How Many LinkedIn Connection Requests? Limits and Tips

July 21, 2024
Jason Gong

LinkedIn limits connection requests to 100 per week in 2024.

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If you're networking on LinkedIn, try Bardeen's AI Message Generator. It personalizes connection requests, saving you time and boosting acceptance rates.

In 2024, LinkedIn continues to evolve its platform, and understanding the connection request limits is crucial for effective networking. We'll explore the daily and weekly caps on connection requests, discussing the reasons behind these limits and how they impact user experience. By the end of this post, you'll have a clear grasp of how many connection requests you can send on LinkedIn in 2024 and strategies to maximize your networking potential within these guidelines.

Understanding LinkedIn's Connection Request Caps in 2024

LinkedIn has been refining its connection request limits over the years to maintain platform integrity and enhance user experience. In 2024, the platform has introduced new adjustments to these caps, which are crucial for users to understand and adhere to.

The primary reason behind LinkedIn setting these limits is to prevent spam and maintain a high-quality network for its users. By capping the number of connection requests users can send daily and weekly, LinkedIn ensures that people are connecting with others they genuinely know and want to engage with professionally. You can use tools like a LinkedIn data scraper to manage your connections efficiently.

  • In 2024, the weekly connection request limit on LinkedIn is set to 100 for most users, with some exceptions for premium accounts and those with high Social Selling Index (SSI) scores.
  • The daily limit for connection requests is not explicitly stated by LinkedIn, but it is generally recommended to keep it below 20-30 to avoid triggering any red flags.

It's essential to be mindful of these limits and to focus on quality over quantity when building your LinkedIn network. Sending too many connection requests in a short period can lead to account restrictions and hinder your ability to grow your professional relationships on the platform.

To make the most of your LinkedIn activities, consider using a LinkedIn integration tool to streamline your process and stay within LinkedIn's guidelines.

Strategies to Maximize LinkedIn Connection Requests

To make the most of your LinkedIn connection requests without hitting the weekly cap, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Identify your target audience and focus on connecting with individuals who are most relevant to your professional goals.
  • Spread out your connection requests throughout the week, rather than sending them all at once. This helps you stay within the limits and avoids triggering any red flags.
  • Choose optimal times to send your requests, such as during business hours when people are more likely to be active on the platform.

Personalizing your connection requests is crucial for increasing acceptance rates and avoiding potential account flags. When sending a request, take a moment to craft a brief, tailored message that explains why you want to connect and how you can provide value to the other person.

Some effective ways to personalize your connection requests include:

  • Mentioning a shared interest, mutual connection, or common background.
  • Referencing a piece of content they recently shared or engaged with on LinkedIn.
  • Expressing genuine interest in their work or industry and how connecting could be mutually beneficial.
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By taking the time to personalize your requests, you demonstrate that you've taken a genuine interest in the other person and are not simply trying to inflate your connection count. This approach not only increases the likelihood of your request being accepted but also sets the stage for more meaningful interactions and relationships on the platform.

Impact of LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Connection Limits

LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers several advantages that can significantly impact connection request limits in 2024:

  • Increased connection request limits compared to free accounts, allowing users to reach more potential leads and customers.
  • Advanced search filters and lead recommendations that help users identify and target the most relevant prospects, maximizing the effectiveness of each connection request.
  • Real-time insights and alerts on lead and account activities, enabling timely and personalized outreach that can improve connection request acceptance rates.

When comparing the connection request capabilities of free LinkedIn accounts and Sales Navigator, the potential ROI for premium users becomes clear. While free accounts have a limited number of weekly connection requests, Sales Navigator provides a higher limit, giving users more opportunities to expand their network and generate leads.

Moreover, Sales Navigator's enhanced targeting features, such as lead recommendations and advanced search filters, help users focus their connection requests on the most promising prospects. This targeted approach can lead to higher acceptance rates and more valuable connections, ultimately contributing to increased sales and business growth.

