Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Webex with Zoom

Integrate Webex and Zoom for streamlined meetings and collaboration. Automate tasks with simple natural language prompts to Bardeen's AI Agent. No coding required.

How to integrate Webex with Zoom?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Webex and Zoom together to save time and increase productivity.

Struggling to connect your Webex and Zoom accounts? You're not alone. Over 80% of businesses use multiple video conferencing platforms, leading to collaboration headaches. But fear not! This step-by-step guide will show you how to seamlessly integrate Webex and Zoom, both manually and using AI automation tools like Bardeen. Imagine the time you'll save by syncing meetings, users, and settings across both platforms. Ready to say goodbye to video conferencing chaos and hello to streamlined productivity? Let's dive in!

Integrate Webex and Zoom: A Step-by-Step Guide

Integrating Webex and Zoom allows you to connect the two popular video conferencing platforms. This enables you to schedule and launch Zoom meetings from within Webex, providing flexibility and convenience. Here's how to integrate Webex with Zoom:

  1. Sign in to your Webex account and go to the Integrations page
  2. Click "Add Integration" and select Zoom from the list of available apps
  3. Authorize the connection between Webex and your Zoom account
  4. Configure the integration settings, such as which Zoom features to enable in Webex
  5. Start using the integration, like scheduling Zoom meetings from Webex

Bardeen's no-code automation platform makes it quick and easy to integrate Webex and Zoom. Download Bardeen to automate workflows between the two apps in just a few clicks, without any coding required. Bardeen simplifies connecting Webex with Zoom.

Why Integrate Webex and Zoom?

Connecting Webex and Zoom provides several key benefits for users and organizations:

  1. Flexibility to use the best features of each platform
  2. Ability to schedule meetings in either app and join from the other
  3. Simplified user management and settings synchronization

Integrating Webex and Zoom allows users to choose their preferred video conferencing tool for each meeting. Some may prefer Webex for its enterprise-grade security while others like Zoom's user-friendly interface. Connecting the two platforms enables the best of both worlds.

Integration also makes scheduling meetings more convenient. A sales rep could schedule a client call in Webex, but the client can easily join via Zoom if that's their preference. Calendar invites include join links for both apps. For organizing your files across platforms, you can integrate Google Drive with other apps.

Looking to connect all your essential tools? Download the Bardeen app to automate integrations and streamline your workflow.

For IT teams, integrating Webex and Zoom simplifies administration. Instead of managing users and settings in two places, integration enables syncing data between the platforms. Connecting Webex with Zoom is a win for flexibility, interoperability, and management efficiency.

Choose the Best Video Conferencing Platform for Each Meeting

Connecting Webex and Zoom gives users and organizations the flexibility to choose the ideal platform for every meeting. Webex excels at enterprise-grade security, making it perfect for internal team collaboration and sensitive discussions. Its whiteboarding and annotation tools also facilitate productive working sessions.

On the other hand, Zoom's user-friendly interface and webinar features make it great for presenting to clients, investors, and other external stakeholders. Integrating Webex with Zoom allows users to pick the best tool for the job while IT manages both apps centrally.

For example:

  • A product manager selects Webex for the weekly engineering sync to brainstorm on the virtual whiteboard
  • The CEO opts for Zoom to present the company update to the all-hands meeting and field questions
  • The sales team chooses Zoom to demo the product to prospects and share the recording afterward

Integrating Webex and Zoom provides the flexibility to use the right video conferencing app for each unique meeting, all managed under one unified platform.

Schedule in Webex, Join from Zoom (or Vice Versa)

Integrating Webex and Zoom gives you the power to schedule meetings in your preferred app while letting attendees join from the platform of their choice. This eliminates the friction of asking participants to switch video conferencing tools.

Here's how it works:

  1. An executive assistant schedules an investor update in Webex, their standard app
  2. The calendar invite includes both the Webex and Zoom join links
  3. Attendees simply click their desired platform link to join - no need to download a new app or create an account

The organizer and attendees can participate in the meeting seamlessly despite using different platforms on the backend. Bardeen solutions make connecting Webex with Zoom a breeze so you can enjoy this flexibility.

Bardeen can help you easily integrate Webex and Zoom to streamline your video conferencing needs. Save time and avoid hassle by using our no-code tool.

