Convert Formulas to Text in Google Sheets: A Guide

June 6, 2024
Jason Gong

Use Paste Special to convert formulas to text in Google Sheets.

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Converting formulas to text in Google Sheets is a crucial skill for maintaining data integrity and creating static reports. In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn various methods to convert formulas to text, from manual techniques to using built-in functions and automation tools. By mastering these skills, you'll be able to effectively manage your spreadsheets and ensure your data remains accurate and consistent.

Understanding the Need for Converting Formulas to Text

Converting formulas to text in Google Sheets is a crucial skill for various scenarios, such as:

  • Documentation: When you need to present or share data without the underlying formulas
  • Data sharing: To ensure data remains static and independent of the original spreadsheet
  • Archival purposes: Preserving data in its final state without the risk of accidental changes

By converting formulas to text, you prevent automatic updates when the source data changes. This is particularly important for creating static reports, where you want the data to remain consistent and unaffected by any modifications made to the original spreadsheet.

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Additionally, converting formulas to text can help you:

  • Maintain data integrity by eliminating the risk of formula errors or unintended changes
  • Simplify data analysis by presenting only the final values without the complexity of formulas
  • Ensure compatibility when importing data into other applications or systems that may not support formulas

Understanding the benefits of converting formulas to text in Google Sheets will help you make informed decisions about when and how to apply this technique to your data management processes.

Methods to Manually Convert Formulas to Text

To manually convert formulas to text in Google Sheets, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells containing the formulas you want to convert.
  2. Copy the selected cells by pressing Ctrl+C (Cmd+C on Mac) or right-clicking and choosing "Copy".
  3. Right-click on the destination cell where you want to paste the values and select "Paste special".
  4. In the "Paste special" menu, choose "Paste values only" to paste the calculated results without the underlying formulas.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut for Google Sheets Ctrl+Shift+V (Cmd+Shift+V on Mac) to paste values only directly after copying.

Another method is to use the TO_TEXT function in Google Sheets. This function converts numbers or formulas to plain text strings. To use it:

  1. In a new cell, enter the formula =TO_TEXT(cell_reference), replacing "cell_reference" with the cell containing the formula you want to convert.
  2. Press Enter to display the result as a text string.
  3. Copy the resulting text and paste it as values to replace the original formula.
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Using these manual methods, you can easily convert formulas to static text values in Google Sheets, ensuring your data remains consistent and independent of the original spreadsheet's calculations. For more advanced features, consider using tools that automate repetitive tasks in Google Sheets.

Using Google Sheets Functions for Conversion

Google Sheets offers powerful functions that can convert and format multiple cells simultaneously, making the process of converting formulas to text more efficient. Two particularly useful functions for this purpose are ARRAYFORMULA and TEXT.

The ARRAYFORMULA function allows you to apply a formula to an entire range of cells without having to copy and paste the formula into each individual cell. When combined with the TO_TEXT function, you can convert an array of formulas to text in one go. For example:


This formula will convert the formulas in cells A1 through A10 to their corresponding text values.

The TEXT function is used to format numbers or formulas as text with a specific format. It's particularly useful when you want to preserve certain data formats like dates, currencies, or percentages. The syntax for the TEXT function is:

=TEXT(value, format)

Where "value" is the cell reference or formula you want to convert, and "format" is the desired text format. For instance, to convert a date in cell A1 to a specific text format, you could use:

=TEXT(A1, "mm/dd/yyyy")

This would convert the date to a text string in the format "mm/dd/yyyy".

You can also combine text and formula results to create dynamic yet static displays. For example:


This formula will display the text "Total: " followed by the sum of cells A1 through A10, converted to text. The result will update automatically if the values in A1:A10 change, but the output will remain as a text string.

By leveraging these Google Sheets functions, you can efficiently convert formulas to text while preserving specific data formats and creating custom, dynamic displays that suit your needs. For more advanced uses, check out how to enrich LinkedIn profiles in Google Sheets.

Automation Tools and Add-ons to Enhance Conversion Processes

Google Sheets offers several automation tools and add-ons that can significantly streamline the process of converting formulas to text, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex spreadsheets.

One popular add-on is Power Tools, which provides a suite of advanced features for Google Sheets users. With Power Tools, you can perform bulk conversions of formulas to text with just a few clicks. Simply install the add-on, select the range of cells containing the formulas, and choose the "Convert formulas to values" option. Power Tools will instantly replace all the formulas with their corresponding text values, saving you time and effort.

For more advanced automation needs, you can use Google Apps Script to create custom scripts that automate the conversion process across multiple sheets or complex data sets. Apps Script is a powerful scripting language based on JavaScript that allows you to extend the functionality of Google Sheets and other Google apps.

With Apps Script, you can write functions that loop through all the cells in a sheet, identify those containing formulas, and replace them with their text values. You can even set up triggers to run these scripts automatically based on specific events, such as when a sheet is opened or when data is modified.

