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Salesforce with Twitter

Integrate Salesforce and Twitter for seamless workflow automation. Use natural language prompts with Bardeen's AI Agent to automate tasks without any coding.

How to integrate Salesforce with Twitter?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Salesforce and Twitter together to save time and increase productivity.

Did you know that 77% of sales reps say Salesforce is critical to their success? But manually sharing data between Salesforce and Twitter can be a major time sink. What if you could automate that process and free up hours each week? In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to integrate Salesforce and Twitter like a pro using both classic methods and AI-powered tools like Bardeen. Get ready to streamline your workflow, close more deals, and become a social selling rockstar!


Integrating Salesforce and Twitter offers powerful opportunities to connect with customers, automate social media workflows, and gain insights. In this updated guide for 2023, we'll explore the benefits of connecting these platforms and walk through step-by-step methods to set up the integration.

Linking Salesforce and Twitter allows you to:

  • Monitor brand mentions and scrape Twitter data to engage with customers directly from Salesforce
  • Automatically create leads or cases in Salesforce from Twitter interactions
  • Analyze social media data alongside CRM metrics for a holistic view of your audience

With the right approach, integrating Salesforce with Twitter can help strengthen relationships, improve customer service, and drive business growth. Building a prospect list from social media interactions can also enhance your outreach. Let's dive into the details of how to connect these key platforms in 2023.

Methods for Integrating Salesforce and Twitter

There are several ways to connect Salesforce and Twitter, each with its own advantages and considerations. The three main approaches are:

  1. Native Salesforce-Twitter Integration
  2. Third-Party Integration Tools
  3. Custom API Development

The native Salesforce-Twitter integration is the simplest option, allowing you to monitor tweets, create leads from Twitter interactions, and post updates from Salesforce. However, it has limitations in terms of automation and customization.

Third-party tools like Bardeen offer pre-built connectors and workflows to integrate Salesforce and Twitter without coding. While saving development time, these platforms may have additional costs and some feature constraints compared to custom integrations.

Save significant time and effort by using Bardeen's pre-built workflows. Easily automate sales prospecting and integrate your favorite apps without coding.

For maximum flexibility and control, you can develop a custom integration using the Salesforce and Twitter APIs. This allows you to build tailored functionality and automate complex processes, but requires significant technical expertise and effort.

The best method to integrate Salesforce with Twitter depends on your specific requirements, resources, and timeline. A small team might opt for the native integration, while an enterprise may invest in custom development for advanced use cases.

Native Salesforce-Twitter Integration: Easily Connect Your CRM and Social Media

Salesforce offers a built-in Twitter integration that allows you to monitor tweets, create leads and cases from Twitter interactions, and post updates to your Twitter account directly from Salesforce. This native integration provides a straightforward way to connect your CRM and social media marketing efforts.

Setting up the native Salesforce-Twitter integration involves a few key steps:

  1. Configure your Twitter accounts in Salesforce
  2. Customize page layouts to display Twitter data
  3. Map Twitter fields to corresponding Salesforce fields

While the native integration is relatively easy to set up, it does have some limitations. Advanced automation and customization options are not available out-of-the-box. However, for many organizations, the native Salesforce-Twitter integration offers a quick and effective way to start connecting these two platforms and automate outreach processes within their CRM.

Connecting Salesforce and Twitter Using Third-Party Automation Platforms

If you need more advanced functionality than the native Salesforce-Twitter integration provides, third-party automation platforms offer a powerful alternative. Tools like Bardeen provide pre-built connectors and templates that make it easy to integrate Salesforce and Twitter without writing any code.

Here are some of the key benefits of using a third-party platform to connect Salesforce and Twitter:

  • Save development time with ready-made connectors and automation recipes
  • Customize workflows using intuitive visual builders
  • Automate complex processes across multiple apps
Use Bardeen to automate sales prospecting, saving time and effort in integrating Twitter and Salesforce.

While third-party integration tools can speed up the integration process, they do come with some trade-offs. Additional subscription costs and potential feature limitations are important factors to consider. However, for many organizations, the time and resource savings of a codeless integration solution outweigh the drawbacks.

When choosing a third-party platform to integrate Salesforce and Twitter, look for options with robust connector apps, flexible automation builders, and strong security and governance features. In the next section, we'll show you how to use Bardeen to set up the Salesforce-Twitter integration in just a few clicks.

