Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Notion with Twitter

Integrate Notion and Twitter to automate your social media tasks. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to create powerful workflows with simple natural language commands. No code required.

How to integrate Notion with Twitter?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Notion and Twitter together to save time and increase productivity.

Notion and Twitter are two powerful tools, but what if you could seamlessly integrate them? Over 84% of companies use automation to save time and increase productivity. In this comprehensive guide, we'll show you how to connect Notion and Twitter using both manual methods and cutting-edge AI automation with Bardeen. Imagine effortlessly managing your Twitter content, saving tweets for later reference, and automating repetitive tasks – all from within Notion. Ready to take your productivity to the next level? Let's dive in and explore the exciting possibilities of integrating Notion with Twitter!

Bardeen: The Ultimate Tool for Integrating Notion and Twitter

Integrating Notion and Twitter can supercharge your productivity by automating tasks and streamlining your workflow. Bardeen is an AI-powered automation platform that makes connecting the two apps a breeze. With its intuitive workflow builder and pre-made automations, you can set up powerful integrations in just a few clicks.

To get started, simply download Bardeen, link your Notion and Twitter accounts, and explore the possibilities. Here are 5 ways Bardeen can help you integrate Notion and Twitter:

1. Save Tweets to a Notion Database

Never lose track of insightful tweets again. Use Bardeen to automatically save tweets to a Notion database with just a few clicks. Create a database in Notion, connect it to Bardeen, and configure the automation to map tweet data to specific properties. Now whenever you come across a tweet you want to save, simply run the automation.

2. Capture Twitter Profile Data in Notion

Researching influencers or leads on Twitter? Bardeen makes it easy to save Twitter profile data directly to a Notion database. Set up the automation to capture key details like bio, follower count, and location, and access it all from your Notion workspace. Perfect for marketers, salespeople, and entrepreneurs using Notion as a CRM.

3. Archive Tweets from a Specific Profile

Want to keep tabs on a particular Twitter user? Bardeen can automatically save their tweets to Notion on an ongoing basis. Simply enter their Twitter handle, specify how many tweets to capture, and let Bardeen do the rest. The tweets will be added to your database, complete with metadata for easy filtering and analysis.

4. Monitor Tweets Containing Keywords

Stay on top of important topics and conversations by saving tweets containing specific keywords to Notion. Bardeen integrates with the Twitter API to pull in tweets matching your search criteria. Set up the automation, enter your keywords, and new relevant tweets will automatically flow into your database.

5. Schedule and Publish Tweets from Notion

Bardeen integrates with scheduling tools like Queue to let you compose, schedule, and publish tweets right from Notion. Write your tweets in a Notion database, specify publishing times, and let Bardeen handle the rest. You can even track key metrics to analyze performance over time.

By connecting Notion and Twitter with Bardeen, you can automate tedious data entry, streamline your research process, and simplify social media management. These powerful integrations will save you time and help you get more out of both tools.

In the next section, we'll dive deeper into using Notion and Bardeen to automate Twitter content creation. You'll learn tips and strategies for using Notion databases and Bardeen automations to plan, compose, and publish engaging tweets that drive results.

Supercharge Your Twitter Content Creation with Notion

Notion is a powerful tool for organizing and automating your Twitter content creation process. By integrating Notion with Twitter using Bardeen, you can streamline your workflow and save time. Plan your content calendar, compose tweets, and post directly from Notion, all while keeping your content optimized and on-brand.

Here are 4 ways to automate Twitter content creation with Notion:

1. Organize Your Twitter Content Calendar in Notion

Create a Notion database to plan and schedule your Twitter content. Use properties like post date, topic, copy, and status to keep track of your tweets. You can view your content calendar in different formats like a list, board, or calendar to get a high-level overview of your posting schedule.

Notion's flexibility allows you to customize your content calendar to fit your unique needs and workflow. You can add tags, assignees, and other metadata to your tweets for easy filtering and analysis.

2. Compose Tweets Directly in Notion

Write your tweet copy in Notion, taking advantage of its formatting options to make your content stand out. Use headers, bullets, and other styling to structure your tweets for maximum impact.

Notion's word count feature helps you ensure your tweets are the optimal length. You can also use Notion's collaboration features to get feedback and approvals on your tweet copy before publishing.

3. Automate Posting Tweets from Notion

With Bardeen, you can set up automations to post tweets directly from your Notion content calendar. No more copy-pasting or manually scheduling tweets. Simply connect your Notion database to Bardeen, set up the automation, and your tweets will be published automatically according to your schedule.

Use Bardeen to automate posting tweets from Notion and save time on repetitive tasks.

Bardeen's automation tools are easy to use and highly customizable, so you can tailor your posting workflow to your exact needs. Set up filters, conditions, and sequences to make your automation as simple or complex as you require.

4. Optimize Your Tweet Formatting and Performance

Use Notion to optimize your tweet copy and formatting for maximum engagement. Experiment with different headline styles, calls-to-action, and hashtags to see what resonates with your audience.

