Google Meet
Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Google Meet with Slack

Integrate Google Meet and Slack to automate your meetings. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to set up and manage meetings with simple natural language commands. No coding required.

How to integrate Google Meet with Slack?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Google Meet and Slack together to save time and increase productivity.

Are you tired of constantly switching between Google Meet and Slack during meetings? With over 75% of companies using Slack for team communication, integrating it with Google Meet can save you time and streamline your workflow.

In this ultimate guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of connecting these two powerful platforms. You'll learn how to set up the integration manually and discover the new, automated way using AI agents like Bardeen.

Imagine being able to schedule meetings, share agendas, and follow up on action items without ever leaving Slack. Sound too good to be true? Keep reading to find out how you can make this a reality and boost your team's productivity!

Introduction: Integrate Google Meet and Slack Seamlessly

Integrating Google Meet with Slack streamlines communication and collaboration for remote teams. With Bardeen's no-code automation platform, you can easily connect these two essential tools in just a few minutes.

Bardeen allows you to:

By integrating Google Meet and Slack using Bardeen, your team can stay connected, organized, and productive without the hassle of switching between apps. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to set up this powerful integration and start automating your workflows today.

Why Integrate Google Meet with Slack? Boost Team Productivity

Integrating Google Meet and Slack offers several benefits that can take your team's collaboration and communication to the next level:

  1. Centralized communication: Keep all your conversations and meetings in one place. No more switching between apps.

  2. Streamlined scheduling: Easily schedule and join Google Meet calls directly from Slack using simple commands.

  3. Enhanced collaboration: Share agendas, documents, and follow-ups in dedicated Slack channels for seamless meeting prep and recaps.

By connecting Google Meet with Slack, you create a unified hub where your team can communicate efficiently, whether through instant messaging or face-to-face video calls. Say goodbye to the hassle of juggling multiple tools and hello to a more productive workflow. You can also integrate Google Docs for document collaboration.

Take it a step further by using Bardeen to automate your outreach. Save time and focus on more important tasks.

Centralized Communication Hub: Bring Google Meet and Slack Together

When you integrate Google Meet with Slack, you create a unified communication hub that combines the power of video meetings with the flexibility of messaging. No more juggling multiple apps or windows.

With this integration, your team can:

  • Easily switch between real-time video calls and asynchronous messaging, all within Slack.

  • Keep conversations organized and in context, whether you're discussing a project in a channel or having a face-to-face meeting.

  • Access meeting links, agendas, and recaps directly from Slack, so everyone stays informed and aligned.

By connecting Google Meet and Slack, you centralize your team's communication, making it more efficient and effective. Say goodbye to app switching and hello to automated message generation.

Simplified Scheduling: Seamlessly Integrate Google Meet and Slack

Say goodbye to the hassle of scheduling meetings across multiple platforms. When you connect Google Meet with Slack, you can effortlessly schedule and join video calls without ever leaving your chat window.

Here's how it works:

  • Use simple Slack commands to create a new meeting, set the time and date, and invite participants.

  • The meeting link is automatically generated and shared in the designated Slack channel or direct message.

  • When it's time for the meeting, simply click the link in Slack to join the call instantly.

No more juggling between calendars, copying and pasting links, or wondering if everyone has the right meeting details. With the Google Meet Slack integration, scheduling and joining meetings becomes a breeze, saving you time and eliminating friction in your workflow.

Save time and optimize your workflow by automating lead tasks. Automate lead management with no-code solutions.

For more advanced integration options, consider AI-powered sales automation tools that enhance productivity and streamline workflows.

Unlock Seamless Collaboration by Connecting Google Meet with Slack

When you integrate Google Meet and Slack, you open up a world of possibilities for seamless collaboration. Here's how:

  • Share meeting agendas, documents, and relevant information in dedicated Slack channels before the meeting. This ensures everyone is well-prepared and on the same page.

  • During the meeting, participants can easily access shared resources and contribute to the discussion without switching between apps.

  • After the meeting, keep the momentum going by continuing discussions, sharing follow-up tasks, and making decisions directly in Slack.

