Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Asana with HubSpot

Connect Asana and HubSpot to automate workflows and save time. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to create automations with simple natural language commands. No coding required.

How to integrate Asana with HubSpot?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Asana and HubSpot together to save time and increase productivity.

Looking to align your sales and marketing teams for maximum efficiency and results? Integrating Asana and HubSpot can be a game-changer. By connecting these powerful tools, you'll streamline workflows, boost collaboration, and gain valuable insights. In fact, companies that integrate their CRM with project management software see a 13% increase in sales productivity on average.

In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of integrating Asana and HubSpot. You'll learn the benefits, best practices, and actionable tips to get the most out of this integration. Plus, we'll introduce you to AI-powered automation options to save even more time on repetitive tasks. Ready to supercharge your sales and marketing alignment? Let's dive in!

Overview of Asana-HubSpot Integration

Asana and HubSpot are two powerful tools that can help align your sales and marketing efforts. Asana is a project management platform with features like task tracking, team collaboration, and workflow automation. HubSpot provides customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing automation capabilities to nurture leads and close deals.

Integrating Asana and HubSpot allows you to seamlessly connect your sales and marketing data, so everyone has visibility into the full customer journey. For example, your marketing team can use Asana to plan and execute campaigns, then track the results in HubSpot. Your sales team can see which marketing activities are generating the most qualified leads. Integrating Asana HubSpot helps break down silos and keeps everyone on the same page.

1. Asana's Key Project Management Features

Asana is a comprehensive project management tool that helps teams organize, track, and manage their work. Some of its key features include:

  • Tasks and subtasks to break down projects into manageable pieces
  • Multiple project views like list, board, calendar, and timeline
  • Workload management to balance team capacity and avoid burnout
  • Workflow automation to eliminate manual tasks and move work forward

With Asana, teams can streamline their processes, meet deadlines, and achieve their goals more efficiently. It provides a central source of truth for all project-related information.

2. HubSpot's CRM and Marketing Automation Capabilities

HubSpot is an all-in-one CRM platform that helps businesses grow better. It offers a suite of tools for marketing, sales, customer service, and more. Some of its key capabilities include:

  • Contact management to store and organize customer data
  • Marketing automation to nurture leads with personalized campaigns
  • Sales tools to manage deals and pipelines
  • Analytics and reporting to measure performance and ROI

HubSpot helps teams attract, engage, and delight customers throughout their journey. Its CRM is the central hub that powers all your customer interactions.

3. Benefits of Integrating Asana and HubSpot

Integrating Asana and HubSpot provides a number of benefits for aligning your sales and marketing teams:

  • Share data between the two platforms for a complete view of the customer
  • Automate task creation in Asana based on HubSpot triggers, like deal stage changes
  • Embed live HubSpot data in Asana projects for real-time visibility
  • Standardize processes across teams and reduce manual effort

For example, when a lead becomes a marketing qualified lead in HubSpot, Asana can automatically create a task for the sales team to follow up. The sales rep can see all the prior marketing interactions right in Asana. Once the deal is closed, Asana can alert the customer success team to begin the onboarding process. Integrating Asana and HubSpot aligns teams around common goals and provides a seamless customer experience.

Asana and HubSpot are more powerful together. Integrating the two platforms gives you a unified system for managing projects and customer relationships. Consider using automation tools for sales prospecting to enhance this integration.

Next, we'll walk through the step-by-step process of setting up the Asana-HubSpot integration. You'll learn how to connect the two platforms, sync data between them, and start automating workflows.

Setting up the Asana-HubSpot integration

Integrating Asana and HubSpot is a straightforward process. First, you'll install the HubSpot app in Asana. Then, you'll connect your HubSpot and Asana accounts, granting the necessary permissions. Finally, you can add the integration to specific Asana projects where you want to use HubSpot data.

1. Install the HubSpot for Asana App

The first step is to install the HubSpot app in your Asana account. Here's how:

  1. Click on the Install HubSpot for Asana button
  2. Log into your Asana account if prompted
  3. Click Connect to HubSpot
  4. Sign into your existing HubSpot account or create a new one

Installing the app allows you to start connecting HubSpot data to Asana tasks. You can also connect Google Sheets to Asana for added functionality.

2. Connect Your Asana and HubSpot Accounts

Next, you need to connect your Asana and HubSpot accounts. When you're signed into both, choose the HubSpot account you want to connect to Asana.

Then, grant permission for HubSpot to access your Asana data by clicking Connect app. This allows the integration to sync data between the two platforms.

3. Add HubSpot to Asana Projects

After connecting the accounts, you can add the HubSpot integration to specific Asana projects. In the Asana project settings, click Customize, then find the Apps section. Click +Add app and select HubSpot.

Choose which projects to add HubSpot, or skip this for now. You can always add the integration to more projects later as needed. For more advanced tasks, learn how to automate lead management in Asana.

4. Authenticate and Grant Permissions

The final setup step is to authenticate the integration and grant the necessary permissions. Make sure you're logged into the correct HubSpot and Asana accounts.

Asana will request permission to access certain HubSpot data, like deals and marketing emails. Review and approve these permissions. This allows you to start adding HubSpot widgets to Asana tasks. You can also automate your outreach using the integration.