Track your tweet performance metrics like impressions, clicks, and engagement rate in Notion. Use this data to refine your content strategy and continuously improve your results over time.

By leveraging Notion's organization and Bardeen's automation capabilities, you can create a streamlined, data-driven Twitter content creation workflow. Plan, compose, publish, and analyze your tweets, all from within Notion.

In the next section, we'll explore how you can save tweets to Notion for easy reference and analysis. Imagine having all your Twitter content and engagement data at your fingertips in a searchable, customizable database. That's the power of integrating Twitter with Notion!

Effortlessly Archive Tweets in Notion for Quick Access

Saving tweets to Notion allows you to create a searchable archive of valuable Twitter content. By setting up automations with Bardeen, you can capture tweets, threads, and even entire Twitter profiles in your Notion database. This enables you to easily reference important tweets for content ideation, competitor research, and more, without the need for manual copy-pasting.

1. Automatically Save Tweets and Threads to Notion

Using Bardeen, you can create workflows that instantly save individual tweets or entire threads to a designated Notion database. Simply set up the automation once, and any tweet you come across can be archived with a single click.

For example, let's say you find an insightful thread on Twitter about the latest trends in your industry. With Bardeen, you can save that thread to your "Industry Insights" database in Notion, complete with the tweet text, author, date, and any media attachments.

2. Archive Entire Twitter Profiles for Competitor Analysis

In addition to individual tweets, Bardeen enables you to save entire Twitter profiles to Notion. This is particularly useful for keeping tabs on competitors, influencers, or thought leaders in your space.

Imagine you want to analyze a competitor's Twitter strategy. With Bardeen, you can set up an automation to save their profile information and tweet history to a Notion database. This allows you to easily track their content themes, engagement levels, and posting frequency over time.

3. Create a Searchable Twitter Archive in Notion

One of the biggest advantages of saving tweets to Notion is the ability to create a searchable archive. With all your Twitter content stored in a structured Notion database, you can quickly find relevant tweets using filters, tags, and search terms.

Let's say you remember reading a great tweet about a specific topic a few weeks ago, but you can't remember who posted it or exactly what it said. With your Twitter archive in Notion, you can easily search for keywords or phrases to locate that tweet in seconds.

4. Set Up Tweet-Saving Automations in Minutes with Bardeen

Bardeen makes it incredibly easy to set up automations for saving tweets to Notion. With its intuitive workflow builder and pre-built templates, you can create custom tweet-saving automations in just a few clicks.

Simply connect your Twitter and Notion accounts to Bardeen, choose the template that matches your use case (e.g., save individual tweets, save threads, save profiles), and customize the automation to your liking. Bardeen handles the rest, ensuring your tweets are seamlessly archived in Notion without any manual effort on your part.

By leveraging Bardeen to integrate Twitter with Notion, you can bring AI into your spreadsheet. Never again will you need to scroll endlessly through your Twitter feed to find that one insightful tweet or thread. With your searchable Notion archive, all the Twitter wisdom you've collected is just a few keystrokes away.

Thanks for sticking with us this far! We know you're well on your way to becoming a Twitter-Notion integration pro. Just don't let all this newfound knowledge go to your head - we wouldn't want you getting too big for your britches! 😉


Integrating Notion with Twitter using automation is crucial for streamlining your workflow and boosting productivity. Bardeen's automation tools for sales prospecting can enhance this process even further.

In this guide, you discovered how to:

  • Connect Notion and Twitter using Bardeen's AI automation platform
  • Automate Twitter content creation by leveraging Notion databases and optimizing tweet formatting
  • Save tweets, threads, and profiles to Notion for easy reference and analysis

Don't miss out on the benefits of integrating Notion and Twitter - your productivity depends on it! Consider using AI email management tools to further streamline your workflows.

If you often work with spreadsheets, connect Microsoft Excel using Bardeen to save time on repetitive tasks.

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

When Notion database record is added or updated
When user tweets
When Notion page is created or updated
Navigates to database in browser
Add database to page
Delete database
When Twitter user follows a new user
When Twitter user gets new follower
Create Tweet
Find Twitter followings

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I automate saving tweets to Notion with Bardeen?

You can automate saving tweets to Notion using Bardeen by setting up playbooks like 'Copy tweets from a profile to Notion' or 'Save tweets for a keyword to Notion'. This helps you keep track of important tweets directly within your Notion workspace.

Can I analyze tweet sentiment and save it to Notion?

Yes, you can use the 'Get sentiment analysis from tweets and save to Notion' playbook to analyze the sentiment of tweets and store the results in Notion. This is useful for staying informed about public opinion on various topics.

Is it possible to create tweets with OpenAI and save them to Notion?

Absolutely. With the 'Create tweet with OpenAI and save to Notion' playbook, you can generate tweets using OpenAI and save them directly to Notion. This is great for drafting and organizing your social media content.

How much does it cost to use these integrations with Bardeen?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes non-premium automations. For premium automations, including those that run 24/7 in the cloud, the cost is $20/month. You can start with the free plan and upgrade if you need more advanced features.