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Airtable with Glassdoor

Integrate Airtable and Glassdoor to simplify your job tracking. Automate workflows by typing what you need, and Bardeen's AI will handle the rest. No coding required.

How to integrate Airtable with Glassdoor?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Airtable and Glassdoor together to save time and increase productivity.

Airtable and Glassdoor are two powerful platforms used by 70% of Fortune 100 companies to manage data and gather employee insights. But did you know integrating them can take your HR analytics to the next level?

Combining Glassdoor reviews with Airtable's flexibility lets you uncover trends and correlations between public employee feedback and internal metrics. You'll gain a 360-degree view of your workforce - all in one centralized database.

In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to import Glassdoor data into Airtable manually and with AI automation. Master this integration and become the data-driven HR superhero your company needs!

Ready to revolutionize your people analytics? Let's get started.


Integrating Airtable and Glassdoor can help you manage your hiring process more efficiently. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can easily track job postings, candidate information, and reviews all in one place. This integration allows you to:

  • Automatically sync job postings from Airtable to Glassdoor
  • Import candidate data from Glassdoor into Airtable
  • View Glassdoor reviews and ratings directly in Airtable

With Airtable Glassdoor integration, you can save time and reduce manual data entry, allowing you to focus on finding the best candidates for your open positions. For additional efficiency, you can also connect Google Sheets to streamline data handling.

Why Integrate Glassdoor Reviews into Airtable?

Integrating Glassdoor reviews into your Airtable base centralizes valuable employee feedback alongside key company data. By combining public reviews with internal metrics like retention and engagement, you can identify trends and correlations to better understand your workforce.

For example, an HR manager at a mid-size tech startup could import Glassdoor reviews into the same Airtable base that tracks employee survey results. This allows them to analyze the full picture of the employee experience by examining public and private feedback together.

Airtable's flexibility lets you tailor the integration to your needs. You can import specific data fields, create custom views, and connect the Glassdoor data to other relevant datasets. This makes it a powerful tool for gaining insights into employee satisfaction and concerns.

1. Centralize Employee Feedback for Easier Analysis

With Glassdoor reviews stored directly in Airtable, all your employee feedback is accessible in one place. You can quickly view recent reviews alongside performance data, survey responses, and other HR metrics without switching between tools.

This centralization makes it simple to get a comprehensive view of the employee experience. Rather than analyzing public and private feedback separately, you can easily examine it side-by-side to identify common themes and issues.

Take control of your spreadsheet workflows! Easily connect Microsoft Excel with powerful automations for seamless data management.

2. Identify Trends by Connecting Public and Private Feedback

Glassdoor provides a window into the unfiltered opinions current and former employees are sharing publicly. By integrating this data into Airtable, you can analyze it in the context of the internal feedback you're collecting through surveys, reviews, and exit interviews.

Combining these public and private data sources in one tool makes it easier to uncover insights and trends. You can compare the sentiment in Glassdoor reviews to your engagement survey results to see if there are common concerns. This helps you identify areas for improvement and track progress over time.

3. Customize Your Airtable Base to Track Key Glassdoor Metrics

Airtable lets you import the specific Glassdoor data fields that are most relevant to your analysis. You can create custom views to track average ratings, flag reviews mentioning certain keywords, or group reviews by job title or department.

For example, you could set up a view that filters reviews to show only those mentioning "work-life balance" or "management." This allows you to quickly hone in on the topics that matter most to your employees and leadership team.

By tailoring your Airtable integration to your unique needs and goals, you can gain targeted insights from your Glassdoor data. Combining it with your other HR datasets gives you a powerful tool for understanding the employee experience and planning your people strategy. For more automation tips, check out how to connect Microsoft Excel for even more streamlined data management.

Centralize Employee Feedback for Easier Analysis

With Glassdoor reviews stored directly in Airtable, all your employee feedback is accessible in one place. You can quickly view recent reviews alongside performance data, survey responses, and other HR metrics in Google Docs without switching between tools.

This centralization makes it simple to get a comprehensive view of the employee experience. Rather than analyzing public and private feedback separately, you can easily examine it side-by-side to identify common themes and issues. For more efficient email management of employee feedback, consider using AI email management tools.

