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HubSpot with TikTok

Integrate HubSpot with TikTok for automated marketing workflows. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to set up automations with simple natural language inputs. No coding required.

How to integrate HubSpot with TikTok?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like HubSpot and TikTok together to save time and increase productivity.

Are you looking to maximize your marketing efforts by connecting HubSpot and TikTok? With over 1 billion monthly active users on TikTok, integrating these two platforms can significantly expand your reach and engagement. In this comprehensive, step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of integrating HubSpot and TikTok, both manually and using AI-powered automation tools like Bardeen. By the end of this guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to seamlessly sync customer data, simplify lead generation, and boost your overall marketing performance. Get ready to take your TikTok marketing to the next level!

Why Integrate HubSpot and TikTok for Your Business

Integrating HubSpot and TikTok offers several key benefits for businesses looking to level up their marketing efforts:

  1. Sync customer data between platforms to enable targeted, personalized campaigns. For example, use TikTok engagement data in HubSpot to segment your audience and deliver tailored content and offers.

  2. Simplify lead generation and nurturing by automatically capturing TikTok leads in HubSpot's CRM. This saves time and ensures no potential customer falls through the cracks. Learn more about sales prospecting tools that can help streamline this process.

  3. Combine the strengths of TikTok's engaging video format with HubSpot's robust marketing automation tools to significantly boost overall performance and ROI.

Integrating HubSpot with TikTok allows you to harness the power of both platforms to attract, engage and convert more leads into loyal customers. The seamless syncing of data and leads makes it easier than ever to execute high-performing marketing campaigns. To further enhance your efforts, consider using tools that automate sales prospecting.

Sync Customer Data Between HubSpot and TikTok for Targeted, Personalized Campaigns

Integrating HubSpot and TikTok allows you to sync customer data between the two platforms, enabling more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. By leveraging TikTok engagement data in HubSpot, you can:

  1. Gain deeper insights into your audience's preferences and behavior

  2. Segment your audience based on interests, engagement level, and demographics

  3. Create targeted email campaigns showcasing relevant products or offers

For example, a fashion retailer integrating HubSpot with TikTok can identify users who frequently engage with their TikTok content featuring specific clothing items. They can then create a segment in HubSpot for these highly engaged users and develop personalized email campaigns offering exclusive discounts, leading to higher conversion rates and customer loyalty.

Moreover, the integration ensures a seamless flow of data between platforms. When a user takes a specific action on TikTok, such as submitting a lead generation form, that information is automatically synced with HubSpot. This provides a comprehensive view of each customer's journey, allowing you to automate outreach and create more relevant and timely communications that ultimately improve the overall customer experience.

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Automatically Capture and Nurture TikTok Leads in HubSpot's CRM

Integrating HubSpot and TikTok simplifies lead generation and nurturing by automatically capturing TikTok leads in HubSpot's CRM. When a user submits a lead generation form on TikTok, their information is instantly synced with HubSpot, creating a new contact record or updating an existing one.

This automation saves marketers significant time and effort by eliminating the need to manually export and import lead data between platforms. It also reduces the risk of human error, such as mistyping email addresses or forgetting to follow up with leads. With the integration in place, businesses can be confident that every lead generated through TikTok is properly captured and accounted for in their CRM.

Furthermore, the integration enables businesses to leverage HubSpot's powerful marketing automation tools to nurture TikTok leads. For example, when a new lead is created in HubSpot via TikTok, it can trigger a series of automated email campaigns designed to:

  • Educate the lead about the company's products or services

  • Provide valuable content

  • Guide them towards a conversion

This hands-off approach to lead nurturing ensures that no potential customer falls through the cracks and that each lead receives a consistent, personalized experience.

By simplifying the lead generation and nurturing process, the HubSpot and TikTok integration allows businesses to focus on creating engaging content and building relationships with their audience, rather than getting bogged down in manual data entry and management. For more on how to automate lead management, check out our blog.

Maximize Marketing ROI by Combining TikTok's Engaging Videos with HubSpot's Automation

Integrating HubSpot and TikTok can significantly boost your marketing performance and ROI. TikTok's engaging video format is highly effective at capturing audience attention and driving engagement. By leveraging this format and TikTok's vast user base, you can expand your reach and attract new potential customers.

