Find LinkedIn Recruiters: A Step-by-Step Guide 2024

June 26, 2024
Jason Gong
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Search for recruiters using LinkedIn's search feature and filters.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

If you need to gather recruiter info fast, try our LinkedIn Data Scraper. It automates data extraction, saving you time.

Finding recruiters on LinkedIn can be a strategic move in your job search, and with over 900,000 recruiters on the platform, there's no shortage of professionals to connect with. Here's a synthesized guide on how to find and reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn:

  • Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile: Ensure your profile is up-to-date and reflects your professional brand. Use keywords relevant to your industry and job interests to increase visibility in recruiter searches.
  • Use LinkedIn's Search Feature: Search for terms like "Recruiter," "Recruitment," "Headhunter," "Talent Acquisition," or "Staffing" in the LinkedIn search bar. Make sure to filter your results by selecting "People" and use the "All filters" option to narrow down by location, industry, or past companies
  • Look at the Hiring Team: For specific job listings, check the "meet the hiring team" section which might include the recruiter's profile.
  • Search Within Company Pages: Navigate to a company's "People" section and search for recruitment-related titles to find internal recruiters.
  • Engage With Recruiters' Content: Like, comment on, and share posts by recruiters to demonstrate your interest and expertise, which can help you build rapport and establish a connection.
  • Join LinkedIn Groups: Participate in industry-related groups where recruiters may be active, increasing your chances of making a connection.
  • Reach Out With Personalized Messages: When you find a recruiter, send a personalized connection request. Mention how you found them, why you're interested in connecting, and any commonalities you may share. After connecting, follow up with a more detailed message about your experience and the roles you're interested in.
  • Regular Follow-Ups: If you don't hear back, it's appropriate to send a polite follow-up message after a few business days to restate your interest.

Remember, while reaching out to recruiters can be beneficial, it's also important to make your LinkedIn profile stand out so that recruiters may find and contact you proactively. By combining an optimized profile with strategic outreach, you'll increase your chances of connecting with the right recruiters on LinkedIn.

Streamline Your LinkedIn Networking with Bardeen Automation

While finding recruiters on LinkedIn is a manual process, automating other tasks with Bardeen can significantly streamline your networking efforts. Imagine instantly populating a list of recruiters in your field or quickly gathering contact details to facilitate your job search. Here's how you can leverage Bardeen's playbooks to do just that:

  1. Find all Job roles for a list of LinkedIn companies in Google Sheets: Easily automate the search for recruiters by their job role across various companies on LinkedIn and compile the results in Google Sheets for easy access and organization.
  2. Find email from the currently opened LinkedIn profile page: Directly obtain the email addresses of recruiters from their LinkedIn profiles, enabling prompt and professional communication.
  3. Find social media links from the currently opened LinkedIn profile: Expand your network by uncovering recruiters' social media links, providing additional channels for connection.

Automate your networking and job search on LinkedIn with these powerful tools from Bardeen. Get started by downloading the app at

Automate LinkedIn Data Extraction

Bardeen's LinkedIn Data Scraper helps you gather recruiter info quickly.

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