By connecting Google Meet with Slack, you create a centralized hub for collaboration that spans the entire meeting lifecycle. Team members can easily stay informed, engaged, and productive, whether they're in the office or working remotely.

Ready to take your team's collaboration to the next level? In the following section, we'll walk you through the simple steps to integrate Google Meet and Slack using Bardeen's AI automation platform.

Connect Google Meet and Slack in Minutes with Bardeen's No-Code Automation Platform

Integrating Google Meet with Slack is quick and easy using Bardeen's AI-powered automation platform. Here's how to get started:

  1. Download the Bardeen browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, or Edge from the Bardeen website.

  2. Open Bardeen and navigate to the "Accounts" tab. Connect your Google Meet and Slack accounts by following the on-screen instructions.

  3. Click on the "Automations" tab and select "Create New Automation." Choose Google Meet and Slack as the apps to integrate.

  4. Customize your automation using Bardeen's intuitive builder. For example, automatically post Google Meet links in a designated Slack channel when a new meeting is scheduled.

  5. Test your automation to ensure it works as expected. You can add conditions, multiple steps, and incorporate other apps into your workflow.

Bardeen makes connecting Google Meet and Slack a breeze with a free AI web scraper. This tool helps save time on repetitive tasks by automating data extraction.

With Bardeen, you can connect Google Meet and Slack without writing a single line of code. The platform prioritizes security and privacy, so your data is always safe.

Ready to take your team's collaboration to the next level? In the next section, we'll explore best practices for using AI in the Google Meet and Slack integration with Bardeen.

Get Started with Bardeen: Download the Browser Extension

To begin integrating Google Meet and Slack, you'll first need to download the Bardeen browser extension. It's available for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers.

Simply visit the Bardeen website and click on the download button for your preferred browser. The extension will install in just a few seconds.

Once Bardeen is installed, you'll have access to its powerful automation capabilities right within your browser. You can easily connect Microsoft Excel with Google Meet and Slack and start building custom automations to streamline your workflows.

In the next step, we'll walk you through connecting your Google Meet and Slack accounts to Bardeen, so you can start integrating these two platforms seamlessly.

Connect Your Google Meet and Slack Accounts in Bardeen

After installing the Bardeen browser extension, the next step is to connect your Google Meet and Slack accounts. This allows Bardeen to access the necessary information to integrate Google Meet with Slack.

  1. Open the Bardeen extension by clicking on the icon in your browser toolbar.
  2. Navigate to the "Accounts" tab within the Bardeen interface.
  3. You'll see options to connect various accounts, including Google Meet and Slack. Click on the respective buttons to initiate the connection process for each account.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions provided by Bardeen to grant the necessary permissions. This typically involves logging into your Google Meet and Slack accounts and allowing Bardeen to access relevant data.

Rest assured that Bardeen prioritizes the security and privacy of your data. The permissions you grant are used solely for the purpose of enabling the integration between Google Meet and Slack.

Once you've successfully connected your accounts, you're ready to start creating automations and integrating Google Meet with Slack using Bardeen. For more advanced integrations, check out how you can connect LinkedIn with other tools.

Automate repetitive sales tasks to save time and focus on high-impact activities with Bardeen's AI-driven tools.

Create an Automation to Integrate Google Meet with Slack

With your Google Meet and Slack accounts connected in Bardeen, you're ready to create an automation that integrates these two platforms. Here's how:

  1. In the Bardeen extension, navigate to the "Automations" tab.
  2. Click on the "Create New Automation" button to start building your custom automation.
  3. From the list of available apps, select Google Meet and Slack as the platforms you want to integrate.
  4. Choose the specific trigger event from Google Meet that will initiate the automation. For example, you can set the trigger to be when a new meeting is scheduled.
  5. Select the corresponding action you want to perform in Slack based on the trigger event. For instance, you can choose to automatically post the Google Meet link in a designated Slack channel.
  6. Customize the automation further by defining any additional conditions, filters, or data mapping between the two apps.

