bardeen's AI Agent to handle repetitive tasks. No coding skills required.

How to integrate Airtable with Dropbox?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Airtable and Dropbox together to save time and increase productivity.

Looking to connect your Airtable and Dropbox accounts? With 73% of organizations using cloud storage services like Dropbox, integrating with your database is crucial for efficient data management. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through step-by-step how to set up an Airtable-Dropbox integration using both manual methods and AI-powered automation. Discover the benefits of syncing data across these popular platforms and learn how to save hours on repetitive tasks. Ready to level up your productivity? Let's dive in!

Benefits of Integrating Airtable and Dropbox

Connecting Airtable and Dropbox provides several key benefits that can help streamline your workflow and keep your files organized across both platforms:

1. Automatic File Syncing

When you integrate Airtable with Dropbox, any files you add to Airtable will automatically be copied over to a designated folder in your Dropbox account. This ensures you always have an up-to-date backup of important attachments.

For example, if you're using Airtable to collect videos from clients, those video files will get saved to Dropbox as soon as they're uploaded to Airtable. You won't have to manually move files between the two platforms. You can even integrate Dropbox with other apps for more flexibility.

2. Centralized File Access

With files synced from Airtable to Dropbox, your team can access all the latest versions of attachments right from within Dropbox. There's no need to dig through Airtable records to find a specific file.

This is especially useful if some team members prefer working out of Dropbox instead of Airtable. They can grab the files they need without having to learn their way around a new platform.

3. Reduced Airtable Attachment Usage

Airtable charges for attachment space based on your plan. By offloading file storage to Dropbox, you can significantly reduce your attachment usage in Airtable.

This allows you to stay on a lower-cost plan in Airtable without sacrificing your ability to collect and manage file attachments from records. Dropbox's more affordable storage plans give you the flexibility to scale up as your attachment library grows. Consider integrating Google Drive as another storage option.

Automatically Sync Airtable Attachments to Dropbox

Integrating Airtable and Dropbox allows you to automatically sync file attachments between the two platforms. Any files added to Airtable records will be instantly copied over to a designated folder in your linked Dropbox account.

For example, let's say you're using Airtable to collect signed contracts from clients. With the integration set up, those signed PDFs will automatically be backed up to Dropbox as soon as they're attached to an Airtable record.

Streamline your workflow by using connect Google Sheets for complete automation.

This automated syncing saves you the manual effort of downloading files from Airtable and re-uploading them to Dropbox. Everything stays in sync without any extra work on your part. It's a seamless way to integrate your Airtable attachments with your Dropbox file storage. You can also integrate Google Sheets for a more comprehensive workflow.

Access Airtable Files and Data in Your Dropbox

Integrating Airtable and Dropbox lets you directly access your Airtable data and file attachments right within your Dropbox folders. Automated lead management can also be simplified with this integration, reducing the need to switch back and forth between the two apps.

Let's say you use Airtable to track product inventory and Dropbox to store related files like spec sheets and photos. After setting up the integration, a folder will be created in Dropbox with subfolders for each of your Airtable bases.

Inside each base folder, you'll find CSV exports of your table data along with any files attached to Airtable records. Integrating Excel with these files allows you and your team to access important Airtable data and files directly from your synced Dropbox folders, without having to open Airtable.

Automatically Back Up Airtable Files and Records to Dropbox

Integrating Airtable with Dropbox ensures you always have a backup of your important base data and file attachments. If something ever happens to your Airtable account, you can rest easy knowing everything is safely synced to Dropbox.

For example, let's say you use Airtable to manage client projects. You can set up the integration to automatically save copies of key project files, contracts, and exported table data to a dedicated Dropbox folder.

This way, even if your Airtable data gets accidentally deleted or corrupted, you'll still have all the critical files and records backed up in Dropbox. It provides peace of mind and protects you from potential data loss. You can also automate repetitive tasks to save time and effort.

