Mailchimp vs Woodpecker: Best for Cold Emails 2024

Last Updated on
May 23, 2024
Jason Gong
App automation expert

This article dives into a detailed comparison between Mailchimp and Woodpecker, focusing on their cold outreach capabilities to help you choose the best tool. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive review of what each tool offers beyond just cold outreach features.

Our motivation for this comparison stems from Bardeen's mission to help you save time on repetitive tasks. Choosing the right tools is crucial, and Bardeen can be a valuable addition to your productivity toolkit, automating actions across your apps and browser tabs.

Campaign CreationEasy drag-and-drop editor and templatesGuided steps with LinkedIn integration
DeliverabilityHigh rates, lacks email warmingIncludes email warm-up and spam protection
PersonalizationExtensive with custom fields and tagsStandard fields; LinkedIn data integration
AIGenerates creative email contentDynamic content tailored to each lead
Native EnrichmentNo native enrichment, requires integrationsNo native enrichment, relies on third-party tools
Social AutomationLimited to ads and post managementNo social media automation
PricingMultiple tiers, free plan availableFlat-rate based on contacted prospects

Campaign Creation - Simplified or Advanced: Mailchimp vs Woodpecker

Woodpecker holds an edge for users needing advanced campaign management and multichannel integration capabilities, especially with LinkedIn.

Woodpecker campaign creation screen highlighting multichannel outreach

Its campaign creation tools allow for precise customization of emails and scheduling, which is ideal for complex sales processes that involve multiple touch points. Mailchimp, while robust in creating and formatting emails with its drag-and-drop tools, primarily suits those with basic campaign needs or those who primarily engage through email alone.

For a more dynamic approach to campaign creation that includes tasks and email automation, consider using Bardeen’s task automation to streamline your campaign management.

Businesses that require a straightforward solution with less customization but great ease of use might prefer Mailchimp's simplified interface. However, for those looking to incorporate LinkedIn tasks and detailed customization in their outreach strategies, Woodpecker provides the necessary tools and flexibility.


Mailchimp provides a variety of email templates for different purposes and industries.

Mailchimp, while originally designed for email marketing, can be adapted for cold outreach and sales engagement. Its intuitive drag-and-drop email editor and pre-designed templates make it easy to create professional-looking emails without extensive design skills.

  • Drag-and-drop email editor: Mailchimp's email editor allows you to create and format emails using simple drag-and-drop tools, making it accessible for users of all skill levels.
  • Pre-designed templates: Choose from a variety of templates designed for different purposes (like announcements or product promotions) and industries to kickstart your email creation process.
  • Customization options: Customize the layout, colors, and content of your chosen template to align with your brand and message.

While Mailchimp may lack some of the advanced features and automation capabilities of dedicated sales engagement platforms, its user-friendly interface and template options make it a viable choice for small businesses or individuals looking to get started with cold email outreach.


Woodpecker's campaign creation flow with path, prospects, and summary steps.

Woodpecker provides a straightforward campaign creation process, guiding users through a series of steps to set up their email outreach campaigns:

  • Path: Define the email account to send from and connect to an external mailbox if needed.
  • Prospects: Import or manually add the list of prospects to target in the campaign.
  • Summary: Review and launch the campaign, with options for scheduling and LinkedIn task integration.

Some key features of Woodpecker's campaign creation include:

  • Easy to follow step-by-step process
  • Ability to connect external email accounts
  • Flexible prospect list management
  • LinkedIn task integration for multichannel outreach
  • Scheduling options for automated sending
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Deliverability - Boosting Email Reach and Response Rates

Woodpecker provides a more robust solution for those engaging in cold email campaigns by including an email warm-up feature, which is crucial for building sender reputation and improving deliverability.

Woodpecker's Warm-up feature enhances cold email deliverability.

On the other hand, Mailchimp excels with its strong compliance to email sending practices, making it ideal for warm outreach to established subscribers but lacks direct support for cold email strategies since it doesn’t feature email warming.

For users needing to send cold emails, Woodpecker's integrated approach to warming up emails directly in its platform gives it an edge over Mailchimp. However, for those focused on nurturing existing relationships and requiring high deliverability with known contacts, Mailchimp remains a strong contender.

Additionally, consider using Bardeen to send personalized emails that can further help in maintaining a good sender reputation and improving overall email engagement.


Mailchimp's email dashboard provides key engagement metrics for monitoring deliverability.