Uncover Insights by Connecting Public and Internal Employee Feedback

Glassdoor reviews offer an unfiltered look at what employees really think about your company. But this public feedback is only part of the picture.

When you integrate Glassdoor data into your Airtable base, you can analyze it alongside internal feedback from engagement surveys, performance reviews, and exit interviews. This allows you to spot trends and correlations you might otherwise miss.

For example, if Glassdoor reviews frequently mention issues with work-life balance, you can check if similar themes emerge in your internal surveys. Comparing public and private feedback in one place provides a more complete view of the employee experience.

Airtable makes it easy to combine Glassdoor data with your existing HR datasets for deeper insights. Integrating these different feedback sources is key to understanding your workforce and driving meaningful improvements. For more automated analysis, consider using a Google Drive integration to manage your data.

Save time by automating your data analysis. Try using Bardeen's LinkedIn Profile Data Playbook to easily extract and compare feedback across platforms.

Tailor Your Airtable Base for Targeted Glassdoor Insights

When you integrate Airtable and Glassdoor, you have the power to track the Glassdoor metrics that matter most to your company. Airtable's flexible structure allows you to import only the specific data fields you need for your analysis.

For example, you might pull in the overall rating, review title, pros, cons, and advice to management fields. Or you could import additional details like the reviewer's job title, employment status, and location.

Once the Glassdoor data is in Airtable, you can:

  • Create filtered views to see average ratings trending over time
  • Set up alerts to flag reviews that mention specific keywords or topics
  • Group and summarize reviews by department, location, or job level

By tailoring your Airtable integration to focus on the Glassdoor data that's most relevant to your goals, you can efficiently hone in on actionable insights. Customizing your base helps cut through the noise so you can identify the feedback that matters most.

Step-by-Step: Import Glassdoor Reviews into Airtable

Integrating Glassdoor reviews into your Airtable base is a straightforward process. First, you'll export the reviews to a CSV file from Glassdoor. Then, you'll import that CSV into a new table in your Airtable base. Finally, you'll map the Glassdoor data fields to the appropriate Airtable fields and set up an automation to keep data up-to-date.

1. Export Glassdoor Reviews to CSV

Glassdoor allows you to export company reviews to a CSV file. To do this, go to the Reviews tab on the company's Glassdoor profile and click the "Export" button. Choose the date range and fields you want to include, then download the CSV file to your computer.

For example, an HR analyst at Acme Inc. could export all reviews posted in the last year that contain feedback about the company's culture and values. This targeted export helps focus the data that will be analyzed in Airtable.

2. Import the CSV into Airtable

In your Airtable base, create a new table to house the Glassdoor reviews. Click the "Import data" button and select "CSV file". Navigate to the exported Glassdoor CSV on your computer and upload it into Airtable.

The imported table will have columns corresponding to the fields included in your Glassdoor export, such as Review Date, Job Title, Location, Pros, Cons, and Advice to Management. Airtable automatically formats the data based on the content of each column.

3. Map Glassdoor Fields to Airtable

After importing, you may want to rename or reorder the columns in your Airtable to optimize for analysis. For instance, you might move the "Overall Rating" column to the far left for easy scanning or rename the "Advice to Management" column to just "Advice".

You can also link the imported Glassdoor data to other relevant tables in your base. If you have an "Employees" table with details on each team member, you could link the "Job Title" column in the Glassdoor reviews to the corresponding employee record. This allows you to easily see all reviews associated with a particular role or department.

4. Automate Review Updates

To keep your Glassdoor reviews current in Airtable, set up an automated import that pulls in new data on a regular basis. Airtable integrates with automation platforms like Zapier and Integromat, which can automatically export fresh reviews from Glassdoor and import them into your base.

For example, you could configure a weekly automated export of reviews posted in the last 7 days. This ensures you always have the latest employee feedback available for analysis without manual CSV uploads.

Save time by using Bardeen's automation tool to keep your data updated automatically.

By exporting Glassdoor reviews to CSV, importing that data into Airtable, mapping fields thoughtfully, and automating regular updates, you can efficiently integrate valuable employee feedback into your centralized database. The next step is analyzing the reviews for actionable insights.

