Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Glassdoor with Zoom

Connect Glassdoor and Zoom for seamless job and meeting management. Automate tasks with simple natural language commands to Bardeen's AI. No coding skills required.

How to integrate Glassdoor with Zoom?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Glassdoor and Zoom together to save time and increase productivity.

Connecting Glassdoor and Zoom can help recruiters find top talent faster and provide a seamless candidate experience. By integrating these two platforms, you can automatically schedule interviews, share employer branding content, and discuss candidate reviews - all in one place.

This guide will show you step-by-step how to set up the integration using both manual methods and AI-powered automation tools like Bardeen. Discover real-world examples of how companies are leveraging this powerful combination to streamline their hiring process and close roles 50% quicker.

Ready to take your recruiting game to the next level? Let's dive in!


In this guide, we'll show you how to integrate Glassdoor and Zoom using Bardeen's AI automation platform. By connecting these two apps, you can streamline your recruiting and interviewing processes, saving time and effort.

Integrating Glassdoor with Zoom allows you to:

  • Automatically schedule Zoom meetings with candidates who apply through Glassdoor
  • Sync candidate information between the two platforms
  • Send automated follow-up emails to candidates after interviews

To get started, download Bardeen and follow the step-by-step instructions in this guide. With just a few clicks, you'll have Glassdoor and Zoom working together seamlessly. For more advanced automation, you can also automate your outreach and improve efficiency.

Benefits of Connecting Glassdoor and Zoom

Integrating Glassdoor and Zoom can provide several benefits for recruiters and hiring managers. By connecting these two platforms, you can streamline your interview process, showcase your employer brand to top candidates, and gather valuable feedback from your team. For example, you could automatically schedule Zoom interviews with qualified Glassdoor applicants, share positive Glassdoor reviews during Zoom webinars, and discuss Glassdoor ratings with your hiring team over Zoom.

1. Automate Interview Scheduling with Top Glassdoor Talent

One of the biggest advantages of integrating Glassdoor and Zoom is the ability to automate your interview scheduling process. When a qualified candidate applies to your job posting on Glassdoor, you can instantly send them an invitation to schedule a Zoom interview.

This not only saves you time and effort, but also provides a positive candidate experience. Instead of playing email tag or phone tag to coordinate schedules, the candidate can easily book a time that works for them. Plus, by conducting the interview over Zoom, you can connect with top talent regardless of their location. You can even automate sales prospecting to find the best candidates.

Save time by using Bardeen to connect LinkedIn with your favorite apps and automate repetitive tasks.

2. Highlight Employer Branding Content in Zoom Webinars

Another benefit of connecting Glassdoor and Zoom is the opportunity to showcase your employer brand to a targeted audience. If you're hosting a Zoom webinar for prospective candidates, you can share positive reviews, ratings, and photos from your Glassdoor profile.

This allows you to give candidates an authentic glimpse into your company culture and values. You can highlight what current employees love about working for your organization, from exciting projects to competitive benefits. Glassdoor content can help you attract candidates who are a good fit for your team.

3. Collaborate on Glassdoor Feedback via Zoom Meetings

Integrating Glassdoor and Zoom also facilitates internal collaboration and discussion around your employer brand. You can use Zoom meetings to review the latest Glassdoor ratings and reviews with your HR and leadership teams.

Together, you can identify areas for improvement, brainstorm new initiatives, and align on messaging. For example, if you notice a trend in reviews about lack of career growth opportunities, you can discuss ways to better support employee development. Regular Zoom syncs help ensure your entire organization is working to enhance your employer brand. Consider using Google Sheets integrations to track and analyze this feedback.

Connecting Glassdoor and Zoom enables you to interact with top talent, promote your employer brand, and continuously improve the candidate and employee experience. In the following sections, we'll explain exactly how to integrate these two platforms and implement impactful automations.

Setting up the Glassdoor-Zoom Integration with Bardeen

Integrating Glassdoor and Zoom with Bardeen is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps. First, you'll need to download and install the Bardeen AI automation platform. Next, connect your Glassdoor and Zoom accounts to Bardeen. Then, use Bardeen's intuitive workflow builder to automate custom tasks between the two apps. Finally, test and activate your Glassdoor-Zoom integration to start streamlining your hiring process.

1. Install the Bardeen AI Automation Platform

To get started, head over to the Bardeen website and click the "Download" button. The Bardeen app is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems. Once the download is complete, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to set up Bardeen on your computer.

Bardeen offers a free plan that allows you to create unlimited automations and connect up to 5 apps. If you need more advanced features or want to connect additional apps, you can upgrade to one of the paid plans.

2. Connect Glassdoor and Zoom Accounts

With Bardeen installed, the next step is to connect your Glassdoor and Zoom accounts. Open the Bardeen app and click on the "Accounts" tab in the left sidebar. Here, you'll see a list of popular apps that Bardeen integrates with, including Glassdoor and Zoom.

Click on the "Connect" button next to Glassdoor and follow the prompts to log in and grant Bardeen access to your account. Repeat this process for Zoom. Once both accounts are connected, you're ready to start building automations!

3. Create Automations in the Workflow Builder

Bardeen's drag-and-drop workflow builder makes it easy to create custom automations between Glassdoor and Zoom - no coding required. Simply select the "Glassdoor" app as your trigger and choose an action like "New Candidate Application". Then, add the "Zoom" app and pick an action such as "Create Meeting".

