Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Asana with Slack

Integrate Asana and Slack to automate any workflow. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to create tasks and manage projects with natural language prompts. No coding required.

How to integrate Asana with Slack?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Asana and Slack together to save time and increase productivity.

Asana and Slack are two of the most popular productivity tools used by teams worldwide. Did you know that over 1.3 million paid users rely on Asana to manage projects, while Slack has more than 12 million daily active users? By integrating these powerful platforms, you can take your team's collaboration and efficiency to the next level.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of connecting Asana and Slack, both manually and using AI automation tools like Bardeen. You'll discover how this integration can save you time, streamline communication, and keep everyone on the same page. Get ready to become an Asana-Slack integration pro and watch your productivity soar!

Integrate Asana with Slack: A Step-by-Step Guide

Integrating Asana and Slack is a great way to streamline your workflow and keep your team on the same page. With Bardeen's no-code workflow builder, you can set up powerful automations between the two apps in minutes, without any technical knowledge required.

Here's how to get started:

  1. Download the Bardeen app and create an account.
  2. Connect your Asana and Slack accounts to Bardeen.
  3. Choose from a library of pre-built automations or create your own custom workflow.
  4. Set up triggers and actions to automate tasks between Asana and Slack.
  5. Test your automation to make sure it's working as expected.

With Bardeen, you can easily set up automations like:

  • Sending Slack notifications when an Asana task is completed
  • Creating Asana tasks from Slack messages
  • Updating Asana project status via Slack commands

Download Bardeen to start integrating Asana and Slack and boost your team's productivity today.

Why Connect Asana and Slack?

Integrating Asana and Slack brings your project management and team communication into one central place. By linking the two apps, you can save time, reduce app switching, and ensure everyone stays informed on project progress in real-time. For example, a marketing team using Asana to manage campaigns can automatically post task updates to the relevant Slack channel, keeping the whole team in the loop without extra effort.

1. Centralize Task Updates and Collaboration

With Asana and Slack connected, you no longer have to jump between apps to stay on top of project work. Asana task updates, like completions, comments, and due date changes, can be automatically posted to linked Slack channels. This keeps conversations and collaboration around tasks flowing naturally in the place your team is already communicating.

Say your design team uses a Slack channel to discuss ongoing projects. By linking that channel to the corresponding Asana project, designers can see task updates right in their Slack feed. They can comment on tasks, change assignees, or mark them complete without ever leaving Slack. It's a seamless way to keep project info flowing between the two apps your team uses most.

2. Get Real-Time Task Notifications

One of the biggest benefits of integrating Asana and Slack is getting instant notifications on task activity. Instead of team members needing to check Asana or wait for email updates, they can see task changes as they happen right in Slack. For managers and stakeholders, this means always having a pulse on project progress without extra work. For example, say your engineering team uses Asana to track bug fixes and product updates. With the integration, the team lead can get a Slack notification the moment a high-priority issue is resolved, and can ping the relevant team members to verify the fix. No more wondering if work is getting done or constantly checking in for status updates.

3. Turn Slack Messages into Asana Tasks

We've all been there - an important to-do gets buried in Slack chat and forgotten. Integrating Asana solves this by allowing you to quickly turn Slack messages into Asana tasks. Just click the Slack message actions menu and select "Create a task." The message content becomes the task name, and you can assign it to the appropriate project and person right from Slack.

This is especially useful for capturing ad hoc requests or action items that come up in Slack conversations. Customer support teams can turn feature requests shared in Slack into Asana tasks for the product team. Managers can assign tasks to reports directly from Slack messages. It keeps your team's to-do list organized and actionable, no matter where the request originates.

Integrating Asana and Slack is a no-brainer for teams that want to streamline communication and work more efficiently. It brings greater visibility, accountability, and alignment to your projects, without adding extra tools or processes to manage. You'll wonder how you ever managed projects without it! Now that you know the "why" behind integrating Asana and Slack, let's dive into the "how." The next section will walk you through how to connect the two apps and start taking advantage of these powerful features. If you're interested in more ways to improve productivity, check out how to integrate Google Docs with your other tools.

Save time and stay focused by integrating Google Drive with other apps using Bardeen. Automate your file management and ensure everything is in the right place without the extra steps.

How to Set Up the Asana-Slack Integration

Integrating Asana with Slack is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps. By connecting your Asana and Slack accounts, you can start automatically posting Asana task and project updates to relevant Slack channels. This keeps your team informed and collaborating in real-time without the need to constantly switch between the two apps.

