Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Notion with Slack

Integrate Notion and Slack to automate your workflows. Use natural language to tell Bardeen's AI Agent what repetitive tasks to handle. No coding skills needed.

How to integrate Notion with Slack?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Notion and Slack together to save time and increase productivity.

Connecting Notion and Slack can be a game-changer for productivity. Did you know that 91% of Slack users say it improves communication and collaboration? Integrating these two powerful tools allows you to centralize information, automate workflows, and save hours each week. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you exactly how to set up the integration, both manually and using AI automation tools like Bardeen. You'll learn top use cases and real-world examples to help you get the most out of connecting Notion and Slack. Ready to level up your productivity? Let's dive in!

Why Integrate Notion and Slack?

Integrating Notion and Slack can significantly improve productivity and collaboration for teams. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can centralize information, reduce app switching, and streamline workflows. Here are the main benefits of integrating Notion and Slack:

  • Seamless communication: Send messages from Slack to Notion databases, receive notifications in Slack when changes are made in Notion, and share Notion links that expand with useful information directly in Slack.
  • Centralized information: Access Notion pages and documents right from Slack, making it a one-stop hub for all project-related discussions and resources.
  • Improved collaboration: Keep everyone informed and aligned without the need for extra meetings or manual updates.
  • Faster decision-making: With all relevant information readily available in Slack, teams can make quicker decisions and move projects forward.

Integrating Notion and Slack helps teams work more efficiently by bringing together the best features of both tools. For more efficiency, you can add LinkedIn profiles to Notion and streamline your workflows even further.

Streamlined Workflows Between Notion and Slack

Integrating Notion with Slack allows for seamless communication and collaboration between the two platforms. By connecting Notion and Slack, you can easily share information, updates, and resources without constantly switching between apps.

For example, you can send Slack messages directly to Notion databases, keeping all relevant information in one centralized location. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and ensures everyone has access to the most up-to-date information. To further enhance your workflow, consider integrating Google Drive with other apps to streamline file management.

Additionally, you can set up notifications in Slack whenever changes are made to specific Notion pages or databases. This keeps team members informed and allows for real-time collaboration, even when working remotely.

Streamlining workflows between Notion and Slack saves time, reduces errors, and keeps everyone on the same page. With a seamless integration, teams can focus on getting work done rather than managing multiple tools and communication channels. For more advanced automations, check out how to automate lead management with Bardeen.

Discover how you can save time by setting up outreach follow-up automation with Bardeen. Let Bardeen handle repetitive tasks so you can focus on what matters most.

Centralized Information Hub: All Your Notion and Slack Data in One Place

Integrating Notion with Slack creates a centralized information hub, making it easy to access and share knowledge across your organization. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can ensure that all relevant data is stored in one place, reducing the need to switch between multiple apps.

With a Notion Slack integration, you can:

  • Automatically sync data between the two platforms
  • Create Notion pages directly from Slack messages
  • Access Notion content within Slack using slash commands

This centralized approach to information management saves time, improves collaboration, and ensures everyone has access to the most up-to-date information. No more searching through multiple tools or wondering if you have the latest version of a document – with a Notion Slack integration, everything is just a click away. If you want to further enhance your workflow, consider using AI in spreadsheets to automate data tasks.

Supercharge Your Productivity by Integrating Notion and Slack

Connecting Notion and Slack can significantly boost your productivity by eliminating the need to switch between apps constantly. With a seamless integration, you can access and share information from Notion directly within Slack, saving time and reducing context switching.

Some key productivity benefits of integrating Notion with Slack include:

  • Instant access to Notion pages, databases, and tasks from Slack
  • Ability to create and update Notion content without leaving Slack
  • Real-time notifications and updates on Notion changes in Slack channels

By streamlining your workflow and centralizing information, a Notion Slack integration allows you to focus on your work rather than juggling multiple tools. Consider using Bardeen to connect Google Docs or other apps for even more efficiency. This increased efficiency can lead to better collaboration, faster decision-making, and ultimately, higher productivity across your team.