By leveraging Sales Navigator's powerful features and increased connection request limits, users can maximize their LinkedIn presence and achieve better results in their sales and marketing efforts. The ROI of investing in LinkedIn Sales Navigator becomes evident as users can connect with more relevant prospects, build stronger relationships, and drive more conversions and revenue for their business.

Consequences of Exceeding LinkedIn's Connection Limits

When users surpass LinkedIn's connection request limits, the platform implements temporary restrictions to maintain the integrity of the network. These restrictions may include:

  • Inability to send new connection requests for a specified period, typically ranging from a few days to a week.
  • Receiving warning messages from LinkedIn, urging the user to review and adhere to the platform's policies and guidelines.
  • Potential limitations on other LinkedIn features, such as messaging or profile views, depending on the severity of the violation.

To recover from a connection limit breach, users should:

  1. Refrain from sending any new connection requests during the restriction period, as this may prolong the limitation or lead to more severe consequences.
  2. Review LinkedIn's policies and best practices to ensure future compliance and avoid repeated violations.
  3. Gradually resume sending connection requests once the restriction is lifted, starting with a low volume and progressively increasing over time while monitoring acceptance rates.

The duration of the recovery process varies depending on the extent of the violation and the user's history of compliance. In most cases, users can expect to regain full functionality within a week, provided they adhere to LinkedIn's guidelines during the restriction period. For those looking to automate their tasks, consider using a LinkedIn profile scraper to manage data efficiently.

Bardeen's LinkedIn profile scraper saves you effort and time by automating data extraction from LinkedIn profiles. Get comprehensive details like names and job titles in one click and integrate the data directly into tools like Notion or Google Sheets.

Levering LinkedIn's Limits for Strategic Networking

Understanding and adhering to LinkedIn's connection request limits can benefit users by fostering more meaningful connections. By being selective and strategic with connection requests, you can build a network of high-quality relationships that provide value and support your professional goals.

When you have a limited number of connection requests, you're more likely to:

  • Carefully consider each potential connection
  • Personalize your connection requests
  • Engage in genuine conversations
  • Nurture relationships over time

This approach leads to a more engaged and responsive network, as opposed to having a large number of superficial connections. When you need advice, introductions, or opportunities, your strategically-built network will be more willing to help.

For example, imagine you're looking to transition into a new industry. By strategically connecting with key players and thought leaders in that industry, you can gain valuable insights, advice, and potentially even job leads. These connections are more likely to go out of their way to assist you because you've taken the time to build a genuine relationship.

In contrast, if you had simply sent out mass connection requests without regard for LinkedIn's limits, you may have a larger network, but those connections would be less invested in your success.

By leveraging LinkedIn's limits to focus on quality over quantity, you can create a powerful network that accelerates your career growth and opens doors to new opportunities. Learn how to build a prospect list to further enhance your professional network.

Boost Your LinkedIn Networking with Bardeen Automations

While manually navigating through LinkedIn's connection request limits can be a strategic endeavor, leveraging automation can significantly enhance your networking efficiency and outreach capabilities. Bardeen introduces a suite of automation playbooks tailored for LinkedIn, streamlining the process of managing connection requests and networking strategies.

Discover how Bardeen's LinkedIn automation can transform your networking approach:

  1. Get mutual connections from a LinkedIn profile: This playbook enables you to seamlessly extract mutual connections from any LinkedIn profile, facilitating targeted networking and outreach efforts.
  2. Send mutual connections from a LinkedIn profile to Slack: Enhance team collaboration by automatically sharing mutual LinkedIn connections to a Slack channel or user, optimizing sales prospecting and lead engagement.
  3. Save mutual connections from a LinkedIn profile to Coda: Organize and track your LinkedIn mutual connections by saving them directly into a Coda table, enabling efficient contact management and follow-up strategies.

Embrace the power of automation with Bardeen to navigate LinkedIn's networking landscape more effectively. Start by downloading the Bardeen app at

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Bardeen's AI generates personalized LinkedIn messages to save you time and increase acceptance rates.

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