Bardeen helps you save time by automating tasks like connect Google Docs to ensure seamless workflow.

Work Together on Airtable Files and Records Synced to Dropbox

Integrating Airtable and Dropbox allows your team to collaborate on linked files and data stored in both platforms. When you connect the two apps, any updates made in either one will automatically sync to the other.

For instance, let's say you have a shared Dropbox folder with project files that are tracked in an Airtable base. Multiple team members can open and edit those files directly from Dropbox. Any changes they make will instantly update the file references in your Airtable records.

This eliminates the need to manually re-upload new versions of files to Airtable every time someone makes an edit. Your Airtable base stays up-to-date with the latest linked file versions in Dropbox, making collaboration seamless across the two platforms. For more on automating these processes, explore LinkedIn to Notion integrations and improve your workflow.

Step-by-Step Guide: Connecting Airtable and Dropbox with Bardeen

Integrating Airtable and Dropbox using Bardeen is a straightforward process that can save you time and effort. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can automate tasks like saving attachments from Airtable records to specific Dropbox folders or automatically updating Airtable with new files added to Dropbox.

Let's walk through the steps to set up this integration and create your first automation workflow:

1. Install the Bardeen Browser Extension

To get started, download the Bardeen browser extension from the Chrome Web Store and create your account. This will give you access to Bardeen's AI-powered automation platform directly within your browser.

Once installed, you'll be able to access Bardeen's features on any webpage, making it easy to connect Airtable and Dropbox and build automations.

Bardeen makes it simple to scrape LinkedIn data and integrate it with tools like Airtable and Dropbox for efficient workflow automation.

2. Link Your Airtable and Dropbox Accounts

Next, you'll need to connect your Airtable and Dropbox accounts to Bardeen. This allows the platform to access your data and perform actions on your behalf.

To do this, simply click on the Bardeen icon in your browser and navigate to the "Accounts" section. From there, you can search for Airtable and Dropbox and follow the prompts to securely link your accounts.

3. Create an Automation Using the Visual Workflow Builder

Now that your accounts are connected, it's time to create your first automation. Bardeen's visual workflow builder makes this process intuitive and easy, even if you don't have any coding experience.

To get started, click on the "Create Workflow" button and select the apps you want to integrate (in this case, Airtable and Dropbox). Then, use the drag-and-drop interface to define the triggers and actions for your automation.

4. Example: Save Airtable Attachments to Dropbox

Let's say you want to automatically save attachments from new Airtable records to a specific Dropbox folder. Here's how you could set that up in Bardeen:

  1. Choose the "New Record in View" trigger for Airtable and select the appropriate base and table.
  2. Add a "Find Attachments" action to locate any files attached to the new record.
  3. Use the "Upload File" action for Dropbox and specify the destination folder where you want to save the attachments.

With this workflow in place, any time a new record is added to your designated Airtable view with an attachment, Bardeen will automatically save that file to your chosen Dropbox folder.

5. Activate Your Automation and Let Bardeen Do the Work

Once you've finished building your automation, all that's left is to activate it. Simply click the "Publish" button, and Bardeen will start monitoring for your specified triggers and performing the designated actions whenever the conditions are met.

Bardeen makes it easy to integrate Airtable and Dropbox, allowing you to automate repetitive tasks and streamline your workflow. Download the Bardeen browser extension to start building your own custom automations today.

Bardeen simplifies connecting Airtable and Dropbox, enabling you to create powerful automations without any coding required. Install the extension, link your accounts, and use the visual builder to set up your desired workflows in minutes.

Ready to take your productivity to the next level? In the following section, we'll explore additional methods for integrating Airtable and Dropbox, so you can find the approach that best fits your unique needs and workflow.

Install Bardeen and Set Up Your Account in Minutes

To begin integrating Airtable and Dropbox, you'll first need to install the Bardeen browser extension. This powerful tool is available for Google Chrome and can be downloaded directly from the Chrome Web Store.

