How to Export from HubSpot: Step-by-Step Guide

July 21, 2024
Jason Gong
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Go to Contacts tab, select view, then click Export.

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Exporting data from HubSpot is a crucial task for businesses looking to analyze, backup, or migrate their valuable information. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of exporting various types of data from HubSpot, including contacts, deals, and custom reports. By following these instructions, you'll be able to efficiently and effectively export your data, ensuring a smooth transition or analysis process.

Understanding the HubSpot Export Options

HubSpot offers a range of data export capabilities, allowing you to extract valuable information from your account. The platform enables you to export data related to contacts, deals, and custom reports, giving you the flexibility to analyze and utilize your data outside of HubSpot. Sales prospecting tools can help streamline this process.

When it comes to exporting data, HubSpot provides two main options:

  1. Full data export: This option allows you to export all the data associated with a particular object, such as contacts or deals. It provides a comprehensive snapshot of your data, including all relevant fields and properties.
  2. Selective data export: With selective data export, you can focus on specific datasets within an object. This option enables you to narrow down your export to include only the data that is most relevant to your needs, saving time and effort in the process.

By understanding these export options, you can make informed decisions about how to extract and utilize your HubSpot data effectively. For more on lead enrichment, check out our resources.

How to Prepare Your Data for Export in HubSpot

Before initiating a data export in HubSpot, it's crucial to take some preliminary steps to ensure a smooth and effective process. Start by cleaning up your data, removing any duplicates, incomplete records, or irrelevant information. This will help automate enrichment and ensure that you're working with accurate and up-to-date data.

Next, set proper filters to narrow down your data to the specific datasets you need. HubSpot allows you to filter by various criteria, such as date range, contact properties, or deal stages. By applying the appropriate filters, you can focus on the most relevant data for your export.

Another important step is reviewing your data fields and customization options. Take the time to assess which fields are essential for your export and consider any custom properties you've created. This will help you tailor your export to include only the data that matters most to your needs.

By following these preparatory steps, you'll be well-positioned to execute a successful data export from HubSpot, ensuring that you have clean, relevant, and customized data to work with. For more tips on improving your sales process, check out how to build a prospect list.

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Step-by-Step Process to Export Contacts from HubSpot

To export your contacts from HubSpot, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your HubSpot account and go to the Contacts tab in the CRM section.
  2. Open the view you want to export. To export all contacts, select the "All contacts" view.
  3. Click the "Export" button in the top right corner of the table.
  4. In the dialog box, choose your preferred file format (CSV, XLSX, or XLS) for the export.
  5. Select whether to include only properties in the current view or all properties on the contact records.
  6. If desired, check the "Include all email addresses" box to export all email addresses for contacts with multiple emails.
  7. Choose the language for your column headers in the exported file.
  8. Click "Export" to start the export process.

Once the export is complete, you'll receive an email with a download link to your export file. Keep in mind that download links expire after 30 days.

HubSpot offers various format options for your exported data, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs. When dealing with large datasets, it's important to note that exports containing more than 1,000,000 rows in CSV or XLSX format, or more than 65,535 rows in XLS format, may be delivered in multiple files within a zip file. For more efficient handling of large datasets, consider using tools to enrich your data directly in Google Sheets.

Exporting Marketing Analytics and Reports

HubSpot provides various options to export your marketing analytics and reports, allowing you to analyze data outside the platform and share insights with stakeholders. Here's how to export different types of marketing data:

  1. Email campaign results: Navigate to Marketing > Email, click on the email campaign you want to export data for, and then click "Export" in the top-right corner. Choose your preferred file format (CSV or XLSX) and click "Export" to download the file.
  2. Website traffic reports: Go to Reports > Analytics Tools, select "Traffic Analytics," and click "Export" in the top-right corner. Select your desired date range, file format, and click "Export" to receive the download link via email.
  3. Conversion metrics: Access the report you want to export (e.g., Landing Page Performance), click "Export" in the top-right corner, choose your file format, and click "Export" to download the data.

