Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Glassdoor with Salesforce

Connect Glassdoor with Salesforce to automate job post management and contact updates. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to create workflows with simple language inputs. No coding required.

How to integrate Glassdoor with Salesforce?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Glassdoor and Salesforce together to save time and increase productivity.

Did you know that companies using Glassdoor see a 30% increase in job applications? Or that organizations integrating Glassdoor with their CRM like Salesforce experience a 20% boost in candidate engagement? In today's competitive talent market, seamlessly connecting these two powerful platforms is a must for recruiting success.

But how exactly do you integrate Glassdoor and Salesforce without costly custom development or complex IT projects? And what benefits can you expect once the integration is up and running? In this detailed, step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through both the classic manual approach and an exciting new way to automate the integration using AI.

Get ready to level up your recruiting game as we explore the why, what and how of connecting Glassdoor and Salesforce. Let's dive in!


Integrating Glassdoor with Salesforce allows you to easily sync data between the two platforms. This enables you to view Glassdoor reviews, ratings and company information directly in Salesforce.

Connecting Glassdoor and Salesforce helps streamline your workflow by having candidate and employee feedback data accessible in your CRM. Some key benefits of integrating Glassdoor and Salesforce include:

  • View a company's Glassdoor rating and reviews when viewing their account in Salesforce
  • Get alerted in Salesforce when a company's Glassdoor rating changes
  • Analyze correlations between Glassdoor data and sales metrics in Salesforce reports

Integrating the two platforms is a straightforward process that can be set up in a few simple steps without any coding required using Bardeen integration tools.

Why Integrate Glassdoor with Salesforce?

Connecting Glassdoor and Salesforce enables you to sync critical candidate and employee data between the two systems. This integration allows you to:

  • Automatically add new Glassdoor candidates as leads in Salesforce
  • Track employee reviews and sentiment from Glassdoor in Salesforce
  • Gain a 360-degree view of your talent by combining Glassdoor and Salesforce data

Integrating Glassdoor with Salesforce streamlines your recruiting and HR workflows by eliminating manual data entry. Recruiters can work more efficiently with all candidate information consolidated in Salesforce. HR teams can better manage the employee lifecycle from hiring to offboarding.

Glassdoor houses valuable data on your interview process, employee satisfaction, benefits and more from reviews. Analyzing this data in Salesforce allows you to identify trends and areas for improvement. These insights help you make informed decisions to improve recruiting and retention.

Keeping candidate and employee data in sync across Glassdoor and Salesforce is crucial. An integration ensures consistency, reduces errors, and saves time spent on manual updates. Teams can trust they have access to up-to-date information in both systems. For more efficient workflows, consider using sales prospecting tools to enhance your processes.

Automate your recruiting and HR tasks. Connect LinkedIn with your favorite tools to save time and simplify work.

Automate Data Entry to Accelerate Recruiting

Connecting Glassdoor and Salesforce eliminates the need to manually transfer candidate data between the two platforms. When a candidate applies on Glassdoor, their information automatically flows into Salesforce, creating a new lead record.

Recruiters can work more productively with all candidate details accessible in one place. They no longer have to switch back and forth between systems or copy-paste data. Automating these workflows allows talent acquisition teams to screen resumes and engage top candidates faster.

Integrating Glassdoor and Salesforce also improves the candidate experience. Potential hires receive prompt follow-up since recruiters can act on new applications right away. Reducing time-to-hire gives you a competitive edge in today's tight labor market.

HR teams can leverage a Glassdoor Salesforce integration to seamlessly manage the full employee lifecycle:

  • Sync new hire data from Glassdoor to Salesforce to initiate onboarding tasks
  • Keep employee records up-to-date as details change in either system
  • Automatically update Glassdoor when an employee is promoted or offboarded

By connecting these key HR systems, you can automate workflows and data entry across the entire candidate to employee journey. Bardeen makes it simple to set up a Glassdoor Salesforce integration, no coding required.

Leverage Glassdoor Data to Improve Recruiting and Retention

Glassdoor contains valuable insights from candidate and employee reviews about your company's hiring process, culture, compensation, and more. Integrating Glassdoor and Google Sheets allows you to import this data into your CRM to analyze key HR metrics.

For example, you can track:

  • Average interview ratings and difficulty by role or department
  • Employee satisfaction scores across different teams, locations, or tenure levels
  • Feedback on benefits offerings and competitiveness
  • Common themes in positive and negative reviews

With this data consolidated in Salesforce, you can easily segment and benchmark performance, identifying strengths and weaknesses. See how interview ratings vary for tech vs. sales roles. Compare employee sentiment for product vs. marketing teams.