Once you've added the extension to your browser, click on the Bardeen icon to open the app. From there, you'll be prompted to create an account using your email address or by connecting your Google account.

Creating a Bardeen account is quick and easy, and it grants you access to a wide range of automation features and integrations. Plus, with the browser extension, you can access Bardeen's capabilities directly from your Airtable and Dropbox interfaces, making it even more convenient to set up and manage your automations.

With the Bardeen extension installed and your account set up, you're ready to start connecting your Airtable and Dropbox accounts and building powerful automations to sync your data effortlessly between the two platforms.

Connect Your Airtable and Dropbox Accounts to Bardeen

With your Bardeen account set up, the next step is to connect your Airtable and Dropbox accounts. This process is straightforward and allows Bardeen to access the necessary data and files to create automations between the two platforms.

To connect your Airtable account, simply click on the "Integrations" tab within Bardeen and search for Airtable. Click on the "Connect" button and follow the prompts to grant Bardeen permission to access your Airtable data. You can choose to provide access to specific bases or all of your bases, depending on your needs.

Next, connect your Dropbox account using a similar process. Click on the "Integrations" tab, search for Dropbox, and click "Connect." You'll be redirected to Dropbox, where you can log in and grant Bardeen access to your files and folders.

By connecting both Airtable and Dropbox to Bardeen, you've laid the groundwork for creating powerful automations that will help you integrate Airtable and Dropbox data seamlessly. Bardeen will now be able to access and manipulate data from both platforms, allowing you to set up workflows that save time and keep your information in sync. For example, you can use Bardeen's LinkedIn Data Scraper to automatically gather LinkedIn data into your Airtable base.

Bardeen helps you scrape LinkedIn and integrate it with your Airtable database, saving you time and effort.

Create Automations Between Airtable and Dropbox Using Bardeen's Visual AI Workflow Builder

With your Airtable and Dropbox accounts connected to Bardeen, you can now use the platform's intuitive visual AI workflow builder to set up automations between the two apps. This powerful tool allows you to create custom workflows without any coding knowledge, making it easy to integrate Airtable and Dropbox data.

To get started, click on the "Automations" tab within Bardeen and select "Create New Automation." You'll be taken to the visual workflow builder, where you can choose from a variety of triggers and actions related to Airtable and Dropbox.

For example, you might set up an automation that automatically saves new attachments added to an Airtable record into a designated Dropbox folder. To do this, you would:

  1. Choose the "New Attachment in View" trigger for Airtable
  2. Select the specific Airtable base and table to monitor for new attachments
  3. Add the "Upload File" action for Dropbox
  4. Configure the action to save the Airtable attachment to your desired Dropbox folder

Bardeen's visual AI workflow builder offers a wide range of possibilities for automating tasks between Airtable and Dropbox. As you explore the available triggers and actions, you'll discover countless ways to integrate your data and files across both platforms, saving time and effort in the process.

Automatically Save New Airtable Attachments to Dropbox for Easy Access and Collaboration

One powerful example of integrating Airtable and Dropbox using Bardeen is automatically saving new attachments added to Airtable records into a designated Dropbox folder. This automation ensures that important files are always accessible and backed up in Dropbox, while keeping your Airtable base organized and clutter-free. To learn more about AI tools that can help with similar tasks, check out AI email management.

To set up this automation, simply choose the "New Attachment in View" trigger for Airtable in Bardeen's visual workflow builder. Select the specific Airtable base and table you want to monitor for new attachments. Then, add the "Upload File" action for Dropbox and configure it to save the Airtable attachments to your desired folder.

With this automation in place, any time a new attachment is added to the designated Airtable table, it will automatically be uploaded to Dropbox. This saves you the manual effort of downloading and re-uploading files, while also making it easy for team members to access and collaborate on linked documents.

Ready to start automating your Airtable and Dropbox workflows? Download Bardeen now and experience the power of no-code AI automation!