Bardeen's intuitive automation builder makes it easy to set up the integration between Google Meet and Slack. You can create automations that streamline workflows, such as automatically notifying team members of upcoming meetings or sharing meeting recordings in relevant Slack channels.

Take some time to explore the various triggers and actions available in Bardeen to find the best automation setup that suits your team's needs. With a few clicks, you can have a powerful integration between Google Meet and Slack up and running. For more advanced tasks, you can also scrape LinkedIn data to enhance your workflows.

Fine-Tune Your Google Meet and Slack Integration

With your Google Meet and Slack accounts connected, Bardeen's automation builder provides a user-friendly interface to customize your integration. Here's how you can fine-tune your automation:

  • Define specific conditions that trigger the automation, such as when a new meeting is scheduled or when a particular keyword is mentioned in a Slack channel.
  • Add multiple steps to your automation workflow, allowing you to chain together actions across Google Meet, Slack, and even other apps.
  • Customize the data that flows between the two platforms, ensuring the right information is shared at the right time.
  • Set up filters to refine the automation's behavior, such as only triggering the automation for meetings with specific participants or Slack channels.

Once you've tailored your Google Meet and Slack integration to your team's specific requirements, it's crucial to test the automation thoroughly. Run through various scenarios to ensure the automation works as expected, and make any necessary adjustments.

After you have set up and tested your integration between Google Meet and Slack using Bardeen, you're ready to put it into action. In the following section, we'll explore best practices and practical use cases to help you get the most out of this powerful integration.

Maximize Your Google Meet and Slack Integration

With the Google Meet and Slack integration set up through Bardeen, you can start leveraging its full potential to improve team collaboration. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Set clear guidelines for scheduling and joining meetings directly from Slack. Establish a standard format for meeting titles, descriptions, and Slack channels to keep things organized.
  2. Utilize Slack commands to streamline meeting management. For example, use /meet start to instantly create a new Google Meet link and share it in the current Slack channel.
  3. Encourage team members to update their Slack status when joining a Google Meet. This helps others know who's available and who's in a meeting, promoting transparency and reducing interruptions.
  4. Share meeting agendas, relevant documents, and discussion points in the designated Slack channel prior to the meeting. This allows participants to come prepared and fosters more productive conversations.
  5. After the meeting, post a summary, action items, and any decisions made in the Slack channel. This keeps everyone aligned and provides a central place to refer back to important information.

By integrating Google Meet with Slack using Bardeen, you can create a more cohesive and efficient workflow for your team. Embrace these best practices to unlock the full potential of this powerful integration and take your collaboration to the next level.

Set Clear Guidelines for Effective Google Meet and Slack Integration

To make the most of integrating Google Meet with Slack, it's crucial to establish clear guidelines for your team. Here are some key areas to consider:

  1. Meeting Scheduling:
    • Define a standard format for meeting titles and descriptions.
    • Specify which Slack channels should be used for scheduling meetings.
    • Encourage the use of Slack commands or shortcuts for quick meeting creation.
  2. Meeting Participation:
    • Establish expectations for joining meetings via Slack, such as updating Slack status or using a specific emoji reaction.
    • Encourage participants to mute notifications and minimize distractions during meetings.
  3. Meeting Follow-up:
    • Designate a Slack channel for post-meeting discussions and action items.
    • Ensure meeting notes, recordings, and relevant documents are shared promptly in Slack.
  4. Channel Organization:
    • Create dedicated Slack channels for different meeting types or projects.
    • Use consistent naming conventions for meeting-related channels.
    • Archive outdated or inactive channels to maintain a clutter-free workspace.

By setting clear guidelines for integrating Google Meet and Slack, your team can collaborate more efficiently and effectively. Regularly review and update these guidelines as needed to ensure they continue to meet your team's evolving needs. For more tips, check out how to build a prospect list using Slack and other tools.

Maximize Efficiency with Slack Commands and Buttons for Google Meet

When you integrate Google Meet and Slack, you unlock a range of powerful features that can significantly improve your team's productivity. Slack's built-in commands and customizable buttons allow you to perform key actions related to Google Meet without ever leaving the Slack interface.

