Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Asana with Trello

Sync Trello and Asana tasks using Bardeen's AI Agent. Automate your workflow with natural language commands. No coding skills required.

How to integrate Asana with Trello?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Asana and Trello together to save time and increase productivity.

Did you know 43% of teams use between 2 to 5 different project management tools? If you're struggling to keep Asana and Trello in sync, you're not alone. But what if there was a way to seamlessly connect these apps and automate your workflow?

In this guide, we'll walk through the classic manual approach to integrate Asana and Trello. But we'll also reveal a game-changing solution: using AI automation tools like Bardeen to sync tasks and projects effortlessly. Get ready to revolutionize your productivity and say goodbye to app juggling headaches!

Introduction: Easily Sync Trello and Asana Tasks

Do you use both Trello and Asana to manage projects and tasks? Keeping them in sync can be a hassle. Manually transferring tasks between the two platforms is time-consuming and error-prone.

Luckily, there's an easy way to integrate Asana and Trello. With Bardeen's AI automation platform, you can quickly connect the two apps and automate syncing tasks and projects between them.

Bardeen makes it simple to:

  • Automatically create Asana tasks from new Trello cards
  • Sync task details, due dates, and assignees between the two
  • Keep project status up-to-date across both platforms

No more duplicate work or missed updates. Bardeen ensures your Trello and Asana stay perfectly in sync, so you and your team are always on the same page.

Setting up the integration only takes a few clicks. Bardeen's intuitive interface guides you through connecting your accounts and choosing what to sync.

Ready to streamline your workflow and save hours each week? Let's walk through how to use Bardeen to integrate Trello with Asana and keep your tasks synced effortlessly.

3 Ways to Integrate Asana and Trello

Asana and Trello are two of the most popular project management tools. Many teams use both platforms to organize work. Keeping them in sync is crucial for smooth collaboration.

Here are three methods to integrate Asana with Trello:

  1. Manual Export/Import - Export data from one tool and import it into the other. Good for one-time migration but doesn't enable real-time sync.
  2. Dedicated Integration Tool - Use a tool like Unito built specifically to connect Asana and Trello. Enables automated two-way syncing but requires an additional paid service.
  3. Custom Automation with Bardeen - Build your own custom integration using an AI automation platform like Bardeen. Offers the most flexibility to sync exactly what you need.

The right approach depends on your specific use case. For simple one-off migrations, manual export/import works. For ongoing syncing, a dedicated tool or custom automation provides more power.

Bardeen makes it easy to set up a tailored Asana-Trello integration, so you can focus on your work and let the AI handle repetitive tasks. From tasks to due dates, our AI handles it all seamlessly.

Bardeen makes it easy to set up a tailored Asana-Trello integration. Connect your accounts, pick what to sync, and let the AI handle the rest. You can sync tasks, projects, comments, assignees, due dates, and more.

In the next section, we'll walk through detailed steps to connect Asana and Trello using Bardeen. Say goodbye to manually shuttling data between tools and hello to seamless syncing.

How to Connect Asana and Trello (Step-by-Step)

Ready to sync your Asana and Trello projects? Follow these simple steps to set up an integration between the two apps using Bardeen:

  1. Install the Bardeen browser extension. It works with Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and other Chromium browsers. The setup takes just a few clicks.
  2. Connect your Asana and Trello accounts in Bardeen. Open the extension and navigate to the Accounts tab. Here you can link both your Asana and Trello accounts via OAuth.
  3. Create a new automation to sync Asana and Trello. In Bardeen, go to the Automations tab and click "Create Automation". Select Asana and Trello as the apps to integrate. Choose what type of data to sync between them.
  4. Customize the sync settings for your Asana-Trello integration. Use Bardeen's visual workflow builder to define exactly how data should flow between Asana and Trello. Set field mapping, filters, frequency, and direction of syncing.

That's it! With just those few steps, you can have Asana and Trello synced exactly how you need. Bardeen makes it easy to integrate the two apps and automate the flow of data, without any coding required.

Want some inspiration? Here are a few ways teams are using Bardeen to connect Asana and Trello:

  • Syncing tasks between an Asana-based product team and a Trello-using development team
  • Giving managers a consolidated view of projects across both Asana and Trello
  • Passing customer data from a Trello-based sales team to an Asana-centric marketing team

The options are virtually limitless. With Bardeen, you can build an Asana-Trello integration that fits your team's unique workflows and keeps everyone in sync.

Popular Ways Teams Integrate Asana and Trello

There are countless ways to sync Asana and Trello, depending on your team's specific needs. Here are a few of the most common use cases:

  1. Syncing tasks across teams: Keep an Asana-based product team and Trello-using dev team on the same page by automatically syncing tasks between the two apps. Updates made in one tool instantly reflect in the other.
  2. Consolidated project views for managers: Give leaders a single source of truth by syncing Asana and Trello projects they oversee. Set up two-way syncing so the latest status is always available, whether viewing in Asana or Trello.
  3. Connecting sales and marketing: Help sales teams using Trello seamlessly hand off new customers to an Asana-powered marketing team. Syncing key data ensures a smooth transition and coordinated onboarding experience.

And that's just scratching the surface. With a custom Asana-Trello integration built in Bardeen, you can automate practically any workflow involving the two apps. The only limit is your imagination!

Want to explore more ways to connect Asana and Trello? Check out these pre-built automation templates to kickstart your integration. Or dive into building your own custom automation with our step-by-step guides and tutorials.

Using Bardeen’s LinkedIn to Notion playbook, you can easily transfer LinkedIn profile data into Notion. This saves time and reduces manual work, letting you focus on your most important tasks.


Congratulations! You now have all the knowledge you need to successfully integrate Asana and Trello. Let's quickly recap the key takeaways:

  • You learned about the different methods to connect Asana and Trello, from simple manual export/import to custom automation with tools like Bardeen.
  • You discovered how Bardeen makes it a breeze to set up custom Asana-Trello automations without any coding.
  • You explored common use cases for syncing Asana and Trello, like keeping cross-functional teams aligned, giving managers unified project views, and connecting sales and marketing data.

Armed with these insights and tools, you're ready to become an Asana-Trello integration rockstar. No more wasting time manually shuttling data between the apps - with a smart automation strategy, you'll keep everything effortlessly in sync.

The only question is: what Asana-Trello workflow will you automate first? The world is your oyster! Now go forth and sync with confidence.

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I sync tasks between Trello and Asana using Bardeen?

With, you can automate the process of syncing tasks between Trello and Asana. Use pre-built playbooks like 'Copy all Asana tasks to Trello' or 'Create a Trello card from an Asana task' to keep your projects aligned without manual effort. This helps you stay organized across both platforms.

Do I need a premium plan to sync Trello and Asana tasks?

No, you don't need a premium plan to sync Trello and Asana tasks. Bardeen's free plan allows you to use non-premium automations. However, for advanced features like 'always-on' automations that run 24/7, a premium plan is required.

Can I customize the task syncing between Trello and Asana?

Yes, you can customize the task syncing to fit your specific needs. lets you build custom playbooks or modify existing ones to match your workflow. You can set triggers and actions to ensure tasks are synced exactly how you want.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for syncing Trello and Asana tasks?

Bardeen offers a free plan that covers basic task syncing between Trello and Asana. For more advanced features, you can opt for the paid plan at $20/month which includes premium automations and 24/7 cloud functionality.