Connect Your Domain to HubSpot: A Step-by-Step Guide

June 6, 2024
Jason Gong
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Log in to HubSpot, go to Domains & URLs, and click Connect a domain.

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If you're connecting domains, you might love Bardeen's HubSpot integration. It helps automate domain setup and other tasks, saving you time and effort.

Connecting your domain to HubSpot is a critical step in establishing a strong online presence for your business. By adding your domain to HubSpot, you can create a seamless, professional experience for your website visitors while leveraging the powerful tools and features of the HubSpot platform. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of connecting your domain to HubSpot, from understanding the basics to troubleshooting common issues.

Understanding the Basics of Domain Connection

A domain is the unique web address that people use to access your website, such as "". It serves as your online identity and is crucial for establishing your brand's credibility and presence on the internet. Connecting your domain to HubSpot allows you to use the platform's powerful tools and features while maintaining a consistent, professional image across your website.

By connecting your domain to HubSpot, you can:

In the following sections, we'll guide you through the process of preparing your domain, connecting it to HubSpot, and verifying the connection to ensure a smooth transition. For more advanced integrations, you can connect Google Docs to streamline your workflow.

Preparing to Connect Your Domain

Before connecting your domain to HubSpot, there are a few prerequisites you'll need to ensure a smooth process:

  • Access to your domain registrar account (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap)
  • Ability to modify DNS settings for your domain
  • A backup of your current website (if applicable)

To prepare your domain for connection, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your domain registrar account
  2. Locate the DNS settings for your domain
  3. Verify that no conflicting records exist (e.g., existing A records or CNAME records)
  4. Make a note of any necessary changes to be made during the connection process

By completing these preparations, you can avoid unexpected issues or downtime. For more tips, check out sales prospecting tools to enhance your workflow.

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Preparing to Connect Your Domain

Before connecting your domain to HubSpot, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Access to your domain registrar account (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap)
  • Ability to modify DNS settings for your domain

To prepare your domain for connection, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your domain registrar account
  2. Locate the DNS settings for your domain
  3. Check for any existing records that may conflict with HubSpot (e.g., A records, CNAME records)
  4. Create a backup of your current DNS settings in case you need to revert changes

By completing these preparation steps, you'll be ready to connect your domain to HubSpot without encountering any unexpected issues or downtime. For more information, you can also automate sales tasks to save time.

Step-by-Step Process to Connect Your Domain in HubSpot

To connect your domain in HubSpot, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your HubSpot account and click the settings icon in the top navigation bar
  2. In the left sidebar menu, go to Content > Domains & URLs
  3. Click "Connect a domain" and select the type of domain you want to connect (Primary, Secondary, Redirect, or Email Sending)
  4. Choose the content types you want to host on this domain and click "Next"
  5. Enter your subdomain, brand domain, and top-level domain, then select the primary language for your content
  6. Click "Next" and follow the instructions to update your DNS records with your domain provider
  7. If you use GoDaddy, IONOS, Google Domains, or Cloudflare, you can authorize HubSpot to automatically update your CNAME record
  8. Once you've updated your DNS records, wait 15-80 minutes for the changes to be verified
  9. After verification, SSL will be automatically enabled for your domain, which may take up to 4 hours

By following these steps, you can successfully connect your domain to HubSpot and start hosting your content on your custom domain. Using automation tools can further streamline your workflow.

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Setting Up DNS Records for HubSpot

To connect your domain with HubSpot, you'll need to update specific DNS records with your domain registrar. The two main records required are:

  1. CNAME record: Points your subdomain (e.g., to HubSpot's servers. The value should be in the format [your Hub ID]
  2. A record: Points your root domain (e.g., to HubSpot's IP addresses. HubSpot provides four IP addresses to use for A records.

Follow these general steps to update your DNS records:

  1. Log in to your domain registrar account (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap)
  2. Locate the DNS management section
  3. Add or edit the CNAME record for your subdomain, pointing it to the value provided by HubSpot
  4. If connecting a root domain, add or edit the A records with HubSpot's IP addresses
  5. Save your changes and wait for the records to propagate (usually 24-48 hours)

Some popular domain registrars, like GoDaddy and Google Domains, allow you to authorize HubSpot to automatically update the necessary DNS records. If available, this option simplifies the process and ensures the records are set up correctly.