When exporting reports, you can customize the data to include specific metrics, date ranges, and other filters to ensure you're getting the most relevant information for your needs. This allows you to create tailored reports that align with your unique business requirements and goals.

Keep in mind that some reports may have limitations on the amount of data you can export at once, particularly for accounts with a large volume of historical data. In such cases, consider breaking your exports into smaller date ranges or using AI web scraping tools to retrieve the data programmatically.

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Automating Data Exports with HubSpot Integrations

Integrating HubSpot with other platforms and databases can streamline your data export process and reduce manual effort. By leveraging APIs and third-party tools, you can automate the export of contacts, deals, and other datasets from HubSpot to your preferred systems. Here are some ways to automate data exports:

  1. Use HubSpot's native integrations: HubSpot offers a range of built-in integrations with popular tools like Salesforce, Google Sheets, and Slack. These integrations allow you to sync data between platforms automatically, ensuring your exported data is always up-to-date.
  2. Leverage the HubSpot API: HubSpot provides a robust API that enables you to programmatically access and export data. You can use the API to build custom integrations with your internal systems or databases, allowing for AI sales automation and seamless data transfer.
  3. Explore third-party automation tools: Platforms like Workato and offer pre-built connectors and workflows that can automate data exports from HubSpot to various destinations. These tools often require minimal coding and can be set up quickly to suit your specific needs.

When automating data exports, consider factors such as data security, frequency of updates, and the specific datasets you need to export. It's also essential to ensure that your automated solutions comply with any applicable data privacy regulations and maintain the integrity of your exported data.

By implementing automated data export solutions, you can save time, reduce errors, and ensure that your exported HubSpot data is consistently available in the systems where it's needed most. For more tips on streamlining your workflow, learn how to connect Microsoft Excel.

Common Challenges and Solutions in Data Export from HubSpot

When exporting data from HubSpot, users may encounter various challenges that can hinder the process. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

  1. Data size limits: HubSpot has restrictions on the amount of data that can be exported in a single file. If your export exceeds the limit, consider breaking it down into smaller segments or using the API for larger data sets.
  2. Incomplete exports: Sometimes, exports may not include all the expected data fields. Double-check your export settings and ensure that all relevant properties and fields are selected before initiating the export process.
  3. Format discrepancies: Exported data may not always align with the desired format, particularly when importing into other systems. To mitigate this, review the available export formats and choose the one most compatible with your target platform. You can also use data transformation tools to convert the exported data into the required format.
  4. Timeout errors: Exporting large data sets can sometimes result in timeout errors. If this occurs, try exporting during off-peak hours when the system is less busy, or consider using the API for more efficient data retrieval.
  5. Permissions issues: Users may encounter errors if they lack the necessary permissions to export data. Ensure that your user role has the appropriate export permissions, or contact your HubSpot administrator to grant the required access.
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If you encounter any persistent issues during the data export process, reach out to HubSpot support for further assistance. They can provide personalized guidance and troubleshoot specific challenges based on your account's unique setup and data structure.

Automate Your HubSpot Data Tasks with Bardeen

Exporting data from HubSpot can streamline your workflow, but did you know you can automate this process with Bardeen? Automation can significantly reduce manual work, ensuring data consistency and saving valuable time. For instance, you could automate the export of HubSpot data to Google Sheets for reporting purposes or sync HubSpot contacts with other CRM platforms to keep all your teams updated. Let's embrace automation to make data export tasks more efficient.

  1. Export All HubSpot Products to a Google Sheets Tab: Automate the process of transferring your product data from HubSpot into a Google Sheets tab for easier management, sharing, and reporting across your team.
  2. Sync LinkedIn Messages to HubSpot Contact: Streamline your CRM by automatically saving LinkedIn messages to your HubSpot contacts, perfect for enhancing lead nurturing and follow-up processes.
  3. Save a HubSpot company as a new Salesforce account: Seamlessly transfer company data from HubSpot to Salesforce, ensuring that your sales teams have the most up-to-date account information.

Explore these and other automations by downloading the Bardeen app.

Automate HubSpot Exports with Bardeen

Bardeen's AI Agent automates data exports from HubSpot, saving you time and effort.

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