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Clearbit with Crunchbase

Integrate Clearbit and Crunchbase to automate data enrichment. Use natural language prompts with Bardeen's AI Agent to streamline data tasks. No coding required.

How to integrate Clearbit with Crunchbase?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Clearbit and Crunchbase together to save time and increase productivity.

Integrating Clearbit and Crunchbase data can supercharge your lead generation and sales prospecting efforts. By combining firmographic data from both sources, you can build highly targeted prospect lists and trigger personalized outreach based on key company events. Did you know that sales reps spend 40% of their time on repetitive data entry and research tasks? This guide will show you how to automate Clearbit-Crunchbase workflows using classic methods and modern AI tools like Bardeen, so you can focus on closing more deals. Get ready to level up your sales game!


Integrating Clearbit and Crunchbase can automate data enrichment and lead generation. Connecting these tools lets you sync company and contact data between them.

The simplest method to integrate Clearbit with Crunchbase is using an AI automation platform like Bardeen. This enables you to set up automated workflows that trigger when new data is added in either tool.

Key benefits of integrating Clearbit and Crunchbase:

  • Automatically enrich leads in Crunchbase with Clearbit data
  • Update Crunchbase records when Clearbit data changes
  • Generate new leads in Crunchbase from Clearbit

AI sales prospecting makes it easy to integrate Clearbit and Crunchbase without coding. You can create automation recipes that run on a schedule or real-time trigger.

Benefits of Connecting Clearbit and Crunchbase

Integrating Clearbit and Crunchbase unlocks powerful benefits for sales and marketing teams. By combining data from both sources, you can automatically enrich leads, build targeted prospect lists, and trigger personalized outreach based on key company events.

1. Automatically Enrich Lead Data

When you connect Clearbit and Crunchbase, you can automatically pull in additional data points to enrich your lead records. For example, let's say you have a list of leads in your CRM with just names and email addresses.

By integrating Clearbit, you can instantly populate fields like job title, company size, industry, and location. And with Crunchbase data, you can add insights like funding rounds, acquisitions, and key personnel changes.

Having this enriched data allows you to better segment leads and tailor your outreach. Instead of generic messages, you can craft highly relevant emails that reference specific trigger events or company attributes.

2. Build Hyper-Targeted Prospect Lists

Combining Clearbit and Crunchbase data also enables you to build laser-focused prospect lists. You can define very specific criteria and have leads automatically synced that match those parameters.

As an example, you could build a list of B2B SaaS companies in the SF Bay Area that raised a Series A in the last 6 months and have between 50-250 employees. Clearbit provides the firmographic data like location, size, and industry, while Crunchbase layers on the funding insights.

With this hyper-targeted list, you can be sure that every lead matches your ideal customer profile. Your outreach will be much more efficient and effective than simply casting a wide net.

3. Trigger Sales Outreach on Key Events

Another powerful use case is triggering sales outreach based on key company events that Crunchbase tracks. Whenever a target account raises a new funding round, launches a product, or makes a notable hire, you can automatically activate a sequence of personalized emails to the right decision-makers.

For instance, say one of your target accounts just closed a large Series B. You can instantly fire off a congratulatory email to the CEO, citing the funding details and offering your product as a way to help them scale efficiently.

By striking while the iron is hot and referencing a relevant trigger event, you'll see much higher engagement and response rates. You'll be top of mind at the perfect moment when that account is ready to invest in a solution like yours.

Clearbit and Crunchbase each provide valuable data on their own. But by integrating the two data sources, you can automate key workflows and make your sales and marketing efforts much more targeted and effective.

To make your sales outreach even more efficient, use Bardeen's automation tools to automatically trigger personalized outreach based on key company events. Save time and focus on engaging with your prospects at the right moments.

Ready to get started? The next section will walk you through exactly how to set up the Clearbit-Crunchbase integration and start building these powerful automations.

Setting up the Clearbit-Crunchbase Integration

Connecting Clearbit and Crunchbase in Bardeen is a straightforward process that enables powerful data sharing between the two platforms. By authenticating your accounts and authorizing Bardeen to access data, you can quickly start building automations that leverage information from both sources.

1. Connect Your Accounts in Bardeen

The first step is to connect your Clearbit and Crunchbase accounts within the Bardeen dashboard. Navigate to the Integrations page and search for Clearbit and Crunchbase in the directory.

Click on each integration and follow the prompts to enter your login credentials. Bardeen securely stores this information using OAuth3 authentication, ensuring that your data remains private.

Once you've successfully connected both accounts, you're ready to start sharing data between the two platforms. Bardeen acts as the secure bridge, enabling you to build powerful workflows without any coding required.

2. Authorize Data Sharing

After connecting your accounts, you'll need to specify exactly what data you want to share between Clearbit and Crunchbase. Bardeen makes this easy with a visual interface for mapping fields.

For example, you can choose to enrich Clearbit leads with Crunchbase data like funding rounds, acquisitions, and key personnel. Simply map the relevant fields and Bardeen will automatically sync data whenever a new lead is added or updated.

You have full control over what information is shared. Bardeen's granular permissions let you decide exactly which fields to connect, ensuring that only the necessary data is exchanged between platforms.

3. Explore the Integration Gallery

To help you get started, Bardeen offers a gallery of pre-built integrations and automation templates. These automation templates give you a head start by providing a framework for common use cases.

Browse the gallery and look for templates that combine Clearbit and Crunchbase data. You'll find examples like enriching leads with firmographic data, building targeted prospect lists, and triggering sales outreach based on funding events.

Using a template is the fastest way to see the integration in action. You can easily customize the automation to fit your specific needs, or use it as inspiration for building your own workflows from scratch.

