LinkedIn Weekly Invitation Limit: Strategies to Bypass

July 21, 2024
Jason Gong

LinkedIn limits weekly invitations to maintain platform integrity.

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LinkedIn's weekly invitation limit can be a frustrating obstacle for those trying to expand their professional network. However, with the right strategies, you can overcome this limitation and continue to grow your connections effectively. In this blog post, we'll explore proven methods to maximize your invitations, target key individuals, and even attract new connections without using invites.

Understanding LinkedIn's Weekly Invitation Limit

LinkedIn has implemented a weekly invitation limit to maintain the platform's integrity and prevent spam. This limit helps ensure that users connect with relevant professionals and build meaningful relationships rather than indiscriminately sending out mass invitations.

The specific number of invitations allowed per week varies depending on factors such as account age and activity level, but it typically ranges from 50 to 100 invitations. Once you reach this limit, you'll need to wait until the following week to send more invitations. If you hit the limit often, you might want to generate emails with AI to manage your outreach efficiently.

  • Job seekers may find the limit challenging when trying to expand their network quickly
  • Recruiters need to be strategic with their invitations to avoid hitting the cap too soon
  • Business developers should focus on quality over quantity when connecting with potential partners or clients

Strategic Networking within the Invitation Cap

To make the most of your limited weekly invitations, it's crucial to target and personalize your connection requests. Instead of sending generic invitations, take the time to research potential connections and craft tailored messages that highlight your shared interests or experiences.

  • Mention a common industry, mutual connection, or recent post they've made that resonated with you
  • Explain why you'd like to connect and how you believe the connection could be mutually beneficial
  • Keep your message concise, friendly, and professional

LinkedIn offers various tools and features that can help you identify valuable connections without wasting invitations:

  • Alumni networks: Connect with people who attended the same school or university as you, even if you weren't there at the same time
  • Industry-specific groups: Join groups related to your field and engage with members by commenting on posts and starting discussions
  • Advanced search filters: Use LinkedIn's search function to find people based on specific criteria like location, company, or job title

By leveraging these resources, you can strategically grow your network and make meaningful connections without exceeding the weekly invitation limit. Additionally, you can automate sales prospecting to enhance your networking efforts.

Bardeen can automate sales prospecting and lead enrichment, saving you time and making sure you focus on valuable connections. Learn how to automate sales prospecting and grow your network efficiently.

Alternative Methods to Expand Your LinkedIn Network

LinkedIn's Premium accounts, such as Sales Navigator and Recruiter, offer additional features that can help you expand your network beyond the weekly invitation limit. These paid subscriptions may provide:

  • Higher connection limits, allowing you to send more invitations per week
  • Advanced search filters to find and target specific individuals
  • InMail credits, enabling you to send direct messages to people outside your network

However, even without a Premium account, there are several effective strategies to grow your LinkedIn network organically:

  1. Engage with content: Like, comment on, and share posts from your connections and other industry leaders. This increases your visibility and can attract new connections who appreciate your insights.
  2. Participate in LinkedIn Groups: Join groups related to your industry or interests and actively contribute to discussions. This allows you to showcase your expertise and connect with like-minded professionals.
  3. Publish original content: Share your knowledge and experiences through LinkedIn's publishing platform. High-quality, engaging content can help you gain followers and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.
  4. Attend virtual events: Participate in online conferences, webinars, and workshops to network with attendees and speakers. Many events now offer LinkedIn-specific networking opportunities.

By implementing these non-invitational networking strategies, you can steadily expand your LinkedIn network and create valuable connections without relying solely on direct invitations.

Boost Your LinkedIn Networking with Bardeen Automation

The weekly invitation limit on LinkedIn is designed to encourage meaningful connections, but it can also be a hurdle for those looking to expand their network efficiently. While adhering to these limitations, automating certain LinkedIn activities using Bardeen can help you stay productive and make the most out of your networking efforts.

Here are some ways you can leverage Bardeen's playbooks to automate and streamline your LinkedIn strategy:

  1. Save LinkedIn group members to Google Sheets: This playbook facilitates the process of gathering contacts from LinkedIn groups, helping you to build a targeted network within the weekly invitation limits.
  2. Save LinkedIn posts from search to Airtable: Keep track of valuable content and engage with posts that matter most to your industry by automating the process of saving them to Airtable.
  3. Connect with a list of LinkedIn contacts: Use this playbook to efficiently reach out to a curated list of LinkedIn profiles, ensuring you make the most impactful connections within your weekly limit.

Start automating today and make every LinkedIn invitation count. Download the Bardeen app at

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Bardeen's AI Agent helps you manage LinkedIn invitations and outreach effectively.

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