1. Install the Asana for Slack App

The first step is to install the Asana for Slack app in your Slack workspace. Head to the Slack App Directory and search for "Asana". Click on the Asana app listing and then click the "Add to Slack" button. You'll need to grant the necessary permissions for Asana to access your Slack workspace and send notifications.

If you're not a Slack workspace admin, you may need to request approval from your admin to install the app. Once installed, the Asana app will be accessible to all members of your Slack workspace.

2. Connect Your Asana Account

After installing the Asana for Slack app, you'll need to connect your personal Asana account. The Asana bot in Slack will walk you through this process. Simply click the "Connect" button and log in with your Asana credentials. This authorizes the integration to access your Asana tasks and projects.

If your team uses Asana Organizations, make sure to select the correct Organization when prompted during the account connection process. This ensures the integration has access to the right Asana data.

3. Link Asana Projects to Slack Channels

Now that your accounts are connected, it's time to link specific Asana projects to relevant Slack channels. This is what enables automated notifications to flow from Asana to Slack. In any Slack channel, type "/asana link" to bring up the project linking dialogue. Select the Asana project you want to connect from the dropdown list.

Once a project is linked, any updates to tasks in that project - like task creations, completions, and comments - will automatically post a notification in the connected Slack channel. Your team can stay updated without having to manually check Asana.

4. Enable Task Creation from Slack

One powerful feature of the Asana-Slack integration is the ability to create Asana tasks directly from Slack messages. This is great for quickly capturing action items that come up in Slack conversations. To enable this, click the three-dot icon next to any Slack message and select "Create Task in Asana". You'll be prompted to select a project and add other task details right from Slack.

Keep in mind that task creation from Slack messages requires a paid Asana plan. If you're on Asana's free Basic plan, you can still link projects and get notifications, but won't have the task creation functionality.

With just those few setup steps, your team can start taking advantage of a more productive workflow between Asana and Slack. Information will flow seamlessly, keeping everyone informed and cutting down on app switching. You'll wonder how you ever managed work without this integration! For more productivity tips, check out how to connect Google Sheets with other apps.

Next up, let's explore the types of notifications and actions you can expect to see in Slack once you have the Asana integration fully configured. From task assignments to due date changes, Slack will become your go-to place to stay on top of Asana updates.

Asana Notifications and Actions in Slack

Once you've set up the Asana-Slack integration, a whole new world of productivity opens up. Slack becomes your central hub for staying on top of Asana tasks and projects, without constantly switching between the two apps. Let's dive into the types of notifications you can expect to see in Slack, and the actions you can take right from those notifications.

1. Real-time Task and Project Notifications

With the integration enabled, Slack will light up with real-time notifications whenever key events happen in Asana. For example, if you're assigned a new task, you'll get an instant notification in Slack with the task details. Same goes for when a task you're following has a due date change, a new comment, or is marked complete.

For projects linked to a specific Slack channel, you'll see notifications for new tasks added to the project, tasks completed, and important project-level changes. It's like having a live newsfeed of your Asana projects right in Slack.

2. Take Action on Asana Tasks from Slack

Notifications are great, but what's even more powerful is the ability to take action on Asana tasks directly from Slack. When an Asana link is shared in a Slack conversation, it unfurls to show key task details. But it also includes action buttons to let you mark the task complete, change the assignee, update the due date, or add it to a project - all without leaving Slack.

This means you can keep work moving forward and stay responsive to changes, even if you're not actively working in Asana at that moment. It's a huge time-saver and keeps you in your communication flow. Check out Bardeen's automation tools for more ways to streamline your workflow.

3. Turn Slack Messages into Asana Tasks

We've all had those moments where a quick Slack conversation turns into an action item or to-do. With the Asana message integration, you can easily turn that Slack message into an Asana task. Just click the "More actions" button on the message and select "Create Task in Asana".

You can also add a Slack message to an existing Asana task as a comment. This is great for providing additional context or discussion around a task, and keeps that communication tied to the work itself.

Automate your sales processes and save hours by connecting Bardeen to Slack and Asana. Learn how to automate sales processes with AI.

The two-way flow between Asana tasks and Slack messages ensures no to-do or detail gets lost in the shuffle. Your team can communicate naturally in Slack while still capturing and organizing the work in Asana. To further enhance your workflow, explore how to automate sales processes with AI.