Custom Salesforce-Twitter Integration Using APIs for Maximum Flexibility

For organizations with complex requirements, developing custom integrations using the Salesforce and Twitter APIs provides the ultimate flexibility and control. By building your own integration, you can tailor functionality to your exact business processes and automate even the most advanced workflows with tools like OpenAI.

Here are some of the key advantages of a custom Salesforce-Twitter integration:

  • Develop custom objects, fields, and workflows to match your unique use cases
  • Combine Salesforce and Twitter data with other internal systems and databases
  • Automate complex, multi-step processes across the two platforms
  • Maintain full control over data security and compliance

Of course, custom API integrations also come with some challenges. Development requires significant technical expertise in Salesforce, Twitter, and API integration best practices. For example, you might need to connect Microsoft Excel for detailed data analysis. Custom projects also typically have longer timelines and higher upfront costs compared to out-of-the-box solutions.

Before embarking on a custom Salesforce-Twitter integration, carefully evaluate your requirements and resources. Consider starting with a prototype or limited-scope integration before expanding to more complex use cases. With the right planning and execution, a custom integration can drive major efficiency gains and unlock new insights from your social data.

Connect Salesforce and Twitter in Minutes with Bardeen's No-Code Platform

Bardeen makes it quick and easy to integrate Salesforce and Twitter without writing any code. In just a few clicks, you can set up powerful automations to sync data between the two platforms. Automated lead management can also be achieved with Bardeen's tools. Here's how:

  1. Sign up for a free Bardeen account and connect your Salesforce and Twitter accounts via OAuth
  2. Explore Bardeen's library of pre-built Salesforce-Twitter automation templates or use the visual builder to create custom workflows
  3. Map data fields between Salesforce and Twitter, define triggers and actions, and publish your automations

With Bardeen, common use cases like creating Salesforce leads from tweets or posting Salesforce updates to Twitter are a breeze. The platform's intuitive interface and AI-powered features make building integrations faster than ever.

Use Bardeen to scrape LinkedIn with Bardeen and save time on lead generation. Try it now!

Say goodbye to complex custom development and hello to effortless Salesforce-Twitter integration with Bardeen. Sign up now to start automating your workflows!

Connect Salesforce and Twitter in Minutes with Bardeen

Getting started with Bardeen to integrate Salesforce and Twitter is a breeze. In just three simple steps, you'll be up and running:

  1. Download Bardeen's AI automation platform at
  2. Create a free Bardeen account and log in to the platform
  3. Connect your Salesforce and Twitter accounts to Bardeen via secure OAuth authentication

That's it! Once you've connected your accounts, you're ready to start building powerful automations between Salesforce and Twitter. Bardeen's intuitive visual builder makes it easy to map data fields, define triggers and actions, and publish your workflows - all without writing a single line of code.

Whether you want to automatically create Salesforce leads from tweets, scrape data from Twitter profiles, or sync data between the two platforms, Bardeen has you covered. With a library of pre-built templates and the flexibility to create custom workflows, the possibilities are endless.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for Bardeen now and start integrating Salesforce and Twitter like a pro!

Create Salesforce-Twitter Automations in Minutes with Bardeen's Workflow Builder

With Bardeen, setting up automations between Salesforce and Twitter is a snap. Bardeen offers a library of pre-built templates for common integrations, so you can get started quickly without reinventing the wheel.

Using Bardeen's intuitive visual workflow builder, you can easily customize these templates or create new automations from scratch. Simply drag and drop triggers, actions, and logic steps to design your ideal workflow.

Bardeen makes it effortless to map data fields between Salesforce and Twitter. For example, you can set up a workflow to automatically create a new lead in Salesforce whenever someone mentions your brand on Twitter, pulling in their name, bio, location, and other key details.

You have full control over the triggers and actions for your Salesforce-Twitter automations. You could define a trigger to run a workflow whenever a new contact is added in Salesforce, and an action to automatically post a personalized tweet to that contact. The possibilities are endless!

Whether you're a sales rep looking to streamline prospecting with AI, a marketer aiming to amplify content, or a support agent striving to provide responsive service on social media, Bardeen empowers you to integrate Salesforce and Twitter and automate time-consuming tasks - all without writing a single line of code.

Save time on lead research and enrichment by using Bardeen's automation playbooks to streamline your Salesforce-Twitter workflows.

Test, Publish and Monitor Your Salesforce-Twitter Integrations

Before unleashing your Salesforce-Twitter integration into the wild, it's crucial to thoroughly test it to ensure everything works as expected. Bardeen makes testing your workflows a breeze.

