Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Telegram with YouTube

Integrate Telegram and YouTube for automated workflows. Use Bardeen's AI Agent with natural language prompts to save time on repetitive tasks. No coding required.

How to integrate Telegram with YouTube?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Telegram and YouTube together to save time and increase productivity.

Connecting Telegram and YouTube can be a game-changer for content creators and businesses. By integrating these platforms, you can automate content sharing, boost engagement, and reach a wider audience. But how exactly do you set up this integration?

In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to link Telegram and YouTube using both manual methods and AI-powered automation tools like Bardeen. You'll learn the benefits of integration, best practices, and advanced techniques to take your content strategy to the next level.

Ready to save time, grow your following, and unlock new opportunities? Let's dive in!


Integrating Telegram with YouTube can be a powerful way to engage your audience and share your content. With Bardeen's AI automation platform, you can easily connect Telegram and YouTube in just a few clicks, without any coding required.

By integrating Telegram and YouTube, you can:

  • Automatically post new YouTube videos to a Telegram channel or group
  • Get notified in Telegram when you gain new YouTube subscribers
  • Send a message in Telegram when a YouTube video reaches a certain view count

Integrating these two platforms allows you to keep your Telegram audience updated with your latest YouTube content and milestones. Automate your outreach and let's walk through how to quickly set up this integration using Bardeen.

Why Integrate Telegram and YouTube?

Integrating Telegram and YouTube can help you expand your reach and keep your audience engaged. By automatically sharing new YouTube videos to a Telegram channel or group, you can notify your subscribers instantly. Getting notified in Telegram when specific YouTube channels upload new content allows you to stay on top of the latest videos from your favorite creators.

1. Automatically Share New YouTube Videos to Telegram

When you publish a new video on your YouTube channel, you want to let your audience know about it right away. By integrating YouTube with Telegram, you can automatically post a message with a link to your latest video in a Telegram channel or group.

For example, let's say you run a cooking channel on YouTube. Every time you upload a new recipe video, it will be shared instantly to your Telegram cooking community. Your subscribers can then watch and engage with your content without delay.

2. Get Notified When Specific Channels Upload New Videos

Following your favorite YouTube channels is a great way to discover new content. However, it can be time-consuming to check each channel manually for updates. By integrating YouTube with Telegram, you can receive a notification whenever a specific channel you follow uploads a new video.

For instance, if you're a fan of a particular gaming channel, you can set up an automation that sends you a Telegram message as soon as they publish a new let's play or review. This way, you'll never miss an upload from your favorite creators.

3. Allow Your Telegram Audience to Easily Access Your YouTube Content

If you have an established community on Telegram, integrating with YouTube can help you drive traffic to your channel. By sharing your latest videos in a Telegram group or channel, you make it easy for your audience to access and engage with your content.

Let's say you have a Telegram group for your art tutorials. Every time you upload a new drawing or painting video to YouTube, it will be automatically shared in the group. Your Telegram followers can then watch and learn from your tutorials without having to leave the app.

4. Bardeen Makes Setting Up the Integration Simple

Integrating Telegram and YouTube may sound complex, but Bardeen's AI automation platform makes it a breeze. With just a few clicks, you can connect your accounts and set up automated workflows to share videos, receive notifications, and more.

Integrate Google Sheets with Telegram for more ways to keep your content organized and accessible.

No coding or technical skills are required. Bardeen's intuitive interface guides you through the process step-by-step, so you can start integrating Telegram and YouTube in minutes.

Integrating Telegram and YouTube allows you to expand your reach, keep your audience engaged, and save time on manual sharing and notifications. In the next section, we'll walk through the simple steps to set up the integration using Bardeen. For more advanced automation, you can also generate personalized messages with AI.

Setting up the Telegram-YouTube Integration

Integrating Telegram and YouTube is a straightforward process with Bardeen. By connecting your accounts and using the AI workflow builder, you can create custom automations in minutes. Configure triggers and actions, customize settings, and activate the integration to start saving time and engaging your audience.

1. Download Bardeen and Connect Your Accounts

To get started, download the Bardeen browser extension and create an account. Once installed, click on the Bardeen icon and select "Integrations." Find Telegram and YouTube in the list of supported apps and click "Connect" for each one.

You'll be prompted to log in to your Telegram and YouTube accounts and grant Bardeen the necessary permissions. This allows Bardeen to access your data and perform actions on your behalf.

2. Create the Automation with Bardeen's AI Workflow Builder

With your accounts connected, it's time to create the automation. Open Bardeen and click "Create Workflow." Select "Blank Workflow" to start from scratch or choose a pre-built template for Telegram and YouTube integration.

Bardeen's AI workflow builder uses natural language processing to understand your instructions. Simply describe what you want the automation to do, and the AI will generate the necessary steps. For example, automate lead management tasks.

