App Tutorial

Web Scrape Tables Easily: Methods & Tools (5 Steps)

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
April 15, 2024

Web scraping tables involves extracting structured data from websites using tools or programming languages like Python, R, and no-code options like Octoparse and Google Sheets. Methods vary from simple Google Sheets functions to coding with BeautifulSoup or rvest package.

Choosing the right tool or language depends on your technical expertise and the complexity of the task.

Automate the web scraping process and save time with Bardeen, making data extraction effortless.

How to Web Scrape a Table

Web scraping tables from websites involves extracting structured data and saving it in a format like CSV or Excel for further analysis or use. This guide covers various methods to scrape tables from websites, catering to both coders and non-coders.

Automate web scraping with Bardeen. No coding required. Download now.

Scrape Table from Website

Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites. Tables, often used to display structured data, are common targets for web scraping. This guide explores methods to scrape tables from websites using different tools and programming languages.

How to Scrape a Table from a Website

There are multiple approaches to scrape tables from websites, ranging from no-code tools to coding in languages like Python and R. Each method has its own set of steps and requirements.

Web Scraping Table

Web scraping tables involves identifying the HTML structure of the table and extracting the data contained within it. This can be done using web scraping tools or programming languages that allow for HTML parsing and data extraction.

Extract Table Data from Website

Extracting table data from websites can be accomplished through various methods, including using web scraping tools, Google Sheets functions, and programming languages. The choice of method depends on the complexity of the task and the user's technical expertise.

Scrape Table Data Without Coding

  • Use Octoparse, a no-code web scraping tool, to extract table data. Download and launch Octoparse, create a new project in Advanced Mode, enter the target URL, and use the tool's interface to select and extract table data.
  • Google Sheets offers a simple way to scrape table data using the '=ImportHtml' function. Enter the URL of the webpage containing the table and specify the table index to import the data directly into your spreadsheet.
Learn how to scrape without code and integrate with your favorite apps using Bardeen's no code scraper tool.

Google Sheets to Scrape Table Information

Google Sheets can be used to scrape table information from web pages using the '=ImportHtml' function. This method requires the URL of the page and the index number of the table you wish to scrape.

R language (using rvest Package) to Scrape Table

  1. Install the 'rvest' package in R.
  2. Use the 'html_nodes()', 'html_table()', and other rvest functions to select and extract table data from the webpage.
  3. Run the script to obtain the table information.

Scrape Table from Website with Python

  1. Use Python libraries such as BeautifulSoup, Requests, or Selenium to scrape tables.
  2. Send a request to the webpage, parse the HTML content, and use BeautifulSoup to find and extract the table data.
  3. Store the extracted data in a structured format like a Pandas DataFrame.

For detailed steps and code examples, refer to online tutorials and documentation specific to the tool or language you're using.

For more insights on scraping efficiently, check out our blog post on how to scrape a website without code.

Automate Web Scraping with Bardeen Playbooks

Web scraping tables from websites can be a manual task, involving the identification of HTML elements and possibly writing custom scripts to extract the desired data. However, with Bardeen, you can automate this process, saving time and avoiding the need for programming knowledge. Automating web scraping can be particularly useful for gathering structured data from multiple pages or websites efficiently, such as extracting product information, stock levels, or contact details.

Here are some examples of how Bardeen can automate web scraping tasks:

  1. Extract information from websites in Google Sheets using BardeenAI: This playbook automates the extraction of any information from websites directly into a Google Sheet, streamlining data collection for analysis or reporting.
  2. Get web page content of websites: Automate the extraction of website content into Google Sheets, useful for content analysis, SEO audits, or competitive research.
  3. Get / scrape Google Search results for a keyword and save them to Airtable: This playbook scrapes Google search results for a given query and saves them to Airtable, facilitating market research or SEO analysis.

By leveraging Bardeen's playbooks, you can automate the tedious process of web scraping, allowing you to focus on analyzing the data. Explore more by downloading the Bardeen app at

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