Uncover Actionable Insights from Glassdoor Reviews in Airtable

Once you've imported Glassdoor reviews into Airtable, the real magic begins. Airtable's powerful features allow you to slice and dice the data to uncover trends and insights. You can track changes in overall rating over time, identify common themes in reviews, and see how feedback varies by department or location. Connecting this Glassdoor data to other HR datasets in Airtable, such as employee engagement surveys or performance metrics, provides an even richer understanding of your workforce.

1. Identify Rating Trends with Formulas and Filters

Airtable's formula fields and filtering capabilities make it easy to spot trends in your Glassdoor ratings. For example, you could create a formula that calculates the average overall rating for each month, then use a line chart to visualize how that average has changed over time.

You can also set up filters to quickly see reviews that meet certain criteria, such as all 5-star reviews or all reviews that mention "work-life balance". This allows you to quickly identify what your company is doing well and where there may be room for improvement.

2. Summarize Feedback by Job Title, Department, or Location

Glassdoor reviews often include information about the reviewer's job title, department, and location. By grouping and summarizing your data based on these attributes, you can gain insights into how the employee experience varies across your organization.

For instance, you might find that reviews from your engineering team consistently mention a positive team culture, while reviews from your sales department often bring up issues with the commission structure. These insights can inform targeted initiatives to address any issues and build on what's working well.

3. Combine Glassdoor Data with Other HR Datasets for Deeper Insights

Glassdoor reviews provide a valuable outside-in perspective, but combining them with internal HR data can paint an even clearer picture. Airtable makes it easy to link your Glassdoor data to other relevant tables, such as employee engagement survey results or performance review scores.

By analyzing Glassdoor feedback alongside these internal metrics, you may uncover interesting correlations. Perhaps departments with the highest engagement scores also tend to have the most positive Glassdoor reviews, suggesting a link between employee satisfaction and public employer brand.

4. Build Interactive Dashboards to Track Key Glassdoor Metrics

Finally, Airtable's blocks feature allows you to create interactive dashboards that display your key Glassdoor metrics in one place. You could build a dashboard that tracks average rating over time, highlights the most common pros and cons mentioned in reviews, and allows filtering by department or location.

This type of visual, interactive display makes it easy to share insights with stakeholders across the organization. HR leaders can use the dashboard to keep a pulse on employee sentiment, while executives can quickly check in on high-level employer brand health.

Airtable's analysis features allow you to turn raw Glassdoor data into actionable insights to improve the employee experience. From identifying trends with formulas to combining public and private datasets for deeper understanding, the possibilities are endless.

Thanks for sticking with us through this in-depth guide - we know it's been a journey! While Glassdoor-Airtable integration may not turn you into a superhero, it will definitely give you analysis superpowers to take your HR strategy to the next level.

If you want to further enhance your data analysis, consider using GPT in Spreadsheets to bring AI into your workflow.


Integrating Glassdoor reviews into your Airtable base is a powerful way to gain insights into your employee experience.

  • Why it matters: centralizing feedback, identifying trends, customizing metrics
  • How to do it: export reviews, import CSV, map fields, automate updates
  • Putting it to work: formulas, filters, grouping data, connecting datasets, dashboards
Use Bardeen to enrich LinkedIn profiles in Google Sheets and save hours on manual data entry.

By mastering the integration of Airtable and Glassdoor, you'll have a significant advantage in understanding and improving your company culture. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your HR strategy to the next level!

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How can I use Bardeen to save Glassdoor job posts to Airtable?

With Bardeen, you can automate saving Glassdoor job posts directly to Airtable. Use the pre-built playbook 'Save the currently opened Glassdoor Job post to Airtable' to transfer job details without manual entry. This helps you keep your job listings organized and accessible in Airtable.

Do I need to be a premium user to use the Airtable and Glassdoor integration?

No, you do not need to be a premium user. Bardeen's free plan allows you to run unlimited non-premium automations, including saving Glassdoor job posts to Airtable. Premium features are required only for 'always-on' automations and other premium actions.

Can I share my automation for saving Glassdoor job posts to Airtable with my team?

Yes, you can share your playbooks with your team. Bardeen allows you to share automations, making it easy for everyone to use the same setup for saving job posts from Glassdoor to Airtable. This is especially useful for teams managing multiple job listings.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen's Airtable and Glassdoor integration?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes non-premium automations such as the Airtable and Glassdoor integration. For additional features like premium automations and 24/7 cloud running, the paid plan costs $20/month.