Manage your tasks without getting distracted
Every time you create a task or get a status update, you break your flow. Bardeen allows you to create tasks from anywhere, get notifications when they are completed, and much more.

Create tasks from anywhere
When a great idea strikes you, you don’t want to lose it. But you don’t want to jump into it right away either, and adding things to your task management app means opening new tabs, clicking around, and breaking your focus. Create tasks on the go with these playbooks.
Get task notifications
When a great idea strikes you, you don’t want to lose it. But you don’t want to jump into it right away either, and adding things to your task management app means opening new tabs, clicking around, and breaking your focus. CreateProjects’ success depends on you staying on top of urgent and important tasks. But how do you do this without checking apps a billion times a day? Set up these playbooks to stay in the loop via Slack, email, and even custom browser notifications. tasks on the go with these playbooks.

Get project insights automatically
To track the status of your projects and keep the team in the loop, you need to check dashboards and send updates. Leverage these Playbooks to get all the data you need sent to one place automatically. Image your daily updates sent for you with all the numbers from different sources. Magic!