Mailchimp is known for its strong reputation in email deliverability, largely due to its strict compliance with email sending best practices. The platform offers a range of features to help users maintain high deliverability rates and avoid spam filters.

  • Domain authentication: Mailchimp requires users to verify their sending domains, which helps establish trust and improves deliverability.
  • Engagement tracking: The email dashboard provides key metrics like open rates, click rates, and unsubscribe rates, allowing users to monitor engagement and identify potential deliverability issues.
  • Compliance with sending practices: Mailchimp enforces strict sending limits and policies to prevent abuse and maintain its reputation as a trusted email service provider.

However, it's important to note that Mailchimp does not offer email warming services, making it less suitable for cold outreach campaigns. The platform is best used for sending to existing subscribers who have opted in to receive emails.


Woodpecker's Warm-up feature helps optimize deliverability for cold email campaigns.

Woodpecker offers several features that help optimize deliverability rates for cold email campaigns. By adopting best practices and providing built-in tools, users can improve their chances of reaching prospects' inboxes.

Key deliverability features:

  • Email Warm-up: Gradually increases sending volume to establish a positive sender reputation
  • Bounce Shield: Protects deliverability by reducing bounce rates
  • Inbox Rotation: Manages multiple mailboxes to maintain a good sender reputation
  • Spam Word Finder: Identifies potential spam triggers in email content

Reddit users praise Woodpecker's deliverability capabilities, highlighting its effective email verification, inbox rotation, and ability to keep emails out of spam folders.

👍 "Woodpecker has a built in verification tool, when you type the email addresses it verifies if they exist automatically which is super helpful, this helps keep bounce rate close to zero and also works well for deliverability." - r/Emailmarketing
👍 "Woodpecker...makes sure your emails land in the main inbox and not in SPAM." - r/AutomateTheGrind
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Personalization - Crafting Individualized Communications for Leads

Mailchimp takes the lead with its extensive personalization capabilities that leverage custom fields and merge tags.

Mailchimp's interface showing audience fields and merge tags for personalized email campaigns.

Mailchimp allows users to create detailed custom fields and use merge tags to insert personalized content into emails, such as recipient names or specific interests. This can significantly enhance the relevance of the communications.

Woodpecker, while robust, focuses more on incorporating LinkedIn data for personalization. It allows the insertion of standard personal fields directly into email templates, which is useful but less flexible compared to Mailchimp’s dynamic content capabilities.

For businesses needing in-depth customization and targeting in their email campaigns, Mailchimp offers a superior solution. However, if LinkedIn integration and straightforward personal field insertion meet your needs, Woodpecker is a strong contender.

When looking to further optimize your personalized email campaigns, consider using Bardeen to enrich contact data and automate the creation of highly customized messages.


Audience fields and merge tags allow for personalization in Mailchimp.

Mailchimp provides a robust set of tools for personalizing email campaigns to connect with leads on an individual level. By leveraging audience data and merge tags, you can craft targeted messages that resonate with each recipient.

  • Custom fields: Mailchimp allows you to create custom fields to store additional information about your audience, such as their interests, preferences, or past interactions with your brand. This data can then be used to segment your audience and tailor your messaging accordingly.
  • Merge tags: With merge tags, you can dynamically insert personalized content into your emails based on the recipient's data. For example, you can include their name, location, or other relevant details to create a more engaging and personalized experience.
  • Dynamic content: Mailchimp's dynamic content feature enables you to display different content blocks within an email based on specific criteria, such as the recipient's location, interests, or past behavior. This allows you to deliver highly targeted messages without creating multiple versions of the same email.


Woodpecker allows inserting personalized fields directly into email templates.

Woodpecker provides a range of options for personalizing email campaigns, enabling users to tailor their outreach to each prospect's specific characteristics. The tool supports integration with LinkedIn, allowing for more targeted and relevant messaging.

Key personalization features:

  • Customizable fields: Easily insert personalized fields like first name, last name, company, and more directly into email templates
  • LinkedIn integration: Leverage LinkedIn data to craft more targeted and relevant outreach messages
  • Daily sending limits: Set a daily limit on the number of prospects contacted to maintain a consistent outreach pace
  • Delivery time optimization: Choose the optimal time for email delivery to maximize open and response rates
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AI - Crafting Tailored Emails Versus Generating Content

Woodpecker holds a notable advantage for users looking for highly tailored email campaigns, thanks to its integration with OpenAI, which allows the creation of personalized emails for each lead.

Woodpecker's AI integration allows for dynamic personalization of email content.