Want to automate more tasks and save time? Try using Bardeen to automate sales prospecting and other repetitive tasks effortlessly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Integrate Notion with Slack

Connecting Notion and Slack is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps:

  1. Install the Notion integration for Slack from the Slack App Directory or by pasting a Notion link into Slack.
  2. Authorize the integration to access your Notion and Slack accounts.
  3. Configure the desired permissions and settings, such as which channels to send notifications to.
  4. Optionally, use a tool like Bardeen to simplify the setup process and create custom automations between Notion and Slack.

Once the integration is set up, you can start leveraging the powerful features that connect Notion and Slack, such as sending messages to Notion databases, receiving notifications in Slack channels, and sharing expanded links with AI summaries.

Linking Your Notion and Slack Accounts

The first step to integrate Notion with Slack is connecting your accounts. Here's how:

  1. In Slack, click on the "Apps" button in the left sidebar.
  2. Search for "Notion" in the App Directory and click on the Notion integration.
  3. Click the "Add to Slack" button to install the Notion app.
  4. You'll be redirected to a page asking for permissions. Review and approve the requested access.
  5. Once authorized, you'll see a confirmation message that Notion has been added to your Slack workspace.

Alternatively, you can connect Notion and Slack by simply pasting a Notion page link into any Slack channel or DM. Slack will automatically detect the link and prompt you to set up the integration. For more ways to improve your workflow, learn how to connect Google Sheets.

Use Bardeen to easily integrate Google Sheets with other apps. Automate tasks with just one click and save time.

Customizing Notion Slack Integration Settings

After connecting Notion and Slack, you can customize the integration settings to fit your needs. In the Slack App Directory, click "Configure" next to the Notion app.

The configuration options allow you to:

  • Choose which Slack channels the Notion app can access
  • Set up Slack slash commands to quickly create new Notion pages
  • Customize the format and appearance of Notion link previews in Slack
  • Enable or disable Notion page notifications for specific channels

You can also manage your Notion Slack integration settings from within Notion. Click the "•••" menu in the top right, then select "Connections" to view and edit your Slack workspace connection.

For even more flexibility, consider connecting Microsoft Excel to streamline your data workflows.

Simplify Notion Slack Integration Setup with Bardeen

Setting up the Notion Slack integration can be done in just a few clicks using Bardeen's no-code automation platform. Bardeen provides a visual workflow builder that makes it easy to connect your Notion and Slack accounts without any coding required.

Here's how to use Bardeen to quickly integrate Notion and Slack:

  1. Download the Bardeen browser extension from
  2. Create a free Bardeen account and log in
  3. Click the "+" button to create a new automation
  4. Select the Notion and Slack apps from the list of integrations
  5. Use the drag-and-drop interface to set up your desired workflow, such as automatically posting new Notion pages to a specific Slack channel
  6. Test your automation and make any necessary adjustments
  7. Activate the automation and let Bardeen handle the Notion Slack integration for you

Bardeen also offers powerful tools for scraping LinkedIn data and integrating it with Notion, further enhancing your workflows.

Bardeen's free AI web scraper can help you automate data extraction from any website, saving you time and integrating seamlessly with your other tools.

With Bardeen, you can build custom Notion Slack automations in minutes, streamlining your workflows and saving time switching between the two apps.

Popular Ways to Integrate Notion and Slack for Improved Productivity

Connecting Notion and Slack opens up a variety of powerful use cases that can help teams work more efficiently together. Here are some of the most popular ways to integrate these two apps:

  1. Send Slack messages to Notion databases
    • Easily turn Slack discussions into action items or ideas by sending messages directly to a Notion database
    • Use the /notion create command in Slack or the "Send to Notion" message shortcut
    • Automatically populate relevant database properties based on the Slack message details
  2. Get Notion page notifications in Slack
    • Stay on top of important Notion page updates by receiving notifications in Slack
    • Set up notifications for when you're mentioned, when comments are added, or when properties change in key databases
    • Customize notification settings to control exactly what you get alerted about
  3. Enable two-way syncing for seamless project management
    • Keep Notion and Slack in sync for real-time project collaboration
    • Automatically update Notion tasks and properties based on Slack messages and vice versa
    • Ensure everyone stays on the same page across both tools

By leveraging these Notion Slack integration use cases, teams can streamline communication, centralize information, and get more done with less effort.

