App Tutorial

Create Charts from Pivot Tables in Google Sheets: A Guide

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
Google Sheets
April 15, 2024

Converting a pivot table into a chart in Google Sheets involves selecting the pivot table, then using either the Insert menu or the Explore feature to create and customize your chart. This process enhances data visualization and analysis.

Remember, the chart remains dynamically linked to the pivot table, ensuring real-time data representation.

Streamline your Google Sheets data visualization by automating with Bardeen.

Creating a chart from a pivot table in Google Sheets allows you to visually represent your pivot table data, making it easier to understand and analyze. This guide will walk you through the process of converting your pivot table into a chart within Google Sheets.

Automate your Google Sheets tasks and save time with Bardeen. Explore powerful Google Sheets automations today!

Google Sheets Chart from Pivot Table

To create a chart from a pivot table in Google Sheets, first ensure you have a pivot table ready. If you haven't created one yet, you can do so by selecting your data, navigating to the Data menu, and choosing Pivot table. Once your pivot table is set up and contains the data you want to visualize, you can proceed to create a chart.

Create Chart from Pivot Table Google Sheets

There are two primary methods to create a chart from a pivot table in Google Sheets:

  1. Direct Method: Click on any cell within your pivot table. Then, go to the Insert menu and select Chart. Google Sheets will automatically generate a chart based on your pivot table's data.
  2. Explore Feature: Use the Explore feature located at the bottom right of your Google Sheets interface. Click on Explore, and it will suggest various charts based on your pivot table data. You can then choose the most suitable chart to insert into your sheet.

Pivot Chart Google Sheets

After creating your chart, Google Sheets allows you to customize it further. Click on the chart to bring up the Chart editor pane on the right side of the screen. Here, you can change the chart type, customize its appearance, and adjust various settings to better represent your data. Whether you need a column, bar, line, or pie chart, Google Sheets provides a range of options to suit your data visualization needs.

Google Sheets Pivot Chart

Remember, the chart you create from your pivot table is dynamically linked to the pivot table data. This means any changes you make to the pivot table, such as filtering or updating the data, will automatically reflect in the chart. This dynamic link ensures your chart stays up-to-date with the latest data from your pivot table, providing a real-time visual representation of your data analysis.

Discover how to enhance your data analysis and visualization in Google Sheets. Read more on addons for Google Sheets, how to automate Google Sheets, and explore a collection of Google Sheets automations.

Automate Google Sheets: From Data to Charts with Bardeen

Converting pivot tables to charts within Google Sheets can significantly enhance data visualization and facilitate better insights at a glance. While the manual process is straightforward, automating your Google Sheets tasks with Bardeen can streamline your workflow and save valuable time. Here are some powerful examples of how Bardeen can automate related tasks:

  1. Copy an Airtable to Google Sheets: Seamlessly transfer data from Airtable to Google Sheets. This automation is ideal for users looking to consolidate data across platforms for enhanced analysis.
  2. Export Google Trends Data and Save to Google Sheets: Automatically scrape Google Trends data and save it directly to your spreadsheet, perfect for marketers and SEO specialists looking to track search trends.
  3. Save information from the Google Trends trending now page to Google Sheets: Keep your finger on the pulse by automatically saving trending topics from Google Trends to your spreadsheet, enabling timely content and marketing strategies.

Embrace the power of automation to make your data management and analysis in Google Sheets more efficient. Download the Bardeen app today from and start streamlining your tasks.

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