The ultimate automation playbooks for sales professionals

Scrape, enrich, and add leads to your CRM in less than 5 minutes.

Automate lead prospecting

Scrape leads from any website such as LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Enrich leads

Enrich all leads with accurate email and phone number info from Apollo.

CRM integration

Automatically add your enriched leads to your CRM like Hubspot.

AI-generated messages

Automatically generate personalized messages using AI.

Automated outreach

Automatically add your leads to your messaging outreach tool like Apollo or Hubspot

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"Bardeen has revolutionized the way we approach sales. The automation features have saved us hundreds of hours and increased our revenue by 30%"
Jane doe
VP of Sales at TechCorp
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"I was skeptical at first, but Bardeen has exceeded all my expectations. The real-time analytics alone are worth the price."
john smith
Sales Manager at InnovateInc
Little Rocket Ship

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