Automatically Save Important Slack Messages to Notion Databases

One of the most useful ways to integrate Notion and Slack is by sending key Slack messages directly to Notion databases. This allows you to:

  • Turn important Slack discussions, decisions, or ideas into structured Notion records
  • Automatically populate relevant database properties based on the Slack message details, such as the sender, channel, date, and any mentioned users or channels
  • Keep a permanent, organized record of critical Slack communications that's easy to reference and build upon

To send a Slack message to Notion, simply use the /notion slash command followed by "create" and then select the destination database. You can also use the "Send to Notion" message shortcut to quickly save a message to a pre-selected database. For more advanced integration, you might consider how to automate sales prospecting as well.

Get Notified in Slack When Notion Pages are Updated

Another powerful way to integrate Notion and Slack is by setting up notifications in Slack whenever specific Notion pages are created, updated, or commented on. This allows your team to:

  • Stay on top of important updates to key Notion docs, wikis, or project pages without constantly checking Notion
  • Get real-time alerts in relevant Slack channels or DMs as soon as critical Notion information changes
  • Improve team collaboration by keeping everyone in the loop on Notion page edits and discussions

To enable Notion page notifications in Slack, simply add the Notion integration to the desired Slack channel and select "Notion Page Updates" as the trigger. Then paste in links to the Notion pages you want to monitor for changes. For more on integrating tools, check out our guide to HubSpot CRM integrations.

Sync Notion and Slack for Seamless Project Collaboration

For teams using Notion for project management, setting up two-way syncing between Notion and Slack takes collaboration to the next level. Here's how it works:

  1. Link your Notion project database to a Slack channel to mirror task information
  2. Any new tasks, status updates, or comments added in Notion will automatically post in Slack
  3. Team members can update task progress or add discussions right from Slack
  4. The integration keeps your Notion database and Slack channel always in sync

This allows your team to manage projects fluidly across both apps. People can work in their preferred tool - Notion or Slack - while staying aligned. Automate your prospecting tasks to further improve your workflow.


Integrating Notion with Slack is a game-changer for teams looking to work more efficiently across their core tools.

  • Connecting Notion and Slack improves team productivity, centralizes information, and reduces app switching
  • Setting up the Notion Slack integration is straightforward - just link your accounts and configure settings
  • Top use cases include sending Slack messages to Notion databases, Notion page notifications in Slack, and two-way project syncing

Hopefully this guide provided a solid foundation for integrating Notion and Slack. For more ways to boost productivity, check out how to automate sales prospecting and other tasks.

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

Add database to page
Find Slack channels
When Notion database record is added or updated
Update status to do not disturb
When Notion page is created or updated
Send file to Slack
Navigates to database in browser
Get Slack user info
Get Slack user info
Delete database

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I use Bardeen to integrate Notion with Slack?

You can use Bardeen to set up automations like notifying Slack when a new Notion page is added or updated. This keeps your team in the loop without manual updates.

What are some example automations for connecting Notion and Slack?

Some examples include sending a Slack notification when a Notion page is updated, creating a Notion page before an event starts, and sharing ClickUp tasks in Slack.

Do I need to enter my credit card info to sign up for Bardeen?

No, you do not need to enter your credit card details to sign up. You can start using Bardeen without any payment information.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for Notion and Slack integrations?

Bardeen offers a free plan for individuals and small teams. The paid version costs $20/month and includes premium integrations and 24/7 cloud automation.