Other common scenarios include:

  • Scheduling a sales demo in Zoom but letting the prospect join via Webex if they prefer
  • Planning a board meeting in Webex while allowing some directors to use Zoom
  • Booking a candidate interview in Zoom and giving the option to connect through Webex

With Webex Zoom integration, you get the best of both worlds - the power to choose your platform for scheduling plus the flexibility to accommodate attendee preferences.

Sync Users and Settings Effortlessly Between Webex and Zoom

Integrating Webex and Zoom doesn't just benefit end users - it also makes life much easier for IT admins. Instead of juggling separate user management and configuration between the two platforms, you can automatically sync identities and settings.

Here's how connecting Webex with Zoom simplifies administration:

  • Provision a new Webex user and have their Zoom account automatically created with matching name, email, avatar, etc.
  • Disable a user in Webex and immediately revoke their Zoom access as well
  • Require passwords for all Webex meetings and have that setting synced to Zoom
  • Restrict recording privileges in Webex and see that reflected in Zoom

Any updates made to users or settings in one platform will instantly carry over to the other. No more worrying about discrepancies or manually duplicating configurations.

Integrating Webex and Zoom also unlocks handy features like:

  • Viewing Webex user presence status in Zoom (and vice versa)
  • Accessing Webex whiteboards and content within Zoom meetings
  • Automatically adding Webex closed captioning to Zoom cloud recordings

With Bardeen, you can even create intelligent workflows to provision users, sync settings, and more between Webex and Zoom. Simplify your meeting administration by connecting your apps today.

Integrate Webex and Zoom in Just a Few Simple Steps

Connecting Webex and Zoom is a straightforward process that requires admin access to both platforms. You'll need to generate API keys and perform some configuration on each side. Here's a high-level overview of the steps involved:

  1. Authorize the Zoom integration in the Webex Control Hub
  2. Configure the Webex integration in the Zoom Admin Dashboard
  3. Map user identities between the two systems
  4. Customize settings for the integration

While it's not overly complex, it does require carefully following the steps. Let's walk through each one in more detail.

1. Authorize Zoom in Webex Control Hub

Start by enabling the Zoom integration from within the Webex Control Hub:

  • Navigate to the Integrations page
  • Click "Add Integration" and search for Zoom
  • Select the Zoom tile and authorize the connection
  • Securely store the generated API key and secret

2. Enter Webex API Credentials in Zoom

Next, configure the Webex side of the integration in the Zoom Admin Dashboard:

  • Go to the Webex Integration page under Advanced Settings
  • Enter the API key and secret from step 1
  • Specify the email domains to match users between Zoom and Webex

3. Customize the Integration Settings

After authorizing and configuring the basic connection, you can customize the integration behavior:

  • Choose which platform's meeting join links to include in calendar invites
  • Specify local vs cloud-only meeting recording
  • Enable user presence and content sharing between apps

4. Test and Deploy the Webex Zoom Integration

With the configuration complete, thoroughly test before rolling out:

  • Schedule test meetings from each platform and verify join links
  • Validate user mapping and setting sync are working as expected
  • Provide user training and documentation
  • Enable the integration org-wide

By following these steps, you can successfully connect Webex with Zoom to allow users the flexibility to collaborate across platforms.

Save more time by automating additional tasks. Integrate Google Sheets to easily automate data transfers.

Authorize Zoom in Webex Control Hub to Start Integrating the Two Platforms

To connect Webex and Zoom, you first need to enable the Zoom integration in the Webex Control Hub. Here's how:

  1. Log in to your Webex Control Hub account
  2. Navigate to the Integrations page
  3. Click the "Add Integration" button
  4. Search for "Zoom" in the list of available integrations
  5. Select the Zoom tile and click "Authorize"

Webex will then prompt you to grant permission for Zoom to access necessary APIs and data. Review the access request details and click "Allow" to authorize the connection.

Upon successful authorization, Webex will generate API credentials consisting of an API key and secret. These will be required to configure the integration on the Zoom side, so be sure to securely copy and store them for the next step.

With the integration authorized in Webex Control Hub, you're ready to proceed to integrate Excel with Zoom and Webex, enhancing your workflow efficiency.

Configure the Webex Integration in Zoom to Complete Connecting the Two Platforms

With the Zoom integration authorized in Webex Control Hub, the next step is configuring the integration settings in your Zoom account. Here's how:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom Admin Dashboard
  2. Navigate to the Advanced section and select the Webex Integration page
  3. Enter the API key and secret that were generated when authorizing Zoom in the Webex Control Hub
  4. Specify the email domains to use for matching user identities between Zoom and Webex (for example, @company.com)
  5. Click "Save" to apply the settings

Mapping user identities between Webex and Zoom enables handy integration features like syncing user profile data, presence status, and more. Be sure to add all email domains used across your Webex and Zoom user accounts.

