Import CoinMarketCap Data to Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

June 23, 2024
Jason Gong

Use CoinMarketCap API and Google Sheets to track crypto data.

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Tracking cryptocurrency data is crucial for investors and enthusiasts in the ever-evolving digital asset market. CoinMarketCap, a leading platform for real-time cryptocurrency data, offers valuable insights into prices, market caps, and trading volumes. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to import CoinMarketCap data into Google Sheets, enabling you to analyze and make informed decisions based on the latest cryptocurrency market trends in 2023.

Introduction to CoinMarketCap and Google Sheets Integration

CoinMarketCap is the go-to platform for real-time and historical cryptocurrency data, providing valuable insights into prices, market caps, trading volumes, and more for thousands of digital assets. Integrating Google Sheets with CoinMarketCap allows you to create dynamic, automatically updating spreadsheets for tracking and analyzing the crypto market.


By connecting CoinMarketCap's API to Google Sheets, you can:

  • Monitor the performance of your crypto portfolio
  • Analyze market trends and identify investment opportunities
  • Create custom dashboards and visualizations for better decision-making

This integration is a powerful tool for investors, traders, and analysts looking to stay on top of the fast-paced cryptocurrency market in 2023 and beyond. If you need help with more advanced functions, consider using GPT in Spreadsheets.

Setting Up Your Google Sheets for API Integration

To set up your Google Sheets for CoinMarketCap API integration, start by creating a new spreadsheet in Google Sheets. This spreadsheet will be the destination for the cryptocurrency data you'll import.

Next, you'll need to access the Script Editor to write the Google Apps Script that will fetch data from CoinMarketCap's API:

  1. Open your new Google Sheets document
  2. Click on "Tools" in the menu bar
  3. Select "Script editor" from the dropdown menu

This will open a new window where you can write and edit your Google Apps Script. The Script Editor is an integrated development environment (IDE) that allows you to create and manage scripts for your Google Sheets, Docs, and Forms. If you want to avoid manual data entry, you can also scrape data from websites directly into Google Sheets.

If you want to save time and focus on important tasks, try using Bardeen's integrations to automate routine actions in Google Docs and Google Sheets.

Now that you have your spreadsheet ready and the Script Editor open, you're all set to start writing the code that will integrate CoinMarketCap data into your Google Sheets.

Generating and Using Your CoinMarketCap API Key

To access CoinMarketCap's data through their API, you'll need to generate an API key. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Go to and create an account if you don't already have one.
  2. Once logged in, navigate to the Account section.
  3. In theAPI Key section, click on Generate to create a new API key.
  4. Give your API key a name and select the appropriate plan for your needs. CoinMarketCap offers several plans, including a free Basic plan for personal use.
  5. Click Confirm to generate your API key.

After generating your API key, it's crucial to keep it secure. Here are a few best practices:

  • Never share your API key with anyone or post it publicly.
  • Use environment variables or a separate configuration file to store your API key, rather than hardcoding it in your scripts.
  • Be mindful of CoinMarketCap's usage policies and rate limits to avoid exceeding your plan's limits or having your key suspended.

By following these steps and adhering to best practices, you'll be able to safely use your CoinMarketCap API key to integrate cryptocurrency data for your Google Sheets.

Writing the Script to Import Data

Now that you have your CoinMarketCap API key, it's time to write the Google Apps Script to fetch data from the API. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. In your Google Sheets, go toTools-\u003eScript editor to open the Apps Script environment.
  2. Create a new function, for example,fetchCryptoData().
  3. Inside the function, define the API endpoint URL and your API key:

var apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
var apiUrl = '';

  1. Set up the request parameters, such as the limit of results and the currency for market data:

var requestParams = {
'start': '1',
'limit': '10',
'convert': 'USD'

  1. Make the API request usingUrlFetchApp.fetch():

var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiUrl, {
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'muteHttpExceptions': true,
'payload': requestParams

  1. Parse the JSON response and extract the desired data points, such as cryptocurrency name, symbol, price, market cap, and volume:

var data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
var cryptoData = []; {

  1. Finally, return the extracted data:

return cryptoData;

Save time by using Bardeen to integrate Excel for this process and automate fetching your crypto data directly into spreadsheets.

With this script, you can fetch the latest data for the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap, including their prices, market caps, and 24-hour trading volumes. To use this function in your Google Sheets, simply call=fetchCryptoData()in a cell.