Automate data syncing tasks between Glassdoor and Salesforce with Bardeen's integration. Save time and focus on hiring the best talent.

Armed with these insights, you can pinpoint areas for improvement and measure progress over time. Perhaps you discover that interview ratings are lower for entry-level roles, signaling a need to revamp your campus recruiting strategy. Or maybe you find that employees frequently praise your PTO policy in reviews, which you can highlight as a selling point to candidates.

By syncing Glassdoor and Salesforce, you gain a data-driven approach to refine your recruiting and retention efforts. Combining Glassdoor's raw feedback with Salesforce's analytics capabilities, you can make smarter talent decisions to build a stronger workforce.

Automatically Sync Candidate and Employee Data Between Glassdoor and Salesforce

Integrating Glassdoor and Salesforce ensures that candidate and employee information stays consistent and up-to-date across both platforms. This eliminates manual data entry and reduces errors.

For example, when a candidate applies via Glassdoor, their information can automatically be added to Salesforce as a new lead. This allows recruiters to quickly engage with candidates and kickstart the hiring process.

Other key data points to sync include:

  • Candidate stage and status
  • Interview feedback and scores
  • Offer details and acceptance
  • Employee job title, department, and location
  • Performance reviews and career path

By setting up automated data flows between Glassdoor and Salesforce, you can trust that teams always have access to the latest candidate and employee information. Recruiters can work more efficiently with all details consolidated in Salesforce. HR can better manage the full employee lifecycle from hiring to offboarding. For more efficient processes, consider automating sales prospecting tasks.

Connecting Glassdoor and Salesforce also allows you to build more robust talent profiles. Combine Glassdoor's rich candidate data with Salesforce's employee records for a 360-degree view. Identify top talent sources, analyze hiring funnels, and track long-term employee performance.

Easily Set Up a Glassdoor Salesforce Integration with Bardeen's No-Code Automation

Bardeen provides a simple way to integrate Glassdoor and Salesforce without any coding required. Its intuitive workflow builder lets you automate data syncing between the two platforms in just a few clicks.

For example, you can set up Bardeen to automatically:

  • Create a new Lead in Salesforce when a candidate applies on Glassdoor
  • Update a Candidate record in Glassdoor when their stage changes in Salesforce
  • Sync new hire information from Salesforce to Glassdoor to kick off onboarding
  • Transfer employee data like job title and work anniversary between the two apps

The possibilities are endless - you can customize the integration based on your specific recruiting and HR workflows. Bardeen's automation builder supports adding multiple steps, conditional logic, waiting periods, and more. You can move data from Glassdoor to Salesforce, Salesforce to Glassdoor, or bidirectionally.

Getting started with Bardeen is easy:

  1. Download the Bardeen browser extension
  2. Connect your Glassdoor and Salesforce accounts
  3. Set up your automated workflows in a few clicks
  4. Test and activate the integration
Bardeen simplifies file management automation, making it easier to connect Google Drive with your other apps.

Once your integration is live, Bardeen will work in the background to keep Glassdoor and Salesforce in sync. You can trust that candidate and employee data is always up-to-date across the two platforms. Set it and forget it!

Connect Your Glassdoor and Salesforce Accounts in Bardeen

To set up the integration between Glassdoor and Salesforce, you first need to connect both accounts in Bardeen. It's a quick and easy process:

  1. Download and install the Bardeen browser extension
  2. Open the Bardeen app and click on "Add an Account"
  3. Choose Glassdoor from the list of apps and log in using your Glassdoor credentials
  4. Go back to the app list and this time select Salesforce
  5. Enter your Salesforce login details to connect your account

That's it! Bardeen now has access to your Glassdoor and Salesforce accounts. With the two platforms linked, you can start building automations to sync data between them.

Bardeen securely stores your login credentials, so you don't have to worry about reentering them each time. You can manage your connected accounts or add new ones anytime from the Bardeen settings. Check out how to connect Microsoft Excel for more integration options.

In the next section, we'll walk through setting up a sample workflow to automatically add Glassdoor candidates to Salesforce.

Build Glassdoor Salesforce Integration Workflows in Bardeen

Bardeen's visual workflow builder makes it simple to create automations that connect Glassdoor and Salesforce. No coding required! Just map out the steps and field mappings to sync data between the two platforms.

