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HubSpot with YouTube

Integrate HubSpot with YouTube to automate your marketing tasks. Use natural language prompts with Bardeen's AI Agent to handle repetitive actions. No coding required.

How to integrate HubSpot with YouTube?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like HubSpot and YouTube together to save time and increase productivity.

Connecting your YouTube channel to HubSpot unlocks powerful analytics and lead generation opportunities. With 2.6 billion monthly active users, YouTube is a goldmine for marketers looking to expand their reach and engage their audience.

In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of integrating YouTube with HubSpot, from setting up the connection to leveraging video data to drive conversions. Plus, discover how AI tools like Bardeen can automate repetitive tasks and save you hours of manual work each week.

Ready to take your video marketing to the next level? Let's dive in!

Setting Up the HubSpot YouTube Integration for Video Analytics

Connecting your YouTube account to HubSpot allows you to analyze video performance data directly within your HubSpot portal. This integration provides valuable insights into how your YouTube videos are resonating with your audience and driving engagement.

1. Check YouTube Account Eligibility

Before connecting your YouTube account, ensure it meets the following criteria:

  • Your account must be set to public, not private
  • You must have a YouTube brand channel
  • Your account needs at least one uploaded video

These requirements are necessary for HubSpot to access and sync your YouTube video data.

2. Connect YouTube Account in HubSpot Settings

To establish the connection, navigate to your HubSpot account settings:

  1. Click the settings icon in the top navigation bar
  2. Go to Marketing > Social in the left sidebar menu
  3. Click "Connect account" in the upper right
  4. Select "YouTube Reports" from the options

Follow the prompts to select your YouTube account and grant HubSpot the necessary permissions. Review and agree to YouTube's Terms of Service to proceed.

3. Access YouTube Analytics in HubSpot

Once your YouTube account is connected, HubSpot will start syncing your video data. You'll gain access to key metrics such as:

  • Views and view duration
  • Likes, comments, and shares
  • Audience retention and demographics
  • Traffic sources and embed locations

Use these insights to understand what content resonates, optimize your video strategy, and measure the ROI of your YouTube efforts - all from your HubSpot dashboard. For more tips on managing data, check out this guide on data enrichment.

By integrating your YouTube account with HubSpot, you'll streamline your video performance analysis and make data-driven decisions to improve your YouTube marketing results.

In the next section, discover how to analyze and act on your YouTube video analytics within the HubSpot interface. For more integrations, learn how to connect Google Sheets for enhanced analysis.

Analyzing YouTube Video Performance in HubSpot for Actionable Insights

The YouTube analytics integration with HubSpot provides a wealth of performance data to help you understand how your videos are resonating with viewers. By analyzing key metrics like views, watch time, and engagement, you can derive actionable insights to optimize your video strategy and drive better results.

1. Navigating the YouTube Video Performance Report

In your HubSpot portal, navigate to Reports > Analytics Tools > Social Media Analytics > YouTube. Here you'll find the YouTube Video Performance report, which provides an overview of your video analytics.

The report displays metrics such as total video views, average view duration, top videos by views, and more. Use the date range selector to analyze performance over specific time periods and identify trends.

2. Interpreting YouTube Analytics Data

To derive meaningful insights from YouTube analytics, focus on metrics that indicate viewer engagement and retention, such as:

  • Watch time: Total number of minutes viewers spent watching your videos
  • Average view duration: How much of each video the average viewer watched
  • Audience retention: Percentage of viewers who continued watching at each point in the video

High watch times, view durations, and retention rates signal that your content is resonating with viewers and keeping them engaged. For more on optimizing your engagement strategies, check out our top sales prospecting tools.

3. Top 5 Video Optimization Tips

  1. Craft compelling titles and thumbnails to entice viewers to click
  2. Hook viewers in the first 15 seconds to prevent drop-off
  3. Use cards and end screens to drive actions like subscribing or watching more videos
  4. Add captions to improve accessibility and watch time
  5. Optimize video descriptions, tags, and transcripts for target keywords

Implement these tips to boost rankings in YouTube search and suggested videos, exposing your content to a wider audience.

4. Measuring Full-Funnel Impact with HubSpot

YouTube analytics provide insight into video performance on the platform, but to measure the full impact of video across the buyer's journey, use HubSpot's reporting tools in conjunction:

  • Analyze video engagement on website pages and landing pages
  • Track how many leads and customers interacted with video
  • Measure the ROI of video by attributing revenue influenced or generated

Integrating YouTube data with HubSpot unveils the bigger picture of video's contribution to your marketing and sales efforts.