You can customize the script to fetch specific cryptocurrencies, change the number of results, or add more data points as needed. For more advanced tasks, consider adding GPT to Google Sheets to streamline data analysis and enhance your workflow. Remember to handle errors and respect CoinMarketCap's API rate limits to ensure a smooth data import experience.

Automating Data Refresh and Handling API Limitations

To keep your CoinMarketCap data in Google Sheets up-to-date, you can set up triggers to refresh the data automatically at regular intervals. Here's how:

  1. In your Google Sheets, go toTools-\u003eScript editor.
  2. Click on the Triggers icon (clock) on the left sidebar.
  3. Click onAdd Trigger at the bottom right.
  4. Configure the trigger settings:
  • Choose which function to run (e.g.,fetchCryptoData)
  • Select the event source (Time-driven)
  • Choose the time interval (e.g.,Hours timer,Every 1 hours)
  • Set the failure notification settings
  1. Click Save to create the trigger.

Now your script will automatically fetch new data from CoinMarketCap at the specified interval.

However, it's crucial to consider CoinMarketCap's API rate limits to avoid exceeding them. The free Basic plan has a limit of 333 requests per day (roughly 1 request every 5 minutes). To stay within the limits:

  • Adjust your trigger interval to make fewer requests (e.g., every 6 hours)
  • Optimize your script to fetch only the necessary data
  • Cache data in your sheet to reduce API calls
  • Upgrade to a paid CoinMarketCap API plan for higher limits

To handle API errors gracefully:

  • Wrap your API request in a try-catch block
  • Log errors to a separate sheet for monitoring
  • Implement exponential backoff for retrying failed requests
  • Display user-friendly error messages in your sheet

By automating data refresh and respecting API limits, you can create a reliable and efficient CoinMarketCap data integration with Google Sheets. For more advanced setups, consider using GPT in Spreadsheets to enhance your data workflows.

Advanced Data Manipulation and Analysis

Once you have imported CoinMarketCap data into Google Sheets, you can leverage various functions to manipulate and analyze the cryptocurrency data. Here are some tips:

  • Use VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH to retrieve specific data points from the imported data based on criteria like date or coin name.
  • Apply mathematical functions like SUM,AVERAGE, and STDEV to calculate metrics such as total market cap, average price, or price volatility.
  • Utilize IF statements to create conditional formatting rules that highlight specific data points based on your criteria (e.g., price above a certain threshold).
  • Employ GOOGLE FINANCE to fetch real-time or historical price data for comparison against the imported CoinMarketCap data.

To create dynamic charts and dashboards for visual analysis:

  1. Select the data range you want to visualize.
  2. Insert a chart type that best represents your data (e.g., line chart for price trends, pie chart for market share).
  3. Customize the chart title, axis labels, colors, and formatting to enhance readability.
  4. Use QUERY function to dynamically update the chart data range based on specific criteria.
  5. Create multiple charts on a single sheet to build a comprehensive dashboard.
  6. Apply data validation and filters to allow interactive exploration of the data.

By leveraging these advanced data manipulation and analysis techniques, you can gain deeper insights into the cryptocurrency market trends, identify investment opportunities, and make data-driven decisions. Regularly updating and refining your Google Sheets setup ensures that you stay on top of the ever-changing crypto landscape. Automate repetitive tasks and gather insights with Bardeen's LinkedIn Profile Scraper.

Automate Your Google Sheets with Bardeen

While importing CoinMarketCap data into Google Sheets can be done manually through API calls or the IMPORTXML function, automating this process can significantly streamline your data analysis and portfolio management. By leveraging Bardeen, you can automate the importation of cryptocurrency data directly into Google Sheets, enabling real-time updates and advanced data analysis without the need for manual scripting or frequent manual updates.

Here are some examples of how Bardeen can automate tasks related to Google Sheets:

  1. Copy TechCrunch articles for a keyword to Google Sheets: Automate the process of gathering the latest TechCrunch articles based on your keywords directly into a Google Sheet, ideal for market research and staying updated on tech trends.
  2. Get data from Crunchbase links and save the results to Google Sheets: Streamline your research by automatically extracting and saving data from Crunchbase directly into Google Sheets, enhancing your competitive analysis and market understanding.
  3. Copy all Github issues to Google Sheets: For developers and project managers, automate the tracking of GitHub issues by copying them into a Google Sheet, simplifying issue management and team coordination.

These automation playbooks can save you time and improve your data management in Google Sheets. Get started by downloading the Bardeen app at

Automate Crypto Data Import with Bardeen

Bardeen's AI Agent automates importing and updating CoinMarketCap data in Google Sheets.

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