To build a new automation:

  1. Select the trigger event from either Glassdoor or Salesforce that will kick off the workflow. Common triggers include New Candidate Application in Glassdoor or New Lead in Salesforce.
  2. Choose the resulting action you want to occur in the other system. For example, creating a new Lead in Salesforce when a candidate applies in Glassdoor. Or updating a Candidate profile in Glassdoor when a Lead status changes in Salesforce.
  3. Map the fields you want to sync between the two records. Bardeen will intelligently suggest common field pairings, but you can customize the mappings as needed.
  4. Add more steps, conditions, or time delays to build out a multi-step workflow across Glassdoor, Salesforce, and even other apps. The combinations are endless!

Some popular Glassdoor Salesforce integration use cases to automate:

  • Add new candidates from Glassdoor to Salesforce as Leads
  • Update Glassdoor candidate stage when Lead status changes in Salesforce
  • Copy new hire data from Salesforce to Glassdoor once a candidate is marked as hired
  • Sync employee job titles and other key details between the two systems

With a library of pre-built templates and the option to automate sales prospecting, you can automate any integration scenario with Bardeen. Customize your workflows to fit your team's specific needs and processes.

Save time by using Bardeen to sync candidate data between Glassdoor and Salesforce. It's easy and requires no coding!

Test and Activate Your Glassdoor Salesforce Integration

Once you've mapped out the steps in your Glassdoor Salesforce integration workflow, it's crucial to test it thoroughly before activating the automation. Bardeen makes it easy to do a test run using sample or real data.

To test your integration:

  1. Open your workflow in Bardeen's automation builder
  2. Click the "Test" button to enter test mode
  3. Select sample data records or enter your own test data
  4. Click "Run Test" to see the automation in action
  5. Review the results to validate that data synced correctly between Glassdoor and Salesforce
  6. Debug any issues and re-test until the workflow runs smoothly

After testing, you can confidently turn on the automation to run in production. Bardeen will work in the background to keep Glassdoor and Salesforce in sync, following the rules in your workflow. It's a good idea to monitor the integration closely in the first few days and weeks to catch any unexpected kinks.

Remember, you can always go back to edit your workflow if you need to update field mappings or adjust steps. Bardeen makes it easy to automate sales prospecting and continuously optimize your Glassdoor Salesforce integration over time as your needs evolve.

Tips for Getting the Most Value from Integrating Glassdoor and Salesforce

Integrating Glassdoor with Salesforce can deliver significant benefits, but it's important to approach it strategically to maximize the value. Before setting up the integration, consider your key goals and use cases:

  • What recruiting and employee data is most critical to sync between the two platforms?
  • Which processes can be most improved by automating data flow?
  • How will you leverage the insights gained from combining Glassdoor and Salesforce data?

Answering these questions upfront will help you prioritize the most impactful integration workflows to build first. Some common high-value use cases include:

  1. Automatically creating new leads in Salesforce from Glassdoor candidate applications to speed up initial screening.
  2. Syncing new hire data from Salesforce to Glassdoor to streamline onboarding tasks.
  3. Pushing employee reviews and ratings from Glassdoor into Salesforce for sentiment analysis.

As you connect Glassdoor and Salesforce, be sure to carefully map fields between the two systems so data transfers accurately. Use consistent naming conventions and data formats. Transformations or formulas can help clean data in transit.

Finally, establish clear processes to maintain high data quality over time. Regularly audit for inconsistencies, archive old records, and update field mappings as schemas change. With clean, trusted data flowing between Glassdoor and Salesforce, you'll have a solid foundation for driving better recruiting and employee success outcomes.

For more detailed workflows, you can explore sales prospecting automation for additional insights.

Prioritize High-Impact Use Cases When Connecting Glassdoor and Salesforce

When you integrate Glassdoor and Salesforce, it's important to focus first on the use cases that will deliver the biggest efficiency gains and data visibility improvements. This allows you to quickly demonstrate the value of the integration and gain momentum.

Some examples of high-impact use cases to prioritize:

  • Automatically creating Salesforce leads from Glassdoor candidate applications to accelerate initial screening
  • Syncing new hire data from Salesforce to Glassdoor to trigger onboarding workflows
  • Pulling Glassdoor employee reviews into Salesforce for sentiment analysis and identifying areas to improve retention

Aligning your initial integration use cases with your recruiting team's most important goals and KPIs is key. This could mean focusing on increasing application volume, decreasing time to hire, or improving onboarding completion rates for example.

Automating these high-priority processes first between Glassdoor and Salesforce will free up your team from manual data entry. Talent acquisition will be able to fill roles faster with a more seamless flow of candidate data. HR can drive a better new hire experience by connecting pre- and post-hire tasks.

As you build confidence in the integration and realize the early quick wins, you can expand to more complex use cases. But starting with the highest-impact items ensures you get the most from connecting Glassdoor and Salesforce as quickly as possible. You can also learn more about sales discovery questions to align your strategy.