The Asana-Slack integration turns Slack into your team's mission control for work. You can stay informed, take action, and keep work connected between the two tools. It's a productivity game-changer that eliminates app switching and keeps everyone in sync.

Phew, that was a lot! You're now an expert on Asana notifications and actions in Slack. But we're not done yet - in the next section, we'll explore how to take your Asana-Slack workflow to the next level with Bardeen's automation platform. Get ready to have your mind blown! 🤯

Advanced Asana-Slack Integration with Bardeen

While the standard Asana-Slack integration provides a solid foundation for connecting your project management and communication tools, Bardeen's AI automation platform takes it to the next level. As a no-code tool, Bardeen empowers users to build custom workflows between Asana and Slack without any technical expertise. This means you can tailor your integration to fit your team's unique needs and processes, going beyond the limitations of the standard integration.

1. No-Code Custom Workflow Builder

Bardeen's intuitive visual workflow builder makes it easy to create custom automations between Asana and Slack. Simply select the apps you want to connect, choose the triggers and actions, and configure the settings to fit your desired outcome. For example, you could set up a workflow that automatically creates an Asana task whenever a specific keyword is mentioned in a Slack channel.

The drag-and-drop interface and pre-built templates make automation accessible to everyone, regardless of technical skill level. This democratization of automation means your entire team can contribute to optimizing processes and saving time.

2. Seamless Asana and Slack Setup

Getting started with Bardeen is a breeze. Once you've installed the Chrome extension and created an account, you can connect your Asana and Slack accounts with just a few clicks. Bardeen securely authenticates with each app, ensuring your data is protected and synced in real-time.

From there, you can explore the library of pre-built automation templates or start building your own custom workflows. Bardeen's platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, so you can get up and running quickly without any lengthy onboarding or training.

3. Automate Any Asana-Slack Workflow

The possibilities for automating workflows between Asana and Slack are virtually endless with Bardeen. In addition to the keyword-triggered task creation example mentioned earlier, you could also set up automations to:

  • Automatically update an Asana task's status or assignee based on Slack reactions
  • Send a Slack notification to a specific channel when an Asana task is completed
  • Create a new Asana project from a Slack message, including all threaded replies as tasks

By automating these repetitive tasks and communication flows, you can save countless hours and ensure important information never falls through the cracks. Bardeen's platform is flexible and customizable, so you can adapt your automations as your team's needs evolve over time.

Bardeen's advanced Asana-Slack integration capabilities take your productivity to new heights. By leveraging the power of AI and no-code automation, you can streamline your workflows, improve communication, and focus on the work that matters most.

Whew, that was a lot of info! Thanks for sticking with us - you're now a certified Asana-Slack integration pro. 🎉 Just don't let it go to your head, or you might start automating your coffee breaks! ☕️


Integrating Asana with Slack is crucial for streamlining team collaboration and project management.

In this step-by-step guide, you discovered:

  • The benefits of connecting Asana and Slack for centralized communication and task management
  • How to set up the Asana-Slack integration and link projects to channels
  • Utilizing Asana notifications and actions within Slack for seamless workflow
  • Leveraging Bardeen's no-code platform for advanced Asana-Slack automation

By mastering the art of integrating Asana with Slack, you'll supercharge your team's productivity. Don't let disorganization and scattered communication slow you down!

Want to save more time on repetitive tasks? Try integrate Excel with Bardeen for faster workflows.

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I create an Asana task and share it in Slack using Bardeen?

With Bardeen, you can easily create an Asana task and share it in Slack. Use the playbook 'Create Asana task' to generate a new task in Asana. Then, use the 'Get daily summaries of your emails and send them to Slack' playbook to share the task details in your desired Slack channel. This integration keeps your team informed and aligned.

Can I automate data transfer between Asana and Slack?

Yes, Bardeen allows you to automate data transfer between Asana and Slack. For example, you can use the 'Copy all Asana tasks to Google Sheets' playbook to export Asana tasks and then share the Google Sheets link in Slack. This saves time and ensures that your team has the latest task updates.

Is it possible to get notifications in Slack for new tasks created in Asana?

Absolutely. You can set up Bardeen to send notifications to Slack whenever a new task is created in Asana. Use the playbook 'Create Asana task and notify in Slack' to automate this process. This helps you stay on top of new tasks without constantly checking Asana.

How much does Bardeen cost for using the Asana and Slack integration?

Bardeen offers a free plan for non-premium automations. For premium features, including always-on automations, the cost is $20/month. You can start with the free plan and upgrade if you need advanced functionalities.