Alternative Methods for Connecting Airtable and Dropbox

While Bardeen offers a user-friendly, no-code solution for integrating Airtable and Dropbox, there are other methods available for syncing data between the two platforms. These alternatives range from manual file transfers to using third-party automation tools, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

1. Manually Export and Upload Files

One straightforward way to transfer data from Airtable to Dropbox is by manually exporting your records as a CSV file and uploading it to your Dropbox folder. This method requires no additional tools or setup, making it accessible to anyone with basic knowledge of both platforms.

However, manual exports can be time-consuming and prone to errors, especially when dealing with large datasets or frequent updates. It also lacks the real-time syncing and automation capabilities provided by integration tools like Bardeen.

2. Leverage Third-Party Automation Platforms

Another option is to use third-party automation platforms such as Integromat or to create workflows that connect Airtable and Dropbox. These tools offer a wide range of pre-built integrations and actions, allowing you to set up custom automations without extensive coding knowledge.

While these platforms provide more flexibility and power than manual methods, they often come with a steeper learning curve and higher costs compared to Bardeen's tailored solution for Airtable and Dropbox integration.

3. Bardeen: The Easiest No-Code Solution

When it comes to simplicity and ease of use, Bardeen stands out as the premier choice for integrating Airtable and Dropbox. Its visual AI workflow builder is designed specifically for these two apps, offering a streamlined experience that requires no coding or complex setup.

By focusing on the essential features needed for seamless data syncing between Airtable and Dropbox, Bardeen provides a cost-effective and user-friendly solution that saves time and effort compared to other integration methods.

Connecting Airtable and Dropbox is possible through various means, each with its own merits and drawbacks. Thanks for sticking with us this far - your dedication to learning about Airtable-Dropbox integration is truly admirable!

Manually Transfer Data Between Airtable and Dropbox

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach or don't require frequent updates, manually downloading CSV exports from Airtable and uploading them to Dropbox is a viable option. This method allows you to transfer data between the two platforms without relying on third-party tools or automation.

To get started, open your desired Airtable base and select the view you want to export. Click on the "Download" button in the top-right corner and choose "CSV" as the export format. Once the file is downloaded, log in to your Dropbox account and navigate to the folder where you want to store the exported data. Simply drag and drop the CSV file into the folder, or use the "Upload" button to select the file from your computer.

While this manual process may be suitable for one-time transfers or infrequent updates, it can quickly become tedious and time-consuming when dealing with large datasets or regular syncing needs. For a more efficient approach, consider using a no-code data extraction tool to automate your data transfers. Manual exports don't allow for real-time collaboration or automatic updates, which can be crucial for teams working with rapidly changing data in Airtable and Dropbox.

Automate Airtable and Dropbox Integration with Platforms like Integromat or

For those looking for more advanced integration options, automation platforms such as Integromat or offer powerful tools to connect Airtable and Dropbox. These platforms provide a wide range of pre-built connectors and actions, allowing you to create complex workflows and automate data synchronization between the two apps.

To get started with Integromat or, you'll need to create an account on your chosen platform. Once logged in, search for the Airtable and Dropbox connectors and authenticate your accounts. From there, you can use the visual workflow builder to create custom automations, such as automatically saving new Airtable records to a specific Dropbox folder or updating Airtable fields based on changes made to linked files in Dropbox.

While these automation platforms offer more flexibility and customization options compared to Bardeen's sales prospecting automation, they may require a steeper learning curve and more technical knowledge to set up and maintain. Additionally, the cost of using these platforms can vary depending on the number of automations and data volume processed, which may be a consideration for teams with limited budgets or simple integration needs.

Bardeen vs Other Airtable Dropbox Integration Methods: Pros and Cons

When it comes to integrating Airtable and Dropbox, Bardeen offers a user-friendly, no-code solution tailored specifically for these apps. However, it's essential to consider the pros and cons of using Bardeen compared to other integration methods.