Mailchimp, on the other hand, provides AI capabilities to generate creative email content, but lacks the same level of personalization per lead. This may result in less targeted communications compared to Woodpecker's approach.

To enhance your email productivity and customization, consider integrating Bardeen, which can augment AI features in Mailchimp by adding more context about leads, like social activity and company info.

If personalized interaction based on detailed lead information is crucial for your campaigns, Woodpecker’s use of OpenAI provides a clear edge.


Mailchimp's AI-powered content generator for creating email copy.

Mailchimp offers an AI-powered content generation tool that helps users create engaging email copy for their campaigns. This feature leverages artificial intelligence to provide suggestions and ideas based on the user's input, saving time and effort in the content creation process.

  • Paragraph generation: The AI tool can generate entire paragraphs of content, allowing users to quickly populate their emails with relevant and engaging text.
  • Coffee-themed example: In the screenshot, the AI has generated a sample email promoting a fictional coffee company's subscription service, demonstrating its ability to create context-specific content.
  • Customization options: Users can select the type of content they want to generate, such as a paragraph or a list, to better suit their email's structure and purpose.

By integrating AI-powered content generation into its email marketing platform, Mailchimp aims to simplify the process of creating compelling email campaigns, even for users who may not have extensive copywriting experience.


Woodpecker's AI-powered email personalization feature.

Woodpecker offers an AI-powered email personalization feature that leverages OpenAI's natural language processing capabilities to create unique, tailored emails for each lead in a campaign. This integration allows users to generate highly relevant email content at scale, improving engagement and response rates.

  • Dynamic content generation: By analyzing data points about each lead, the AI can generate personalized sentences, paragraphs, or entire email bodies that resonate with the recipient.
  • Customizable inputs: Users can provide custom signals or data fields to guide the AI in creating content that aligns with their campaign goals and target audience.
  • Seamless integration: The AI-generated content can be easily incorporated into Woodpecker's email sequence builder, streamlining the campaign creation process.
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Native Enrichment - Supplement lead data with third-party tools

Neither Mailchimp nor Woodpecker offers native data enrichment capabilities within their platforms, requiring users to rely on third-party integrations for lead enrichment.

While Mailchimp is a well-known tool primarily for its robust email marketing capabilities, it lacks built-in features for automatically pulling additional data points or buyer signals about leads. This means users must integrate with external services, which can add complexity and management overhead.

Similarly, Woodpecker does not support native lead enrichment, limiting users who rely on enriched lead data for their outreach efforts. Users of Woodpecker must explore third-party data providers or alternative platforms with native integration for such services.

To alleviate these limitations, consider using Bardeen to automate the enrichment of lead data. Bardeen can seamlessly integrate with platforms like Salesforce and Pipedrive, enhancing your data collection process without manual effort.

In conclusion, for teams that heavily depend on enriched lead data, it might be more efficient to choose a sales engagement platform with built-in data enrichment capabilities or supplement their current tools with powerful integrations and automation from Bardeen.


Mailchimp, as a sales engagement tool, does not currently offer native data enrichment capabilities within its platform. This means that users cannot directly access additional data points or buyer signals about their leads from within Mailchimp itself.

To gather enriched data on leads, Mailchimp users need to rely on integrations with external tools and services. While this approach can still provide valuable insights, it may require additional setup and management compared to a native solution.

Key considerations for data enrichment with Mailchimp:

  • No built-in data enrichment features
  • Requires integrations with third-party tools
  • May involve extra steps and complexity in setup and management

Despite the lack of native data enrichment, Mailchimp remains a popular choice for many businesses due to its robust email marketing features and user-friendly interface. However, for teams that heavily rely on enriched lead data, a sales engagement platform with built-in data enrichment capabilities may prove more efficient and streamlined.


Woodpecker does not currently support native lead enrichment within its sales engagement platform. This means that users cannot automatically pull in additional data points or buyer signals from external sources to supplement their existing lead information.

While this may be a limitation for some users who rely on enriched lead data for their outreach efforts, Woodpecker still offers a robust set of features for creating and managing email campaigns, tracking engagement, and automating follow-ups.

Users who require lead enrichment capabilities may need to explore third-party data providers or consider alternative platforms that offer native integration with such services.

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Social Automation - manage social media posts and ads

Neither Mailchimp nor Woodpecker offer advanced capabilities for social media automation within their Sequences features aimed at enriching leads or automating social messaging.

Mailchimp limits its social media integration to cross-postings and ad management, which does not directly support sales lead enrichment or engagement through social platforms. This may limit its effectiveness for businesses looking to leverage social media interactions directly within their sales processes.