However, simply creating content on TikTok is not enough. To truly maximize the platform's potential, you need a solid strategy for managing leads and guiding them through the customer journey. This is where HubSpot's robust marketing automation tools come into play. By connecting HubSpot with other platforms, you can:

  • Seamlessly capture leads generated through TikTok

  • Nurture them with targeted, personalized campaigns

For example, consider a software company that creates a viral TikTok video showcasing their product's unique features. The video includes a call-to-action directing viewers to a landing page where they can sign up for a free trial. With the HubSpot-TikTok integration, each new trial signup is automatically:

  1. Added to the company's CRM

  2. Enrolled in a lead nurturing workflow

This workflow can include a series of emails providing helpful resources, case studies, and product demos, all designed to guide the lead towards becoming a paying customer.

By leveraging the combined power of TikTok's engaging content and HubSpot's marketing automation, you can effectively attract, convert, and retain customers, ultimately boosting your overall marketing performance and ROI. Integrating HubSpot and TikTok allows for a more efficient and streamlined marketing process, enabling you to get the most out of your investment in both platforms.

By using automate sales prospecting, you can save time and focus on important work. Bardeen helps you capture, qualify, and nurture leads automatically.

What You Need to Connect HubSpot and TikTok

To set up the integration between HubSpot and TikTok, you'll need to meet a few key requirements:

  1. Active accounts on both HubSpot and TikTok

    • For HubSpot, you need a paid subscription plan (Starter, Professional, or Enterprise) as the integration features are not available on the free version. Learn more about integrating other apps with HubSpot.

    • On TikTok, you must have a TikTok For Business account to access advertising and lead generation tools

  2. Matching email addresses for both accounts

    • The email used for your HubSpot and TikTok For Business accounts must be the same

    • This is crucial for verifying and connecting the two platforms during the integration process

  3. Familiarity with key features and capabilities of each platform

    • Explore TikTok's Ads Manager, Pixel, and Creative Center

    • Get to know HubSpot's CRM, Marketing Automation, and Analytics tools. Understanding these tools helps in automating sales prospecting.

    • Understanding how each platform works will help you make the most of the HubSpot TikTok integration and develop effective marketing strategies

By ensuring you have active accounts, matching email addresses, and a solid grasp of each platform's features, you'll be well-prepared to connect HubSpot and TikTok and start leveraging their combined power to boost your marketing efforts.

Active HubSpot and TikTok Business Accounts: The First Step to Integrate HubSpot and TikTok

To begin the HubSpot TikTok integration process, you must have active accounts on both platforms:

  1. For HubSpot, you need a paid subscription plan (Starter, Professional, or Enterprise) to access advanced features like third-party integrations

    • The free HubSpot plan does not include integration capabilities

    • Upgrade to a paid plan if you haven't already to connect HubSpot and TikTok. You can also integrate Google Docs for better data management

  2. On TikTok, you must have a TikTok For Business account designed for brands and organizations

    • A TikTok For Business account provides access to the TikTok Ads Manager for creating and managing ad campaigns

    • It also includes the TikTok Pixel for tracking and optimizing ad performance

Setting up a TikTok For Business account is straightforward:

  1. Visit the TikTok For Business website and click "Get Started"

  2. Provide basic information about your business (name, industry, website)

  3. Explore the various tools and resources available to help you succeed on TikTok. You can also build a prospect list for better targeting

With active accounts on both HubSpot and TikTok, you're ready to take the first step in integrating these powerful platforms to elevate your marketing efforts. Consider using AI sales prospecting tools to further boost your strategy.

Save time and focus on important tasks by automating your prospecting with Bardeen's AI sales prospecting tools.

Matching Email Addresses: The Key to a Successful HubSpot TikTok Integration

When integrating HubSpot and TikTok, it's essential to ensure the email address associated with both accounts is the same. This matching email address serves as a crucial piece of information for verifying and connecting the two platforms during the integration process.

Using the same email address establishes a clear link between your HubSpot and TikTok accounts, confirming that your business owns both accounts you're attempting to integrate. This verification step is vital for maintaining the security and integrity of the integration, preventing unauthorized access or misuse of the connected data.

To check the email address associated with your HubSpot account:

  1. Log in to your HubSpot dashboard

  2. Navigate to the account settings

  3. In the "Profile & Preferences" section, you'll find the email address connected to your account

  4. Make a note of this email address, as you'll need to use it when setting up your TikTok For Business account (if you haven't already done so)

If the email address associated with your TikTok For Business account differs from the one used for your HubSpot account, you'll need to update one of them to ensure a match. In most cases, it's easier to update the email address on the TikTok side, as changing the email address associated with your HubSpot account may have implications for other connected tools or services.

