Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Slack with SMS

Connect SMS and Slack for seamless communication. Use natural language prompts to Bardeen's AI Agent to automate tasks. No coding is required.

How to integrate Slack with SMS?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Slack and SMS together to save time and increase productivity.

Communicating with customers via SMS and Slack separately can be time-consuming and disjointed. What if you could handle both seamlessly in one place? By integrating SMS with Slack, your team can centralize external and internal communication, leading to faster response times and better collaboration.

In this complete guide, you'll learn exactly how to connect SMS to Slack step-by-step. We'll cover the manual approach using tools like Twilio, as well as a new method to automate the integration with AI. Imagine responding to leads and customers 50% faster without juggling multiple tools - that's the power of SMS + Slack. Ready to supercharge your communication workflow? Let's dive in.


Integrating SMS with Slack is a powerful way to streamline communication and boost productivity. By connecting these two popular platforms, you can send and receive text messages directly within your Slack workspace. This guide will walk you through the steps to seamlessly integrate Slack and SMS, allowing you to stay connected with your team and customers without ever leaving Slack.

With Slack SMS integration, you can:

  • Send and receive SMS messages from Slack channels or direct messages
  • Automate SMS notifications for important events or updates
  • Collaborate with team members on customer inquiries or support requests

Whether you're a small business looking to improve customer service or a large enterprise seeking to streamline internal communication, integrating SMS with Slack can help you achieve your goals. Let's dive in and explore how to set up this powerful integration. To get started, you might also want to connect Google Sheets for data management.

Why Integrating SMS with Slack is a Game-Changer for Businesses

Integrating SMS with Slack offers numerous advantages that can transform how businesses communicate and collaborate. By connecting these two powerful platforms, teams can centralize their communication, improve collaboration, increase efficiency, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Here are the key benefits of integrating Slack and SMS:

  1. Centralized Communication: With a Slack SMS integration, you can manage both internal team conversations and external SMS interactions within a single interface. This eliminates the need to switch between multiple apps, saving time and reducing complexity.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: When SMS is integrated with Slack, your entire team can view and respond to text conversations from shared channels. This enables seamless collaboration, allowing team members to discuss and coordinate responses before replying to customers.
  3. Increased Efficiency: Handling SMS directly within Slack streamlines workflows and boosts productivity. Agents can quickly search for relevant information, access shortcuts for common replies, and resolve customer inquiries faster, all without leaving the Slack interface.

For example, imagine a customer support team that integrates SMS with their dedicated Slack channel. When a customer texts a question, the team can instantly view the message, collaborate on a response, and reply promptly, providing a seamless and efficient customer experience.

By leveraging the power of Slack SMS integration, businesses can unlock new levels of communication efficiency, team collaboration, and customer satisfaction. In the following sections, we'll explore how to set up this integration and discover real-world use cases that demonstrate its potential.

Save time and better manage your outreach by using automate outreach with Bardeen's powerful AI tools.

Unify Your Communication by Integrating Slack and SMS

Integrating Slack with SMS allows you to centralize all your communication channels into a single platform. By connecting SMS to Slack, you can manage both your internal team conversations and external SMS interactions within one unified interface.

This integration eliminates the need to constantly switch between multiple applications to communicate with team members and customers. Instead, you can handle all your messaging from the convenience of your Slack workspace.

Here's how integrating SMS with Slack centralizes your communication:

  • Receive and respond to SMS messages directly within Slack channels
  • Coordinate internal discussions and customer conversations in one place
  • Maintain a unified record of all communication for easy reference
  • Streamline your workflow by eliminating app switching

For example, when a customer sends an SMS inquiry, it appears right in your designated Slack channel. Your team can internally discuss the best response, and then reply to the customer, all without leaving Slack. Integrating Slack and SMS keeps all your communication organized and accessible in one central hub. Additionally, you can integrate Google Drive to handle file sharing more efficiently.

Collaborate on SMS Conversations as a Team in Slack

Integrating SMS with Slack enables your entire team to collaborate on text conversations with customers or prospects. When you connect SMS to Slack, incoming messages appear in designated Slack channels that your team has access to.

This allows multiple team members to view, discuss, and reply to SMS conversations directly from Slack. Some key benefits of collaborating on SMS in Slack include:

  • Visibility: Everyone can see customer interactions in real-time
  • Knowledge sharing: Experienced reps can coach newer ones on responses
  • Consistency: Teams can align on messaging for a uniform brand voice
  • Speed: Collaborating in Slack is faster than handing off conversations
For more effective communication, try using Bardeen AI's Message Generator to personalize and automate your outreach.

For example, when a tricky customer question comes in via SMS, the receiving rep can loop in a product expert in the Slack channel to craft the best reply. Integrating Slack and SMS makes it easy to work together to quickly resolve customer issues and move prospects through the sales funnel. For more on enhancing your outreach, check out Bardeen AI's Message Generator.

Integrating SMS and Slack Improves Team Efficiency

Connecting SMS with Slack can significantly speed up your team's workflow and boost overall productivity. With SMS integrated into Slack, reps no longer have to switch between separate SMS and chat apps to communicate with customers and colleagues.