Similarly, Woodpecker does not provide functionalities for social media lead enrichment or messaging automation, focusing instead on email outreach. This focus makes it suitable for email-centric campaigns but less versatile for integrating social media strategies directly into sales sequences.

If your business heavily relies on social media for lead generation and engagement, consider using Bardeen to automate the extraction of lead data from social platforms and enrich your CRM system, which can significantly enhance your sales and marketing efforts.


Mailchimp does not appear to have a feature directly comparable to lemlist's Sequences for sales engagement and lead enrichment through social media. Mailchimp's social media capabilities are primarily focused on cross-posting content and managing ads rather than utilizing social media data for lead enrichment within a sales engagement context.

As there are no screenshots or relevant Reddit reviews provided, I do not have sufficient information to create a detailed feature description or include user feedback from Reddit discussions. If more specific details about Mailchimp's social media features become available, I would be happy to provide a more thorough analysis.


Woodpecker does not currently offer social media automation or enrichment capabilities as part of its Sequences feature. The platform is primarily focused on email outreach and does not include functionality for automating social media messaging or importing lead data from social networks.

While this may be a limitation for some users who rely heavily on social media for their sales engagement efforts, Woodpecker's email-centric approach allows the company to specialize in delivering a robust and reliable solution for email outreach campaigns.

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Pricing Models - Mailchimp and Woodpecker Comparison

Comparing the pricing models of Mailchimp and Woodpecker, Mailchimp offers more flexibility with several tiers and a free plan, which is appealing for varying business sizes.

Mailchimp's plans are based on the number of contacts and emails sent, which can be more cost-effective depending on your usage. Woodpecker, however, employs a simple, flat-rate pricing model based primarily on the number of contacted prospects, which could be advantageous for users with high email volumes per prospect.

For businesses looking for an all-in-one package without the complexity of tiered pricing, Woodpecker is a strong choice. However, for those who prefer a plan that adjusts better to the scale of their operations, Mailchimp’s tiered options provide more customization and scalability.


Mailchimp offers multiple pricing tiers with a free plan and reasonable monthly rates.

Mailchimp provides a range of pricing options designed to fit the needs and budgets of various businesses. The platform offers a free plan with basic features and paid monthly plans that unlock additional capabilities as the price increases.

  • Billing model: Monthly subscription plans
  • Free trial: No free trial, but a free plan is available with limited features
  • Pricing structure: Price is based on the number of contacts and email sends, rather than per seat
  • Key features in paid tiers:
    • Premium ($350/month): Dedicated onboarding, unlimited contacts, priority support
    • Standard ($20/month): Enhanced personalization and optimization tools
    • Essentials ($13/month): A/B testing and scheduling features
  • Sales contact: Not required, plans can be purchased directly online


Woodpecker's pricing is a simple, flat-rate model based on the number of contacted prospects.

Woodpecker offers a straightforward pricing model with a single package that scales based on the number of prospects contacted. The pricing starts at $56 per month for up to 500 contacted prospects, with a slight discount for annual billing.

Key aspects of Woodpecker's pricing:

  • Free trial: Woodpecker offers a free trial that lasts for 7 days or until you reach 50 contacted prospects, whichever comes first.
  • Billing options: You can choose between monthly and annual billing, with a small discount for annual commitments.
  • Prospect-based pricing: The cost scales based on the number of prospects you contact, rather than per user or email account.
  • All features included: All features, such as A/B tests, email verification, and integrations, are included in the base package without any feature-gating or additional costs.

The simple, all-inclusive pricing model makes Woodpecker an attractive option for agencies looking to run campaigns for multiple clients without the complexity of per-user pricing or tiered feature sets.

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Which is Best for Starting Cold Email Campaigns?

Mailchimp and Woodpecker offer distinct advantages for cold email campaigns. Mailchimp is user-friendly with an intuitive drag-and-drop editor and a range of email templates, making it ideal for beginners or small businesses. It simplifies creating professional-looking emails, but lacks some advanced features for automation.

Woodpecker, however, provides a more tailored experience for cold outreach with features like LinkedIn integration and advanced campaign management tools. It's better suited for users needing detailed control over their email campaigns and those incorporating LinkedIn tasks.

If you're just starting out or have basic needs, Mailchimp's simplicity and ease of use make it a solid choice. For more complex campaigns, especially involving LinkedIn, Woodpecker's specialized features offer significant advantages.

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