3. Configure the Trigger and Action

In the workflow builder, you'll need to define the trigger that starts the automation and the action that follows. For example, you might set the trigger as "New video uploaded to YouTube channel" and the action as "Post video link to Telegram group."

Bardeen offers a variety of triggers and actions for Telegram and YouTube, so you can create custom automations tailored to your needs. You can also add multiple actions to a single trigger for more complex workflows.

4. Customize Notification Text and Settings

Once you've configured the trigger and action, you can customize the notification text that will be sent to Telegram. Use variables to dynamically insert information like the video title, description, and link. You can also integrate Excel for more advanced data management.

You can also adjust other settings, such as the Telegram chat or channel where the message will be posted, the format of the message, and any additional actions you want to include.

5. Activate the Automation

With your automation configured, it's time to activate it. Click "Save" to store your workflow and then toggle the switch to "On." Your Telegram-YouTube integration is now live and will run automatically based on the triggers and actions you defined.

You can create multiple automations for different scenarios, such as posting new videos to multiple Telegram groups or sending custom notifications for live streams and premieres.

Setting up the Telegram-YouTube integration with Bardeen is a quick and easy process that requires no coding skills. In the next section, we'll explore some advanced automation ideas to take your integration to the next level, such as using a free AI web scraper for more dynamic content.

Unlock Advanced Telegram-YouTube Automation

Bardeen's AI-powered automation platform opens up a world of possibilities for integrating Telegram and YouTube. Beyond basic notifications, you can create complex workflows to streamline your content distribution and engagement across both platforms.

1. Distribute Videos to Multiple Telegram Channels

If you manage multiple Telegram channels or groups, Bardeen makes it easy to share your latest YouTube videos with all of them simultaneously. No more manual cross-posting or missed opportunities to reach your audience.

Simply set up a workflow that triggers when a new video is uploaded to your YouTube channel, and configure the action to post the video link to a list of Telegram chats. You can even customize the message for each chat to tailor your outreach.

2. Customize Notifications for Different Video Types

Not all YouTube videos are created equal. You might want to send different notifications for regular uploads, live streams, premieres, or specific video categories. With Bardeen, you can create separate automations for each scenario.

For example, you could set up a workflow that sends a special announcement to your Telegram channel whenever you go live on YouTube, including a link to the stream and a call-to-action to join. This helps you drive more real-time engagement and build anticipation for your content.

3. Automatically Download and Share Videos

Want to make it even easier for your Telegram audience to consume your YouTube content? Use Bardeen to automatically download your videos and send them directly to Telegram, so users can watch without leaving the app.

Save time and automate downloading and sharing YouTube content with Telegram using Bardeen's AI-powered tool. Make your content more accessible and drive more engagement effortlessly.

This is especially useful for shorter videos or clips that you want to make more accessible. You can even set up filters to only download videos that meet certain criteria, such as length or keywords.

4. Trigger Cross-Platform Promotion

Integrating Telegram and YouTube is just the beginning. With Bardeen, you can create workflows that span multiple platforms and services to amplify your content's reach.

For instance, you could set up an automation that triggers when a YouTube video is shared to Telegram, and then automatically posts about it on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media channels. This helps you create a virtuous cycle of promotion and engagement across your entire online presence.

Bardeen's advanced Telegram-YouTube automation capabilities empower you to create a seamless, cross-platform content strategy that saves time and drives results. In the next section, we'll wrap up with some key takeaways and final thoughts.


Integrating Telegram and YouTube is crucial for content creators looking to expand their reach and engagement.

In this guide, you discovered:

  • The benefits of connecting Telegram and YouTube, like automated sharing and notifications
  • How to set up the integration using Bardeen's AI automation platform
  • Advanced automation ideas to take your cross-platform strategy to the next level

Don't miss out on the power of Telegram-YouTube integration. Master these techniques, or risk falling behind in the competitive world of online content creation!

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

Send Telegram message

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I use Bardeen to integrate Telegram with YouTube?

With Bardeen, you can automate tasks between Telegram and YouTube to save time. For example, you can send new emails as summaries to Telegram, get YouTube chapters and save them to a Google Doc, or save videos from a YouTube channel to Google Sheets. These automations help you stay organized and efficient.

Do I need to enter my credit card info to sign up for an account?

No, you do not have to enter your credit card details to sign up and use Bardeen. Once your free trial ends, you'll be prompted to enter your payment details and confirm your subscription if you decide to keep your paid plan.

How secure is the integration between Telegram and YouTube using Bardeen?

Bardeen follows best practices for security, ensuring the privacy and security of your data. You can choose to run automations locally, keeping your data within your local browser storage and cache layers, without ever touching Bardeen's servers.

How much does Bardeen cost?

Bardeen offers a free plan for individuals and small teams. The paid version costs $20/month and provides full access to premium integrations and the ability to run automations on the cloud 24/7. The free plan is designed to support our mission of bringing automation to as many people as possible.