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Google Sheets with Jira

Integrate Google Sheets with Jira to automate your workflows. Use natural language commands with Bardeen's AI Agent to handle repetitive tasks. No coding required.

How to integrate Google Sheets with Jira?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Google Sheets and Jira together to save time and increase productivity.

Integrating Google Sheets with Jira can be a game-changer for teams looking to level up their project management and data analysis. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can automate data syncing, improve visibility, and save hours of manual work each week. Plus, with the rise of AI automation tools like Bardeen, the process is becoming even smoother. Ready to take your Jira workflows to the next level? This step-by-step guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from setup to advanced use cases. Get ready to impress your team with your newfound Jira-Google Sheets superpowers!

Benefits of Integrating Google Sheets with Jira

Integrating Google Sheets with Jira offers several key advantages that can streamline your workflow and boost team productivity:

1. Improved Data Visibility and Accessibility

By connecting Google Sheets with Jira, you can make important project data more visible and accessible to your entire team. For example, a marketing team could use the integration to track campaign performance metrics pulled directly from Jira, ensuring everyone has access to the latest data in a familiar spreadsheet format.

2. Automated Data Syncing

The integration allows you to automate data syncing between Jira and Google Sheets, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors. This is particularly useful for large datasets that would be time-consuming to update by hand. Set up the integration once, and let it handle the data updates for you.

3. Leverage Spreadsheet Functionality

Google Sheets provides a range of powerful features for manipulating and analyzing data. By integrating with Jira, you can take advantage of these capabilities to gain deeper insights from your project data. Non-technical team members can easily slice and dice data in a spreadsheet interface they're already comfortable with, without needing to navigate Jira's more complex features.

Integrating Google Sheets with Jira combines the best of both tools - Jira's robust project management capabilities and Google Sheets' versatility and ease of use. In the next section, we'll walk you through the steps to set up this integration and start reaping the benefits for your team.

Setting up the Jira Google Sheets Integration

Integrating Google Sheets with Jira is a straightforward process that involves installing the Google Sheets for Jira add-on, connecting it to your Jira account, and configuring your spreadsheet sync settings. By following these steps, you'll be able to seamlessly connect the two tools and start leveraging the power of the integration.

1. Install the Google Sheets for Jira Add-on

To get started, open a Google Sheets spreadsheet and navigate to the Add-ons menu. Search for "Jira Cloud for Sheets" in the Google Workspace Marketplace and click the "+Free" button to install the add-on. Follow the prompts to grant the necessary permissions for the add-on to access your spreadsheet.

2. Connect the Add-on to Your Jira Account

Once the add-on is installed, open it by going to Add-ons > Jira Cloud for Sheets > Open. Click the "Connect" button, which will open a new browser window. Select the Jira site you want to connect to from the list of available sites and click "Accept" to authorize access. After a successful authorization, you'll be redirected back to your Google Sheets spreadsheet.

3. Set Up Your Spreadsheet Sync

With the add-on connected to your Jira account, you can now configure your spreadsheet sync settings. This involves selecting the Jira issues you want to sync, mapping the fields between Jira and Google Sheets, and choosing the sync frequency. It's essential to carefully map the fields to ensure the data is accurately transferred between the two tools.

Best practices for setting up your sync include:

  • Clearly defining the purpose and scope of the integration
  • Selecting only the necessary Jira issues and fields to avoid data overload
  • Regularly reviewing and updating the sync settings as your project evolves

If you want to make your workflow even more efficient, consider using GPT for Google Sheets to automate data analysis and formatting tasks.

By taking the time to properly set up and configure your Jira Google Sheets integration, you'll lay the foundation for a smooth and efficient data syncing process. In the next section, we'll explore some common use cases and examples to help you get the most out of this powerful integration.

Save time by integrating Google Docs with other apps. Discover how Bardeen can help you connect Google Docs and automate your workflows effortlessly.

Common Use Cases and Examples

Integrating Google Sheets with Jira opens up a wide range of possibilities for managing and analyzing your project data. From project management reporting to resource allocation planning and bug tracking, this powerful integration can help streamline your workflows and provide valuable insights. Let's explore some common use cases and examples.