Here are some ways to leverage Slack commands and buttons:

  1. Quickly Schedule Meetings:
    • Use the /meet command followed by the meeting details to create a new Google Meet event directly from Slack.
    • Customize the command to include default settings, such as the meeting duration or preferred video conferencing settings.
  2. Join Meetings with Ease:
    • Click on a Google Meet link shared in Slack to instantly join the meeting.
    • Set up a custom button that allows team members to join a recurring meeting with a single click.
  3. Share Meeting Links:
    • Use the /meet share command to generate a shareable Google Meet link and post it in the desired Slack channel.
    • Create a button that automatically shares the meeting link in a predefined channel when clicked.

By taking advantage of Slack commands and buttons, your team can save time, reduce context switching, and maintain focus while collaborating through the Google Meet Slack integration. Experiment with different configurations to find the most efficient setup for your team's unique needs.

For more advanced automation, you can also bring AI into your spreadsheet to streamline workflow.

Centralize Meeting Information in Slack for Easy Access and Collaboration

One of the key advantages of integrating Google Meet with Slack is the ability to keep all meeting-related information in one place. After a Google Meet session, it's crucial to share meeting notes, action items, and recordings directly in the relevant Slack channel. This practice ensures that all team members, including those who couldn't attend the meeting, stay informed and can easily access important information.

Here are a few tips for centralizing meeting information in Slack:

  1. Create a dedicated Slack channel for each recurring meeting or project, and share meeting notes and recordings there.
  2. Use Slack's threading feature to keep discussions organized and easily searchable.
  3. Encourage team members to ask questions, provide feedback, and share updates in the relevant Slack thread.
  4. Pin important messages, such as meeting summaries or action items, to the channel for quick reference.

By maintaining a centralized record of meetings in Slack, your team can more easily track progress, refer back to previous discussions, and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Integrating Dropbox with Slack can help keep all files accessible in one place. This practice is especially valuable for remote teams or team members working across different time zones, as it allows them to catch up on missed meetings and stay engaged in the conversation.

Integrating Google Meet and Slack and following these best practices can significantly improve collaboration and communication within your team, leading to increased productivity and better outcomes.


Integrating Google Meet with Slack is a game-changer for teams looking to optimize their collaboration and communication workflows. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can create a centralized hub for seamless video conferencing and messaging, streamline meeting scheduling, and foster enhanced team collaboration.

In this guide, you've learned:

  • The key benefits of integrating Google Meet and Slack
  • Step-by-step instructions for setting up the integration using Bardeen's AI automation platform
  • Best practices for making the most out of the Google Meet and Slack integration

By following the steps outlined in this guide and implementing the best practices, you can unlock the full potential of the Google Meet and Slack integration. This powerful combination of tools will help your team save time, reduce context switching, and improve overall productivity.

Don't wait any longer to integrate Google Meet with Slack. Start today and experience the benefits of seamless collaboration firsthand. Your team will appreciate the improved communication and efficiency that this integration brings to your workflow.

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate Google Meet with Slack using Bardeen?

With Bardeen, you can automate tasks like sending Slack messages to Google Meet participants or creating a meeting link in Google Calendar and sharing it on Slack. This integration helps you keep your team updated and streamline meeting management.

Can I join Google Meet calls directly from Slack?

Yes, you can set up an automation in Bardeen that allows you to join Google Meet calls directly from Slack notifications. This saves time and keeps everyone on the same page.

What types of automations can I create with Google Meet and Slack?

You can create automations like sending Slack messages to meeting participants, creating Google Calendar events with meeting links, or even joining meetings automatically. These automations help in reducing repetitive tasks and improve productivity.

Is there a cost involved in setting up the Google Meet and Slack integration on Bardeen?

Bardeen offers a free plan where you can run unlimited non-premium automations. If you need premium features, the paid plan costs $20/month, giving you access to premium integrations and 24/7 cloud automation. You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time.