By connecting your Clearbit and Crunchbase accounts in Bardeen, you unlock seamless data sharing between the two platforms. Authenticating your credentials and authorizing field mapping enables Bardeen to act as a secure bridge, empowering you to build advanced automations without writing a single line of code.

With your integration set up, it's time to explore some practical examples. The next section will walk through real-world use cases and provide Bardeen playbook templates to help you get started quickly.

Automating Lead Enrichment and Outreach with Clearbit and Crunchbase

Integrating Clearbit and Crunchbase opens up powerful automation possibilities for lead enrichment and personalized outreach. By combining data from both platforms, you can build targeted prospect lists, trigger communications based on key company events, and tailor your messaging to each lead's unique profile. Let's explore a few examples of how this works in practice, using Bardeen's no-code automation platform.

1. Enrich Inbound Leads with Clearbit and Crunchbase Data

When a new lead fills out a form on your website, you can automatically enrich their profile with Clearbit and Crunchbase data. Clearbit provides detailed company and contact information, while Crunchbase adds valuable insights like funding rounds, acquisitions, and leadership changes.

Save time and expand your lead insights by using our Automation Field Guide. Automate lead enrichment and qualification seamlessly.

To set this up in Bardeen, simply create a Zap that triggers whenever a new lead comes in. Use Clearbit and Crunchbase actions to lookup the lead's company and append key data points to their record in your CRM or marketing automation platform.

With a complete picture of each lead, your sales team can prioritize outreach and tailor their pitch to the prospect's specific needs and challenges. No more flying blind or relying on bare-bones lead data.

For more detailed guidance, our Automation Field Guide offers step-by-step instructions.

2. Alert Sales Reps about Key Company Events

Timing is everything in sales. You want to reach out when a prospect is most receptive to your message. One way to do this is by monitoring key company events that signal a need for your product or service.

For example, let's say you sell HR software. You could set up a Zap that watches for new hiring announcements in Crunchbase. Whenever a target account posts a new job opening, Bardeen can automatically alert the assigned sales rep in Slack or create a task in their CRM.

The rep can then quickly reach out to the hiring manager with a timely and relevant message. Something like: "I noticed you're looking to hire a new HR coordinator. Our platform can help streamline your onboarding process and ensure a smooth transition for new hires. Do you have a few minutes to chat this week?"

3. Personalize Outreach with Enriched Lead Data

Personalization is key to cutting through the noise and grabbing a prospect's attention. But it's hard to personalize at scale without the right data.

That's where Clearbit and Crunchbase come in. By enriching your lead records with detailed company and contact information, you can easily segment your database and tailor your outreach to each persona.

For instance, you might create separate email campaigns for prospects in different industries, company sizes, or funding stages. Or you could trigger bespoke sales plays based on a lead's role and seniority level.

The key is to use automation to apply these personalization rules at scale. With Bardeen's visual Zap editor, it's easy to translate your segmentation strategy into an automated workflow - no coding required.

4. Get Started with Pre-Built Automation Templates

Not sure where to start with Clearbit and Crunchbase automation? Bardeen offers a library of pre-built Zaps and automation recipes to help you hit the ground running.

Browse our collection of templates for common use cases like lead enrichment, event-based outreach, and database segmentation. With just a few clicks, you can instantly add these automations to your workspace and start customizing them for your needs.

Explore sales prospecting tools from Bardeen to streamline your efforts and boost productivity.

And if you need any help along the way, our team is always here to lend a hand. Bardeen offers expert onboarding and support to ensure your success with sales automation. Plus, you can get started for free with our generous free forever plan.

Automating your lead enrichment and outreach with Clearbit and Crunchbase is a surefire way to boost sales productivity and close more deals. With Bardeen's no-code platform, it's never been easier to put these powerful tools to work for your business.

Thanks for sticking with us through this deep dive! We covered a lot of ground, but hopefully you're feeling inspired to start building your own sales automation workflows. If you need a little extra motivation, just remember: every minute you spend on manual data entry is a minute you could be spending on revenue-generating activities. So why not let the bots handle the busywork while you focus on crushing your quota?


Connecting Clearbit and Crunchbase is crucial for automating lead enrichment and personalized outreach at scale.

This guide covered:

  • The benefits of combining Clearbit and Crunchbase data, like building targeted prospect lists and triggering outreach based on key events
  • How to set up the Clearbit-Crunchbase integration in Bardeen's no-code automation platform
  • Examples of powerful workflows you can create with Clearbit and Crunchbase data

Don't let manual data entry and generic outreach hold your sales team back. Automate sales prospecting today, or risk falling behind the competition!

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Available actions & triggers

Find social media links from email (as text)
Get social media links of event participants
Find company info
Find social media links from email

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate Clearbit and Crunchbase using Bardeen?

Integrating Clearbit and Crunchbase with Bardeen is simple. You can use pre-built playbooks like 'Enrich emails from Google Sheets using Clearbit' or 'Save Crunchbase company data to Google Sheets'. These automations help you connect and transfer data between the two platforms efficiently.

What types of data can I transfer between Clearbit and Crunchbase?

With Bardeen, you can transfer various types of data between Clearbit and Crunchbase. For example, you can enrich email contacts with Clearbit and save the data to Coda or Google Sheets. Similarly, you can extract company data from Crunchbase and save it to platforms like Coda or Google Sheets.

Can I automate the process of getting social profiles from Clearbit and saving them to Crunchbase?

Yes, you can automate this process with Bardeen. You can set up playbooks like 'Get social profiles of a Salesforce contact' and then save that data to a platform that integrates with Crunchbase.

How much does it cost to use the Clearbit and Crunchbase integration on Bardeen?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes unlimited non-premium automations. However, premium actions, such as always-on automations, require the paid version, which costs $20/month. This includes full access to premium integrations and features.