By ensuring that the email addresses match across both platforms, you can connect LinkedIn and streamline the HubSpot TikTok integration process, avoiding potential issues or delays in connecting their accounts.

Get Familiar with TikTok and HubSpot Features to Maximize Your Integration

Before you start integrating HubSpot and TikTok, take some time to explore the key features and capabilities of both platforms. Understanding how each one works and what tools are available will help you make the most of the integration and develop more effective marketing strategies.

On the TikTok side, dive into:

  1. TikTok Ads Manager: Create, manage, and optimize your TikTok ad campaigns here. Get to know the different ad formats (like In-Feed Ads, Brand Takeovers, and Branded Hashtag Challenges) and how to set up targeting, budgeting, and scheduling for your campaigns.

  2. TikTok Pixel: This snippet of code tracks visitor behavior on your website and measures the effectiveness of your TikTok ad campaigns. Learn how to install and configure the pixel to gather valuable data and insights.

  3. TikTok Creative Center: Find inspiration and best practices for creating engaging TikTok content. Explore trends, case studies, and creative tools to help you develop compelling videos that resonate with your target audience.

On the HubSpot side, focus on:

  1. Contacts and CRM: This is where all your customer data, including info synced from TikTok, will be stored and managed. Learn how to create and organize contacts, and use the CRM to gain insights into your audience's behavior and preferences. Using tools to automate enrichment can make this process more efficient.

  2. Marketing Automation: Use HubSpot's tools to create multi-step campaigns that nurture leads and guide them through the customer journey. Set up workflows, email sequences, and other automated marketing actions triggered by TikTok engagement data.

  3. Analytics and Reporting: HubSpot provides a wealth of data and analytics on your marketing performance, including metrics specific to your integrated TikTok campaigns. Explore the reports and dashboards available, and customize them to track the KPIs most relevant to your business goals. You can also connect Google Sheets for detailed analysis.

Use Bardeen to automate sales prospecting. Save time and improve your impact by automating repetitive tasks.

By understanding the key features and capabilities of TikTok and HubSpot, you'll lay a strong foundation for a successful integration of HubSpot with TikTok. In the next section, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up the integration and getting your campaigns running.

Connect HubSpot and TikTok in Just a Few Simple Steps

With the prerequisites in place, it's time to dive into the process of connecting HubSpot and TikTok. The integration setup is straightforward and can be completed in just a few steps.

  1. Navigate to the integrations page within your HubSpot account and search for the TikTok integration.

  2. Click on the TikTok integration to begin the setup process.

  3. Enter your TikTok For Business account credentials and grant the necessary permissions for HubSpot to access your TikTok data.

  4. After the connection is established, customize the integration settings to determine which data points are synced between the two platforms.

Here's a closer look at each step:

1. Navigating to HubSpot's Integrations Page

Log in to your HubSpot account and navigate to the Integrations page, found under the "Marketplace" section in the main navigation menu. On the Integrations page, you'll see a variety of third-party tools and platforms that can be connected to your HubSpot account. Use the search bar to find the TikTok integration and click on the listing to proceed.

2. Authorizing HubSpot to Access TikTok Data

On the TikTok integration page, click "Connect" or "Install" to initiate the connection process. Enter your TikTok For Business account credentials, ensuring the email address matches the one connected to your HubSpot account. Review the permissions being requested and click "Authorize" or "Allow" to grant HubSpot access to your TikTok data.

3. Customizing Integration Settings and Syncing Data

With the connection established, customize the integration settings to ensure the right data is being synced between TikTok and HubSpot. Options include lead generation, ad campaigns, audience data, and data sync frequency. Take your time to review and customize these settings based on your specific business needs and goals. Once configured, click "Save" or "Apply" to finalize your preferences and start syncing data between the two platforms. For more automation tips, check out transferring LinkedIn profiles to Notion.

Find the TikTok Integration in HubSpot's Marketplace

To begin integrating HubSpot and TikTok, log in to your HubSpot account and navigate to the Integrations page, located under the "Marketplace" section in the main menu. The Integrations page displays a wide variety of third-party tools and platforms that can be connected to your HubSpot account, including social media, Google Drive for file management, and customer service.