Using Bardeen's built-in testing tools, you can run your Salesforce-Twitter automations with sample data and verify the results. This allows you to catch any errors or edge cases and fine-tune your workflows before publishing.

Once you've confirmed your Salesforce-Twitter integration is functioning flawlessly, it's time to make it live! With just a click, you can publish your workflows and start syncing real-time data between the two platforms. Bardeen will handle the heavy lifting of executing your automations reliably.

But the work doesn't stop after publishing. To keep your Salesforce and Twitter integration running smoothly, Bardeen provides robust monitoring and logging capabilities. From the intuitive dashboard, you can view the status and history of every workflow run, drill down into detailed logs, and quickly identify and troubleshoot any issues.

Bardeen's proactive alerts notify you of any errors or anomalies, so you can stay on top of your Salesforce-Twitter integration without constantly checking in. And if you ever need support, Bardeen's expert team is ready to assist you.

With Bardeen, you can confidently integrate Salesforce and Twitter and keep your automations running like a well-oiled machine. So what are you waiting for? Test, publish, and monitor your workflows with Bardeen today!

Unlock Powerful Use Cases by Integrating Salesforce and Twitter

Connecting Salesforce with Twitter opens up a world of opportunities for sales, marketing, and support teams to engage customers more effectively. Here are some of the top benefits and use cases of integrating these two powerful platforms:

  1. Enrich Leads and Contacts with Social Data
    • Automatically pull Twitter profile data into Salesforce lead and contact records
    • Gain insights into prospects' interests and personalize outreach
    • Example: Create a new lead in Salesforce when someone tweets a specific hashtag or phrase
  2. Streamline Social Selling and Prospecting
    • Identify potential customers talking about your brand, competitors, or industry on Twitter
    • Create Salesforce tasks, cases, or opportunities directly from relevant tweets
    • Example: Automatically create an opportunity in Salesforce when a prospect tweets a buying signal
  3. Provide Responsive Social Customer Service
    • Monitor brand mentions, product questions, and support issues on Twitter from within Salesforce
    • Route tweets to the appropriate rep or queue and track response times and resolution
    • Example: Turn a customer complaint tweet into a Salesforce case and send an auto-response
  4. Amplify Marketing Campaigns and Content
    • Automatically post marketing content like blog posts, videos, and events from Salesforce to Twitter
    • Sync Salesforce campaign data with Twitter Ads for closed-loop reporting and optimization
    • Example: Tweet about a new eBook published in Salesforce and add leads who click to a nurture campaign

By integrating Salesforce and Twitter, you can break down data silos and empower your teams to engage customers more efficiently across touchpoints. This integration enables you to leverage social data to drive more personalized interactions, streamline social workflows, and ultimately boost sales and customer satisfaction.

Enrich Leads and Contacts with Social Data

Integrating Salesforce and Twitter allows you to automatically pull valuable social data into your lead and contact records. By connecting these two platforms, you can:

  • Sync Twitter profiles with corresponding Salesforce records to gain a more complete view of your prospects and customers
  • Analyze tweets to uncover insights about prospects' interests, pain points, and sentiment towards your brand or industry
  • Engage in relevant Twitter conversations and personalize your sales outreach based on social cues

For example, you can set up an automation that creates a new lead in Salesforce whenever someone tweets a specific hashtag or phrase related to your product or service. This integration enables you to quickly identify and reach out to potential customers who are already talking about your offering on social media.

By leveraging the social data from Twitter within Salesforce, sales teams can build stronger relationships with prospects, tailor their messaging, and ultimately convert more leads into customers. Automate sales prospecting to take a more data-driven and personalized approach to social selling.

Identify Potential Customers and Streamline Prospecting with Salesforce-Twitter Integration

Integrating Salesforce and Twitter enables sales teams to efficiently identify and engage with potential customers on social media. By connecting these platforms, you can:

  • Monitor Twitter for mentions of your brand, products, competitors, or relevant industry keywords
  • Automatically create leads, contacts, tasks, cases or opportunities in Salesforce from tweets that match specific criteria
  • View Twitter profiles and activity history directly within Salesforce to gain context about prospects before reaching out

For example, you can set up an automation that creates a new opportunity record in Salesforce whenever a decision-maker at a target account tweets about evaluating solutions in your product category. The integration allows you to strike while the iron is hot and reach out to prospects at the right moment in their buying journey. Using automation tools for sales prospecting can enhance this process.