1. Project Management Reporting

One of the most popular use cases for the Jira Google Sheets integration is project management reporting. By syncing Jira issues to a spreadsheet, you can easily generate status reports and visualize key metrics. For example, a project manager could create a dashboard that tracks the number of issues in each status, the average time to resolution, and the distribution of issues across team members.

To set this up, simply create a filter in Jira that captures the relevant issues, then use the Google Sheets integration to import those issues into a spreadsheet. From there, you can use Google Sheets' powerful formatting and charting tools to create visually appealing reports that can be shared with stakeholders.

2. Resource Allocation Planning

Another valuable use case for the Jira Google Sheets integration is resource allocation planning. By exporting Jira time tracking data to a spreadsheet, you can analyze team capacity and workload to ensure optimal allocation of resources.

For instance, a team lead could use this data to identify which team members are over or under-utilized, and make adjustments accordingly. They could also use historical time tracking data to create more accurate estimates for future projects. You can also integrate Google Drive with other apps to keep your files organized.

3. Bug Tracking and QA Reporting

The Jira Google Sheets integration is also incredibly useful for bug tracking and QA reporting. By syncing defects logged in Jira to a spreadsheet, QA teams can easily categorize and prioritize issues, as well as track key metrics like defect density and resolution time.

Additionally, QA managers can use this data to generate reports on the overall health of the product, identify areas for improvement, and communicate progress to stakeholders. By leveraging the power of Google Sheets, these reports can be customized and automated to save time and provide real-time insights. For more efficient data management, you might also consider using tools to scrape data from websites.

The Jira Google Sheets integration offers a wealth of possibilities for managing and analyzing your project data. By exploring these common use cases and examples, you can unlock new ways to optimize your workflows and drive better outcomes. Now that you've made it this far, give yourself a pat on the back - integrating Jira with Google Sheets is no small feat! Stay tuned for the final section, where we'll wrap up with some key takeaways.


Integrating Google Sheets with Jira is crucial for teams looking to optimize their project management workflows. In this guide, you discovered:

  • The benefits of integrating Google Sheets with Jira, including improved data visibility, automated syncing, and easier data analysis.
  • Step-by-step instructions for setting up the Jira Google Sheets integration, from installation to configuration.
  • Real-world use cases and examples demonstrating how the integration can be used for reporting, resource planning, and bug tracking.

By mastering the art of integrating Google Sheets with Jira, you'll become a project management superhero. For more advanced automation, check out how to connect Microsoft Excel to streamline workflows. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your skills to the next level - your team is counting on you!

Bardeen's AI can help you enrich LinkedIn profile links directly in Google Sheets, saving time and improving accuracy. Try it today!

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Available actions & triggers

Update or add rows in/to a tab
Create new spreadsheet tab
When row changes
When new row is appended
Add data to sheet tab
When new row is appended or changed
Update or add rows in/to sheet
Add data to sheet
Create Jira issue
Find Jira projects

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How do I integrate Google Sheets with Jira using Bardeen?

With Bardeen, you can easily connect Google Sheets with Jira to automate your workflow. You can use playbooks such as 'Copy Jira issues to Google Sheets' to transfer data from Jira to Google Sheets automatically. This helps in keeping all your project data organized and accessible in one place.

Can I update Jira issues from Google Sheets?

Yes, you can set up automations to update Jira issues from Google Sheets. This allows you to manage your tasks directly from Google Sheets, making it easier to keep your project information up-to-date without having to switch between applications.

Is Bardeen's integration between Google Sheets and Jira secure?

Yes, Bardeen ensures the security of your data. You can run automations locally, keeping your data within your local browser storage and cache. If you need your automations to run even when your device is off, you can enable the 'Always-on' option to run them in the cloud securely.

How much does it cost to integrate Google Sheets with Jira using Bardeen?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes non-premium automations. For premium features, including 'Always-on' automations, the paid plan costs $20/month. This gives you full access to premium integrations and the ability to run automations 24/7.