Pros of Using Bardeen

  • Easy-to-use visual workflow builder
  • No coding skills required
  • Pre-built templates for common Airtable Dropbox integration scenarios
  • Affordable pricing plans for individuals and teams

Cons of Using Bardeen

  • Limited customization options compared to more advanced automation platforms
  • May not support complex workflows or integrations with other apps
  • Reliance on a third-party tool for critical data syncing

Other integration methods, such as using automation platforms like Integromat or, offer more flexibility and customization options. However, they often require more technical knowledge and may have a steeper learning curve. Additionally, the cost of using these platforms can vary depending on the number of automations and data volume processed.

Ultimately, the best method for integrating Airtable and Dropbox depends on your specific needs, technical expertise, and budget. Bardeen provides a simple, affordable solution for most users, while other methods may be more suitable for advanced use cases. For more advanced needs, consider automating sales prospecting and other tasks with comprehensive tools.

With the knowledge gained in this guide, you're well-equipped to choose the best approach for your Airtable Dropbox integration. Don't let manual data syncing hold you back any longer!

Bardeen: The Easy, No-Code Solution for Airtable Dropbox Integration

When it comes to integrating Airtable and Dropbox, Bardeen stands out as a user-friendly, no-code solution designed specifically for these apps. With Bardeen, you can quickly set up automated workflows between Airtable and Dropbox without any coding knowledge or experience.

Bardeen's visual workflow builder makes it simple to create and manage integrations. The platform offers a drag-and-drop interface that allows you to connect Airtable and Dropbox in just a few clicks. You can easily define triggers and actions, such as automatically saving new Airtable attachments to a specific Dropbox folder or syncing data between the two apps.

One of the key advantages of using Bardeen for your Airtable Dropbox integration is that it provides pre-built templates for common use cases. These templates can be customized to fit your specific needs, saving you time and effort in setting up your automation.

Additionally, Bardeen offers affordable pricing plans for individuals and teams, making it an accessible solution for businesses of all sizes. With Bardeen, you can streamline your workflow and keep your data in sync across Airtable and Dropbox without breaking the bank.

By leveraging Bardeen's no-code visual builder, you can effortlessly integrate Airtable and Dropbox, enabling seamless collaboration and data management across both platforms.


Integrating Airtable with Dropbox is crucial for seamless data syncing and efficient collaboration across both platforms.

In this guide, you discovered:

  • The benefits of connecting Airtable and Dropbox, such as automatic file syncing and centralized access to data
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to integrate Airtable and Dropbox using Bardeen's no-code automation platform
  • Alternative methods for connecting Airtable and Dropbox, including manual exports and other automation tools

By mastering the art of Airtable Dropbox integration, you'll unlock a world of productivity and never lose track of important files again!

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

Get Airtable tables from base
Get values from Airtable table
Get Airtable table
Get Airtable tables
Get all Airtable bases
When a folder is added or renamed in Dropbox
When a file is added or updated in Dropbox
Get values from Airtable view
When Table changes
Update table records

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate Airtable with Dropbox using

You can integrate Airtable with Dropbox using by creating automations that link the two apps. For example, you can set up a playbook to copy all Asana tasks to Airtable or upload email attachments directly to Dropbox.

Can I save attachments from emails to Dropbox using

Yes, you can save attachments from emails to Dropbox. offers a playbook that allows you to upload all email attachments to Dropbox, ensuring that your files are stored and organized in one place.

Is it possible to transfer data from Airtable to another app using

Yes, you can transfer data from Airtable to other apps. For instance, you can copy all Airtable data to Smartsuite or copy all emails from a timeframe to Airtable, saving all attachments in Google Drive.

How much does cost for integrating Airtable and Dropbox? offers a free plan that includes non-premium automations. The paid plan, costing $20/month, provides access to premium features, including automations that run 24/7 in the cloud.