Here are some of the efficiency benefits of integrating Slack with SMS:

  • Faster response times: Reps can quickly reply to incoming texts without leaving Slack
  • Improved access to information: Teams can instantly search for and share relevant info to assist customers over SMS
  • Streamlined processes: Automated Slack workflows can be triggered by specific SMS keywords or events
  • Reduced context switching: Handling both internal and external communication in Slack saves time and mental energy

For example, a sales rep receives a text from a prospect requesting a product demo. The rep can immediately search in Slack for the relevant demo resources, loop in an expert from the product team, and get back to the prospect in minutes, all from the same Slack window. No more toggling between screens or hunting down information.

Ultimately, integrating SMS messaging with Slack enables your team to coordinate faster and more efficiently to better serve customers. In the next section, we'll walk through the technical steps to set up the integration. If you want to streamline your sales prospecting even further, check out our automation tools for more ideas.

Step-by-Step Guide to Integrate SMS with Slack

Connecting SMS functionality to your Slack workspace is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps:

  1. Choose an SMS provider like Twilio or MessageBird and sign up for an account. You'll receive a virtual phone number that can send and receive texts.
  2. Find your provider's Slack app in the Slack App Directory. Install it to your workspace and grant the necessary permissions.
  3. In the app's settings, select which Slack channels you want to connect to SMS. Incoming texts to your number will appear in these channels.
  4. Configure additional options like auto-replies, contact syncing, and routing rules based on your needs. Do some test messages to ensure everything works.
  5. Finally, train your team on how to use the new SMS integration. Set clear guidelines for handling customer conversations via text.
Save time by using Bardeen to connect Google Docs and automate your workflows without any coding.

Alternatively, you can use a tool like Bardeen to visually integrate Slack and SMS without any coding. Just connect your accounts, and use the AI assistant to build your desired workflow in minutes. Automating lead management can also be part of this setup.

To recap, integrating Slack with SMS is a straightforward process, whether done manually through a Slack app or via a no-code automation platform. Once connected, your team can manage SMS conversations without ever leaving their familiar Slack interface.

Real-World Examples: How Teams Use SMS + Slack

Integrating Slack and SMS opens up many practical use cases across different business functions:

  • Sales teams can receive and respond to prospect texts right in Slack. Reps can log activities in the CRM without switching apps.
  • Support agents can manage customer SMS conversations in dedicated Slack channels. They can loop in product or engineering to debug issues in real-time.
  • Marketing can run SMS campaigns to promote content, events, etc. and handle replies or questions that come in via text.
  • Operations can dispatch alerts and coordinate incident response over SMS, with all communication consolidated in Slack.

For instance, a SaaS company integrated Twilio SMS with their main customer support Slack channel. Now when customers text in with questions, agents can view context, collaborate on replies, and respond without ever leaving Slack. The SMS Slack integration helped cut average response times in half.

The possibilities are virtually limitless. Any team that communicates with customers or employees via text can benefit from connecting SMS with Slack. It enables faster, more coordinated service across the board.

With the right Slack SMS integration, you can take your team's communication and collaboration to the next level. So what are you waiting for? Your customers will thank you!


Integrating SMS with Slack is a game-changer for teams looking to improve communication with customers and employees. In this guide, you learned:

  • The benefits of connecting SMS and Slack, such as centralized messaging and better collaboration
  • How to technically integrate SMS into Slack using tools like Twilio or Bardeen
  • Real-world examples and use cases for SMS Slack integrations across sales, support, marketing, and operations

But knowing isn't enough - to truly reap the rewards, you need to put this knowledge into practice. Imagine your team closing deals and resolving customer issues in half the time, all because they can seamlessly communicate via SMS right within Slack.

Take your team to the next level. Integrate Excel into Slack with Bardeen and automate repetitive tasks.

The longer you wait, the more opportunities you miss out on to automate sales prospecting and improve your business with an SMS Slack integration. So what are you waiting for? Get started today and see the results for yourself!

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

Get Slack user info
Find Slack users
Send text message
Get Slack user info
Send file to Slack
Send Slack message
Find Slack channels
Update status to do not disturb

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate SMS with Slack using Bardeen?

Integrating SMS with Slack using Bardeen is straightforward. You can create automations like sending an SMS with the current meeting link or sending SMS reminders about upcoming meetings. These automations can help keep your team informed and up-to-date without manual effort.

Can I automate sending summaries of my emails to Slack?

Yes, Bardeen allows you to automate sending summaries of your emails to Slack. You can use playbooks like 'Summarize and send new emails to Slack using OpenAI' or 'Get daily summaries of your emails and send them to Slack.' This ensures you never miss important information.

Is it possible to send translations via SMS using Bardeen?

Absolutely. With Bardeen, you can send a Google Translate translation as an SMS message. You can also send these translations to Slack for broader team visibility, making communication across languages much easier.

How much does Bardeen cost?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes non-premium functionalities. For full access, including premium integrations and 24/7 cloud automations, the paid version costs $20/month. This pricing is designed to bring powerful automation capabilities to as many people as possible.