You can add multiple actions and conditions to your workflow to fit your specific needs. For example, you could set up an automation that automatically schedules a Zoom interview with candidates who meet certain criteria on Glassdoor, such as having a minimum number of years of experience or living in a specific location.

4. Activate and Test Your Integration

Once you've finished building your automation, it's time to test it out. Bardeen allows you to run a quick test to ensure everything is working as expected. If you encounter any issues, you can easily troubleshoot and make adjustments to your workflow.

When you're happy with your automation, simply activate it and let Bardeen work its magic! Your Glassdoor-Zoom integration will run in the background, saving you time and effort on manual tasks.

Setting up the Glassdoor-Zoom integration with Bardeen is quick and painless, allowing you to automate key parts of your recruitment process. In the next section, we'll explore some specific automation ideas for sales you can implement to supercharge your hiring efforts.

Example Glassdoor-Zoom Automations to Implement

Integrating Glassdoor and Zoom using Bardeen enables powerful automations that streamline your recruiting and employer branding efforts. By connecting the two platforms, you can automatically schedule interviews with top candidates, showcase your company culture in webinars, and discuss employee feedback in Zoom meetings. Let's explore some specific automation ideas to help you get the most out of this integration.

1. Auto-Schedule Interviews with Qualified Glassdoor Candidates

When a promising candidate applies through Glassdoor, Bardeen can automatically create a Zoom meeting and send an interview invitation. This saves your recruiting team valuable time and ensures you connect with top talent promptly.

For example, let's say a software engineer with 5+ years of experience and a strong resume applies via Glassdoor. Bardeen can instantly schedule a Zoom interview with the relevant hiring manager, keeping the process moving forward efficiently.

2. Showcase Employer Branding Content in Zoom Webinars

Hosting webinars is a great way to highlight your company culture and attract potential candidates. With the Glassdoor-Zoom integration, you can easily pull content from your Glassdoor employer profile, such as employee testimonials or behind-the-scenes videos, and incorporate it into your Zoom webinars.

This allows you to give attendees an authentic look at life inside your organization and helps you stand out in a competitive hiring market.

3. Discuss Glassdoor Reviews and Ratings in Zoom Meetings

Employee feedback on Glassdoor provides valuable insights into your company's strengths and areas for improvement. By integrating Glassdoor and Zoom, you can automatically sync reviews and ratings into your Zoom meetings for discussion with your HR and leadership teams.

This enables you to stay on top of employee sentiment, identify trends, and take action to enhance your employer brand and employee experience.

4. Invite Glassdoor Followers to Zoom Webinars

Glassdoor followers are already interested in your company, making them great candidates for your talent pipeline. Bardeen can help you engage this audience by automatically sending Zoom webinar invitations to your Glassdoor followers and subscribers.

By providing valuable content and showcasing your employer brand, you can nurture relationships with potential future employees and keep your company top-of-mind when they're ready to make a career move.

Automating key tasks between Glassdoor and Zoom helps you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to recruiting and employer branding. By leveraging Bardeen to streamline these processes, you can focus on building relationships with top talent and creating a compelling employer brand. To learn more, check out these sales prospecting automation tools.

Bardeen can help you organize your email inbox to focus on valuable tasks. Save time and boost your efficiency without the manual effort.

Thanks for sticking with us this far! We know you're committed to being a Glassdoor-Zoom integration pro. Just remember, without mastering these automations, you might miss out on your dream candidate or the chance to showcase your awesome company culture. But hey, no pressure!


Integrating Glassdoor and Zoom is crucial for streamlining your recruiting and employer branding efforts in today's digital landscape.

  • The benefits of connecting Glassdoor and Zoom include automating interview scheduling, showcasing your company culture, and discussing employee feedback.
  • Setting up the Glassdoor-Zoom integration with Bardeen involves downloading the platform, connecting your accounts, creating workflows, and testing the integration.
  • Example automations to implement include adding qualified candidates to Zoom interviews, displaying Glassdoor ratings in meetings, posting interview snippets to your profile, and sending webinar invites to followers.

By mastering the art of integrating Glassdoor and Zoom, you'll be well-equipped to attract top talent and build a strong employer brand. Don't let outdated processes hold you back - embrace the power of automation and take your recruiting to the next level!

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate Glassdoor with Zoom using Bardeen?

Integrating Glassdoor with Zoom through Bardeen is straightforward. Use our pre-built playbooks to automate tasks like saving a Glassdoor job post to Google Sheets or creating Zoom meetings directly from your email. This simplifies your workflow and keeps your data organized.

What are some examples of automations I can set up with Glassdoor and Zoom?

You can set up various automations such as summarizing a Zoom meeting and saving it to HubSpot as a new note, creating a Google Calendar meeting with a Zoom link, or uploading a Zoom cloud recording to Dropbox. These automations save you time and reduce manual work.

Does Bardeen offer a free plan for integrating Glassdoor with Zoom?

Yes, Bardeen offers a free plan that allows you to run unlimited non-premium automations. You can start using the Glassdoor and Zoom integration without any cost and see how it fits your needs.

What are the costs involved in using Bardeen for this integration?

Bardeen operates on a tiered pricing model. The free version covers non-premium functionalities. The paid version, costing $20/month, gives full access to premium integrations and 24/7 cloud automation. This allows you to run complex automations without interruptions.