Convert Date to Month Name in Google Sheets: 4 Easy Steps

July 23, 2024
Jason Gong
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Use the TEXT function to convert dates to month names.

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If you work with dates in Google Sheets, you'll love our GPT in Spreadsheets feature. It makes data conversion and other tasks a breeze.

Converting numeric dates to month names is a common task in data analysis and presentation, allowing for more readable and intuitive information. Google Sheets offers a range of tools and functions that make this conversion process simple and efficient. In this step-by-step guide, we'll explore how to utilize the TEXT function, create custom date formats, and leverage array formulas to transform your numeric dates into month names seamlessly.

Introduction to Date Conversion in Google Sheets

Converting numeric dates to month names is a crucial skill for effective data analysis and presentation in Google Sheets. This process allows you to transform raw date data into a more readable and meaningful format, making it easier to interpret and communicate insights.

Google Sheets provides a range of built-in tools and functions that simplify the date conversion process:

  • The TEXT function in Google Sheets allows you to convert numeric dates into a specified format, including full month names or abbreviations.
  • Custom date formatting options enable you to create your own date formats without altering the underlying date values.
  • Array formulas can be used to convert entire columns of dates to month names in a single step.

Bardeen can help automate workflows that involve importing date-related data from various sources into Google Sheets, allowing you to skip manual work. Try these playbooks:

By leveraging these powerful features, you can efficiently manipulate and present your date data in Google Sheets, enhancing your data analysis capabilities and communication effectiveness.

Utilizing the TEXT Function for Month Conversion

The TEXT function in Google Sheets is a powerful tool for converting numeric dates into readable month formats. By using the appropriate syntax, you can transform date values into full month names or abbreviated versions.

The basic syntax for the TEXT function is:

TEXT(value, format)

Where "value" is the numeric date or cell reference containing the date, and "format" is the desired output format enclosed in quotation marks.

To convert a date to a full month name, use the following format:

TEXT(A1, "mmmm")

This will display the full name of the month, such as "January" or "February".

For abbreviated month names, use:

TEXT(A1, "mmm")

This will show the three-letter abbreviation of the month, like "Jan" or "Feb".

You can also combine the month format with other date elements, such as:

  • TEXT(A1, "mmmm yyyy") for month and year
  • TEXT(A1, "mmm d, yyyy") for abbreviated month, day, and year

By applying the TEXT function with the appropriate format, you can easily convert numeric dates into readable month representations in Google Sheets.

In addition to formatting dates, Bardeen can help you automate the process of getting data from various sources directly into Google Sheets. This can save you a lot of time compared to manually copying and pasting data. Try these playbooks to streamline your workflow:

To further enhance your workflow, consider adding ChatGPT to Google Sheets.

Bardeen helps you bring AI into your spreadsheet. Turn repetitive tasks into a single click.

Crafting Custom Date Formats with Google Sheets

Google Sheets offers a range of custom date formatting options that allow you to display dates in a way that suits your needs. Here's how to access and utilize these features:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells containing the dates you want to format.
  2. Click on the "Format" menu in the toolbar and choose "Number" followed by "Custom date and time."
  3. In the Custom date and time formats window, you'll see a list of predefined formats. If one of these meets your requirements, simply click on it and hit "Apply."
  4. To create your own custom format, use the editing box at the top of the window. Click the arrow on the right side to add date elements like day, month, or year.
  5. For each element, click the arrow to its right to choose the desired format. For example, you can display the month as a number, full word, abbreviation, or first letter.
  6. Add any necessary spaces, slashes, or commas between the elements to achieve your preferred layout.
  7. Once you've created your custom format, click "Apply" to apply it to the selected cells.

After applying your custom date format, you can use Bardeen to automate saving the formatted data to another location, making it easy to extract and share the date information you need. Try these playbooks:


By creating a custom date format, you can display only the month name without altering the original date value in the cell. This allows you to maintain the underlying data while presenting it in a more readable or visually appealing manner.

Custom date formats give you the flexibility to tailor your spreadsheet's appearance to your specific requirements, making it easier to analyze and present your data effectively. For more advanced features, consider using GPT in Google Sheets to automate tasks and improve productivity.