Use the search bar at the top of the page to find the TikTok integration by typing "TikTok." The search results will show the TikTok integration option, along with a brief description of its key features and benefits. Click on the TikTok integration listing to proceed to the next step.

Note that if you don't see the TikTok integration option in the search results, it may be due to your HubSpot plan level. Integration capabilities are only available on paid HubSpot plans, so if you're on the free plan, you'll need to upgrade to access the TikTok integration.

Once you've located the TikTok integration listing and confirmed that your HubSpot plan supports it, you're ready to move on to the next step in the setup process. For more insights on integrating with other platforms, check out how to scrape LinkedIn data.

Grant HubSpot Access to Your TikTok Data

After clicking on the TikTok integration listing in HubSpot's marketplace, you'll be taken to a page with more details about the integration's capabilities. To start connecting HubSpot and TikTok, click on the "Connect" or "Install" button, depending on the wording used in your HubSpot account.

Next, enter your TikTok For Business account credentials, which typically include your email address and password. Ensure that the email address you use matches the one connected to your HubSpot account for a seamless integration process.

Once you've entered your TikTok credentials, you'll be prompted to grant HubSpot permission to access your TikTok data. This crucial step allows HubSpot to sync information such as your:

  • TikTok ad campaigns
  • Audience engagement data
  • Lead generation forms

Review the specific permissions being requested and ensure you're comfortable with the level of access HubSpot will have to your TikTok account. Typically, the permissions include the ability to view and manage your TikTok ads, access analytics data, and retrieve information submitted through TikTok lead generation forms.

If you agree with the permissions, click "Authorize" or "Allow" to grant HubSpot access to your TikTok data, establishing the connection between the two platforms and enabling the sync of information.

After the authorization process is complete, you'll be redirected back to the HubSpot integration page, where you can customize the specific settings and preferences for your newly connected TikTok account. For more insights, you might also want to learn how to scrape Twitter data for your marketing needs.

Fine-Tune Your HubSpot and TikTok Integration Settings

After connecting HubSpot and TikTok, it's crucial to customize the integration settings to ensure the right data is synced between the two platforms. This step allows you to fine-tune the specific information you want to be transferred from TikTok to HubSpot and vice versa, based on your business needs and goals.

In the integration settings page, you'll find various options related to data syncing, such as:

  1. Lead Generation: Determine which TikTok lead generation forms should be synced with HubSpot and map the form fields to the corresponding properties in your HubSpot contacts.
  2. Ad Campaigns: Choose which TikTok ad campaigns to track and monitor within HubSpot, and set up the desired attribution and reporting settings.
  3. Audience Data: Select the specific TikTok audience engagement metrics (e.g., likes, comments, shares) that you want to sync with HubSpot and associate with individual contact records.
  4. Data Frequency: Specify how often you want data to be synced between TikTok and HubSpot (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly) to ensure your HubSpot CRM always has the most up-to-date information.

Take your time to review each available setting and customize them based on your specific objectives. For example, if lead generation is your primary focus, prioritize syncing TikTok lead gen forms and mapping the form fields to your HubSpot contact properties. On the other hand, if your main goal is to track and optimize ad campaign performance, ensure the relevant ad metrics are being synced and reported within HubSpot.

Once you've configured the integration settings to your liking, click "Save" or "Apply" to finalize your preferences and complete the HubSpot TikTok integration process. For more tips on using automation, check out how to automate sales prospecting to enhance your sales process.

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How can I use to integrate HubSpot with TikTok?

You can use to automate tasks between HubSpot and TikTok. For example, you can enrich TikTok links and create ClickUp tasks, or save TikTok profiles to Airtable or Notion. These playbooks help you manage leads and content efficiently by connecting your marketing data between TikTok and HubSpot.

What types of automations are available for HubSpot and TikTok integration? offers various automations for HubSpot and TikTok integration. Some examples include creating Asana tasks from TikTok profiles, saving TikTok profiles to Coda, and exporting LinkedIn company profiles to HubSpot. These automations help you keep your data organized and actionable.

Do I need to enter my credit card info to sign up for

No, you don't need to enter your credit card details to sign up for You can start with the free plan and explore its features without any payment commitment. If you decide to continue with a paid plan after the free trial, you'll be prompted to enter your payment details.

How much does it cost to use for HubSpot and TikTok integration? offers a free plan that covers non-premium functionalities. For full access, including premium integrations and 24/7 cloud automations, the paid plan costs $20/month. This pricing allows you to choose a plan that fits your needs and budget.