Setting up the Asana-HubSpot integration only takes a few minutes. Once connected, you can view HubSpot data right in Asana and set up automated workflows between the two apps.

Want to save time and increase productivity? Use Bardeen to automate your outreach. Get started today and focus on important work.

Now that you've got the integration up and running, let's look at how to use the Asana-HubSpot features to connect your sales and marketing data. The next section will cover adding HubSpot widgets to Asana tasks, setting up rules to automate workflows, and more tips to align your teams.

Using the Asana-HubSpot Integration Features

The Asana-HubSpot integration enables users to connect their sales and marketing data seamlessly. You can link HubSpot deals and marketing emails to Asana tasks, set up automated rules to create tasks based on deal stages, and view HubSpot contact info right in Asana. Let's dive into the features and best practices for aligning your workflows.

1. Link HubSpot Deals and Emails to Asana Tasks

One of the key features of the Asana-HubSpot integration is the ability to link HubSpot deals and marketing emails directly to Asana tasks. This allows you to have all the relevant context in one place.

For example, let's say you're working on a task to follow up with a potential client. By linking the HubSpot deal to the Asana task, you can see the deal stage, amount, and other important details right in Asana. This saves you time from having to switch between tools.

Similarly, you can link HubSpot marketing emails to Asana tasks for campaigns. This lets you track the performance and status of the email campaign alongside the related tasks in Asana.

2. Automate Task Creation with HubSpot Deal Stages

Another powerful feature is the ability to set up Asana rules to automatically create tasks based on HubSpot deal stages. This automation helps ensure that no follow-up tasks slip through the cracks.

For instance, you could set up a rule so that whenever a HubSpot deal moves to the "Contract Sent" stage, Asana automatically creates a task for the account manager to follow up with the client. Or, you could automate sales prospecting by creating a task for the onboarding team when a deal is marked as "Closed Won".

By automating task creation based on deal stages, you can save time and make sure the right tasks are created for the right people at the right time.

3. View HubSpot Contact and Company Info in Asana

With the Asana-HubSpot integration, you can also view HubSpot contact and company information directly in Asana. This means you don't have to constantly switch between the two tools to get the context you need.

When you link a HubSpot contact or company to an Asana task, you'll see key details like the contact's name, email, phone number, and company right in the task. You can even enrich LinkedIn profile details for more insights.

Having this information readily available in Asana helps you stay informed and communicate effectively with clients and leads.

4. Best Practices for Sales and Marketing Alignment

To get the most out of the Asana-HubSpot integration, it's important to establish some best practices for aligning your sales and marketing workflows. Here are a few tips:

  • Agree on a consistent naming convention for deals and tasks across both tools
  • Set up rules to automate task creation for key deal stages and marketing campaign milestones
  • Encourage sales and marketing teams to communicate in Asana tasks linked to HubSpot records
  • Use Asana projects to manage marketing campaigns and sales pipelines, with tasks linked to HubSpot

By following these best practices and using the integration features effectively, you can improve collaboration, productivity, and ultimately drive better results.

The Asana-HubSpot integration is a game-changer for aligning sales and marketing teams. By connecting data and automating workflows, it saves you time and keeps everyone on the same page.

Thanks for sticking with us through this in-depth guide! While you may not be an official Asana-HubSpot Integration Expert yet, you're well on your way to mastering sales-marketing alignment. Stay tuned for our certification exam coming soon (just kidding!).


Integrating Asana and HubSpot is crucial for aligning your sales and marketing teams to drive better results.

In this step-by-step guide, you discovered:

  • The key features and benefits of connecting Asana's project management with HubSpot's CRM and marketing automation
  • How to set up the integration by installing the HubSpot for Asana app and granting necessary permissions
  • Powerful ways to use the integration, like linking deals to tasks and automating workflows based on deal stages

Don't let disjointed sales and marketing processes hold you back. Master the Asana-HubSpot integration or risk falling behind your competitors!

Want to automate repetitive sales tasks and focus on high-value activities? Use Bardeen's playbook to automate sales prospecting.

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Available actions & triggers

Delete a task in HubSpot
Update task in HubSpot
Create HubSpot Contact
Get HubSpot Product
Create task in HubSpot
Find notes in HubSpot
Get HubSpot Deal
Get HubSpot Contact
Find tasks in HubSpot
Update a note in HubSpot

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I connect Asana with HubSpot using Bardeen?

You can connect Asana with HubSpot using Bardeen to automate tasks like copying HubSpot tickets to Asana or creating tasks in Asana directly from HubSpot. This helps manage your workflows more efficiently.

What are some specific automations available for Asana and HubSpot?

With Bardeen, you can set up automations such as 'Copy all HubSpot tickets to Asana' and 'Enrich TikTok links and create Asana tasks'. These can save time and reduce manual data entry.

Is Bardeen secure for integrating Asana and HubSpot?

Yes, Bardeen is secure. You can run automations locally, keeping your data within your browser storage and cache layers. For automations that need to run 24/7, enable the Always-on option to run them in the cloud.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for Asana and HubSpot integrations?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes non-premium automations. The paid plan, costing $20/month, gives you access to premium features and allows automations to run in the cloud 24/7.