Automating Date to Month Conversions with Array Formulas

Array Formulas in Google Sheets are powerful tools that allow you to perform bulk data processing and automate complex calculations. When it comes to converting an entire column of numeric dates to month names, Array Formulas can save you time and effort. Here's how:

  1. Select the cell where you want the converted month names to appear.
  2. Type in the following formula: =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A2:A<>"",TEXT(A2:A,"mmmm"),""))
  3. Replace "A2:A" with the actual range of cells containing your numeric dates.
  4. Press Enter to apply the formula.

Let's break down the components of this Array Formula:

  • ARRAYFORMULA() tells Google Sheets to apply the formula to an entire range of cells.
  • IF(A2:A<>"", ...) checks if each cell in the range A2:A is not blank. If true, it proceeds with the conversion. If false, it returns an empty string.
  • TEXT(A2:A,"mmmm") converts each numeric date in the range A2:A to its corresponding full month name (e.g., January, February).

By combining these functions within an Array Formula, you can automatically convert an entire column of numeric dates to month names without having to drag the formula down or copy it to each cell individually.

You can also customize the month format by modifying the "mmmm" part of the TEXT function. For example, using "mmm" will give you abbreviated month names (e.g., Jan, Feb), while "m" will display the month as a number.

Bardeen can take your Google Sheets automation even further by integrating data from other sources. Use these playbooks to automatically qualify leads and save them to Google Sheets with dates already converted to your preferred format:

For more advanced tasks, you might want to automate lead generation in Google Sheets.

Bardeen can integrate Google Sheets and LinkedIn to enrich LinkedIn profile links automatically. Save time and get accurate sales leads with just one click.

Advanced Techniques: Combining Functions for Dynamic Date Handling

Google Sheets offers a wide range of date-related functions that can be combined to handle complex date data and convert it into various month formats dynamically. By integrating functions like DATE, MONTH, and TEXT, you can create powerful formulas to solve specific date-related challenges in your datasets.

One common use case is extracting the month name from a full date value. You can achieve this by combining the MONTH and TEXT functions:

  • The MONTH function extracts the numeric month value from a given date.
  • The TEXT function then converts that numeric value into the desired month format, such as the full month name or abbreviated name.

For example, the formula =TEXT(MONTH(A1),"mmmm") would return the full month name (e.g., January) for the date in cell A1.

Another scenario where combining functions proves useful is when you need to perform calculations based on month values. By leveraging the DATE function alongside MONTH, you can create dynamic formulas that adapt to changing month inputs.

For instance, to calculate the first day of a specific month, you can use the formula =DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),MONTH(B1),1). This formula extracts the current year using the TODAY and YEAR functions, retrieves the month value from cell B1 using the MONTH function, and sets the day as 1 to represent the first day of the month.

Combining date functions also allows you to handle scenarios where you need to compare or manipulate date ranges based on month values. By using functions like EOMONTH and DATEDIF in conjunction with MONTH, you can perform month-based calculations and comparisons dynamically.

For more advanced data handling, consider using tools to scrape data from websites efficiently. These are just a few examples of how combining date functions in Google Sheets can provide flexibility and efficiency when working with complex date data. By understanding the capabilities of each function and how they can be integrated, you can create custom solutions to tackle a wide range of date-related challenges in your spreadsheets.

Automate Your Google Sheets with Bardeen

Converting numeric dates to written months in Google Sheets is a simple yet efficient way to enhance data readability and presentation. While this task can be performed manually with built-in functions, automating the process using Bardeen can save time, especially when dealing with large datasets or when this conversion needs to be done repeatedly as part of a larger workflow. Here are some examples of how Bardeen can automate tasks in Google Sheets:

  1. Copy Google News for a keyword and save results to Google Sheets: Automate the process of gathering news data for a specific keyword from Google News and saving it directly into a Google Sheets spreadsheet. This playbook can help you stay informed about specific topics without manual searches and data entry.
  2. Copy a newly created Asana task to Google Sheets: This playbook is perfect for project management, automatically syncing new tasks created in Asana to a Google Sheets spreadsheet, ensuring your project data is always up to date.
  3. Save data from the Google News page to Google Sheets: Similar to the first playbook but focuses on saving data from the Google News page. This automation is great for compiling news articles or reports into a structured Google Sheets document.

Automating tasks in Google Sheets with Bardeen not only saves time but also increases efficiency, allowing you to focus on more strategic tasks. To start automating, download the Bardeen app.

Automate Date Conversions with Bardeen's GPT in Spreadsheets

Effortlessly convert dates to month names using Bardeen's GPT in Google Sheets.

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