After configuring the integration in Zoom, the core connection between Webex and Zoom will be complete. You can then proceed to customize settings that control the integration behavior.

With just a few configuration steps in the Zoom Admin Dashboard, you'll be well on your way to integrating Zoom and Webex for a seamless user experience.

Bardeen can help automate your workflow. Learn how to integrate Dropbox with other apps for easier file management.

Customize Meeting Settings to Fine-Tune Your Webex Zoom Integration

Once you've authorized the Webex Zoom integration and configured the basic settings, you can fine-tune the integration behavior to best fit your needs. Customizing these settings puts you in control of the end user experience.

One important setting is choosing which platform's join links appear in calendar invites when a meeting is scheduled in the integrated environment. You can opt to include only the Webex link, only the Zoom link, or both. Including both provides the most flexibility but using just one may simplify things for users.

Recording options are another key area to customize. You can specify whether meetings can be recorded locally to the host's device or only to the cloud. Cloud-only recording may be preferable for security and compliance reasons.

Other valuable customization options include:

  • Syncing Webex and Zoom user presence status
  • Displaying content shared in Webex meetings to Zoom participants and vice versa
  • Choosing which Webex meeting types sync to Zoom (and the reverse)

While not essential, customizing these integration settings allows you to optimize the Webex Zoom connection to best serve your users and organizational requirements. Take the time to thoughtfully configure the integration before rolling it out broadly.

Validate and Deploy Your Webex Zoom Integration

Once you've completed configuring the Webex Zoom integration, it's crucial to thoroughly test it before enabling it for your entire organization. Testing ensures a smooth rollout and positive user experience.

Start by scheduling several test meetings, initiating them from both Webex and Zoom. Verify that the calendar invites include the appropriate join links for each platform and that participants can successfully join from either app.

Next, validate that user mapping between Webex and Zoom is functioning properly. Ensure that when users are provisioned in one system, their accounts are automatically created in the other with the correct name and email address.

Also test any customized settings you configured, such as:

  • Recordings being saved to the specified location (local or cloud)
  • User presence status syncing between Webex and Zoom
  • Content shared in meetings being displayed properly to participants on the other platform

After thoroughly validating the Webex Zoom integration, you can confidently roll it out to your full user base. Be sure to provide clear communications and training materials to help users understand the new capabilities and how to best utilize them. Closely monitor the rollout and be prepared to quickly troubleshoot any issues that arise.

Careful testing and a well-planned deployment will help ensure your organization reaps the maximum benefit of integrating Webex and Zoom.

Effortlessly Automate Zoom and Webex Integration with Bardeen

While you can natively integrate Zoom and Webex to a degree, using an AI automation platform like Bardeen unlocks far more power and flexibility. Connecting the two apps is a breeze with Bardeen:

  1. Download the Bardeen app
  2. Connect your Webex and Zoom accounts
  3. Use the intuitive workflow builder to define your desired integration

With just a few clicks, you can set up automated syncing of meetings, users, recordings and more between Zoom and Webex. Bardeen's AI capabilities take things even further, enabling you to build intelligent workflows like:

  • Automatically generating meeting notes and summaries
  • Detecting and assigning action items from Webex meetings
  • Transcribing Zoom recordings and making them searchable

The possibilities are truly endless. Bardeen makes integrating Zoom and Webex not only simple, but also far more capable than standard integration options. It's the smartest way to automate workflows.

Download Bardeen's AI automation platform today and discover how easy it is to integrate Webex with Zoom. You'll wonder how you ever lived without it!

Connect Your Webex and Zoom Accounts to Bardeen

Connecting Webex and Zoom to Bardeen is the first step to automating your workflows. It's a simple, secure process:

  1. Download the Bardeen app
  2. Click "Add Account" for Webex
  3. Authenticate your Webex account by entering your login credentials
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 for your Zoom account

Bardeen uses enterprise-grade encryption to protect your login information. Your data is never accessed without explicit permission.

You have the flexibility to connect both personal and work accounts for Webex and Zoom. This allows you to automate workflows across all your meetings, whether for business or personal use.

Once your accounts are linked, you're ready to start building powerful integrations between Webex and Zoom using Bardeen's intuitive workflow builder. Bardeen makes it easy to sync meetings and users, recordings and more to completely integrate your communication platforms.