Here's a simple example of an Apps Script function that converts all formulas in a sheet to text:

function convertFormulasToText() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var range = sheet.getDataRange(); var values = range.getValues(); range.setValues(values); }

This function retrieves the active sheet, gets all the data in the sheet as a range, and then sets the values of that range back to the sheet, effectively replacing any formulas with their text values.

Effortlessly automate workflow conversions in Google Sheets and automate qualification processes using Bardeen's AI-powered tools. Save time and ensure accuracy in your workflow.

By leveraging the power of add-ons like Power Tools and custom automation scripts with Apps Script, you can significantly enhance your formula-to-text conversion processes in Google Sheets, saving time and reducing the risk of errors when working with large or complex datasets. For seamless integration of Microsoft Excel, consider using Bardeen to automate your workflows.

Best Practices for Maintaining Data Integrity Post-Conversion

After converting formulas to text in Google Sheets, it's crucial to maintain data integrity to ensure the accuracy and reliability of your spreadsheet. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Double-check the results: Always review the converted data to verify that the values match the original formula results. This is especially important when working with financial or critical data, where even small discrepancies can have significant consequences.
  2. Use conditional formatting: Apply conditional formatting rules to highlight cells that have been converted from formulas to text. This visual cue helps you quickly identify which cells are no longer dynamically updated and reminds you to treat them as static values.
  3. Implement data validation: Set up data validation rules for converted cells to restrict the type of data that can be entered. For example, if a cell previously contained a formula that always returned a date, apply a date validation rule to prevent users from accidentally entering non-date values.
  4. Utilize custom scripts: If you frequently convert formulas to text, consider creating a custom Google Apps Script that automates the process and includes additional checks to ensure data integrity. For instance, the script could compare the converted values to the original formula results and flag any discrepancies.
  5. Document your process: Maintain a record of the steps you took to convert formulas to text, including any specific range references or formatting applied. This documentation helps you and other collaborators understand the context of the converted data and can serve as a reference for future updates or audits.
  6. Regularly review and update: Periodically review your converted data to ensure it remains accurate and relevant. If the original source data changes, you may need to manually update the corresponding converted values to maintain consistency.

By following these best practices, you can maintain a high level of data integrity in your Google Sheets even after converting formulas to text. Remember, taking the time to double-check your work and implement safeguards will pay off in the long run by ensuring your data remains trustworthy and reliable. For more tools to help manage your data, consider using Google Docs integrations to connect your documents and spreadsheets efficiently.

Advanced Tips: Linking Formulas and Text for Dynamic Reporting

Google Sheets offers powerful features to create dynamic reports by linking formulas and text. This approach allows the output to remain as text while being dynamically generated from underlying formulas. Here are some methods to achieve this:

  1. Using the CONCATENATE function: Combine text and formula results using the CONCATENATE function. For example, =CONCATENATE("Total sales: $",SUM(B2:B10)) will display "Total sales: $1000" if the sum of B2:B10 is 1000.
  2. Employing the TEXT function: Convert numbers or formulas to text using a specific format. For instance, =TEXT(SUM(B2:B10),"$0,000") will display the sum of B2:B10 as a currency with comma separators.
  3. Applying custom number formats: Create custom number formats that include text. Select the cells, go to Format > Number > More formats > Custom number format, and enter the desired format. For example, "Total: "$#,##0 will display numbers with "Total: " preceding the value.

These techniques are particularly useful when creating dynamic labels for charts or reports that need to update based on underlying data changes without losing the text format. Some practical use cases include:

  • Generating dynamic titles for charts that include the date range or key metrics.
  • Creating labels for data points in a chart that combine categories and values.
  • Producing dynamic headers for tables or reports that reflect the content or time period.

By linking formulas and text, you can create reports that are both visually informative and dynamically updated, saving time and effort in maintaining your spreadsheets. For more advanced automation, consider adding AI to Google Sheets.

Save time and keep your reports up-to-date by integrating Google Drive with other apps using Bardeen.

Automate Your Google Sheets with Bardeen Playbooks

While converting formulas to text in Google Sheets can be done manually as described above, automating this process can save you a significant amount of time, especially when dealing with large datasets or frequent conversions. Bardeen offers powerful playbooks that automate tasks within Google Sheets, making your workflow more efficient.

  1. Save selected text to Google Sheets, when I right-click: This playbook simplifies data collection by allowing you to save any selected text directly into a Google Sheets document with just a right-click, streamlining the process of data entry and compilation.
  2. Get a YouTube transcript for the current video in a Google Sheet: Automate the process of transcribing YouTube videos directly into Google Sheets. This playbook is perfect for content creators, educators, or researchers who utilize video content and require an efficient way to capture and analyze data.
  3. Copy a newly created Asana task to Google Sheets: Enhance your project management by automatically syncing new tasks from Asana into a Google Sheets spreadsheet. This integration ensures that your project tracking is always up to date, allowing for seamless collaboration and reporting.

Explore these automations to transform how you work with Google Sheets. Get started by downloading the Bardeen app at

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