Verifying Domain Connection with HubSpot

After setting up your DNS records, it's crucial to verify that your domain is properly connected and active on HubSpot. Follow these steps to confirm your domain connection:

  1. Log in to your HubSpot account and navigate to the Domains & URLs settings
  2. Check the status of your domain - it should show as "Connected" once the DNS records have propagated
  3. If the status remains "Pending" after 24-48 hours, click "Refresh" to update the status
  4. Test your domain by visiting your website or landing pages using the connected domain URL

If you encounter issues during the verification process, consider these troubleshooting tips:

  • Double-check that your DNS records match the values provided by HubSpot
  • Ensure there are no typos or extra characters in your DNS records
  • Contact your domain registrar for assistance if you're unsure about updating DNS settings
  • Reach out to HubSpot support for further guidance on resolving domain connection problems
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Remember, DNS propagation can take up to 48 hours, so be patient if your domain isn't immediately active after setting up the records. By carefully verifying your domain connection, you'll ensure a smooth transition to using HubSpot with your custom domain.

Leveraging HubSpot CMS Features with Your New Domain

Once your custom domain is connected to HubSpot, you can start taking advantage of the powerful CMS features to create and manage your website content effectively. Here are some key benefits of using HubSpot CMS with your connected domain:

  1. Drag-and-drop page builder: Easily create and customize web pages without coding knowledge using the intuitive drag-and-drop editor
  2. Responsive templates: Choose from a variety of pre-designed, mobile-friendly templates to ensure your website looks great on any device
  3. Built-in SEO optimization: Optimize your content for search engines with HubSpot's SEO tools
  4. Personalization: Deliver targeted content to visitors based on their interests, behavior, or demographics using smart content and CTAs
  5. A/B testing: Experiment with different versions of your pages to determine which performs best in terms of engagement and conversions

Additionally, HubSpot CMS allows you to manage your blog, landing pages, and other content assets seamlessly within the same platform. This means you can:

  • Create and publish blog posts to attract organic traffic and establish thought leadership
  • Design landing pages to capture leads and drive conversions
  • Organize and update your content with ease using the content dashboard and revision history

By leveraging these HubSpot CMS features with your connected custom domain, you can create a professional, high-performing website that helps you achieve your business goals and engage your target audience effectively. For those looking to further improve efficiency, consider using Bardeen's AI tools to automate content creation and management tasks.

FAQs and Troubleshooting Domain Connection Issues

Connecting your domain to HubSpot is typically a straightforward process, but sometimes issues can arise. Here are some frequently asked questions and solutions to common problems you might encounter:

  1. What if my domain isn't connecting after 24 hours?

    If your domain hasn't connected after 24 hours, check the status of your DNS records in HubSpot and your domain host. Ensure that the records match exactly and troubleshoot any errors, such as typos, missing records, or conflicting records.

  2. Why am I seeing a "record invalid" error in HubSpot?

    This error may occur if your DNS provider invalidated your CNAME record due to certain characters, like underscores or hyphens. Contact your provider's support team for assistance.

  3. How can I confirm my DNS records are propagating correctly?

    Use tools like for site domains or Dig for email sending domains to verify that your DNS records have been updated correctly and are propagating successfully.

  4. What should I do if my website becomes unavailable after connecting my domain?

    If your website goes down after connecting your domain, check your DNS settings to ensure they're properly configured to point to your website hosting provider. Disconnect your domain in HubSpot and redirect your DNS back to your original settings.

  5. How do I set up landing pages or email sending with HubSpot if my main domain is hosted elsewhere?

    To use HubSpot for landing pages, create a subdomain (e.g., and connect it to HubSpot. For email sending, update your SPF and DKIM records in your domain's DNS settings according to HubSpot's instructions.

If you've gone through these troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing issues, reach out to HubSpot Support or your domain provider for further assistance. For more tips, see our guide on automating sales prospecting.

Save time on tedious tasks like updating DNS records. Try Bardeen's automated workflows to streamline your processes.

Automate Your HubSpot Workflow with Bardeen

Adding a domain to HubSpot is a process that can set the foundation for your company's online presence. While the manual steps are straightforward, automating your HubSpot processes can significantly enhance your efficiency and accuracy. By leveraging Bardeen, you can automate various tasks related to domain management, CRM updates, and more, ensuring that your HubSpot account remains up-to-date with minimal manual intervention. Let's explore some automation possibilities.

  1. Automatically Create HubSpot Company from Airtable Row: This automation creates a new company in HubSpot whenever a new row is added to an Airtable table, ensuring your CRM is always up-to-date with the latest business contacts and prospects.
  2. Save a HubSpot company as a new Salesforce account: Seamlessly transfer company data from HubSpot to Salesforce, providing your sales team with comprehensive access to account information.
  3. Add a new row to Airtable, when a HubSpot company is created: Sync company information from HubSpot to Airtable automatically, streamlining data management across platforms.
Automate HubSpot Domain Setup with Bardeen

Bardeen's AI Agent simplifies connecting your domain to HubSpot, saving you time and effort.

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