Align Data Mapping for a Smooth Glassdoor Salesforce Integration

A crucial step when you integrate Glassdoor and Salesforce is ensuring that data fields are mapped consistently between the two platforms. Taking the time upfront to carefully think through your data model will pay off in the long run.

Some key data mapping considerations:

  • Use the same naming conventions for fields in Glassdoor and Salesforce where possible to minimize confusion
  • Align pick list and multi-select fields to use the same set of values in each system
  • Apply formulas or transformations to data in transit if needed to fit the expected format of the target field
  • Validate that date, currency, and other formatted fields will transfer correctly

Documenting your data mappings, any rules or exceptions, and how fields relate to each other will serve as a helpful reference. This is especially important if multiple people will be building or maintaining the integration.

When setting up your automation workflows in Bardeen, be sure to use these standardized data mappings consistently. Unmapped fields or inconsistencies in how data is passed over can lead to incomplete records or errors down the line.

Investing time in data modeling and mapping is critical to establishing a seamless, error-free integration between Glassdoor and Salesforce. Put in the work upfront to avoid headaches later and keep your candidate and employee records in sync.

Maintain Data Quality After Integrating Glassdoor and Salesforce

Integrating Glassdoor and Salesforce is not a set-it-and-forget-it affair. Even with automations in place, data discrepancies can creep in over time as your systems evolve. That's why it's crucial to establish processes to monitor and maintain the quality of data being synced.

Some key steps to keep your Glassdoor Salesforce integration running smoothly:

  • Schedule a quarterly audit to check for any inconsistencies between the two systems and resolve issues
  • Archive or purge old candidate and employee records that are no longer needed to avoid bloat
  • Merge any duplicate records that may have been created to maintain a single source of truth
  • Update field mappings and automations whenever changes are made in either Glassdoor or Salesforce
  • Document any new rules, customizations, or exception handling that get added to the integration

Assign clear ownership of the integration to someone on the recruiting operations or HR tech team. They should be responsible for monitoring the integration, triaging any errors, and making ongoing improvements.

It's also important to train your recruiting team on how the integration works and data flows between the two systems. Establish best practices for how they should enter data and what fields are critical to keep in sync.

With the right processes and governance in place, you can trust that candidate and employee data stays consistent as it moves between Glassdoor and Salesforce. And you can focus on leveraging the rich insights now available at your fingertips.


Integrating Glassdoor and Salesforce is a game-changer for recruiters and HR teams. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can:

  • Automatically sync candidate and employee data to reduce manual effort
  • Gain a 360-degree view of your talent by combining Glassdoor reviews with Salesforce records
  • Make faster and smarter hiring decisions with real-time Glassdoor data in Salesforce

The key to a successful Glassdoor Salesforce integration is using a no-code automation tool like Bardeen. With Bardeen, you can build custom workflows to fit your exact recruiting and HR processes. No technical skills required. Learn how to automate sales prospecting for better results.

To make the most of your integration, focus on the use cases that will have the greatest impact on your team's efficiency and results. Spend time carefully mapping data fields between the two systems to ensure information flows seamlessly. And don't forget to establish data governance processes to maintain accuracy over time.

Ready to take your recruiting to the next level? Get started with Bardeen today and integrate Glassdoor and Salesforce without breaking a sweat.

Automation is simple.
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No coding required.


How can I integrate Glassdoor with Salesforce using Bardeen?

Integrating Glassdoor with Salesforce through Bardeen lets you transfer data between both platforms easily. For instance, you can save job posts from Glassdoor directly to Salesforce or pull Salesforce contact information to use with Glassdoor data. This integration helps in managing recruitment and sales leads efficiently.

What specific tasks can I automate between Glassdoor and Salesforce?

Bardeen offers various automations for this integration pair. You can save a Glassdoor job post to Google Sheets, Coda, or Airtable. Additionally, you can send emails to Salesforce contacts, copy opportunities and accounts to Google Sheets, and qualify LinkedIn companies to save them in Salesforce. These automations help in keeping your data organized and accessible.

Do I need a premium account to use the Glassdoor and Salesforce integration on Bardeen?

No, you can run unlimited non-premium automations with Bardeen's free plan. However, premium automations such as 'always-on' integrations that run 24/7 will require a paid plan. The free plan is ideal for individuals and small teams looking to get started without entering credit card information.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for integrating Glassdoor with Salesforce?

Bardeen offers both free and paid plans. The free version includes unlimited non-premium automations. The paid plan, costing $20/month, provides access to premium features, including 24/7 cloud automations. You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your plan at any time without any overage fees.