Salesforce-Twitter integration eliminates manual data entry and helps sales reps focus on selling rather than scouring social media for leads. By leveraging Twitter data within Salesforce, teams can identify high-intent prospects, personalize outreach, and ultimately drive more conversions and revenue. Incorporating sales intelligence can further improve your sales strategy.

Deliver Exceptional Customer Service by Integrating Twitter and Salesforce

By integrating Salesforce and Twitter, support teams can provide faster, more personalized service to customers on social media. Here's how:

  • Monitor Twitter for mentions of your brand, products, or support-related keywords directly within Salesforce
  • Automatically create cases in Salesforce from tweets that require a response or escalation
  • Route Twitter cases to the appropriate support rep or queue based on topic, sentiment, or customer profile data
  • Track and measure response times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction for Twitter support interactions

For example, let's say a customer tweets a complaint about a product issue. The Salesforce-Twitter integration can instantly turn that tweet into a case, notify the designated support rep, and trigger an auto-response to acknowledge receipt and provide a case number. The rep can then communicate with the customer via Twitter to troubleshoot and resolve the issue, with all interactions logged in the Salesforce case record. This process is similar to how you can connect LinkedIn for better engagement.

Integrating Twitter and Salesforce for customer service enables faster issue resolution, reduces the risk of missed mentions, and provides a complete view of the customer's history across channels. By meeting customers where they are and responding quickly on social media, brands can turn frustrating experiences into positive ones and build long-term loyalty. Explore more solutions like integrate Google Docs for seamless operations.

Amplify Marketing Campaigns and Content by Connecting Salesforce and Twitter

Integrating Salesforce and Twitter empowers marketers to amplify their campaigns and content across social channels. Here's how:

  • Automatically post marketing content like blog articles, videos, events, and product updates from Salesforce to Twitter
  • Sync Salesforce campaign data with Twitter Ads to optimize targeting, track ROI, and close the loop between social engagement and sales
  • Capture social media leads from Twitter and nurture them with relevant content and offers through Salesforce

For example, when you publish a new eBook or whitepaper in Salesforce, you can set up an automated workflow to tweet a link to the content. When prospects engage with the tweet and download the asset, they're added to a Salesforce campaign and entered into a lead nurture flow.

By integrating Salesforce and Twitter, you can extend the reach of your marketing initiatives, drive more qualified leads, and measure the impact of social media on pipeline and revenue. Aligning your social and CRM strategies is key to delivering a cohesive customer experience across touchpoints. Learn more about automating sales prospecting to improve your strategy.


Integrating Salesforce and Twitter is essential for aligning your sales, marketing, and support teams in the social media era. In this comprehensive guide, you discovered:

  • The primary methods to integrate Salesforce and Twitter, including native tools, third-party platforms like Bardeen, and custom development
  • Step-by-step instructions to quickly set up Salesforce-Twitter integration using Bardeen's no-code automation platform
  • The major benefits and use cases of connecting Salesforce and Twitter data for sales, marketing, and customer service

By applying the strategies and tactics covered in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to integrate Salesforce with Twitter and start streamlining your social media workflows. Connecting these two powerful platforms will give you a complete view of your customers across touchpoints, enabling you to deliver more personalized experiences and drive revenue growth.

Don't fall behind the competition - take action now to integrate your Salesforce and Twitter accounts. With the right approach and tools, you can automate sales prospecting, improve team collaboration, and maximize the impact of your social media efforts.

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I connect Salesforce with Twitter using Bardeen?

You can connect Salesforce with Twitter using Bardeen by creating custom playbooks. For example, you can automatically get social profiles of a Salesforce contact or enrich and update a Salesforce contact's record with new information from Twitter.

Is it possible to automate lead generation from Twitter to Salesforce?

Yes, you can automate lead generation from Twitter to Salesforce. Bardeen allows you to create playbooks that can capture Twitter interactions and save them as leads in Salesforce. This helps ensure you don't miss high-value leads.

Can I integrate Salesforce contacts with Twitter profiles?

Absolutely. Bardeen can help you get social profiles of a Salesforce contact, making it easier to keep your contact information up-to-date and comprehensive.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for integrating Salesforce and Twitter?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes non-premium automations. For full access to premium integrations and 24/7 cloud automations, the paid version costs $20/month.