Easily Integrate Webex and Zoom with Bardeen's Workflow Builder

Bardeen's intuitive workflow builder makes integrating Webex and Zoom a breeze. No coding required - just follow these simple steps:

  1. Choose a trigger event from either Webex or Zoom, such as "New Webex Meeting Created"
  2. Select the corresponding action in the other app, like "Create Zoom Meeting"
  3. Map the relevant fields between the two platforms, such as meeting title, date/time, and attendees
  4. Optionally add logic to filter which meetings sync, e.g. only those with certain keywords in the title
  5. Save and activate your workflow

With this simple setup, Bardeen will automatically integrate Webex and Zoom meetings in real-time. Any meeting scheduled in one platform will instantly sync to the other.

The integration works in both directions. You can trigger workflows from either Webex or Zoom events. Learn more about AI web agents and how they can enhance your productivity. Bardeen keeps your meetings in sync no matter where they're created.

You have full control over the integration. Map as many or as few fields as you like. Define granular logic to determine which meetings sync. Bardeen's workflow builder gives you the flexibility to integrate Webex and Zoom exactly how you want.

Automate Intelligent Meeting Workflows with Bardeen's AI

Bardeen's AI capabilities take your Webex Zoom integration to the next level by automating smart meeting workflows:

  • Auto-join Webex or Zoom meetings and record the audio, video, and screen share
  • Automatically generate meeting notes and summaries, extracting key topics, decisions, and action items
  • Detect tasks and due dates discussed in the meeting and create corresponding to-dos in your project management app
  • Sync meeting data like attendees, duration, and recording links to your CRM contacts or deals
  • Get a daily digest email with notes and action items from all your meetings

You can mix and match these AI capabilities to craft your ideal automated meeting workflow. Bardeen makes it easy - no coding required.

Say goodbye to manual note-taking and tedious post-meeting follow-up. With Bardeen's Webex Zoom integration, you can focus on having a productive discussion while AI handles the details.

Bardeen's AI works across all your meetings, even if everyone's not on the same platform. Whether you're joining from Webex, Zoom, or another app, Bardeen has you covered.

Ready to revolutionize your meeting workflows? Download Bardeen and integrate Webex with Zoom to start automating your tasks with AI today.


Integrating Webex and Zoom delivers major benefits:

  • Users gain flexibility to choose their preferred platform while still collaborating seamlessly
  • Organizations can enable both apps but manage them centrally for simplicity
  • Meetings can be scheduled and joined from either Webex or Zoom, using the convenient join links
  • User accounts and settings are synced automatically between the two platforms

To connect Webex with Zoom, admins need to authorize the integration, configure settings on each side, map user identities, and customize the desired behavior. It requires attention to detail but is well worth the one-time setup.

For even more power, automation platforms like Bardeen make it easy to integrate Webex and Zoom. With just a few clicks, you can automate workflows like syncing meetings, users, and recordings. Plus, Bardeen's AI features enable automating workflows like note-taking and task creation.

Don't let disconnected meeting apps slow down your team. Integrate Webex Zoom to enable frictionless communication and collaboration today.

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate Webex and Zoom using Bardeen?

You can integrate Webex and Zoom using Bardeen by creating custom automations, or 'playbooks', to connect the two platforms. For example, you can create a Google Calendar meeting with Zoom or Webex links, and even automate sending Zoom cloud recordings to participants. This helps you manage your meetings efficiently and stay organized.

Can I automate the scheduling of meetings with Webex and Zoom through Bardeen?

Yes, you can automate the scheduling of meetings with Webex and Zoom through Bardeen. You can create playbooks to set up Google Calendar events with Webex or Zoom links, create recurring meetings, and even generate tasks in Excel after Zoom meetings. This saves you time and keeps your workflow smooth.

What are some examples of automations for Webex and Zoom that Bardeen offers?

Bardeen offers several useful automations for Webex and Zoom. Some examples include summarizing Zoom meetings to HubSpot as new notes, creating Google Calendar meetings with Webex or Zoom links, uploading Zoom recordings to Google Drive, and sending these recordings to participants. These automations enhance productivity and collaboration.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for Webex and Zoom integrations?

Bardeen offers a free plan for individuals and small teams, which includes unlimited non-premium automations. For access to premium features, including always-on automations and advanced integrations, the paid version costs $20/month. This allows you to fully leverage the power of Webex and Zoom integrations to streamline your workflow.