Leveraging YouTube analytics in HubSpot empowers you to make data-driven optimizations to your video marketing strategy, improving performance and results. Next up, learn how to embed high-performing YouTube videos across your website and content for maximum impact.

Discover the power of automating your YouTube video tasks using Bardeen's web scraping tools to automate repetitive work and focus on growing your channel.

Embed YouTube Videos in HubSpot to Engage Your Audience

Embedding YouTube videos across your HubSpot content is a powerful way to engage visitors and deliver your message in a compelling format. By strategically placing relevant videos on website pages, landing pages, blog posts, and emails, you can boost engagement, conversions, and overall content performance.

1. How to Embed a YouTube Video in HubSpot

Embedding a YouTube video in HubSpot is a straightforward process. Simply navigate to the rich text module where you want to place the video and:

  1. Click the "Insert" dropdown in the toolbar and select "Embed"
  2. Paste the YouTube video URL or embed code in the dialog box
  3. Click "Insert" to add the video to your content

HubSpot automatically formats the embed to be responsive so it looks great across devices. You can also resize the video or adjust its alignment if needed.

2. SEO Benefits of Embedding YouTube Videos

Adding YouTube videos to HubSpot content can provide substantial SEO benefits. Video keeps visitors on the page longer, reducing bounce rates - a positive ranking signal. Google also features video results prominently in search and adding schema markup to your embedded videos can help them appear there.

Additionally, embedding videos keeps visitors on your site rather than sending them to YouTube. This boosts dwell time and engagement, which are important for SEO.

3. Using Video Content Across the Buyer's Journey

Integrate YouTube videos into your content strategy across the entire marketing funnel and buyer's journey:

  • Awareness: Embed educational videos in blog posts to attract top-of-funnel visitors
  • Consideration: Feature product demos and customer story videos on website pages as prospects evaluate your offering
  • Decision: Add video testimonials and case studies to landing pages to help convert leads
  • Retention: Embed help content in knowledge base articles to support and delight customers

Mapping video content to each stage ensures you're delivering the right message at the right time to move buyers forward.

4. Turning Video Viewers into Leads

Embedding YouTube videos in HubSpot creates opportunities to generate leads from your video content. Add clickable CTAs and annotations linking to landing pages with offers relevant to the video topic. This helps turn passive viewers into active leads.

For gated video content, embed a short preview in a HubSpot landing page with a form to capture lead info before displaying the full video. And if you're embedding videos in blog posts, add inline CTAs to relevant offers throughout the post to convert that video-engaged traffic. By embedding YouTube videos strategically and adding conversion opportunities alongside them, you'll maximize the lead generation potential of your video content. Now that you've mastered the technical aspects, it's time to get creative with video across your HubSpot marketing. Sales prospecting automation tools can also help enhance your results. Thanks for sticking with this guide - now go put your video embedding expertise to work!


Integrating HubSpot with YouTube is crucial for leveraging video content to engage your audience and drive marketing results.

This guide covered:

  • Connecting your YouTube account and integrate Google Docs to navigate the prerequisites and limitations
  • Analyzing video performance metrics and deriving actionable insights to optimize your strategy
  • Embedding videos across HubSpot content to boost SEO, engagement, and lead generation

Mastering HubSpot's YouTube integration is essential for making the most of your video marketing efforts.Automate sales prospecting with these powerful capabilities!

Save time by using Bardeen's AI automation to handle repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on content creation and engagement.

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Automation is simple.
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Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
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What kind of automations can create with HubSpot and YouTube? offers various automations for integrating HubSpot and YouTube. For example, you can create ClickUp tasks from YouTube channel info pages or get answers for a YouTube video and save them to Coda. These automations save you time and keep your data organized.

How can I use Bardeen to manage leads from YouTube in HubSpot?

Use Bardeen to qualify a LinkedIn company and save it to HubSpot or export leads from LinkedIn Company Search to HubSpot. These automations help you transfer valuable lead information from YouTube to your CRM without manual entry.

Can I share my automations with my team?

Yes, you can share playbooks with your team. This feature is useful when multiple team members need to use the same automation, ensuring everyone has access to up-to-date data.

How much does Bardeen cost?

Bardeen offers a free plan for basic use and a paid plan at $20/month for full access to premium integrations and 24/7 cloud automations. The free plan is suitable for small teams and individuals, while the paid plan offers advanced features.